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1、现代基础教育研究第 3 卷,2011 年 9 月(Research of Modern Basic Education)Vol3,Sept 2011中学英语写作教学案例分析高长洪(上海市复兴高级中学,上海 200434)摘要:如何解决中学生英语写作的难点问题?众说纷纭。文章针对常见问题,即如何辨别不同的问题、文章的结构和句式的优化,加以探讨。通过框架设计、短语和句型的运用、语义的连贯等方面指导。学生可以在考试的优先时间内写出较满意的英语作文。关键词:中学英语写作;教学;文体;结构;句式作者简介:高长洪(1959-),男,辽宁沈阳人,上海市复兴高级中学一级教师,主要从事中学英语教学研究。引言由于
2、上海市高考英语试题中有写作的要求,且分数不低,为 25 分,所以学生在备考时,对这一部分较为重视。在学习的过程中,学生们此感到困惑。例如,有无捷径能速成,由此产生的模板作文练习法即为一例。还有语言材料如何优化,文体结构的总结,归类等,都是学生们经常问到的问题。如何解决学生们的这些难处?有的人认为通过多写多练,熟能生巧,即可达到一定的效果,即所谓“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”。也有人认为应加以规范引导,在具体问题的认知,作文结构的铺陈、以及句式的变化、遣词造句等方面加以正确的引导,再加上教师精心评讲,有时甚至面批,教学效果会好一些。正所谓仁者见仁,智者见智。本文将对高中英语写作教学中学生常问
3、的几个问题,即如何辨别不同的文体、文章的结构和句式的优化,加以探讨。一、审题,确定文体在教学过程中,我们常会遇到学生写作跑题的现象。这就要求学生仔细阅读要求,提示的文字一定要仔细推敲。图片则必须和题目内容统一结合起来考虑,决定以什么文体完成作文。常用的文体有记叙文、说明文、应用文和看图作文等。以 2006 年上海高考英语作文为例:下表提供了你所心仪的南、北两所大学的招生信息。通过比较作出选择,并结合个人情况说明理由。表 1南、北两所大学招生信息的对比南方大学北方大学学费8000 元/年5000 元/年招生人数20 人10 人优惠政策无加 20 分这是一篇比较对照的作文。目的是考核学生的综合写作
4、能力,即学生不仅要描写图表里的内容,还需结合自己的个人情况说明理由。学生可以写成三部分:图表描写,比较选择,说明理由。在审题时,要注意如下几点;1.图表内容不要遗漏。可使用分项比较法(point by point)或整体比371较法(subject to subject)。2 重视写作内容要点提示。结合个人情况说明理由,这是学生可以展示发挥自己语言优势的地方。3 把握好图表描述和说明理由的比例。图表描写部分不用太多的篇幅。学生在完成这篇作文时,会存在图表描写过多、说明理由偏少的问题。导致文章读起来干巴巴,学生无法发挥出正常的水平。而且有些词汇也影响学生的正常发挥,如学费、招生人数、优惠政策、加
5、分。二、建立文章结构在明确主题和确定文体以后,我们要做的是建立文章结构。先决定几个段落展开的逻辑顺序,再根据作文题目要求中的提示,列出简要的提纲。英语高考写作是 Guided writing,因此,作文题目中有中文提示。这些提示,说明了文章的内容和范围;所提供的图片、图表和文字可以作为我们构思文章结构的依据。2006 年的这篇高考作文,在文章结构方面,还需要学生了解以下三点:1.比较是指两个或以上的事物相同点,而对照则强调其不同之处。2.在此类文体的写作结构方面,有三种表达方式。一种是分项比较法(point by point organiza-tion)。一种是整体比较法(subject by
6、 subject or-ganization)。第三种是混合表达法(organizationby similarities and differences)。以下的三篇例文分别表现了不同的结构,可供学生认知。Sample 1Both President Lincoln and President Kennedywere attacked suddenly by an assassin on a Friday,and each in the presence of his wife Each man wasshot in the head,in like manner,crowds of peo
7、plewatched the shooting Lincoln s secretary,namedKennedy,had advised him not to go to the theatrewhere the attack occurred Similarly,Kennedy ssecretary,named Lincoln,had advised him not to goto Dallas where the attack occurredSample 2The game of football was derived from theBritish game of rugby,alt
8、hough the sports differquite a bit today Football is a contact sport playedwith an egg shaped ball It involves running,kic-king,passing,and tackling The aim in football isto move the ball across the opponent s goal lineLikewise,the aim of rugby,is to move the ballacross the goal line of the opponent
9、 And rugby,too,is a contact sport involving running,kicking,passing and tacklingSample 3Although modern dance and ballet have some-thing in common,they are really quite differentdance forms The ballet dancer and the modern dan-cer both wish to entertain an audience Also,mod-ern dance and ballet are
10、alike because in both artsthe dancers move in steps planned by a dance desig-ner On the other hand,the dance forms differgreatly in important ways Ballet requires a courtlybearing,while modern dance makes use of more nat-ural body position In ballet the stress is on follow-ing a tradition Modern dan
11、ce,however,lays stresson the originality of the individual3.通过对上述三篇例文的分析,我们可以总结出,以下这些单词短语常用于比较对照文体中:比较:and,both,in the same way,just like,likewise,similar,similarly,the same,the same as,in common etc对照:but,by contrast,on the contrary,con-trary to,nevertheless,however,on the otherhand,unlike,whereas,
12、while,etc以下这些句型常用于比较对照文体中:比较:A is like B in many waysA is similar to B in many aspectsA is the same as B in many respectsA and B have much in commonA and B are alike/similar/equally complex对照:A differs from B in many partsA and B differ with each other in many re-spectsA is different from B in many
13、partsA and B vary in many aspects471第 3 卷现代基础教育研究(Research of Modern Basic Education)2011 年 9 月There are a lot of differences between A and BUnlike B,A enjoys 深入浅出,层层递进,通过这三点的讲解,学生能够从整篇文章的结构上把握适用哪些文体、表达手法和基本句型。三、句式的多样性及优化在确定了文体,建立了文章的结构之后,学生们要考虑到文章不应该是由一个个孤立的句子组成,而应该以段落为主体表达意思,即句子之间语义是否流畅。如果句子读起来别扭,
14、问题可能出在意思的表达流畅性方面。有时句子之间意义连贯了,可是仍然读起来不流畅,这是因为句型太单一。因此,要避免中间没有停顿,缺少连接词的一系列单句的出现。比如,我们可以通过在句子中加一个“however”或“furthermore”之类的词来打破这种句式的单调,例如:“The storm,however,was not expected to end the draught”我们还可以有更多的方法,来合并单句以及优化句子。下面我们简单介绍几种方法。1.使用连接词,例如:and,both,or,bothand,eitheror,neithernor,whetheror,notonlybut a
