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1、广东省广东省 20232023 年教师招聘之小学教师招聘每日一练试年教师招聘之小学教师招聘每日一练试卷卷 A A 卷含答案卷含答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、新课程改革要改变过去课程管理过于集中的状况,实行()。A.国家、地方、校长三级管理B.国家、地方、教师三级管理C.国家、校长、教师三级管理D.国家、地方、学校三级管理【答案】D2、如果高水平学生在测验项目上能得高分,而低水平学生只能得低分,那么就说明该测验的()指标高。A.效度B.信度C.难度D.区分度【答案】D3、下列属于华彦钧的作品是()。A.空山鸟语B.良宵C.病中吟D.听松【答案】D4、义务教育阶段的教学计划是中华
2、人民共和国义务教育法规定实施的计划,这说明义务教育阶段 的教学计划具有()A.强制性B.普遍性C.基础性D.全民性【答案】A5、On November 19,1863,Abraham Lincoln went to Gettysburg inPennsylvania to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery.The CivilWar was still going on.There was much criticism of President Lincolnat the time.He was not at all popular.He had b
3、een invited to speakat Gettysburg only out of politeness.The principal speaker was to beEdward Everett,a famous statesman and speaker of the day.Everettwas a handsome man and very popular everywhere.A.Lincoln s Gettysburg Address has deep meaningB.Lincoln s Gettysburg Address is simple in styleC.Lin
4、coln s Gettysburg Address is memorized by every American schoolchildD.Lincoln s Gettysburg Address is the greatest speech ever deliveredin the United States【答案】D6、在文化建设中,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜最根本的是坚持中国特色社会主义理论体系。这个体系包括_。A.B.C.D.【答案】D7、下列不属于打击乐器的是()。A.串铃B.木鱼C.竖笛D.双响筒【答案】C8、根据下面资料,回答题A.objectiveB.negativeC.po
5、sitiveD.disappointed【答案】A9、将整数分为正整数和负整数,这样的分类违反了概念分类原则中的()。A.分类必须是对称的B.分类所得的各个子项应互相排斥C.每次分类必须按同一标准进行D.分类不能越级进行【答案】D10、At a Dal.komm Coffee shop in Seoul,a robot takes orders from youthrough a mobile app or a touch screen and then makes fresh coffee.The robot can make up to 14 drinks at a time.Choi E
6、un Jin thinks theprocess is fun and easy.The 30-year-old office worker said,Thearea is crowded with office workers and local residents duringlunchtime.So its good to have a robot like you can getyour coffee more easily.A.Reasons for young people welcoming automationB.Ways of purchasing witho
7、ut dealing with employeesC.Changes in South Koreas businessesD.Stores for customers to try on jeans【答案】A11、对遗忘原因的一种最古老的解释理论是()。A.干扰说B.动机说C.消退说D.同化说【答案】C12、为了暂时记住朋友的电话号码以便拨号,最适宜的记忆策略是()A.组织策略B.精加工策略C.复述策略D.元认知策略【答案】C13、She has many good friends,_ are really kind to her andher parents.A.most of themB.
8、and most of whomC.but most of whomD.most of whom【答案】D14、中华人民共和国未成年人保护法第五十四条规定,对违法犯罪的未成年人,实行教育、感化、挽救的方针,应坚持的原则是_。A.教育为主惩罚为辅B.客观公正实事求是C.正面引导表扬为主D.榜样示范环境陶冶【答案】A15、提问者要求列举“铅笔”的各种用途,得到的答案可能是“写字、画画、武器、礼品、润滑剂、直尺划线”这种思维属于()。A.直觉思维B.抽象思维C.聚合思维D.发散思维【答案】D16、在我国,最早以马克思主义观点写成的教育著作是()A.对教育方针的意见B.新教育大纲C.教学与发展D.民主
9、主义与教育【答案】B17、下列词语中加点字的注音,完全正确的一组是A.敬(jn)业文明(mng)诚(chng)信友善(shn)B.赞(zn)扬歌颂(sng)酬(chu)谢表彰(zng)C.粉(fn)红翠绿(n)黑(hi)紫湛蓝(ln)D.角(ju)色美差(chi)血(xu)脉相似(s)【答案】D18、A、B 两款计算机配置分别为 i710700116GBDDR41512GBSSD1TB1GeForceGT1660,从中可以看出 B 款比 A 款()。A.CPU 更快B.内存更大C.HDD 更大D.显卡更好【答案】C19、已知 M=235,那么 M 全部因数的个数有()。A.3 个B.7 个C.
