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1、四川省四川省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识能力提年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识能力提升试卷升试卷 B B 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、资料:As a business owner,it is vital that you understand anduse advanced technologies.Technology can help increase businessefficiency and even expand operations.A.TechnologyB.CultureC.BusinessD.Social【答案】A2、中国人民
2、银行早在 2004 年已经完全放开金融机构人民币贷款利率上限,商业银行可自主根据企业和具体业务风险状况进行定价,但是并不意味着金融借款利率不受任何限制。金融机构利率是指()。A.金融机构对银行和证券公司实行的各种利息率B.金融机构对企业单位和个人实行的各种利息率C.金融机构对金融监管部门实行的各种利息率D.金融机构对中央银行实行的各种利息率【答案】C3、“物华天宝,龙光射牛斗之墟”出自()。A.张若虚春江花月夜B.苏轼赤壁赋C.江淹别赋D.王勃滕王阁序【答案】D4、甲贩运假烟,驾车路过某检查站时,被工商执法部门拦住检查。检查人员乙正登车检查时,甲突然发动汽车夺路而逃。乙抓住汽车车门的把手不放,
3、甲为摆脱乙,在疾驶时突然急刹车导致乙头部着地身亡。甲对乙死亡的心理态度属于下列哪一选项?()A.直接故意B.间接故意C.过于自信的过失D.疏忽大意的过失【答案】B5、根据科曼提出的领导生命周期理论,通过领导的工作行为、领导的关系行为和下属的成熟度建立一个三维结构的有效领导模型,其中()具有低工作行为、低关系行为和适用于成熟度高的下属。A.说服型领导B.授权型领导C.参与型领导D.命令型领导【答案】B6、货币市场工具一般具有期限短、流动性强、对利率敏感等特点,有()之誉。A.货币B.票据C.基础货币D.准货币【答案】D7、Just last month I tried to write her
4、a poem _“Amidst anAngel.”But no two words would rhyme.A.assignedB.entitledC.deprivedD.granted【答案】B8、现行的中华人民共和国商业银行法的执行日期是()。A.1995 年 7 月 1 日B.1995 年 12 月 10 日C.1998 年 7 月 1 日D.2000 年 12 月 10 日【答案】A9、资料:New York and London may rule the roost,but other financialhubs in America and Europe have managed
5、to carve out usefulspecialist niches for themselves.Chicago,for instance,hasconsolidated its position as the worlds derivatives center,andHouston,the largest city in Texas,is home to Americas biggestenergy firms and has spawned an active cluster of energy traders andhedge funds.A.low taxationB.broad
6、 domestic marketC.fame for discretionD.stable political environment【答案】B10、The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him,()?A.did theyB.didnt theyC.did itD.didnt it【答案】D11、英国工业革命开始于()。A.1871 年B.1789 年C.1775 年D.1765 年【答案】D12、资料:Changing careers is becoming more popular.Not just because
7、there are more career options available,but also out of necessity.As new industries arise,others die.Its up to you to figure out ifyour career is still going to be around in the next 5-10 years.Somestudies say we could have as many as nine careers in our professionallifetime.Which begs the question:
8、do you know what it takes tosuccessfully change career lanes repeatedly?A.You need to have more conversations and connections within your newcareer pathB.You need to build a marketing campaign for your business-of-oneC.You need to give the logic and passion behind your career changeD.You need to mak
9、e sure everyone knows about it【答案】D13、下列历史事件中,最接近“朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨”所描述的时期的是()A.玄武门之变B.永贞革新C.安史之乱D.黄巢起义【答案】C14、Over the next few years,some management positions in the companywill be()removed.A.graduationB.graduateC.graduallyD.gradual【答案】C15、资料:THOMAS WILSONA.screening callsB.managing calendarsC.photocopy
10、ing documentsD.organizing offices for efficiency【答案】C16、Recently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contactperson of Monsell.A.singleB.individualC.formerD.savings【答案】B17、资料:No matter how carefully you pick the members on yourteam,you may still end up with a negative employee.These worker
11、sdont necessarily fall into the category of“toxic,”but theyrejust kind of a drag with their cynical,pessimistic worldview.If youre dealing with a negative employee,here are 3 steps to take.A.Three Way to Build an Effective TeamB.How to be a Positive EmployeeC.Is it Important to Sustain a Successful
