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2、t to o t th he e I In nt to o t th he e d di if ff fe er re en nt t n na at ti io on na al li it ti ie es sd di if ff fe er re en nt t n na at ti io on na al li it ti ie es st th hr ro ou ug gh h t th he e d di if ff fe er re en nt tt th hr ro ou ug gh h t th he e d di if ff fe er re en nt t c cu ul
3、 lt tu ur re ec cu ul lt tu ur re ef fe ee el l t th he e d di if ff fe er re en nt tf fe ee el l t th he e d di if ff fe er re en nt t v vi is su ua al l f fe ea as st tv vi is su ua al l f fe ea as st tTheThe thetheoriginoforiginofHalloweenHalloweenHalloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31.T
4、he Halloween celebration comes from All Hallows Day or All Saints(圣圣 徒徒)Day,the 1st of November.This was originally(最最初初的的)a pagan(异异教教)festival of the dead,but later became a holiday to honor Christian(基督教基督教)saints.Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year.It means“holy ev
5、ening(神神圣圣的的夜夜晚晚)and it comes every October 31,the evening before All Saints Day.However,it is not really a church holiday,it is a holiday for children mainly.TheThe thethenamename ofHalloweenofHalloweenThe name Halloween comes from a contraction of All Hallows Eve(Evening),the day before All Hallow
6、s Day.On this night it was believed that the spirits of the dead would try to come back to life!HalloweenHalloween这个词来自于这个词来自于All Hallows Eve(All Hallows Eve(夜夜晚晚),All Hallows EveAll Hallows Eve是是All Hallows DayAll Hallows Day前前一天的缩写。人们认为在当天晚上,亡者的灵一天的缩写。人们认为在当天晚上,亡者的灵魂会重新复活!魂会重新复活!Traditions of Hall
7、oweenMany of the traditions associated with Halloween can be traced back to the ancient festivals of Samhain and Hallowmas.Traditions include costuming,trick-or-treating,bobbing for apples,pumpkin carving,and the lighting of bonfires.许多许多许多许多关于万圣节习俗关于万圣节习俗关于万圣节习俗关于万圣节习俗,包括变装打扮,不捣蛋就给糖的游,包括变装打扮,不捣蛋就给糖
9、ost tours(鬼之旅)(鬼之旅)Costume parties(化装舞会)(化装舞会)Carving Jack-o-lanterns(雕刻南瓜灯)(雕刻南瓜灯)DressingupincostumesCostumes were worn by the Celts for Samhain and the Christians for All Hallows Eve as a disguise to confuse and/or scare away the spirits ghosts they believed were freely roaming the Earth from pos
10、sessing their souls.过去过去过去过去,变装打扮是为了让鬼魂们搞不清楚,免得惹祸上身。,变装打扮是为了让鬼魂们搞不清楚,免得惹祸上身。,变装打扮是为了让鬼魂们搞不清楚,免得惹祸上身。,变装打扮是为了让鬼魂们搞不清楚,免得惹祸上身。DressingupincostumesToday,although we no longer believe that spirits are flying freely,modernized costumes are worn at Halloween by children going trick-or-treating and by adul
11、ts seeking fun and amusement.现在现在现在现在,虽然人们不再相信鬼魂们会在阳间跑来跑去,但是,虽然人们不再相信鬼魂们会在阳间跑来跑去,但是,虽然人们不再相信鬼魂们会在阳间跑来跑去,但是,虽然人们不再相信鬼魂们会在阳间跑来跑去,但是小孩子还是会装扮自己到处玩不给糖就捣蛋的游戏小孩子还是会装扮自己到处玩不给糖就捣蛋的游戏小孩子还是会装扮自己到处玩不给糖就捣蛋的游戏小孩子还是会装扮自己到处玩不给糖就捣蛋的游戏而大而大而大而大人则是觉得装扮自己有趣又好玩。人则是觉得装扮自己有趣又好玩。人则是觉得装扮自己有趣又好玩。人则是觉得装扮自己有趣又好玩。Trick or Treatp
12、The modern day custom of Trick-or-Treating originated from the very old custom of“Going-a-souling”or begging for soul cakes.pSoul cakes were baked goods offered to souls of the departed.不给糖就捣蛋的游戏起源于要灵魂饼干的习俗,所谓的灵魂饼干就是将烤好的饼干祭祀过世的人。Trick or TreatpThe Christian Church encouraged the practice of the need
13、y going from home to home gathering food(Going-a-souling)at Harvest time.Prayers for the recently deceased from the needy were exchanged with the giving family.后来,基督教会鼓励贫穷的人在收获的季节里挨家挨户地乞求食物,若是得到食物,这些穷人就会帮这家庭中过世的人祈祷以谢谢他们。FOODSFOODSFOODS Because the holiday comes in the wake of the annual apple harves
14、t,candy apples(also known as toffee or taffy apples)are a common Halloween treat made by rolling whole apples in a sticky sugar syrup,and sometimes rolling them in nuts.Candy apples were commonly given to children.而穷人们对那些吝啬不给食物的人通常会以恶作剧来惩罚他们,或是诅咒他们下一年都会厄运缠身。大部分人都认为不给糖就捣蛋是起源于恶作剧之夜和要灵魂饼干要灵魂饼干 (going-a
15、-souling)的习俗。Those not offering goods were usually punished with a trick on Halloween night or hexed with misfortune for the next year.The term“trick-or-treat”is thought to have first originated in Britain where Halloween was known as“Mischief Night”and the practice of“going-a-souling”was common.要灵魂
