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1、植物学报?的?,势?一?注曰的丑角明血口?阮比口方穗山羊草?活性及小亚基基因克隆和功能分析郭绍东“吴光耀吴相枉“?北京大学生命科学学院,北京?猖?摘要以方穗山羊草?月吧放娜?为母本,普通小麦?阮?喇?为父本杂交,并以普 通小麦为父本回交?代获得 的核质杂种小麦 为实验材 料,测定了父母本及其核质杂种小麦?业石?的梭化活性和加氧活性。同时以方穗山羊草幼苗叶片为材料构建了库容量为?护画的碑?文库,并以水稻?三?部分片段为探针筛选该?文库,获得了方穗山羊草成?的?克隆?。核昔 酸序列分析表明该?全长?饰。比较以上三种材 料 中凡山?活性和小 亚基氨基 酸的差异,推测小亚基上第?、?、?和?位氨基酸残
2、基可能对酶的功能起着重要的作用。关键词方穗山羊草,核质杂种小麦,?二。小亚基?习?侧匕?竹?工?肛?义汀污?刃?伙认?面?“,叭?耀一?!兀?一?关“?公泌伙卯?匀仑?,八石月?穷,?巧吨?仪阳?加。,?讨?,?州及塑?,了减忿?一?加?面?场?舍?杭?占,“朋飞招?早?板?刃?,?即?,?娜?川巧?护内?州?叮“。?”。贺?叮?祀?衍?卿?,?到?奴?习?甲】?】?巧坤?一?,?一?幻xyl*/o x yg ell巴犯(nlbis c o)伙朋A.阿aw it ht ha tf rol llT.a e sta n dt h ei rn ude o祀yt叩la s而chy-b r idwhea
3、 ta le dt ha tt h eal llin oa cid比siduesa tp ositions56,8 4,98an11 17int hesm al ls,一I卜俪t而g h tp城I ln l闪r ta lltr o l esi n,邵da t in gt h ea ct i v it i eso fn山10.价y wo八如A吧i阮哪sgu aa,Nucl e O一cyIDpleh声r idw heat,Sll l al ls ubunit)fribulo s e一1,5-b is曲osPlla t eearl刃xyla s e/。x og eR e ceiv(,1:1望灭i,(
4、犯一0 5I kvi”卫:1性粥巧e s0 8一1 9Al止.a tio n s:骆U.Sn创1subu nit:烧U.1谈比ge5 1山朋it;R l,B I,.1亏11)。l、一I,5一bis P h佣phate;RI山is co.R IIJLi ll,5-b i月211说p ll以ec毗月材1毗向材gen脱;R uBpCa s e.Ri btd*一1.5一I l i印h,油a tee是d”狱ya s e;凡IBR、既.1石bl l】撇一1,5-b isp卜朋ph a沈.xyge ll班记;n clzyL r i d.讯L日份cy toplehy br i、至.芳叨五5 w o浅sup即r
5、 ta师ag ra Jlt坛即t heNa t i o na l入atllm S cie n c e万 btulda t io no fC hi na,关关1长能幻t班I山七阴:L坦山uteo fl死velopmen t司 B i o l卿,C hi ne s eA ca demyo fS cie nce s,B ei j in g1 0以 别).关关关AUt horf o rc or r阔洲川de nce期郭绍东等:方穗山羊草,Rubis co活性及小亚基基因克隆和功能分析(英)223Rl llis e o(EC. 9),t hekeyel砚y nleinphoto syllt
6、 hetie cad刃lm eta l刀lism,eata lyzest heead洲水ylatio na rldo xy gen a tio nO fr ib dos e一l,5一bisphos P ha t e.It15b eliev edt ha tt h emtioo ft h es et w o。a ction s即ver nsP la ntp耐uet ivi t yT he,f o。,I u bis co1 ll ay悦t het鱿g etel lzyf llef oril npnv i飞t heef f ieien cyo fP hotosyntjl esisa n din c二
7、a si嗯e哪厂eldl,“,.Rulis coinhig h erpla nt si,。C o n lplex。n-zylllec o n l详s e dO feig ht岱Usa ndeig htSSUs.Tlle玲Ueont a lnsl洲111t h ea ctiva tio na n cc at法d y tiesi t es.仆ef onCtio no f ssu15 stillu n clea rlZ.on ew a vo f即pr o a c hi嗯山epr oblemof a ceesst o山e允net ion sof岱Uand SSUofndjiseo15tot a ket
8、hea dv a nt翔矛王 5O fa溉朋止11 1创1el拐”llew it ht heir51山山lit sf n用1di价二nt。hg in s3一51.仆e汕ea t罗notyp ew a sr iehin ou reo un卿a n dt hen uele o一ey-t opl a sh aehybr idwll ea tw a s二hiev e d场nl akinga e哪singb et w eenT.a e stl v u ma n d A.s,n ar-r o sa161.仆e罗n et iein f on n a tio nf o r岱u15in her it e d城a