12、Workplace EnvironmentD.Several Tips for Managing a Team【答案】A18、The article opens and closes with descriptions of two newsreports,each _ one major point in contrast with the other.A.makesB.madeC.is to makeD.making【答案】D19、最早建立存款保险制度的国家是()。A.英国B.美国C.法国D.加拿大【答案】B20、计算机网络有多种分类方法,按网络的拓扑结构可分为()。A.串行、并行、树型、
14、蜂拥而至,热情地在办公室里向他问候。【答案】A23、下列说法不正确的是()。A.舞低杨柳楼心月柳永B.两情若是久长时秦观C.此情无计可消除李清照D.可惜流年、忧愁风雨辛弃疾【答案】A24、Recently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contactperson of Monsell.A.ofB.toC.forD.In【答案】B25、资料:Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity.Itmay be walking,cycling or swimming,or in
15、 winter,skating or skiing.It may be a game of some forms,football,hockey,golf,or tennis.Itmay be mountaineering.A.natureB.each otherC.other teamsD.international standards【答案】A26、资料:Procrastination comes in many disguises.We might resolveto tackle a task,but find endless reasons to defer it.We mightp
16、rioritize things we can readily tick off our to-do list-answeringemails,say-while leaving the big,complex stuff untouched foranother day.We can look and feel busy.while artfully avoiding thetanks that really matter.And when we look at those rolling,longuntouched items at the bottom of our to-do list
17、,we cant help butfeel a little disappointed in ourselves.A.The natural function of our brainB.The other ways to make the benefits of action feel bigger and realC.The other ways to make the benefits of action feel smaller andunrealD.The perils of procrastination【答案】B27、下列句子中,没有语病的一项是()。A.送走了所有人,他才有时间
19、东肇庆七星岩D.湖南张家界【答案】B30、This argument sounds reasonable,but()its incorrect.A.fortunatelyB.actuallyC.naturallyD.obviously【答案】B31、I could speak_ Japanese_ Chinese,so I had to talk withhim in English.A.not only;but alsoB.both;andC.neither;norD.either;or【答案】C32、错账冲正中如划错红线,可在红线两端用红色墨水画“”销去,并由记账员在()端盖章证明。A.上
20、B.下C.左D.右【答案】D33、The“cure rate”of many diseases increased dramatically afterpenicillin was _ by more doctors.A.put into practiceB.put into effectC.put into useD.put into operation【答案】C34、2012 年 GDP 增速目标为();全年 CPI 控制在 4%。A.7.5%B.7.8%C.7.6%D.8%【答案】A35、Many species are in peril of extinction because of
21、 ourdestruction of their natural _.A.habitatB.favorC.hoopD.circle【答案】A36、股票增值权模式的适用范围是()。A.现金流量比较充裕的非上市公司和上市公司B.现金流量比较充裕且比较稳定的上市公司和现金流量比较充裕的非上市公司C.业绩稳定型的上市公司及其集团公司、子公司D.业绩稳定的上市公司及其集团公司【答案】B37、下面对作品、作家的表述,错误的是()。A.汤显祖,明代杂剧家,代表作为牡丹亭B.曹禺、夏衍是我国现代著名的剧作家C.塞万提斯,西班牙作家,著有鲁滨逊漂流记D.老人与海的作者是美国作家海明威【答案】C38、The te
22、aching building was named_the person who donated moneyfor it.A.withB.afterC.byD.from【答案】B39、柯达公司是世界上著名的影像产品及相关服务的生产和供应商。面对市场技术的不断革新,柯达公司满足现状没有及时进行技术更新,直到 2003 年,柯达才宣布全面进军数码产业。最终柯达公司陷入退市困境,体现了管理学中的()。A.二八法则B.长板法则C.青蛙法则D.木桶法则【答案】C40、资料:“Our cars are for people who want something different.”A.Customers
23、 distrust of productsB.A financial lossC.Unhappy workersD.Loss on sales and market share【答案】A41、假设某银行体系:(1)原始存款总额为 100 万元;(2)法定准备金额为8%;(3)现金漏损率为 10%;(4)超额准备金率为 2%;(5)定期存款准备金率为4%;(6)定期存款总额为 20 万元。根据上述材料,回答下列问题:A.K=1/(r+h)B.K=1/(r+h+e)C.K=1/(r+h+e+tS)D.K=1/(r+h+et+s)【答案】C42、Ellen Brown says the exerci
24、ses help _ her pain andstiffness from arthritis.A.rectifyB.reclaimC.reconcileD.relieve【答案】D43、2020 年 1 月 2 日电,自今年 1 月 1 日起,符合条件的港澳台居民可在()参加社会保险。目前,珠海市已启动实施港澳台居民参加珠海社会保险工作,专题部署和组织培训。A.珠海市B.深圳市C.广州市D.厦门市【答案】A44、On behalf of board of directors I appreciate you for providingthe_information.A.requestB.re
25、questerC.requestingD.requested【答案】D45、Passage 5A.DefiniteB.DubiousC.SeriousD.Negative【答案】B46、Susan made()clear to me that she wished to make a new lifefor herself.A.ThatB.thisC.itD.her【答案】C47、Under no circumstances_without looking carefully to the rear.A.should one back up a motor vehicleB.a motor v
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