10、8 个D.无数个【答案】C20、李老师要求学生分小组通过实验推导出圆柱体积计算公式,当“智慧小组”完成任务后李老师让该小组的成员去帮助其他几个很困惑的小组,在“智慧小组”的帮助下,其他小组也顺利完成了学习任务。这说明其他小组的学习处于()。A.最近发展区B.联合发展区C.运动发展区D.感觉发展区【答案】A21、有预先目的,必要时需要意志努力,主动对特定事物所发生的注意是()。A.随意注意B.无意注意C.不随意注意D.有意后注意【答案】A22、中华人民共和国义务教育法规定,县级以上人民政府及其教育行政部门应当缩小学校之间办学条件的差距,促进学校_。A.跨越发展B.优先发展C.均衡发展D.差异发展
11、【答案】C23、中华人民共和国未成年人保护法规定,非法招用未满十六周岁的未成年人,情节严重的由工商行政管理部门()。A.追究民事责任B.追究刑事责任C.吊销营业执照D.口头警告【答案】C24、As John Lennon once said,life is _ happens to youwhile you are busy making other plans.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.where【答案】C25、教育与社会诸多因素有密切联系,其中,决定教育领导权和受教育权的是_。A.政治经济制度B.生产力水平C.科技水平D.文化传统【答案】A26、“狮子岩”璧画是()古代佛教
12、美术的精华。A.柬埔寨B.斯里兰卡C.缅甸D.印度【答案】B27、Team leaders must ensure that all members _ their naturaldesire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.A.get overB.look overC.take overD.come over【答案】A28、One of the main reasons for getting students to listen to spokenEnglish is to let them hear v
13、arieties and _,rather thanjust the voice of their teacher with its own idiosyncrasies.Intodays world,they need to be exposed not only to one variety ofEnglish,but also to varieties such as American English,AustralianEnglish,Indian English and so on.A.languagesB.mother tonguesC.accentsD.natives【答案】C2
14、9、()是卢浮宫三宝之一A.抱着鹅的少年B.思想者C.胜利女神像D.拉奥孔【答案】C30、During the past generation,the American middle-class family thatonce could count on hard work and fair play to keep itselffinancially secure has been transformed by economic risk and newrealities.Now a pink slip,a bad diagnosis,or a disappearing spousecan
15、 reduce a family from solidly middle class to newly poor in a fewmonths.A.a higher sense of securityB.less secured paymentsC.less chance to investD.a guaranteed future【答案】B31、Do you know that womens brains are smaller than mens?Normally the womens brain weighs 10%less than mens.Sinceresearch has sho
16、wn that the bigger the brain,the cleverer the animal,men must be more intelligent than women.Right?Wrong.Men and womenalways score similarly on intelligence tests,despite the differencein brain size.Why?After years of study,researchers have concludedthat its whats inside that matters,not just the si
17、ze of thebrain.The brain is made up of“grey matter”and“white matter”.While men have more of the white matter,the amount of“thinking”brain is almost the same in both men and women.A.Men have weaker spatial abilitiesB.Women do not need to tell directionsC.Women prefer doing many things at a timeD.Wome
18、n do many jobs at a time better than men【答案】D32、Some people fear that _ air pollution may bring aboutchanges in _ weather around the world.A./;theB.the;/;theD.the;a【答案】A33、当一个人听到亲人去世的消息时,拒绝相信此事,以减少心灵上的痛苦。这是()防御机制。A.压抑B.否认C.文饰D.代偿【答案】B34、家乡的房子一课的教学中,教师向学生介绍了某栋古民居的历史和建筑特点,这种教学方法是()。A.演示法B.讲授法C.讨论法
19、D.情境法【答案】B35、根据下面资料,回答题A.every girl knows how to choose their own unique style of clothesB.newscasters who are dressed conservatively tend to be irresoluteC.announcers who read the news on TV should wear certain outfits togain confidenceD.the clothing a college student wore can affect the way he/she
20、behaves【答案】D36、2010 年,我国 GDP 超过日本,经济总量跃居世界_。A.第一位B.第二位C.第三位D.第四位【答案】B37、The goals _ he had fought all his life no longerseemed important to him.A.after whichB.for whichC.with which【答案】B38、Now and again I have had horrible dreams,but not enough of themto make me lose my delight in dreams.To
21、 begin with,I like the ideaof dreaming,of going to bed and lying still and then,by some queermagic,wandering into another kind of existence.As a child I couldnever understand why grown-ups took dreaming so calmly when theycould make such a fuss about any holiday.This still puzzles me.I ammystified b
22、y people who say they never dream and appear to have nointerest in the subject.It is much more astonishing than if theysaid they never went out for a walk.Most people or at least moreWestern Europeans do not seem to accept dreaming as part of theirlives.They appear to see it as an irritating little
23、habit,likesneezing or yawning.A.Dreams may be manufactured and sold in the near futureB.The price of a dream is ridiculously higher than expectedC.People are silly if they set a high value on dreamsD.The value of dreams is greater than weve imagined【答案】D39、下列各句中没有语病的一句是()。A.近日新区法院审结了这起案件,违约经营的张明被判令赔
24、偿原告好路缘商贸公司经济损失和诉讼费三千多元B.美国 2003 年调整了签证政策,规定申请留学签证的申请时间要在所申请学校开学前的三个月到两个星期内进行C.最近的一项社会调查显示,不少网络游戏带有暴力情节和色情内容,这无疑会严重影响青少年的身心健康D.面对有 5 名具有 NBA 打球经验的美国队,中国队并不怯阵,整场比赛打得气势如虹。最终以 3 分优势战胜对手【答案】C40、著有普通教育学并被西方誉为“科学教育学之父”的教育家是_。A.亚里士多德B.夸美纽斯C.赫尔巴特D.杜威【答案】C41、瞬时记忆存储时间一般是()秒钟。A.0 2B.0 40C.40 60D.60 120【答案】A42、尚
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