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1、安徽省安徽省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识模考模年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识模考模拟试题拟试题(全优全优)单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、近年来,我国取得了举世瞩目的成就。下列被称作中国的:“新四大发明”的是:()。A.蛟龙天眼墨子人工智能B.天官支付宝网购共享单车C.高铁网购移动支付共享单车D.大飞机高铁悟空移动支付【答案】C2、下列哪个选项不在世界四大文明古国之列?()A.巴比伦B.雅典C.埃及D.印度【答案】B3、并非只有人类才有利他主义行为,这句话等同于()。A.有些动物具有利他主义行为B.只有人类才有利他主义行为C.除了人类,其他动物都有利他主义行为D.
2、利他主义行为并不是所有动物都具有【答案】C4、商业银行财务管理的核心内容是()。A.资本金管理B.利润管理C.财产管理D.成本管理【答案】D5、资料:MemoA.She is the owner of a financial sevices companyB.She has published several booksC.She has experience running a businessD.She teaches management courses at a university【答案】C6、Should UK depositors lose money,the governmen
3、t would have todecide whether to_for it directly.A.notifyB.compensateC.overlookD.trigger【答案】B7、绩效薪金制通过报酬与绩效的挂钩强化了对员工的激励,这种做法与()的原理最为吻合。A.领导一成员交换理论B.双因素理论C.期望理论D.DRG 理论【答案】C8、资料:In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharplyseparated and where many household tasks are shared to a greate
4、r orlesser extent,notions of male superiority are hard to maintain.Thepattern of sharing in tasks and in decisions makes for equality,andthis in turn leads to further sharing.In such a home,the growingboy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than did theirparents and to prepare more fu
5、lly for participation in a worldcharacterized by cooperation rather than by the battle of the sexes.A.FaithB.ComplaintC.AccountD.Reputation【答案】D9、资料:In the United States of America,banks are categorized intothe federally-chartered bank which received their charter from theOffice of the Comptroller o
6、f the Currency(OCC);these are referredto as“National Banks”;and also the states-chartered banks whichreceive their charter from the superintendent to as“State Banks”.Banks are allowed to register either with the federal or the stateauthority.Let us now look at the organizational structure ofCommerci
7、al Banks,which include unit banking,group banking andbranch banking.A.The Fed banks,the State banking and group bankingB.The Fed banking,the state banking and group bankingC.Unit banking,group banking and branch bankingD.Specialized banks,group banking and unit banking【答案】C10、下列属于柜台市场的是()。A.第四市场B.第三
8、市场C.深圳证券交易所D.NASDAQ 系统【答案】D11、中国人民银行早在 2004 年已经完全放开金融机构人民币贷款利率上限,商业银行可自主根据企业和具体业务风险状况进行定价,但是并不意味着金融借款利率不受任何限制。金融机构利率是指()。A.金融机构对银行和证券公司实行的各种利息率B.金融机构对企业单位和个人实行的各种利息率C.金融机构对金融监管部门实行的各种利息率D.金融机构对中央银行实行的各种利息率【答案】C12、Airline-maintenance best practice could _ oil industryprofitability.A.overhaulB.enhance
10、代人关于离骚篇名的解释有()。A.离别的牢骚,离开忧愁B.离别的忧愁,遭遇忧愁C.离别的牢骚,遭遇忧愁D.离别的忧愁,离开忧愁【答案】B17、Although the great white shark has a fearsome _,in astraight fight,it is outclassed by the killer whale.A.reputationB.imaginationC.aggressionD.acquisition【答案】A18、资料:The market is a concept.If you are growing tomatoes inyour backy
11、ard for sale you are producing for the market.You mightsell some to your neighbor and some to the local manager of thesupermarket.But in either case,you are producing for the market.Your efforts are being directed by the market.If people stop buyingtomatoes,you will stop producing them.A.Selling and
12、 BuyingB.What Is the Market?C.Everything You Do Is Producing for the MarketD.What the Market Can Do for You?【答案】B19、下列对我国在高科技领域说法不正确的是()。A.发展航天事业可以促进我国经济的发展B.高科技的竞争是综合国力竞争的实质C.高科技的竞争仅是国力竞争的一方面,综合国力竞争的实质是军事力量D.航天事业的发展,能够增强民族凝聚力【答案】C20、下列贷款中至少归为次级类的是()。A.借款人利用合并、分立等形式恶意逃废银行债务,本金或者利息已经逾期B.本金和利息虽尚未逾期,但借
13、款人有利用兼并、重组、分立等形式恶意逃废银行债务的嫌疑C.同一借款人对本行或其他银行的部分债务已经不良D.本金或者利息逾期【答案】A21、以下不属于金融衍生品的是()。A.股票B.远期C.期货D.期权【答案】A22、资料:Gone are the days of“one-size-fits-all”employeebenefits programs and here come newly designed and fully customizedvoluntary benefits.Voluntary benefits are on longer looked at asjust a few“
