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1、四川省四川省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库检年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库检测试卷测试卷 B B 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、某企业与工人签订了为期 3 年的劳动合同,约定在 3 年内按现行工资水平付给工人工资。此后 3 年内,企业所在国发生了通货膨胀,并且企业经常以各种借口缩短中午休息时间。企业在 3 年经营当中获取了超过同行业其他企业的更高的利润,那么该企业超出其他企业的利润的来源是()。A.一部分工人工资与绝对剩余价值B.绝对剩余价值与相对剩余价值C.一部分工人工资和相对剩余价值D.一部分工人工资、绝对剩余价值与相对剩余价值【答案】
2、A2、资料:Now you are preparing a report for the business negotiationwhich will be held next Friday.A.AB.BC.CD.D【答案】D3、资料:International Federation for Scientific ResearchA.To invite a researcher to speak at a conventionB.To recommend an academic articleC.To encourage a member to attend a conferenceD.To
3、ask a scientist to post research data to a Web site【答案】C4、Passage 4A.Alex Taw is an American millionaireB.Alex Taw will graduate from universityC.Alex Taw doesnt work hardD.Alex Taw was not rich before【答案】D5、资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven andunwilling to slow down to the Chin
4、ese pace when discussing business.But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.A.Chinese businessmen look for ways to combine different optionsB.Chinese businessmen have stronger sense of national prideC.Chinese businessmen have their own pace doing businessD.Chinese businessmen treasur
5、e close relationship【答案】B6、He has made many studies on youth unemployment and education andthe neglect of_marginalized.A.aB.thisC.theD.that【答案】C7、把下列句子组成语意连贯的语段,排序最恰当的一项是()。A.(4)(1)(5)(3)(2)B.(4)(3)(5)(1)(2)C.(5)(1)(2)(4)(3)D.(5)(3)(4)(1)(2)【答案】A8、资料:2014 has been a landmark year for Alibaba.Just la
6、st week,the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut set a world-record selling US$9.3Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day.A few months back,Alibaba claimed the title of the worlds biggest IPO,raising US$25Billion on the NYSE.Things will only get bigger for Alibaba.A.It announced that they would i
7、mport more Australian products intoChinaB.It announced that they would promote the trade between China andAustraliaC.It announced that they would introduce more Australian products toChinese online consumersD.It announced that they would bring more Chinese goods into theAustralian market【答案】C9、需求拉上的
8、通货膨胀可以通俗地表述为()。A.太多的货币追求太多的商品B.太多的货币追求太少的商品C.太少的货币追求太多的商品D.太少的货币追求太少的商品【答案】B10、Are you going on a picnic this weekend or _weekend?A.the nextB.laterC.nextD.the later【答案】C11、You would imagine that sleeping was a quiet and peacefulexperience but in reality,our brains are more active during somestages o
9、f sleep than when we are_。A.wakeB.awakeC.wakenD.awaken【答案】B12、A(n)_ five years ago,Pangkor boasted sweet-singing birds.Now the jungle is being cut down.A.justB.mereC.onlyD.simple【答案】B13、It is better to die on ones feet than()A.living on ones kneesB.live on ones kneesC.on ones kneesD.to live on ones
10、knees【答案】D14、The cleaner has just left,leaving an aerosols delightful aromafloating in the air.You _ deeply,enjoying the sweet fragrance.A.exertB.inhaleC.exhaleD.inert【答案】B15、货币政策诸目标间呈现一致性关系的是()。A.经济增长与充分就业B.充分就业与国际收支平衡C.物价稳定与经济增长D.物价稳定与充分就业【答案】A16、The sudden heavy rain()our holiday plan.A.damagedB.
11、destroyedC.sabotagedD.spoiled【答案】D17、Passage 2A.Carry a mapB.Remember the phone number of the host familyC.Get touch with Home stay NetworkD.Wait for being called【答案】D18、_your child will leave home to lead her own life as afully independent adult.A.EventuallyB.QuicklyC.UnanimouslyD.Uncertainly【答案】A1
12、9、分贝是用来表示声音强弱的单位,根据我国城市环境噪声标准规定,以居住、文教机关为主的区域为一类区,适用这一类区的环境噪声标准是()。A.白天 55 分贝,夜间 40 分贝B.白天 55 分贝,夜间 45 分贝C.白天 60 分贝,夜间 50 分贝D.白天 60 分贝,夜间 55 分贝【答案】B20、下面是中国古典文学四大名著中的人物与情节,其中搭配不当的一项是()。A.鲁智深倒拔垂杨柳B.孙悟空大闹天宫C.诸葛亮三顾茅庐D.刘姥姥进大观园【答案】C21、就业是最大的民生,保市场主体也是为稳就业保民生。各地加大稳岗扩岗激励力度,企业和员工共同克服困难。多渠道做好重点群体就业工作,支持大众创业万
