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《天津市2023年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库综合试卷A卷附答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《天津市2023年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库综合试卷A卷附答案.doc(29页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、天津市天津市 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库综年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库综合试卷合试卷 A A 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、远期合约的最大功能是()。A.方便交易B.增加收益C.增加交易量D.转嫁风险【答案】D2、Mr.Lee is too weak to()his business.A.do withB.do withoutC.do away withD.do up【答案】A3、The manager made it clear that he intended to_down some newrules to enforce wor
2、kplace discipline.A.layingB.layC.lieD.lying【答案】B4、陕西未来将进一步加强交通基础设施建设,力争实现通村公路覆盖全部自然村。关于高速公路和通村公路,以下说法中正确的是()。A.均不属于公共产品,不具备非竞争性B.均属于公共产品,具备非排他性C.高速公路不属于公共产品,不具备非竞争性和非排他性D.通村公路不属于公共产品,不具备非竞争性和非排他性【答案】B5、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of historythan others.HSBCs History Wall,a striki
3、ng art installation at thebanks London headquarters,is made up of 3,743 images drawn fromthe banks archives and arranged in chronological order.A.It strengthens the companys relations with customers andemployeesB.For carmakers,they can overhaul old designs for the modern eraC.It can help companies t
4、o become the most profitable in the marketD.It can give companies ideas for new products【答案】C6、资料:A high-precision NASA radar instrument left a NASA airportin Southern California for Iceland on January 28 to create detailedmaps of how glaciers move in the dead of winter.This will helpscientists arou
5、nd the world better understand some of the most basicprocesses involved in melting glaciers,which are major contributorsto rising sea levels.A.To investigate the climate changeB.To make maps about moving glaciersC.To measure the rising sea levelsD.To slow the melting process of glaciers【答案】B7、中国近代史上
6、第一次明确提出彻底反帝、反封建的民主革命纲领是在()。A.中共“一大”B.中共“二大”C.中共“七大”D.中共十“一大”【答案】B8、2020 年 4 月 16 日电,商务部会同中央网信办、工业和信息化部联合认定了首批 12 家国家数字(),这将有利于加快数字贸易发展和数字技术应用,培育贸易新业态新模式,实现服务贸易高质量发展。A.贸易示范区B.经济创新发展试验区C.服务出口基地D.经济产业区【答案】C9、下列关于外汇科目的说法中,正确的是()。A.“外汇买卖”科目本身属于资产性质B.“外汇买卖”科目本身属于负债性质C.“外汇买卖”科目是一个实体性质的科目D.“外汇买卖”科目仅仅起本外币转账中
7、平衡借贷关系的作用【答案】D10、完整的计算机系统由()两大部分组成。A.应用软件和系统软件B.随机存储器和只读存储器C.硬件系统和软件系统D.中央处理器和外部设备【答案】C11、Your natural hair color begins to fade()you grow older,andin time you grow grey.A.sinceB.whenC.whileD.as【答案】D12、I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to express mysincere _ for your help.A.regulati
8、onB.recreationC.appreciationD.guarantee【答案】C13、Store layout and merchandise presentation,as well as_,helpshoppers find items more quickly.A.to have appropriate signsB.appropriate signs are necessaryC.with appropriate signsD.appropriate signs【答案】D14、Passage 2A.Global temperatures affect the rate of e
9、conomic developmentB.Rates of death from illnesses have risen due to global warmingC.Malnutrition has caused serious health problems in poor countriesD.onomic trends have to do with population and natural disasters【答案】B15、债券本期收益率的计算公式是()。A.票面收益/市场价格B.票面收益/债券面值C.(出售价格购买价格)/市场价格D.(出售价格购买价格)/债券面值【答案】A1
10、6、我国对不正当竞争行为进行监督检査的主管部门是()。A.国内贸易部B.技术监督局C.工商行政管理局D.物价局【答案】C17、If English means endless new words,difficult grammar andsometimes strange pronunciation,you are wrong.Havent you noticedthat you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?A.the experience of learning a second language has
11、 bad effect onpeoples brainB.there is no difference between a later second language learner andone who doesnt know a second languageC.the earlier you start to learn a second language,the higher thegrey matter density isD.the ability of learning a second language is changing all the time【答案】C18、Globa
12、l warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about$125billion in economic losses each year,according to a report by theGlobal Humanitarian Forum,an organization led by Annan,the formerUnited Nations secretary general.A.How rich and poor regions can share responsibility in curbingglobal warmingB
