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1、江苏省江苏省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识过关检年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识过关检测试卷测试卷 B B 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、在偿还赊销款项时货币执行的职能是()。A.价值尺度B.流通手段C.贮藏手段D.支付手段【答案】D2、金融期权交易最早始于()。A.股票期权B.利率期权C.外汇期权D.股票价格指数期权【答案】A3、We received the _ indicating the amount of money I had paid.A.quittanceB.refundC.retentionD.progeny【答案】A4、资料:Ea
2、rly ExperiencesA.The nearest customersB.The virtual customersC.People that pretend to be customersD.The VIPs【答案】C5、资料:Early ExperiencesA.To determine whether the product is user-friendlyB.To see if the process is simple enough for users to understandC.To learn about users perspectiveD.To cancel a pr
3、ocess or navigate to a specific function or location【答案】D6、资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821,and movedto New York City when she was ten years old.One day she decided thatshe wanted to become a doctor.That was nearly impossible for a womanin the middle of the nineteenth century.After
4、 writing many lettersasking for admission(录取)to medical schools,she was finallyaccepted by a doctor in Philadelphia.She was so determined that shetaught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost ofschooling.A.ParisB.the United StatesC.EnglishD.New York City【答案】B7、In the dark street,the
5、re wasnt a single person_she could turnfor help.A.thatB.whoC.from whomD.to whom【答案】D8、党政机关公文处理工作条例规定的公文种类有()。A.14 种B.13 种C.15 种D.17 种【答案】C9、某国的货币量发行情况如下:现金货币 5000 亿元,活期存款 2500 亿元,活期存款以外的其他存款为 2000 亿元,短期信用工具为 1500 亿元,其中同期短期国债发行量为 50 亿元,试问该国 M1 货币量为()亿元。A.5000B.7500C.10000D.50【答案】B10、2012 年 GDP 增速目标为(
6、);全年 CPI 控制在 4%。A.7.5%B.7.8%C.7.6%D.8%【答案】A11、She_as an animal trainer since2003.A.hasworkedB.worksC.willworkD.worked【答案】A12、During her junior year of high school,Diane Rays teacher handedher a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her futurefinancial life.Ray pretended to buy a car,re
7、nt an apartment,and applyfor a credit card.Then,she and her classmates played thestock marketgame,investing the hypothetical earnings from their hypotheticaljobs in the market in the disastrous fall of 2008.Our pretendinvestments crashed,Ray says,still frightened.We got to know how itfelt to lose mo
8、ney.A.introduce a new course to studentsB.help students learn about investmentC.teach how to apply for a credit cardD.encourage studentspersonal savings【答案】B13、如果某投资项目的相关评价指标满足以下关系:NPV0,NPVR0,IRRic,PPN2,则可以得出的结论是()。A.该项目基本具备财务可行性B.该项目完全具备财务可行性C.该项目基本不具备财务可行性D.该项目完全不具备财务可行性【答案】A14、Passage 1A.It is ba
9、sed on questionable statisticsB.It reflects the economic changesC.It evidences the improved-welfareD.It provides much food for thought【答案】A15、All participants were told they were free to_answering anyof the questions at any time。A.rejectB.declineC.disapproveD.refuse【答案】B16、下列不属于禁止债权转让的情形的是()。A.根据合同性
10、质不得转让B.依照法律规定不得转让C.按照当事人约定不得转让D.依照债权人要求不得转让【答案】D17、90 年来经过数代考古工作者的不懈努力,三星堆考古取得了举世瞩目的成就。三星堆的发现与发掘深刻影响了巴蜀考古和巴蜀文化研究,并与四川及中国考古事业的发展息息相关。同时,三星堆遗址被称为 20 世纪人类最伟大的考古发现之一,昭示了长江流域与黄河流域一样,同属中华文明的母体。A.三星堆是人类最伟大考古发现之一。B.三星堆考古的重大意义。C.考古工作者的工作虽然枯燥,但意义最大。D.长江流域与黄河流域同样是中华文明的发源地【答案】B18、资料:Chinas Fosun has offered to
11、buy almost 17 percent ofMillennium BCP,Portugals largest listed bank,and potentially liftits stake to 30 percent,following a having in its share price in theyear to date.A.TwoB.ThereC.FourD.None of above【答案】C19、周文、郑武、张天、李元四人是大学同学,毕业后,四人共同开办了一家创意工厂,周文提供了经营场所、郑武和李元分别提供了 10 万元作为启动基金,张天提供自身的创意才华,负责工厂的产品
12、研发。周文和张天参与了工厂的日常经营,而郑武和李元没有参与,只按照约定参与年终盈利分红。那么,该创意工厂的合伙人是()。A.郑武、李元B.周文、张天C.周文、张天、郑武和李元D.周文、郑武和李元【答案】C20、Education has a value of consumption and its demand will dependon its own price,prices of other goods,and_income.A.domesticB.homeC.houseD.household【答案】D21、资料:Native ads-or ads that take on the lo