13、众创新带动就业。新增市场主体恢复快速增长,创造了大量就业岗位。2020 年全年城镇新增就业 1186 万人,年末全国城镇调查失业率降到52。生活必需品保供稳价,居民消费价格上涨 25。线上办公、网络购物、无接触配送等广泛开展。大幅度扩大失业保险保障范围。对因疫情遇困群众及时给予救助,新纳入低保、特困供养近 600 万人,实施临时救助超过 800 万人次。A.国民收入增加B.政府预算下降C.投资盈利性下降D.预期通货膨胀率上升【答案】D22、以下()是直接融资工具。A.商业票据B.银行本票C.保险单D.银行券【答案】A23、下列关于会计账簿管理的说法中,错误的是()。A.各种会计账簿要分工明确,
14、指定专人管理B.会计账簿要妥善保管,任何人不得翻阅査看、摘抄和复制C.会计账簿一般不得携带外出D.会计账簿不得随意交给其他人管理【答案】B24、下列有关剩余价值的几个说法不正确的一项是()。A.剩余价值不是从流通过程中产生的,而是在劳动力的消费过程即资本主义生产过程中形成的B.超额剩余价值是由于商品的个别价值高于社会价值而产生的那部分剩余价值C.绝对剩余价值生产是在必要劳动时间不变的条件下,由于延长工作日的绝对量所产生的剩余价值D.相对剩余价值生产是在工作日不变的条件下,由于必要劳动时间缩短所产生的剩余价值【答案】B25、3 月份,企业销售商品 5 万元,5 月份收到款项。企业应该在何时确认收
15、入?()A.3 月B.5 月C.3 月到 5 月间均可D.当年即可【答案】A26、下列属于可再生资源的是()。A.波浪能B.煤炭C.石油D.天然气【答案】A27、企业以经营租赁方式租入的生产设备,应通过()账簿反映。A.序时B.备查C.数量金额D.分类【答案】B28、各种唯心主义派别之间的差异和矛盾,常常有利于唯物主义的发展,这一事实说明()。A.矛盾一方克服另一方促使事物发展B.矛盾一方的发展可以为另一方的发展提供条件C.矛盾双方中每一方的自身矛盾可以为另一方的发展所利用D.矛盾双方的融合促使事物发展【答案】C29、下列语句排序最为通畅的一项是()。A.(5)(1)(3)(2)(4)B.(3
16、)(2)(5)(1)(4)C.(3)(5)(1)(4)(2)D.(5)(2)(3)(4)(1)【答案】B30、资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post toretain its crown as the worlds largest commercial plane maker.A.Boeing was held back by delays to its 787 DreamlinerB.US airplane Virgin America ordered 30 airplanes from AirbusC.Indias In
17、digo bought 180 airplanes from AirbusD.Boeing had not recovered from recession【答案】B31、Passage 10A.simplify routine mattersB.absorb user attentionC.better interpersonal relationsD.increase work efficiency【答案】B32、国务院扶贫办消息,改革开放 40 年来,中国有()多贫困人口成功脱贫,占同期全球减贫人口总数()以上。A.5 亿 60%B.6 亿 60%C.7 亿 60%D.7 亿 70%【答
18、案】D33、资料:Its almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work atthe end of your workday or(for shame!)on a Friday and simply notcheck your work email again until you return the office during normalworking hours。A.Bosses push employees to work by sending emails anytimeB.Employees are exhausted by t
19、he constant need to check emailsC.Companies mean to stress the workers out by sending emailsD.None of above【答案】B34、关于总需求曲线,以下表述错误的是()。A.总需求曲线反映的是产品市场和货币市场同时处于均衡时,价格水平和总需求量的关系B.扩张性的财政政策使总需求曲线向右移动C.扩张性的货币政策使总需求曲线向右移动D.总需求曲线向右上方倾斜【答案】D35、The search was based on the same combination of concepts andsearc
20、h terms and_another 176 publications.A.yieldedB.offeredC.providedD.supplied【答案】B36、资料:Its so common to hear people say,“Im stressed out,”almost as a badge of honor,as if this is a symptom only of ourfast-paced modern life.But in her book,“Exhaustion:AHistory,”Anna Katharina Schaffner writes that the
21、 syndrome ofmental exhaustion has existed almost since the beginning of humanhistory.A.A historical view was presented to prove that way of life nowadaysis more harmful to human wellbeing than those inthe pastB.A historical view supports the idea that current states ofexhaustion are quite common in
22、western countriesC.A historical view challenges the idea that people should find timeto relax infast-pacedV odern lifeD.A historical view challenges the idea that we would have to returnto the past to avoid mental exhaustion【答案】A37、观察数列的变化规律,然后为空缺处选出正确的数:87、152、265、132、43、()。A.65B.74C.83D.91【答案】A38、
23、下列有关中国近代史上重要历史人物与其所做出的贡献,搭配不正确的是()A.左宗棠一收复新疆B.林则徐一虎门销烟C.李鸿章一辛亥革命D.冯子材一镇南关大捷【答案】C39、对擅自使用与知名商品相近似的名称、包装、装潢,造成和他人的知名商品相似使购买者误认为是该知名商品的行为判断,所依据的是()。A.商标法B.专利法C.消费者权益保护法D.反不正当竞争法【答案】D40、资料:Job Responsibilities:A.Teaching AssiatantB.Senior ManagerC.Administrative AssistantD.Secretary【答案】D41、我国政府提出的()是“低碳
24、”概念的核心概念。A.节能减排B.环境保护C.出口退税D.计划生育【答案】A42、票据贴现实付金额为()。A.汇票金额B.贴现利息C.汇票金额一贴现利息D.以上答案均错误【答案】C43、资料:Good listening is much more than being silent while theother person talks.To the contrary,people perceive the bestlisteners to be those who periodically ask questions that promotediscovery and insight.The
25、se questions gently challenge oldassumptions,but do so in a constructive way.Sitting there silentlynodding does not provide sure evidence that a person is listening,but asking a good question tells the speaker the listener has notonly heard what was said,but that they comprehended it well enoughto w
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- 四川省 2023 银行 招聘 综合 知识 题库 检测 试卷 答案