《2023年节约粮食的英语名言.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年节约粮食的英语名言.docx(9页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2023年节约粮食的英语名言 1、精打细算半年粮。 Grain calculations in six months. 2、盘中粒粒皆辛苦! Dish in each grain is hard! 3、一粥一饭汗珠换。 A porridge one meal sweat for. 4、不当家不知柴米贵。 Dont take charge of daily expensive. 5、粮食是血汗换来的! Food is a hard-earned! 6、粗茶淡饭,细水长流。 On bread and water out. 7、饱食终日,粒粒可馨。 Abnormally and grains kex
2、in. 8、好处安身,苦处用钱。 Good place, suffering with money. 9、疼惜粮食,节省粮食。 Treasure grain, saving food. 10、疼惜粮食,从我做起! Treasure grain, starts from me! 11、惜衣有衣,惜食有食。 Precious little clothing clothing, precious little to eat food. 12、细水长流,遇灾不愁。 A break, wrecked not sorrow. 13、节省粮食,造福人类。 Save food, for the benefit
3、 of humanity. 14、疼惜粮食,从娃娃抓起! Treasure grain, grab from baby! 15、疼惜粮食就是疼惜生命! Treasure grain is to cherish life! 16、家有万石粮,挥堆不长。 Home has mangoku grain, swing heap is not long. 17、浪费粮食是最大的犯罪! Waste of food is the biggest crime! 18、日储一勺米,千日一石粮。 A spoonful of rice storage, one thousand days a stone grain
4、. 19、省下烟酒钱,急难免求人。 Alcohol, tobacco, savings, unavoidably ask for. 20、黄金本无种,出自勤俭家。 There is no kind of gold, from the industry and thrift. 21、粮食打进仓,莫忘灾和荒。 Food into the storehouse, mo forget and drought disasters. 22、惜衣有衣穿,惜饭有饭吃。 Precious little garment clothing, precious little rice with rice to eat
5、. 23、生命诚珍贵,粮食价更高! Life honest valuable, the grain price is higher! 24、省吃餐餐有,省穿日日新。 Province to eat it, wear it new. 25、饱时省一口,饿时得一斗。 A full province, hungry in a bucket. 26、请记住:粮食来得不简单! Please remember: food is not easy! 27、盘内一分钟,厨内更多功。 (a minute, more work in the kitchen. 28、年年有储存,荒年不荒人。 Every year
6、there are stored, lean years no shortage. 29、丰收万石,也要粗茶淡饭。 Harvest mangoku, also want to simple fare. 30、谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。 Behold dishes, each all pain. 31、粮再多,野菜也要备几锅。 Food, more vegetables also want to prepare a few POTS. 32、粮收万石,也要粗茶淡饭。 Grain mangoku, also want to simple fare. 33、嘴是无底洞。大吃胜过小赌。 The mout
7、h is bottomless. Eat more than small bet. 34、粮食就是生命,学问挽救灵魂。 Food is life, the knowledge to save souls. 35、有荒节省度荒,天荒节省备荒。 Save fat have waste saving DuHuang, days drought. 36、食不净则多病,食不尽则多蝇。 Food no net, sick, not more flies. 37、世界是我们的,粮食是世界的! The world is our, food is one of the world! 38、节省粮食荣耀,浪费粮食
8、可耻。 Save food glorious, shame on waste food. 39、树立节粮意识,珍惜劳动成果。 Set up the ideas of grain and cherish the work achievement. 40、倒下的是剩饭,流走的是血汗。 The fallen leftovers, outflow is sweat. 41、家有万担,不脱补衣,不丢剩饭。 Home has all bear, not to take off clothes, dont throw the leftovers. 42、节粮从我做起,建设节省型社会。 Grain start
9、s from me and build a conservation-minded society. 43、节省粮食给将来生活多一点机会! Save food for the future life a little more opportunity! 44、粒米虽小君莫扔,勤俭节省留美名。 Grain of rice is jun mo throwing, frugality to stay. 45、论吃还是家常饭,论穿还是粗布衣。 Eat or home-cooked meals, theory wearing sackcloth. 46、一两煤,一块炭,积少成多煮熟饭。 One or t