13、ok and feel of thecontent surrounding them-are taking over digital advertising.A.The dominance of social platformsB.The dominance of the digital advertisingC.The introduction of new programmatic technologiesD.Publishers and advertisers can now scale native campaigns easily【答案】B22、()股份相对固定,一般不向投资者增发新
14、股或赎回旧股。A.公司型基金B.契约型基金C.封闭型基金D.开放型基金【答案】C23、资料:(二)A.The rules are good for lenders while bad for borrowersB.The rules will help baby boomer seniors to save moneyC.The rules will help consumers better understand reverse mortgageD.The rules will be stricter for consumers【答案】C24、资料:Global business trave
15、l topped$1.2 trillion and is expectedto reach$1.6 trillion by 2020,according to new research by theGlobal Business Travel Association(GBTA),an associationrepresenting the interests of corporate travel managers.Whats moreChina has now surpassed the U.S.as the largest business travelmarket in the worl
16、d,ringing up$291 billion last year.A.Immigration RulesB.Straight line upwards in world economyC.US presidential electionD.Weakening global economy【答案】B25、以下关于货币政策中介目标的叙述错误的是()。A.货币政策的中介目标又称为中间指标、中间变量B.中介目标是介于货币政策工具变量与货币政策目标变量之间的变量指标C.中央银行根据相关性、可控性、可测性、抗干扰性四大原则来选择相应的中介目标D.中介目标是指中央银行操作目标方面的变量指标【答案】D26
17、、在金融工具的性质中,成反比关系的是()。A.期限性与收益性B.风险性与期限性C.期限性与流动性D.风险性与收益性【答案】C27、I hear many parents saying that their teenage children arerebellion.I wish it were so.At your age you ought to be growing awayfrom your parents.You should be learning to stand on your own twofeet.But take a good look at the present reb
18、ellion.It seems thatteenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they degreewith their parents.Instead of striking out bravely on their own,mostof them are trying to seize at one anothers hands for safety.A.readers how to be popular in the worldB.parents how to control and guide their child
19、renC.teenagers how to learn to decide things for themselvesD.people how to understand and respect each other【答案】C28、下面的数字中表现出一定的逻辑,170,120,82,48,(),你认为应该填入数列最合适的数字是?()A.38B.36C.28D.26【答案】D29、早期重商主义绝对禁止()。A.货物外流B.资本外流C.货币外流D.资源外流【答案】C30、在 Exce1 中,将 3、4 两行选定,然后进行插入行操作,下列表述正确的是()。A.在行号 2 和 3 之间插入两个空行B.
20、在行号 3 和 4 之间插入两个空行C.在行号 4 和 5 之间插入两个空行D.在行号 3 和 4 之间插入一个空行【答案】A31、某家庭 2000 年总收入为 10 万元人民币,2012 年时,该家庭的总收入增加至 38 万元人民币,根据恩格尔定律,与 2000 年相比,2012 年该家庭用于食品的支出在家庭总收入中的比重()。A.保持不变B.将会下降C.将会增长D.无从判断【答案】B32、掠夺交易是指以强制手段为基础、一方强迫另一方的利益转移(包括其承载物的转移。下列不属于掠夺交易的是()。A.甲有一幅非常珍贵的古名画,乙知道后千方百计想得到,就请甲的领导出面,用一幅现代名画将乙的那幅画换
21、到手B.张某摆了一个杂货摊点,一天,有一人来买塑料面盆,她拿出一元钱塞给张说:“我知道你卖三元一只,我们是邻居,就一元卖给我吧。”说完就拿走了面盆C.小李家正搞装潢,谁知预算失误,少买了几平米某名牌木地板,急需补上,经销商谎称木地板涨价,必须加价,最终小李以三倍的价格买回所需地板D.小王和小章是两位集邮爱好者,他们常常交换邮品,虽然有时用以交换的邮品价格悬殊,但双方都非常乐意,毫无怨言【答案】D33、She was able to get the government and _ companies to helppatients with the cost of their care.A.a
22、ssuranceB.assumptionC.sanctionD.insurance【答案】D34、所有者(股东)权益变动表是资产负债表的()。A.主表B.附注C.财务情况说明书D.附表【答案】D35、Bilateral relations have entered a new stage of development bothin terms of_and breadth.A.profundityB.dimensionC.implicationD.innovation【答案】A36、He was looking _ at the visiting salesman,who showed no
23、signsof getting ready to leave.A.impatientlyB.impatienceC.patienceD.patient【答案】A37、“长期股权投资”科目的期末余额在()。A.借方B.贷方C.没有余额D.视盈亏情况而定【答案】A38、不属于商业银行经济资本管理内容的是()。A.经济资本的计量B.经济资本的分配C.经济资本的评价D.经济资本的测算【答案】D39、中华民国成立,清王朝统治覆灭是在()。A.1911 年 12 月B.1912 年元旦C.1912 年 2 月D.1912 年 3 月【答案】B40、资料:FAST cars whizz around,mal
24、ls are full of expensiveluxuries and cranes dominate the skyline.But scratch the shimmeringsurface of the Gulf and you soon find countries hurting from the lowoil price,currently around$40 a barrel.Growth is slowing andunemployment is rising.Policy makers even dare utter a three-letter“t”word until
25、recently taboo:tax.A.Kuwait,Qatar and UAE will face tougher situation than other peersB.Qatar and UAEs economy will be better than that of KuwaitC.Life for Saudi Arabia,Oman and Bahrain will only be tougherD.All GCC states will hardly solve the hard problem【答案】C41、After the storm,the lake returned t
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