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1、Model NOx emissions by least squares support vector machine withtuning based on ameliorated teachinglearning-based optimizationGuoqiang Lia,b,Peifeng Niua,b,Weiping Zhanga,b,Yongchao Liua,baKey Lab of Industrial Computer Control Engineering of Hebei Province,Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao 066004,Chi
2、nabNational Engineering Research Center for Equipment and Technology of Cold Strip Rolling,Qinhuangdao 066004,Chinaa b s t r a c ta r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 14 November 2012Received in revised form 19 April 2013Accepted 24 April 2013Available online 2 May 2013Keywords:Teachinglearn
3、ing-based optimizationLeast squares support vector machineNOx emissionsCoal-fired boilerThe teachinglearning-based optimization(TLBO)is a new efficient optimization algorithm.To improve thesolution quality and to quicken the convergence speed and running time of TLBO,this paper proposes anameliorate
4、d TLBO called A-TLBO and test it by classical numerical function optimizations.Compared withother several optimization methods,A-TLBO shows better search performance.In addition,the A-TLBO isadopted to adjust the hyper-parameters of least squares support vector machine(LS-SVM)in order tobuild NOx em
5、issions model of a 330MW coal-fired boiler and obtain a well-generalized model.Experimentalresults show that the tuned LS-SVM model by A-TLBO has well regression precision and generalizationability.2013 Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionWith the increase of energy consumption worldwide
6、and im-proved awareness of environmental protection,boiler combustionoptimization problem of power plants attracts the attention of techni-cal staffs and managers.The boiler combustion optimization technol-ogy is used to ensure boiler efficiency,and simultaneously to reducepollutant emissions,where
7、the NOx emissions are the main compo-nents.So the core task is to cut down NOx emissions.However,thefirst work of controlling NOx emissions is to set up a high precisionprediction model.So building an accurate system model is very im-portant for monitoring and optimizing the operations of powerplant
8、s.In the past ten years,many research works on how to modeland forecast the NOx emissions of high capacity coal-fired boilershave been published 15.However,the traditional statistical analy-sis and forecasting methods are always based on large sample data,and many of the prediction methods,such as a
9、rtificial neural net-works,have theoretical assurance all just under a large sample.Dueto various limits in actual circumstances,it is very difficult to gatherlarge sample data.For this problem,the least squares support vectormachine(LS-SVM)6,which is suited for small sample data,isadopted to model
10、and predict NOx emissions.The LS-SVM is a reformulation to the standard support vector ma-chine(SVM)79,which simplifies the standard SVM model in agreat extent by applyinglinear least squares criteria to the loss functionto replace traditional quadratic programming method.The simplicityand inherited
11、 advantages of SVM such as excellent generalization abili-ty and a unique solution promote the application of LS-SVM in manypattern recognition and regression problems.The regressionaccuracyand generalization abilityof LS-SVMare ex-tremely dependent on two hyper-parameters:the regularization pa-rame
12、ter and the kernel parameter 2.So choosing appropriatehyper-parameters is very important for obtaining excellent generaliza-tion ability.Parameter choosing of the LS-SVM model could be thoughtas an essential optimization task.This calls for the use of advancedmeta-heuristic approaches,such as evolut
13、ionary or population-basedmethods.The teachinglearning-based optimization algorithm 10,11 is anew and efficient meta-heuristic optimization method based on thephilosophy of teaching and learning,which is proposed by Rao et al.Like other population-based optimization techniques such as particleswarm
14、optimization(PSO)12,evolutionary optimization(DE)13,14,artificial bee colony(ABC)1519,Gravitational Search Algo-rithm(GSA)20,and Coupled Simulated Annealing(CSA)21,theTLBOisalsoapopulation-basedoptimizationmethodandadoptsapop-ulationofsolutionstoproceedtotheglobalsolution.Insomeresearches2224,the pe
15、rformance of TLBO has already been compared withother search optimization techniques such as genetic algorithm(GA)25,26,Bee algorithm(BA)27,and grenade explosion method(GEM)28.In addition,the TLBO has been applied to some complexcomputational problems,such as data clustering,mechanical design,electr
16、ochemicaldischargemachining,anddesignofplanarsteelframes.In this paper,in order to improve the solution quality and toquicken the convergence speed of TLBO,an ameliorated teachinglearning-based optimization algorithm called A-TLBO is proposed.InChemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 126(201
17、3)1120 Correspondingauthorat:KeyLabofIndustrialComputerControlEngineeringofHebeiProvince,Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao 066004,China.Tel.:+86 13230355970;fax:+86 335 8072979.E-mail address:(P.Niu).0169-7439/$see front matter 2013 Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.http:/
18、013.04.012Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectChemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systemsjournal homepage: are three major differences:the greedy selection mech-anism is not adopted but the elitist strategy,an inertia weight func-tion and an acceleration coefficient function are in
19、troduced toquicken the processes of Teaching and Learning.In order to testthe validity of the proposed method,it is adopted to optimize manyclassical numerical optimization functions and compared with othermethods.Experiment results show that the A-TLBO could find bettersolutions and have much faste
20、r convergence speed.In addition,theA-TLBO is also used to adjust two hyper-parameters of LS-SVM inorder to obtain a well-generalized model of NOx emissions for a330MW coal-fired boiler.Results show that the tuned LS-SVMmodel by A-TLBO has well regression precision and generalizationability.The rest
21、of the paper is arranged as follows.In the next section,abrief literature review is presented.The ameliorated teachinglearning-based optimization is proposed in Section 3.In Section 4,the A-TLBO is applied to optimize some classical numerical optimiza-tion functions and compared with GSA,ABC and TLB
22、O.In Section 5,the A-TLBO is employed to adjust the hyper-parameters of LS-SVMto model NOx emissions of a 330MW coal-fired boiler.Finally,Section 6 concludes the paper.2.Review of related works2.1.Teachinglearning-based optimizationThe teachinglearning-based optimization(TLBO)algorithm pro-posed by
23、Rao is inspired by the effect of the influence of a teacheron the output of learners in a class.In TLBO,there are two vital com-ponents,Teacher phase and Learner phase,which indicate two dif-ferent learning modes.2.1.1.Teacher phaseIn this phase,Learners learn from a teacher,who is considered asthe
24、most knowledgeable person in the society and would bringlearners up to his or her level in terms of knowledge.That is to say,the teacher would put effort to move the mean of a class up to hisor her level depending on his or her ability.Suppose,in the ith itera-tion,Miis the mean of marks obtained by
25、 learners in a class,and Tiisthe mark of the teacher.And the best learner could be mimicked asthe teacher,namely:Ti Xmin f X:1The teacher would put effort to move the mean value Mitowardsitself.Namely,the new mean Mnewwill be Ti.The learners would learn and update their knowledge according tothe fol
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- TLBO 优化 最小 支持 向量 参数 LSSVM