9、t h em a ter n a llin ea n d邵n es e司i嗯f orssu,c o nt r ib ut e d以lua l ly场1刃111P at er nala ndI n at e ma lP a.nt s.He n C et heh eter o10go llsn j bis c oo fn u-el e o一ey t opla s m iehybr idwhea t15akin dO fva l ua h lem a ter ia lf orelueida ti嗯t he沈l a t io nshipb elw eent h est r u ct ur ea nd
10、f un ct io no fl田电e andsmallsu b画t so f t heh a晚业yme.E xt en siv esttldie sha v epr o-v ide dm uehin f onll ation ont h e户ot os”t hetie eht e r isties andcytDgen etieso fA.姆朋dT.a e sr动u m16一81,耐出eirin t er sp eci f ieh ybr idiz a tionsyiel dhig hf er tilit ya n d,su irin nuele oCy to-Pla s f meh et
11、er osisw hiehea nb e杭d l yut ilize din agl lcu ltl l此.1MA T ER AL SA N DM E T H OD61.1P lant.旧t er i妞 I sGmi nso fA亡移i匈Uq故zL洲刀dT减la e s lL.朋d t he ir nud。一cy to n lchybl记wll ealhiev edb y。551嗯玩t w e enT.a e st初u m(舍)a n dA.sqU an刀S a(早)a n d硫ker ossi嗯10g e n er a t ionsw it h t heT.a e st初u ma st h
12、eP a tenl alp娥n i,w e祀obtair咄坛 n lt heIn st it ut eo fC哪B in ga ll1Cu l ti va t io n,Ch in es eA ca dem yo fAg hc血ul a lS ci en ce s”l e脚in s w er e f i叹r i ns e dw ithWat er田ldt he nsoake dina e己恤dishf or2t o 3du nt il罗丽n a tio n,t h ent he罗耐n a ti嗯gran sw e。脚w nin al ig htl洲 Xu nde reo ntin uo usw
13、 hit elig ht(6 xXl x)a t25.Y oul lglea v es,8t o10emlong,w er eha r vest edf ilInZ一w eek一ol dunif bll l lpla n tsa sth eexp er im en山f n at e r ia l.仆eI n a t,l ea v esw er eob t a ine d f n刀11t hef an llo fCh in es eA cadem yo fA创cu lt i.司 S ci cn ce s.1。2Met h宜l s1.2.1Ext i习ctio no fcr udee功牙mea n
14、d Pu r访c at i皿o fr ub七0sgo fd eb r ide dpla ntln at er ia l sw er eho m o罗nize din20m Lofeo ole de x恤t io n buf l运r contaln i嗯0.1m ol/LT r is一HCI(州7.4),lFLEl)TA,1 0FLM郊犯田d511翻01/Lm e二a p忱t ha n olw i t hsmal l一n io fqt l a dzs a l记.T heh i”1 1oge na tew a sf i lt e喇山mug h4 1盯eoofehe es e cl o tha nd
15、 t hen eent r if oga lize da tl2(X X)x9f o r2 0而na t 4.皿 es up em at a n tw e,a ssayedf o rR uBP Ca s e田ldR uB印a s ea ct i vi t ie s.3f n Lo f t hes up el l l at antw e,a dde dt oa neq ua lv ol iml eo f3 0%su cr o s es o lu tio n,田记w er esu b je ct e dt on on一dena tu喇卯lya cxyla mide罗1f o releetm pll
16、 or esis.T he eo n cel 1tIatio nO ft he eond ensin gands epar ating罗1w er e3%朋d 6%r esp ectivel y.T he ele ct”pho,515w a sr u ninT r is一g lyein el ul盗三rsystem(pH8.3)w itlii n itia le on sta nten tofl om A,andWllensa n耳le sm o v edint os ep呱i嗯罗l,t h eeonst a n teu二ntwa sa d just edt o30n诱.A l、ersto6
17、h,t hesi lverwlli t eshi耐飞ba nd(r u-bis coband)w a seuto utan(1er ushe dand letst a yin2I n Le x魄t io n lu ll七ra t4o vem ig hta ndt h en een川允g习izeda t10(X X)x9at4 f or20而n.T he sllp ematalltw er eus e df o rt h ed et e耐na-t iono f lr oteine o nt enta ndthea ss a yO fell z,Inea ctiv itie s.1.2.2A及泊y
