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1、汉译英第六讲第1页,此课件共13页哦1.直译 1)贾母听了,如火上浇油一般,便骂:“是谁做了 棺椁?”This added fuel to the fire of the old lady.”Who ordered coffins?”she screamed.2)趁热好打铁,把剩下的这些岗楼都他妈的一扫而 光。We should strike while the iron is hot.Lets clean out the remaining fortresses in one sweep.第2页,此课件共13页哦3)怎么的,你倒把好心当作驴肝肺!Oho,so you cant tell a
2、mans honest heart from a donkeys liver and lungs?So thats how you take my good advice?4)要想在这个城市里找到她,简直是大海捞针。To find her in this big city would be as difficult as to fish out a needle from an ocean.5)我们必须谨慎,千万不能打草惊蛇。We must take care not to beat the grass and startle the snake.第3页,此课件共13页哦2.意译 1)反正生米
3、做成了熟饭,再生气也没有用。After all,whats done is done(the rice is already cooked),and there is no point keeping on being angry about it.2)谭招弟碰不得吗?你是三头六臂,我也敢碰。Is Tan Chao-ti some sacred being that no one dares to offend?But I dare,even if youre a demigod!(you have three heads and six arms!)第4页,此课件共13页哦3)外国的援助对于
4、灾区人民真是雪中送炭啊。To the people in the devastated areas,the assistance from countries outside China is extremely valuable.(as valuable as charcoal to those caught up in a snowstorm.)4)叫他欣赏艺术,简直是对牛弹琴。Your suggestion that he should learn to appreciate art would fall on deaf ears.(It is useless to tell him t
5、o learn to appreciate art.You would be playing the lute to a cow.)第5页,此课件共13页哦3.套译 1)我只是受了点轻伤,没必要小题大做。I was only slightly injured.There is no need to make a mountain out of a molehill.2)在墙壁上挂幅油画是画蛇添足。It is as unnecessary to hang an oil painting on the wall as to paint the lily.第6页,此课件共13页哦3.要致富没错,但我
6、们不能竭泽而渔。There is nothing wrong with trying to become rich.But we cant kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.第7页,此课件共13页哦 避免死译 1)他们占领这座城市后便过上灯红酒绿的生活。They lived a dissipated and luxurious life after they took the city.They lived a life of red lights and green wine after they took the city.第8页,此课件共1
7、3页哦2.我们要大张旗鼓地号召国人抵制法国商品。We will call on the people to boycott French goods on a large and spectacular scale.We will call on the people to boycott French goods through making a great array of flags and drums.第9页,此课件共13页哦 歇后语的英译 1.保留喻体形象,进行直译 1)没良心的!狗咬吕洞宾,不识好歹。You ungrateful thing!Like the dog that bi
8、t Lu Dongbinyou bite the hand that feeds you.2)他真是哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。He was like the dumb man eating the bitter herb:he had to suffer the bitterness of it in silence.第10页,此课件共13页哦2.保留喻体形象,进行删译 1)我在店里呢,是灯草拐杖,做不得主的。Im afraid youll find me a broken reed.2)他们也是泥菩萨过河,自身难保。They are no more than clay idols swimmi
9、ng across a river.第11页,此课件共13页哦3.舍弃形象,进行意译 1)村民觉得一切似乎都是外甥打灯笼,照舅。The villagers felt themselves back in the old rut.2)我刚来,真是丈二和尚摸不着头脑。Being new here,Im very much in the dark myself.第12页,此课件共13页哦 翻译练习1.红军过大草地,只能八仙过海,各显神通。2.混蛋,你吃的河水,倒管的宽,这是你说话的地 方?1)When the red army moved across the grassland,each soldier had to show his true worth.2)Old bastard,poking your nose into things that dont concern you!Who wants your opinion?第13页,此课件共13页哦