16、饼干要灵魂饼干 Jack-o-lantern A jack-o-lantern(sometimes also spelled Jack OLantern)is typically a carved pumpkin.ThetraditionoftheJackoLaThetraditionoftheJackoLanternnternThe tradition of the Jack o Lantern comes from a folktale about a man named Jack who tricked the devil and had to wander the Earth with
17、 a lantern.TheJackoLanternismadebyplacingacandleinsideahollowed-outpumpkin,whichiscarvedtolooklikeaface.JackoLantern的传统来自于的传统来自于一个民间传说。一个名叫一个民间传说。一个名叫Jack的人戏弄了恶魔,之后就不得的人戏弄了恶魔,之后就不得不提着一盏灯在地球上不提着一盏灯在地球上流浪。流浪。JackoLantern是用雕刻成脸型,是用雕刻成脸型,中间中间挖空,再插上蜡烛的南瓜挖空,再插上蜡烛的南瓜做成的。做成的。How to make a Jack-o-lanternn ST
18、EP 1:Cut off the top of the pumpkin.STEP 2:Scoop out the inside of the pumpkin.STEP 3:Carve the pumpkin with knifeSTEP 4:Put an candle in the pumpkinSee how other people make a Jack-o-lanternSymbols of HalloweenModern day Halloween celebrations use many symbols to help make the holiday more festiveS
19、ome of these include现代人用许多东西来庆祝万圣节,让这个节日变得更有趣。你知道是哪些东西吗?Because bats only fly at night and live in tombs,caves,and abandoned churches and buildings,they are believed to be omens of evil.They are commonly associated with witches and vampires.It is superstition that witches and vampires can take the f
20、orm of a bat.Since the vampire bat is the only mammal that feeds on blood,they are often linked to death and occult rituals.BATS蝙蝠是其中一项,因为蝙蝠只住在坟墓,洞穴和废弃的教堂或建筑物中,又因为蝙蝠常令人联想到女巫或吸血鬼,因此他们被视为邪恶的象征。在传说中,女巫和吸血鬼可以化身成蝙蝠,又因为吸血蝙蝠是唯一一种饮血维生的哺乳类动物,因此蝙蝠常让人联想到死亡或邪恶的仪式。BroomsticksWitches and broomsticks go hand in ha
21、nd.They have been associated for centuries.Often,witches are depicted riding them across the night sky with a black cat on one end.It is believed that because Halloween occurred during therainy season,women used theirbroomsticks to vault over largepuddles and to sweep water outof their paths while w
22、alking.Thus,the two became associated.女巫和扫把形影不离已有几世纪之久,通常女巫会骑着扫把在夜晚飞行,而她们的同伴黑猫会坐在扫把的另一端陪着她们飞行会什么女巫会和扫把形影不离呢?因为在万圣节那天,通常会下着雨,而女巫们需要用扫把扫掉地上的大水坑,或地上的积水以便行走。WITCHESWitches were thought to be tellers of fortune and to cast spells,both good and bad.This frightened many because it was believed that these p
23、owers were strongest on Halloween night.The image of a witch has greatly changed over the centuries.Once thought of as old,wrinkled,green skinned hags,many people associate witchcraft to either evil or as being wise.女巫因为会算命又会下好咒语和坏咒语,人们相信女巫们的能力在10月31日这天会最强,所以让很多人很害怕她们。几世纪以来,女巫的形象改变许多,以前人们认为,女巫都是绿皮肤,
24、长的很老,脸上布满皱纹。现在则很多人认为女巫的能力可以是邪恶或具有智慧的。OWLSSuperstitions suggest thatowls ate the souls of the dying by swooping to Earth.Owls screeches and their glassy stare are an omen ofdeath and disaster.The owl is rarely seen duringthe day and is associated withnight behaviors.传说中,猫头鹰会从天空俯冲下来吃掉人的灵魂。猫头鹰的叫声和眼神让人联
25、想到死亡和灾难。再者,猫头鹰很少在白天出现,也都让人不得不认为他们是属于黑暗和恐怖。BLACK CATSCats,for centuries,have been considered to be spiritual animals that have the ability to sense good and bad spirits.Western superstitions detail that black cats are able to represent spirits or incarnated humans,thereby linking them to witchcraft.B
26、lack is also the color most commonly associated with evil.从几世纪前,人们就认为猫是一种有灵性的动物,它们能感应到好或坏的灵魂。西方的传说里,有一种说法,黑猫是灵魂的化身。此外,黑色也是邪恶象征。Ghosts&SkeletonsGhosts are universal symbols for the departed.Skeletons and bones are symbols of death and shortness of life.Since Halloweens origins lie as the festival of
27、the dead,it seems only fitting that ghosts and skeletons would be used.鬼魂是公认的死亡象征骷髅象征死亡和短暂的生命。既然万圣节一开始就是一个鬼节,当然鬼魂和骷髅就理所当然成了万圣节必见的东西。Spiders&WebsWhile many cultures feel that the spider and web represent the weaving of life,in reference to Halloween,they represent dark,spooky places and haunted houses long forgotten.很多文化都视蜘蛛和蜘蛛网为编织生命的象征,但在万圣节,他们却象征着黑暗,恐怖的地方或长久被遗忘的鬼屋。Other SymbolsOther symbols related to Halloween include the colors black and orange,scarecrows,the moon,vampires,werewolves,and the wearing of masks.其它还包括了黑色和橘色,乌鸦,月亮,吸血鬼,狼人和面具。ThankyouforwatchThankyouforwatch