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1、天津市天津市 20232023 年教师招聘之中学教师招聘练习试卷年教师招聘之中学教师招聘练习试卷 B B卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、叶绿体色素的纸层析结果显示,叶绿素 b 位于层析滤纸的最下端,原因是()。A.相对分子质量最小B.相对分子质量最大C.在层析液中的溶解度最小D.在层析液中的溶解度最大【答案】C2、教育目的可以发挥下列哪几种作用?()A.导向、规范和权威作用B.激励、评价和统一作用C.导向、激励和评价作用D.宣传、引导和激励作用【答案】C3、C A decline in memory as a result of ageing can be temp
2、orarilyreversed using a harmless form of electrical brain stimulation,scientists have found.The study focused on a part of cognitioncalled working memory,the brain system that holds information forshort periods while we are making decisions or performingcalculations.Working memory is crucial for a w
3、ide variety of tasks,such as recognising faces,doing arithmetic and navigating a newenvironment.Working memory is known to steadily decline with age.One factor in this decline is thought to be a disconnection betweentwo brain networks.In the study,published in the journal NatureNeuroscience,42 peopl
4、e aged 20-29 and 42 people aged 60-76 wereassessed in a working memory task.The older group were slower andless accurate on the tests.The scientists then subjected them all to25 minutes of non-invasive brain stimulation.This aimed to make thetwo target brain regions work together by passing gentle p
5、ulses ofelectricity through the scalp(头皮)and into the brain.After thetreatment,working memory in the older adults improved to match theyounger group and the effect appeared to last for 50 minutes afterthe stimulation.Those who had scored worst to start with showed thelargest improvements.While these
6、 results were exciting and promising.Dardo Tomasi,a scientist at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuseand Alcoholism in Bethesda,who was not involved in the work saidthat larger studies would be needed to confirm the findings andassess how they might be applied clinically.D.James Picket e headof r
7、esearch at the Alzheimers Society,said,“We cant cure,prevent or even slow down dementia(痴呆),so it vital we exploreall possible areas for treatments.Altering and correcting thecircuitry of the brain with technology is a new exciting avenue ofresearch for dementia.Deep-brain simulation a surgical proc
8、edureused in Parkinsons,is proof of principle that this approach mayone day be fruiA.Promoting connections of the target brain regionsB.Improving their working memory permanentlyC.Passing gentle pulses of electricity into the scalpD.Working out their speed and accuracy on the tests【答案】A4、根据以下材料,回答题A
9、.holdB.supportC.live onD.keep【答案】B5、我们对待中国传统道德的基本态度应该是()。A.取其精华,去其糟粕B.突出创新,全盘否定C.尊重历史,全盘吸收D.学习交流,洋为中用【答案】A6、下列关于新中国经济建设的说法,正确的是()。A.三大改造的完成标志着新民主主义制度的建立B.“大跃进”期间国民经济协调发展C.19561966 年经济建设在曲折中前进D.经济体制改革首先从城市取得突破【答案】C7、1895 年。德皇威廉二世宣布:“德意志帝国变成世界帝国,德国的货物、德国的知识、德国的勤奋要漂洋过海。”这番话反映的实质是()。A.要向全世界扩展势力B.加强与世界各国
10、的联系C.与英国进行商业竞争D.使德国成为“世界工厂”【答案】A8、根据以下材料,回答A.roadsB.childrenC.youD.dustbins【答案】C9、俄罗斯民歌伏尔加船夫曲速度徐缓,旋律朴实,格调忧郁深沉,由()演唱。A.男高音B.男低音C.男中音D.男生合唱【答案】B10、根据以下材料,回答A.luxuriousB.shabbyC.neatD.new【答案】B11、The university started some new language programs to cater_the countrys Silk Road Economic Belt.A.forB.withC
