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1、财务报告(F7)课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:课程名称:财务报告F7英文名称:Financial Reporting (F7)课程类别:专业课学时:65学分:4适用对象:ACCA学生考核方式:考试先修课程:会计学、财务管理学、管理学、F1-F6等二、课程简介本门课程采用原版教材,按学校要求进行全英教学,其出发点主要在于:原版教 材广泛的题材、翔实的内容、迥然不同的风格,一改传统专业英语的枯燥、乏味,能 够大大提高学生学习英语的兴趣;规范的语言、生动的文字、丰富多样的练习不仅能 帮助学生巩固原有的语言知识,而且还在学生学习掌握专业术语、专业表达方法的同 时传授专业领域的知识,从而提高学生
2、用英语获取专业知识和用英语从事交流的能力。F7 takes your financial reporting knowledge and skills up to the next level. New topics are consolidated financial statements, long-term contracts, biological assets, financial instruments and leases. There is also coverage of creative accounting and the limitations of financial
3、 statements and ratios。三、课程性质与教学目的财务报告(F7)是ACCA考试的主要课程之一,也是ACCA专业学生的必修专 业课程,是会计专业的核心课程。该课程主要介绍了财务报告概念框架、会计具体事 项处理、合并报表及个别报告、财务分析等部分的内容。本课程所涉及内容主要是介绍国际财务会计准则的具体运用。国际会计准则要求报表信息能 够客观公正反企业的经济事务,为投资者及利益相关者提供公允的财务信息,有利于报表使用者 做出正确判断。真实公允的会计信息有利于市场正确评价企业价值,提高社会资源的使用效率,2. Describe and apply the required acco
4、unting treatment of consolidated goodwillExplain why it is necessary to use fair values for the consideration of an investment in a subsidiary together with the fair values of a subsidiary*s identifiable assets and liabilities when preparing consolidated financial statements3. Prepare a consolidated
5、 statement of financial position for a simple group (parent and one subsidiary) dealing with pre and post acquisition profits, non-controlling interests and consolidated goodwillExplain and account for other reserves (eg share premium and revaluation reserves)4. Account for the effects (in the finan
6、cial statements) of intra-group tradingAccount for the effects of fair value adjustments (including their effect on consolidated goodwill) to depreciating and non-depreciating non-current assets; inventory; monetary liabilities and assets and liabilities not included in the subsidiarys own statement
7、 of financial position, including contingent assets and liabilities5. Account for goodwill impairment企业应自觉维护国家利益、社会利益、集体利益,提供会计报表要真实公允,体现 客观公正,遵纪守法、不能粉饰财务报表。(二)教学内容1. IFRS 10: Summary of consolidation procedures2. Non-controlling interests3. Dividends paid by a subsidiary4. IFRS 10: Summary of conso
8、lidation procedures5. Non-controlling interests6. Dividends paid by a subsidiary7. Goodwill arising on consolidation8. Non-controlling interest at fair value9. Intra-group trading编制集团合并资产负债表,整个集团作为一个会计主体,要以真实发生的交易事项 作为编制报表的依据,因此要抵消抵消集团内部交易,对集团的资产负债情况进行如实 表达。践行“社会主义核心价值观”中公正和诚信理念,养成细心、责任、担当等良好 的职业素养和
9、职业道德。(三)思考与实践1 .How to compute goodwill when consolidated financial statements?2 .What entries are made in the workings to record the pre-acquisition profits of a subsidiary?3 .Describe the requirement of IFRS 3 in relation to the revaluation of a subsidiary companys assets to fair value at the acqu
10、isition date.4 .What guidelines are given by IFRS 3 in relation to valuing land and buildings fairly?(四)教学方法与手段本章教学主要采用的方法和手段是传统教学与多媒体教学或者投影相结合。 对合并资产负债表问题,利用多媒体教学手段,采用一些图示进行的教学讲解, 同时也是对学生学习方法和思路进行的提示和指导。本章通过介绍合并企业集团资产负债表的方法,解释将企业集团作为一个会计主体, 其资产、负债与所有者权益的合并过程;介绍合并后的资产负债表对企业资产负债的真 实表达,有利于投资者防患投资风险,促进
11、整体经济的发展。CHAPTER 9 The consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income(一)目的与要求1 . Prepare a consolidated statement of profit or loss and consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for a simple group dealing with an acquisition in the period and non
12、-controlling interest2 .合并损益表要求真实公允反映集团经营成果,如实反映企业的能力与风险。要避免采 用集团间的内部关联交易操纵会计数据。(二)教学内容1. The consolidated statement of profit or loss2. The consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income3. 合并损益表是反映企业集团财务成果的重要报表,是会计信息使用者做出相应决策的 重要信息来源,因此对财务人员的工作提出了更高的标准和更严的要求。报表编制的每 一环节都要做到谨