13、.How human and economic losses from climate change can be reducedC.How emissions of heat-trapping gases can be reduced on a globalscaleD.How rich countries can better help poor regions reduce climatehazards【答案】D19、The orphanage is just one of her _ causes.A.phoneticB.philanthropicC.prevalentD.lunati
14、c【答案】B20、票据金额以中文大写和阿拉伯数字同时记载,对二者不一致的结算凭证()A.以大写为准B.以小写为准C.银行可予受理D.银行不予受理【答案】D21、2012 年 1 月 8 日,中国人民银行工作会议在北京闭幕,会议上透露出的信息显示,()仍是金融宏观调控的首要任务。A.稳定物价总水平B.抑制投资C.降低金融风险D.控制货币供应量【答案】A22、我国现行货币统计制度将货币供应划分为三个层次,其中 M2 代表()。A.广义货币供应量B.狭义货币供应量C.流通中的现金D.储蓄状态的货币【答案】A23、Passage 6A.quieterB.cheaperC.widerD.faster【答
15、案】D24、货币在()时,执行国际财富转移手段职能。A.支付国际贸易差额B.购买外国商品C.支付外国劳务费用D.对外援助【答案】D25、If English means endless new words,difficult grammar andsometimes strange pronunciation,you are wrong.Havent you noticedthat you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?A.people who can speak two languagesB.second
16、language learnersC.researchers on language learningD.active language learners【答案】A26、研究发现,睡眠存在障碍与很多疾病有着难以_的联系。有时候通过改善睡眠状态,可连带对另一种疾病的治疗起到_的功效。A.割裂一石二鸟B.分割正本清源C.确认投石问路D.区分釜底抽薪【答案】A27、一般来讲,在下列()经济背景条件下证券市场呈上升走势最有利。A.持续、稳定、高速的 GDP 增长B.高通胀下的 GDP 增长C.宏观调控下的 GDP 减速增长D.转折性的 GDP 变动【答案】A28、Passage 9A.the read
17、ers expectations agree with what is said in the textB.the reader has trouble understanding what the author saysC.the reader asks questions and gets answersD.the reader understands a text very well【答案】B29、We could be sliding into an extraordinary recession unless we_ the economy immediately.A.inspire
18、B.stimulateC.temptD.distract【答案】B30、Will you please tell me _ right now?A.what time beB.what time is itC.what is the timeD.what time it is【答案】D31、说法不正确的是()。A.鲁迅是中国现代文学的奠基人B.郭沫若的女神是现代文学史上第一篇白话文C.田汉是中国现代戏剧的奠基人D.巴金是现代家族小说的开拓者【答案】B32、资料:Business,academic and civic leaders in Cambridge havewarned that on
19、e of Britains major economic growth cities is underthreat unless the government acts quickly to restore trust post-Brexit.A.The immediate action of the British governmentB.continuation of free labor movements from EU countriesC.An increase in the foreign talents wagesD.New policies that protects for
20、eign talents rights【答案】C33、资料:With 55%of consumers customer service interactionsstarting online and 63%of adults using their smartphone severaltimes a month to seek customer service,your mobile customer servicetactics are more important than ever.A.Fast responseB.Readily accessible informationC.Opti
21、mized user surfaceD.All of these above【答案】D34、在营销调研中,调研人员一般先收集()。A.一手资料B.二手资料C.原始资料D.外部资料【答案】B35、Passage3A.cut it with a sawB.use your right hand onlyC.chew it wellD.all of the above【答案】D36、语音网关类似于普通的电脑交换机,下列哪一项不是语音网关的电话业务()。A.热线电话B.呼叫转移C.VPN 路由器D.FXS 端口权限【答案】C37、Passage 8A.several time throughout t
22、he yearB.as quickly as possibleC.occasionally when necessaryD.regularly every winter【答案】D38、使预算约束线在保持斜率不变的条件下作远离原点运动的是()。A.x 的价格上涨 10%而 y 的价格下降 10%B.x 和 y 的价格都上涨 10%,收入下降 5%C.x 和 y 的价格都下降 10%,收入不变D.x 和 y 的价格都上涨 10%,收入上涨 5%【答案】C39、This argument sounds reasonable,but()its incorrect.A.fortunatelyB.actu
23、allyC.naturallyD.obviously【答案】B40、在我国加入 WTO 后的今天,外资银行已经逐步突破地域、业务等限制进入我国市场。外资银行在我国拓展业务,由于对国情、民情和金融法规不甚了解,难以准确把握市场信息。外资银行把握市场信息的捷径就是实现管理人员的“本土化”。外资银行用优厚的薪酬待遇、优越的工作环境、良好的福利保障、众多的出国培训机会、灵活的用人机制来吸引和留住人才。这一举措导致了我国金融人才的大量流失,这对我国商业银行人力资源开发和管理提出了严峻挑战。A.主要B.重要C.次要D.核心【答案】D41、中央银行和商业银行的货币职能分别是()。A.提供原始货币、制造派生货
24、币B.制造派生货币、提供原始货币C.促进货币流通、方便货币支付D.方便货币支付、促进货币流通【答案】A42、下列叙述正确的是()。A.用高级程序语言编写的程序称为源程序B.计算机能直接识别并执行用汇编语言编写的程序C.机器语言编写的程序必须经过编译和连接后才能执行D.机器语言编写的程序具有良好的可移植性【答案】A43、She told us that classification is a useful()to theorganization of all kinds of knowledge.A.meansB.approachC.modeD.manner【答案】B44、Golf Weekly
25、 is a newly published magazine that caters_toexperienced and inexperienced golfers who are just learning to playthe game.A.bothB.neitherC.eitherD.so【答案】A45、个人贷款还款方式不包括()。A.等额本息还款法B.差额等息还款法C.等额本金还款法D.按月还息、到期一次性还本还款法【答案】B46、资料:What attracts customers?Obviously the quality of a productdoes,but visual i
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