2023版高三一轮总复习英语外研版教案:选择性必修第2册 Unit 3 Times change!.docx

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1、JICHU ZHISHI SHULIUnit3 Times change!构建知识体系基础知识梳理课标单词背诵(先填后背)1. elderly adj.年老的2. tablet n.平板电脑3 sympathy n.同情4. bunch n. 一群,一伙5 furniture n.家具6 .mjst/?.薄雾,雾霭7 .brick n.砖,砖块8 . saleswoman n.女销售员9.leadership n.领导;领导地位10. organic adj.有机的;绿色的H. jazz/z.爵士乐12. humble adj.简陋的13. reconstruction n.重建;修复14.
2、journalist n.新闻工作者;新闻记者15. era n.时代,年代16. reform n.改进;改革17. alongside prep.(与)一起18. initiative n.建议19. occupation n.工作,职业20. cafeteria n.自助餐厅21. componcnl n.组成局部22. expand v.(使)扩大;增加take. for granted认为是理所当然的语块存储take up a new job从事新的工作take over the job as a manager 接任经理一职take on a new look呈现出崭新面貌take
3、 off on time 正点起飞基础练习单句语法填空You have to learn to take down the key points even though you dont take them in.The village has taken on a new look thanks to the good economic policies from the government.Smartphones not only take 弊 our valuable time, but also do great harm to our health.Don l be taken i
4、n by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.链接写作完成句子他飞快脱下外套,跳进河里去救溺水的孩子。Taking off his coal quickly, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child.7.教材原句After all, how many of us today would rather send a message packed with emojis than make a telephone call?毕竟,今天有多少人宁愿发送一条充满表情符号的信
5、息,也不愿打 呢?句法句式宁愿(1 )would rather do/not do. 宁愿做/不做做 而不愿 做做 而不愿 做would rather do.than do.(2n would do.rather than do. prefer to do.rather than do.would(3)rather +从句.过去时表示对现在或将来的虚拟过去完成时表示对过去的虚拟【金句推送】I would rather watch TV al home than go to the cinema.我宁愿在家看电视而不愿去看电影。基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错Nowadays more and m
6、ore people would rather live(Iive) in the countryside.Jane would rather Tom has visited her last weekend, but he was too busy then. hasfhadf链接写作一句多译许多孩子宁可宅在家里上网也不愿意出去与其他人面对面交流。Many children would stay at home going online rather ihan go ou to communicate with others face to face, (would do. rather t
7、han do.)Many children would ralher slay al home going online than go out lo communicate with others face to face, (would rather do. than do.)Many children prefer lo stay at home going online rather than go out to communicate with others face to face, (prefer to do. rather than do.)关健能力评估GUANJIAN NEN
8、GLI PINGGU强化运用技能夯基固本一基础强化I .用所给词的正确形式填空1. We are convinced(convinee) that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games will be a great success.2. We would rather our daughter stayed(stay) at home with us, but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longer.3. Did you predict how many students would sig
9、n up for the dance competition (compete)?4. They had intended(intend) to go into the country for the day, but were put off by the traffic jams.5. Long-living women are also more likely to be sym,athetic (sympathy) and cooperative than women with a normal life span.II.单句改错1. Only by competing between
10、 each other can we make great progress in our study.between 一 with/against2. In order to convince us to his honesty, he gave us several convincing cases which could make us believe him.第二个 to-*of3. If it is convenient to you, T 11 drop in to your garden tomorrow. 第 二 个 toat4. When Michael Janes took
11、 up the project, things changed completely.uf over5. 一My parents died when I was very small, and I started to make a living by selling newspapers at the age of ten.一I really have much sympathy on you.oil for强技提能语言运用I .语法填空Times change!Over the past decades, the world Lhas uvdergone(undergo) legendar
12、y changes. That era is gone when a bunch of kids read books in a humble bookstore with 2.dusty(dust) shelves.Instead, various libraries are located on the streets of the city, inside which not only books but also stationery and organic food 3.are sold (sell). In the evening, you can still participat
13、e in poetry recitals and even jazz concerts. Those 4.who don* t want to come out can communicate with others on a tablet or a smartphone. 5.With the rapid development of social media, emojis are becoming an integral component of the language we use to express 6.ourselves (we), through which other pe
14、ople can “see your facial expression while 7.reading(read) your words. The 8.intention (intend) of these adaptations is 9.to make (make)the classics more accessible to young readers. Furthermore, emojis have lO.a tendency to pop up all over the world. We are lucky to grow in a new era.II.文本写作Step 1.
