《2023年老师生气了作文400字.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年老师生气了作文400字.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2023年老师生气了作文400字 Today, we are whole the fellow student of the class is very happy, because today the course that we like most is after Chinese class - IT class. 今日,我们整个班的同学都很高兴,因为今日语文课后就是我们最喜爱的课信息技术课。 I wish a day very happy, can be good times dont last long. Phut , all along simpatico Mr. Yang pus
2、hed the door of the classroom, be on dais quarrelsomely. He is red neck and face resemble the lion that is angry directly, appearance is very terrible. He is worn with ferocious eyes fling we, want it seems that one swallows us general. There is our composition in his hand, suddenly he swings the co
3、mposition heavily in originally tell on the desk, big growl: This is your classic! Each big unreasonable. his pick up is breaking up among them to at the same time at the same time: Composition really too unreasonable, the word is written east, on the west very illegible still. Go down to be returne
4、d so according to you. The classmate of absquatulate loves on classroom especially. Wu Juan, piece Zuo , your word is written a bit bigger, the station stood not to rise, still if each is small,ant is being made climb to climb on text. Still have what you brush a few times that with saliva, besmear
5、with alter fluid, too dirty. stopped a little while, he says again: Classmates ah! Of teacher work laboriously, on blackboard each shipshape write down, be copied so that resemble be being collected in cesspit by you those who come out is same. Be copied so that resemble be being collected in cesspi
6、t by you those who come out is same. 但愿一天都很快乐,可是好景不长。“砰的一声,一向和气可亲的杨老师一把推开了教室的门,怒气冲冲地走上讲台。他红着脖子和脸像一头发怒的狮子,样子十分可怕。他用恶狠狠的眼神扫视着我们,好像要一口一个吞掉我们一般。他手里捏着我们的作文,突然他把作文本重重的甩在讲桌上,大吼道:“这就是你们的杰作!一个个的大不像话了。他捡起其中的一本一边翻着一边道:作文吧“真是太不像话了,字写得东一个,西一个还很潦草。照你们这样下去还得了。特殊是课堂上爱开小差的同学。吴娟、张雲,你们字写大一点,站都站不起来了,犹如一个个小蚂蚁在作文本上爬来爬去。还
7、有你们那几个用口水擦的,用涂改液涂的,太脏了。停了一会儿,他又说:“同学们啊!老师辛辛苦苦的,黑板上每一个都整整齐齐的写下来,被你们抄得像在垃圾坑里捡出来的一样。 The teacher is so angry, classmates are abashed low first. Finished class, looked at Chinese teacher to walk out of a classroom crestfallenly, because have IT class,classmates are done not have and feel glad, perhaps everybody understood with me: The teacher gets angry even if we are sneaking. 老师这么生气,同学们都惭愧的低下了头。下课了,看着语文老师垂头丧气的走出了教室,同学们没有因为有信息技术课而感到高兴,或许大家都和我一样明白了:老师生气就是我们不争气。(文/吴娟)