15、lso,sothatShe was tired of waiting and worryingBoth students and teachers are faced with thepressure of examsSuch reporting has become so risky that fewknowledgeable journalists volunteer to undertake it2.使用从句来连接两个单句。when,where,because,although,unless,时间:The earthquake struck,and then every-one pani
16、ckedEveryonepanickedwhentheearthquakestruck让步 He claimed to despise Vermont He wentthere every summerAlthough he claimed to despise Vermont,hewent there every summer原因:She was terrified of large groups,and de-bating was not for herBecause she was terrified large groups,she de-cided against being a d
17、ebater条件:She probably won t be able to afford awaterbed The market prices are too highUnless she can get a discount,she probablywon t be able to afford a waterbed3.ing 形式The president serves a four year term Hemust seek reelection when it is overAfter serving a four year term,the presidentmust seek
18、reelectionSome experts favor a six year term of officeThey say that reelection causes too many pressuresLong term problems get neglected These problemsare both domestic and foreignSome experts,maintaining that both domesticand foreign problems get neglected in the rush of re-election,favor a six yea
19、r term of office以上的四个单句,不仅把几个单句转换为一个句子,而且分出轻重,通过这几种方法把关键部分放在强调的位置。4.短文练习:Examinations encourage bad study habits Theexamination score is the only criterion for his aca-demic performance A student is driven to memorizemechanically He doesn t think creatively Exami-nations do not motivate a student to
20、 seek moreknowledge and they do not enable him to study con-sistently throughout the semesterExaminations lower the standards of teachingTeachers themselves are often judged by examinationresults They are reduced to training their studentsin exam techniques No subjects can be taught suc-cessfully me
21、rely through preparing students to takeexams经过指导,修改后:The most undesirable effect is that examinationsencourage bad study habitsAs the examinationscore is the only criterion for his academic perform-ance,a student is driven to memorize mechanicallyrather than think creatively Neither do examinationsm
22、otivate a student to seek more knowledge nor dothey enable him to study consistently throughout the571高长洪:中学英语写作教学案例分析semesterExaminations also lower the standards of teach-ing Often judged by examination results,teachersthemselves are reduced to training their students inexam techniquesAnd no subje
23、cts can be taughtsuccessfully merely through preparing students totake exams通过修改过的短文,我们可以看出,可以使用多种方式把两个单句合并成一个句子。如第一段的第一句,改为含有表语从句的主从复合句,第二句不仅含有一个“as”引导的从句,而且还有一个“rather than”的并列平行结构,第三句是“neithernor”的并列句和倒装句。第二段的第二句改为分词短语加主句的结构。经过这样的修改,可以使得句型多样化,文章更生动。四、结论中学生在高考写作时会遇到审题不清、文体不分、文章结构单一、句型变化不够等问题。由于每篇作
24、文都是独特的,这就要求学生们根据提示,同时不能忽视对图片和图表的分析,据此确定文章的主题、内容和范围。只有理解了题目的要求,才能不偏题,对常用的文体,可以通过阅读范文,对学生们加以指导,从而熟悉不同的文体表达方式。要求学生们避免套用相同的套路,把议论文中的三段式以及“firstly,secondly,thirdly”等词不分场合地到处用。高考时,由于时间的关系,大部分学生不可能从容地打草稿。这就需要在平时的课堂训练时,要求学生们限时,列出提纲,写出要用的关键词和短语,建立起文章的框架结构。对基本的句子结构和话语连接词(discourse mark-ers)分类训练,使学生熟练掌握。这样,学生们
25、就会逐渐做到高考手册中提出的“根据题意,正确、连贯、贴切地进行书面表达”的要求,写出一篇主题明确、结构清晰、语言流畅、句式优美的作文。参考文献:1Michael Swan Practical English UsageM Oxford UniversityPress,1995 2Michael Hennessy The Random House practice bookMSouthwest Texas State University,1992 3Frederick Crews The Random House Handbook M Universi-ty of California,Ber
26、keley,1992 4蔡基刚 大学英语写作常用句型 M 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1996Analysis the Case of High School English Writing TeachingGAO Changhong(Shanghai Fu xing high school,Shanghai,200434)Abstract:How to solve the difficult problems of middle school studentsEnglish writing?Public opinions are divergent Ai-ming at the common
27、problem,namely how to distinguish different article style,and optimize the article s structure and sentenceThe article tries to discuss Through the guidance of the framework design,the use of phrases and sentences and semantic co-herence Students can write a better English article in the examination of the limited timeKey words:high school English writing,Teaching,Article style,Structure,Sentence pattern671第 3 卷现代基础教育研究(Research of Modern Basic Education)2011 年 9 月