15、要点提示(加黑体局部请利用本单元所学词汇)在中国共产党的领导下,中国进行了改革开放,社会主义建设取得了长足 开展。Under rhe leadership of Ihe Communist Party of China, China has carried oul RefcMTn and Opening Up, and socialist construction has made great progress.农村地区实行有机耕作,许多新生事物大量涌现。Organic farming has been practiced in rural areas, and many new things
16、 have popped up.许多富裕起来的农民购买了现代化的家具和设备,如轿车、平板电脑等。Many farmers bought modern furniture and equirment, such as cars, and tablet computers.中国在飞速开展的同时,打算帮助落后的国家和地区。At the same time of rapid development, China has intention of helDing/intends to help backward countries and regions.中国提出的“一带一路”建议惠及沿线国家和地区,也
17、扩大了中国的影响 力。China? s One Belt, One Road initiative has benefited the countries and regions along the route, as well as expanded Chinas influence.正如中国白皮书指出的,中国的开展对世界是机遇而不是威胁和挑战。As has been pointed out in China5 s white paper, Chinas development is an opportunity instead of a threat and challenge to th
18、e world.Step 2.衔接成文(利用适当的过渡衔接词汇连句成篇)Under rhe leadership of (he Communisl Parly of China, China has carried oul Reform and Opening Up, and socialist construction has made greal progress. Organic faiming has been practiced in rural areas, and many new things have DODped up. Under the circumstances, m
19、any farmers bought modem fumiture and equipment, such as cars, and lablel computers. At ihe same time of rapid development、China has intenlion of helping/inlends to help backward counties and regions. Chinas One Belt、One Road, initiative has benefited (he counlries and regions along the route, as we
20、ll as expanded Chinas influence. As has been pointed oul in Chinas while paper, Chinas development is an opportunily instead of a ihreal and challenge lo ihe world.23. emotional adj.情绪(上)的,情感(上)的24. soul n.精神25. facilitate v.促进;使便利26. secondary adj.次要的,第二位的27. comic n.连环漫I田i28. costume n.化装服29. conv
21、incing adj.有说服力的,使人信服的I单词拼写运用|核心单词语境运用1. decade n.十年;十年期2. shelf n.搁板,架子3. solid adj.坚实的4. emphasise v.强调5. category n.类别用所给词的适当形式填空1. . I helped him put up some shelves(shelf) in his bedroom.2. She emphasised(emphasise) that their plan would mean hard work.3. In almost all categories(category) of m
22、usic , there are artists that deliver positive messages through their music.4. The last two decades(decade) have witnessed Macao* s boom and stability on the basis of “One Country , Two System5. Their house, which was solidly(solid) built, resisted the big earthquake last year.派生单词语境运用1. dust n.灰尘f
23、dusty adj.布满灰尘 的2. compete v. 竞争competition 竞用所给词的适当形式填空1. The local villagers were in urgent need of help because of floods, so we urged争;比赛f competitive adj.竞争的;有 竞争性的f competitor竞争者. social adj.社会(上)的-socialist adj.社会主义的f socialism n.社会主 义3. economy n.经济;节约f economic adj.经济(上)的f economical。力.节约 的
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- 2023版高三一轮总复习英语外研版教案:选择性必修第2册Unit 3Times change! 2023 版高三 一轮 复习 英语 外研版 教案 选择性 必修 Unit Times change