11、.ofD.from【答案】A12、The translator must have an excellent,up-to-date knowledge of his11 languages,full facility in the handlingof his target language,which will be his mother tongue or language of habitualuse,andknowledge and understanding of the 12 subject-matter in his fieldofspecialization.This is,a
12、s it were,his professional equipment.Inaddition tothis,it is desirable that he should have an 13 mind,wideinterests,a good memory and the ability to grasp quicklythe basicprinciples of new developments.He should be willing to work onhisown,often at high speeds,but should be humble enough to 14others
13、should his own knowledge not always prove adequate to the taskin hand.He shouldbe able to type fairly quickly and accurately and,if he is working mainly forpublication,should have more than anodding 15 with printing techniques andproof-reading.If he isworking basically as an information translator,l
14、et ussay,for anindustrial firm,he should have the flexibility of mind to enablehimto 16 rapidly from one sourcelanguage to another,as well as from onesubject-matter to another,since thisability is frequently requiredof him in such work.Bearing in mind the natureof the translatorswork,i.e.the process
15、ing of the written word,it is,strictlyspeaking,17 that he should be able to speak the languages heisdealing with.If he does speak them,it is an 18 rather than ahindrance,but this skillis in many ways a luxury that he can do awaywith.It is,however,desirablethat he should have an approximateidea about
16、 the pronunciation of his sourcelanguages even if this isrestricted to 19 how proper names and placenames are pronounced.Thesame applies to an ability to write his sourcelanguages.If he can,well and good;if he cannot,it does not matter.Thereare many otherskills and 20 that are desirable in a transla
17、tor.A.knowingB.pronouncingC.approachingD.recalling【答案】A13、使用 Python 软件编写求 n!的程序,()A.穷举法B.递推法C.解析法D.递归法【答案】D14、半期考考得好,力求得到本学期的奖学金,属于()。A.远景的间接性动机B.近景的直接性动机C.高尚的动机D.低级的动机【答案】B15、国家出台关于禁止商业贿赂行为的暂行规定的意义在于()。A.制止商业贿赂行为B.限制商品的大规模流动C.扶持民族工业发展D.维持公平竞争秩序【答案】A16、随着计算机的广泛应用,网上营销迅速崛起,人们足不出户就可以通过互联网购买商品。A.减弱了商业网
20、陶瓷,五百年前中国的“名片”是茶叶。中国最早将丝绸这张“名片”送往西方是在()。A.战国B.西汉C.宋朝D.明朝【答案】B24、下列()属于歌剧刘胡兰中的选曲。A.一道道水来一道道山B.红梅赞C.万里春色满家园D.五洲人民齐欢笑【答案】A25、下列叙述中,不属于种群空间特征描述的是()。A.斑马在草原上成群活动B.每毫升河水中有 9 个大肠杆菌C.稗草在稻田中随机分布D.木棉树在路旁每隔 5 米种植【答案】B26、希腊著名雕刻家米隆的作品掷铁饼者创作于()。A.古风时期B.希腊化时期C.古典时期D.荷马时期【答案】C27、牙买加种植咖啡的最有利条件是()。A.地形平坦B.交通便利C.热量充足D
22、类文明进步的重要动力D.一种更为直接的文化传播方式【答案】B32、汉代的()是使用矿物颜料的一种方法,能粘附在纤维上,既具有一定的流动性用防止流渗A.套染B.涂染C.浸染D.媒染【答案】B33、族田义庄是宗族宗法制度的产物,肇始于北宋范仲淹创建的范氏义庄,明清时各地十分盛行。据成书于清代的华西邹君记记载,苏州有一邹姓富户立下遗嘱,将名下一千亩土地交给儿子,其余三千亩捐给义庄,以接济族人。这表明族田义庄()。A.确立了社会保障体系B.在古代的存在有合理性C.有利于宗族内部平等D.是封建政府救济灾民的来源【答案】B34、下列词语中画横线的字,每对读音都不相同的是()。A.绯红翡翠 相宜抑扬顿挫B.
23、应和附和 折本不折不扣C.愚昧迂腐 笼罩得陇望蜀D.星宿宿营 涣散焕然一新【答案】A35、培养劳动者是()。A.社会主义教育目的的总和B.对人才培养规格的具体要求C.我国教育目的的根本特点D.学校的教育质量标准【答案】A36、第一次比较系统地论述社会主义初级阶段理论的党的代表大会是()。A.党的十二大B.党的十三大C.党的十四大D.党的十五大【答案】B37、下列属于元代四大南戏的是()。A.荆钗记B.西厢记C.南柯记D.杜十娘【答案】A38、下列哪种是促进抗利尿激素释放的最有效刺激()。A.血浆中晶体渗透压升高B.循环血量减少C.血浆胶体渗透压升高D.血压升高【答案】A39、小张作为一名思想品
24、德课新任教师对课堂教学有些紧张,同事们为他提出了诸多建议,小张可采纳的教学建议是()。A.B.C.D.【答案】B40、仰韶文化当中的半坡类型彩陶,纹样是()。A.旋涡纹B.人面鱼C.波折几何纹D.花瓣纹【答案】B41、根据以下材料,回答A.will be a complete failure in his futureworkB.will not be able to find a suitable jobC.will regret not having worked harder atschoolD.may do well in his future work【答案】D42、学生掌握知识的速
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- 天津市 2023 教师 招聘 中学教师 练习 试卷 答案