13、小慎微、精益求精,确保在报告中提供的每一个数据客观公允,真实 可靠,养成踏实认真地工作习惯,保持严肃负责的工作态度。德法兼修,强化敬畏专业之 心、敬畏法律之心,强化法制意识。(三)思考与实践1 . Where does unrealized profit on intra-group trading appear in the statement of profit or loss?2 .What amount should be presented in the consolidated statements of financial position in respect of a sub
14、sidiary which has been sold?(四)教学方法与手段本章教学主要采用的方法和手段是传统教学与多媒体教学或者投影相结合。 对合并损益表问题,利用多媒体教学手段,采用一些图示进行的教学讲解,同时也是对学生学习方法和思路进行的提示和指导。本章通过介绍合并企业集团损益表的方法,解释将企业集团作为一个会计主体,其 收入、费用、利润的合并过程;介绍合并损益表时抵消集团间关联交易的方法和必要性, 避免企业集团采用集团间的关联交易操纵会计数据。CHAPTER 10 Accounting for associate(一)目的与要求1. Define an associate and ex
15、plain the principle and reasoning for the use of equity accountingPrepare consolidated financial statements to include a single subsidiary and an associate2. 重在理解母公司编制合并报表的合并范围,真实公允呈现企业集团财务状况、经营成果。 遵纪守法、诚实守信。(-)教学内容1. Accounting for associates2. The equity method3. Statement of profit or loss and st
16、atement of financial position温故知新,由于母公司编制合并报表的合并范围,要以控制为判断依据,因而联营企 业不能纳入合并报表的合并范围,要严格遵守会计准则规定,避免企业集团采用与联营 企业间的关联交易操纵会计信息。引用案例教导学生要敬畏法律、诚实守信、勇于担当 社会责任。(三)思考与实践How should associates be accounted for in the separate financial statements of the investor?1. What is the effect of the equity method on the
17、consolidated statement of profit or loss and statement of financial position?(四)教学方法与手段本章教学主要采用的方法和手段是传统教学与多媒体教学或者投影相结合。 对联合公司的合并问题,利用多媒体教学手段,采用一些图示进行的教学讲解, 同时也是对学生学习方法和思路进行的提示和指导。本章通过介绍联营企业的特点,以及合并财务报表关于联营企业的处理方法,解释 抵消联营企业间关联交易的方法和必要性,避免企业集团采用联营企业间的关联交易操纵会计报表,提供不真实会计信息。CHAPTER 11 Financial instrume
18、nts(一)目的与要求1. Explain the need for an accounting standard on financial instruments2. Define financial instruments in terms of financial assets and financial liabilities3. Indicate for the following categories of financial instruments how they should be measured and how any gains and losses from subs
19、equent measurement should be treated in the financial statements:Amortised costFair value (including option to elect to present gains and losses on equity instruments in comprehensive income)4. Distinguish between debt and equity capital5. Apply the requirements of relevant accounting standards to t
20、he issue and finance costs of:EquityRedeemable preference shares and debt instruments with no conversion rights (principle of amortised cost)Convertible debt6. 通过金融工具介绍,培养学生风险意识,金融工具的收益和风险是成正比的。资本市 场投资决策的主要信息载体是公司财务报告。作为一名会计从业者,不做假账是底线。(二)教学内容1. Financial instruments2. Presentation of financial inst
21、ruments3. Disclosure of financial instruments4. Recognition and measurement of financial instruments5. 金融工具包括金融资产、金融负债和权益工具。我国资本市场逐步发展壮大,给企业 增加了融资渠道和投资方式,给企业带来巨大机会的同时也带来巨大风险,金融工具的 收益性和风险性成正比。教育学生关注风险承受能力,增强风险意识。财务会计的主要 目标就是为决策者提供所需的财务信息,会计信息不真实等不仅给会计人员带来损失也 会给企业经营及社会资源的配置带来不利影响。朱铭基总理曾题词“不做假账”。(三)思考与
22、实践1 .What is the critical feature used to identify a financial liability?2 .How should compound instruments be classified by the issuer?3 .When should a financial asset be de-recognised?4 .How are financial instruments initially measured?5 .Where should redeemable preference shares appear in the sta
23、tement of financial position?(四)教学方法与手段本章教学主要采用的方法和手段是传统教学与多媒体教学或者投影相结合。 对金融工具问题,利用多媒体教学手段,采用一些图示进行的教学讲解,同时也 是对学生学习方法和思路进行的提示和指导。本章通过介绍各类金融工具,解释运用不当金融工具时给整个金融体系带来 的风险,以及给资本市场带来的危害。金融工具的合理分类与计量,有利于防患 企业与金融系统的风险,为社会经济发展带来更大价值。CHAPTER 12 Leasing(一)目的与要求1. Account for right-of-use assets and lease liabi
24、lities in the records of the lessee.2. Explain the exemption from the recognition criteria for leases in the records of the lessee.3. Account for sale and leaseback agreements.4. 我国新修订的企业会计准则第21号一租赁有效的借鉴IFRS 16,同时又考虑到 了我国的实际情况。除了明确使用权资产仅应采用成本模式进行后续计量外,和国际 新租赁准则基本趋同,体现取其精华去其糟粕。(二)教学内容1. IFRS 162. Les
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- 财务报告F7 财务报告 F7 课程 教学大纲