18、so fR血B洲加能田ldR I正po别论a由讨t i e sT heR uBP C*cal圣刃xyla s ea ss a yla sedo n小ep,记。5ofzh缨蒯乳 9int he衅s en ceo f N正,4eO 3.(场gena s ea ct i诚tie sw eoa ssa y edp ola mg习pllic a ll ya sd es cr ib e dp丽o us l v”.翻a ss a ysw er eIu nw i t h俪epa l妞llelsa jlllle s.A2植物学报39卷1.2.3Ex。习cU0na ndPu r访c at iono fm服NA1l
19、lRN Ae x恤t e d初t h t heh elpo fQ ui ckM i-cr om丑N Ap山lf i ca t io nk i t(P hi a).10 0m go ft hel ea v eso fA.s qu aaseed lin gextl习 Ct-e dw itll即a lliditlli犯ya na t esoltlt io n,t h epr ot ein sandt heDNAw eor enloved伍”1 1th ee xt l a ct师0 11即(d T)顽n it ycllr onl at og习phyf ol lowedb yeo ns ee utiv
20、eelutio nw it hhig hsa ltbtlf l论r(10r n m oFLT r is一HCI(P H7.5),1l lmlol/LEDI城,0.5m ol/LNaCI)a ndl,sa ltbul】毛r(10r n m ol/LT r is-HC I(P H7.5),1FLEDTA,0.1m0I/LNa CI).T hee lll ateo fn川洲Aa d d ed 3m oF L刘iu l na cet a t e(州5.2)t oaf i n滋ce n加t i ono f 0.3m oFLa nd 2.5vol imleso fi ce一co ldetha nof o
21、ra tlea st30而n at一2 0,t hen,o ver e d t he卯l y(A)R NA娜een t r if ogatio na t10(XX)x9f ors而na t 4田记 d iss o lve dt h ex l讯NA i n2 0拌Lo fDEP C一沈atedwater.1.2.4Con s切u ct iono fd洲An b份叮5腮o f1 1R人Au s e dt od i,t syrlt hesi s o fcDNA袱t ht heT im eSa v e rSyndl es ist(Phanl l aCia),t heeDN Aw a sp而f ie d
22、场 汕en ol一cl domf onn-iS O a l nyl山011 01(2 52 4:1)e x腼t io na n dcll n又1 1ato罗lpllyo nsepllos e一C以BSpt l nc o l(s cmx1.5em).T hent h edseDNAw e二 11邵t e dtoE co R工/N o tl a daptorm ole cu les.肠eds eDN Aw er ephospllo叮la te da tst er min us场T 4p olynucl eo t id ek i一,ptl五f ie d坊phen o l一c喻ml br m一is o
23、a n万lE coR工一hPmma ga)t a ine d.1.2。SGdCF Pla l祀功NAa n dc词in gt o1.2.6n e耐z e dA g tlo DN Aa t 16 f orl h,a n dt h en卿k峪edintopar tiel es(阮k娜a n dpr opa gat司inE.c o liC以刃h l l.T he eD N Alibm巧o f目洲 IIS.sxl0 5pf ue Xtn 1CtWa so bnickt r an sla t io nf o rp,pn ga-sZP-.耐.Wl lRay,C om eUUn iv er si t y),
24、e x魄t i ono fd iza ti ona ndlr al l sf onnat io nwer ee是i rr ie do uta c-a ce o nlin gtoSa ng er,5eha lnt enl lination2.IT七eP,取代汤脾朋d R血 B P Oa s eaeti村t ie s叭le earl 见即la s eandoxygena s ea ctivit ie so ft h ecnKle enzymelh)n1t heInahl代l ea ve so fth,epla ntI n a te r ia lsa tt il l er in gsta gew e
25、二 a ss a ye d,a ndt h e,s u lt sa r esllowxlinF ig.1.叨le ea r l刃xyla s ea ct iv it yo fA.s qu a(3.9 9卿Ic仇g一卿而n一)lrt ha nt ha to fT.a e st i v。(5.4 1卿Ic仇g一F w而n一)a n dn c一hybr idw hea t(5.3 1lunolc仇g一Fw而n一).H助-,i t so x yg e一a ct ivi t y(0.6拜n犯lqg一FW而n一)wa sh ig h ert ha nt ha to fT.腮:(0.4 6卿l仇g一F W而
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- 山羊 Rubisco 活性 小亚基 基因 克隆 功能分析