14、extras”,and are now becoming part of a comprehensivebenefits package.Lots take a look at how voluntary benefits havebecome more customized to meet the requirements of a more particularhealth care consumer.A.Because voluntary plans are“one size can fit all”B.Because voluntary plans are less expensive
15、 than the traditional oneC.Because voluntary plans cover everything from family vision care topet insuranceD.Because gives employees a chance to select extras that the standardhealth care plan doesnt offer【答案】D23、甲为自己投保一份人寿险,指定其妻为受益人。甲有一子 4 步,甲母 50岁且自己单独生活。某日,甲因交通事故身亡。该份保险的保险金依法应如何处理?()A.应作为遗产由甲妻、甲子
16、、甲母共同继承B.应作为遗产由甲妻一人继承C.应作为遗产由甲妻、甲子继承D.应全部支付给甲妻【答案】D24、回复上级机关的询问,使用()。A.通报B.报告C.请示D.通知【答案】B25、Chinese table cloth is _for its fine quality,exquisiteworkmanship and compelling style.A.distinctiveB.nominatedC.notableD.deviated【答案】C26、资料:Procrastination comes in many disguises.We might resolveto tackle
17、a task,but find endless reasons to defer it.We mightprioritize things we can readily tick off our to-do list-answeringemails,say-while leaving the big,complex stuff untouched foranother day.We can look and feel busy.while artfully avoiding thetanks that really matter.And when we look at those rollin
18、g,longuntouched items at the bottom of our to-do list,we cant help butfeel a little disappointed in ourselves.A.How to beat procrastinationB.Our brain and procrastinationC.Benefits and costs of procrastinationD.The perils of procrastination【答案】A27、在 Exce1 中,将 3、4 两行选定,然后进行插入行操作,下列表述正确的是()。A.在行号 2 和
19、3 之间插入两个空行B.在行号 3 和 4 之间插入两个空行C.在行号 4 和 5 之间插入两个空行D.在行号 3 和 4 之间插入一个空行【答案】A28、当出租车租金价格上涨后,对公共汽车服务的()。A.需求增加B.需求减少C.需求不变D.需求可能增加,也可能减少【答案】A29、关于管理幅度与管理层次的说法,正确的是()。A.管理幅度指的是组织结构的纵向复杂程度B.管理层次与管理幅度在数量上成正比关系C.管理层次的多少代表组织结构的横向复杂程度D.管理幅度与管理层次是相互制约的【答案】D30、资料:Desktop Support for Private Equity Firm in Midt
20、ownA.To update,track and close incident ticketsB.To use an enterprise imaging solutionC.Physical setting up for computersD.Configuring systems and applications【答案】A31、Passage 7A.awaken the conscience of officialsB.guarantee fair play in official accessC.allow for certain kinds of lobbyingD.inspire h
21、opes in average people【答案】B32、There are several_between our new photocopier and our old one:these include an advanced colour facility and a multitask option.A.similarB.similarlyC.similar toD.similarities【答案】D33、I prefer to take a plane rather than_a train.A.tookB.takenC.takesD.take【答案】D34、We all hop
22、e that new economic plan of yours()miracle.A.is workingB.worksC.will be workingD.worked【答案】B35、下列历史事件按时间排序正确的一组是()A.百家争鸣独尊儒术新文化运动B.大泽乡起义太平天国运动安史之乱C.王安石变法商鞅变法戊戌变法D.贞观之治文景之治康乾盛世【答案】A36、票据丧失的补救措施不包括()。A.停止支付B.挂失止付C.公示催告D.提起诉讼【答案】A37、()the wealth of the country increases,more waste will beproduced.A.Wit
23、hB.AsC.ForD.Since【答案】B38、Your suggestion could only make things worse_.A.if anythingB.if everythingC.if nothingD.if something【答案】A39、Because it was too dark at night,I could see _people on thestreet.A.fewB.a fewC.littleD.a little【答案】A40、2020 年 3 月 10 日国家主席习近平专门赴湖北省武汉市考察疫情防控工作。他强调,经过艰苦努力,湖北和武汉疫情防控形势发
24、生积极向好变化,取得阶段性重要成果,但疫情防控任务依然艰巨繁重。越是在这个时候,越是要保持头脑清醒,越是要慎终如始,越是要再接再厉、善作善成,继续把()作为当前头等大事和最重要的工作。A.疫情防控B.疫情监管C.疫情防治D.疫情管理【答案】A41、It was no()that his car was seen near the bank at the timeof the robbery.A.coincidenceB.conventionC.certaintyD.complication【答案】A42、The boy()when he said that he()the eggs()by t
25、he hen inthe closet before he()down to have a rest。A.was lying,had laid,laid,layB.had laid,lay,laid,was lyingC.lay,was lying,lain,layD.laid,lay,lain,lies【答案】A43、下列有关剩余价值的几个说法不正确的一项是()。A.剩余价值不是从流通过程中产生的,而是在劳动力的消费过程即资本主义生产过程中形成的B.超额剩余价值是由于商品的个别价值高于社会价值而产生的那部分剩余价值C.绝对剩余价值生产是在必要劳动时间不变的条件下,由于延长工作日的绝对量所产生
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