10、wo coal, a piece of charcoal, many a mickle makes a muckle cooked rice. 47、身后有余忘缩手,眼前无路想回头。 Left behind more decided, at present there is no way to turn back. 48、一粒米,千滴汗,粒粒粮食汗珠换。 A grain of rice, thousand drops of sweat, grain by grain sweat change. 49、大吃大喝顾眼前,省吃俭用度灾荒。 Pig out of sight, saving famin
11、e. 50、吃饭不忘农人苦,穿衣不忘工人忙。 Eat bitter, dont forget the farmer dress does not forget the workers busy. 51、一粒米,一滴汗,粒粒粮食汗珠换。 A grain of rice, a drop of sweat, grain by grain sweat change. 52、粒米虽小犹不易,莫把辛苦当儿戏。 A small grain of rice of not easy, dont play hard. 53、出门走路看风向,穿衣吃饭量家产。 Go out to walk the wind dire
12、ction, dress for dinner possessions. 54、谁爱风流高风格,共怜时世俭梳妆。 Who love romantic style, high total flow times waste dressing. 55、一斤粮,千粒汗,省吃俭用细盘算。 A kilo grain, thousand grain sweat, saving calculation. 56、人人节省一粒米,挽救世间千万人。 Everyone save a grain of rice, save the world of ten million people. 57、吃饭要知牛马善,着丝应记
13、养蚕人。 You eat good horses and cattle, the wire should be sericulture. 58、米饭粒粒念汗水,不惜粮食当自悔。 Rice grain by sweat, do not hesitate to food when the regrets. 59、粒米虽小你别扔,勤俭节省留美名。 A small grain of rice you dont throw, frugality reputation. 60、勤勤俭俭粮满仓,大手大脚仓底光。 Diligent diligently waste grain full, lavishly u
14、nder-bin light. 61、精打细算够半年,遇到荒年不受难。 Enough for half a year careful calculation and strict budgeting, have years of famine is not suffering. 62、耗子还存三分粮。粮头不俭,粮尾喊饭。 Three points mouse also save food. Grain not frugal, shouted rice grain tail. 63、粮食是用来满足温饱的不是用来浪费的。 Food is used to satisfy hunger not to
15、waste. 64、省下一颗粮食,已答应以救活一个人的生命! Save food, have permission to save the life of a human being! 65、节省粮食,人人有责。节省粮食,人人有利。 Save food, everybody is responsible for. Save food, all good. 66、粗茶淡饭,吃得到老;粗布棉衣,穿得到老。 Eat bread, get old; Coarse cotton-padded clothes, wear to get old. 67、节省荣耀,人见人赞;浪费可耻,谁闻谁恶。 Saving
16、 the glorious, everybody; Waste a disgrace, who smell bad. 68、食不过佳,充饥则可;身不过华;遮身则可。 Eat not good, even can; However, China; Can be covered. 69、今日省把米,明日省滴油,来年买条大黄牛。 Province today the meters, province drip tomorrow, buy a big cattle next year. 70、节省粮食,从我做起。节省粮食,如今做起。 Save food, starts from me. Save fo
17、od, start now. 71、一米一粟当思来之不易,爱粮节粮须知人人有责。 One meter one corn when thinking hard, love food festival food notice everyone duty. 72、一米一谷,都是春夏秋冬滴汗水的收获,请珍惜! One meter a valley, it is spring, summer, autumn and winter drops of sweat harvest, please cherish! 73、一粥一饭当思来之不易,半丝半缕恒念物力维艰。 A porridge a meal when the hard-won, silk half wisp of constant reading material. 74、一粥一饭,当思来处不易;半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰。 A porridge, rice, when thinking about not easy; Wire and strand, constant reading material. PREV ARTICLE节省的英语名言NEXT ARTICLE戒赌励志名言22句