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1、山西省山西省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识过关检年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识过关检测试卷测试卷 A A 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post toretain its crown as the worlds largest commercial plane maker.A.IndiGos order for Airbuss new engine-option A320s was the firstfirm order for the update
2、d airplanesB.Airbus delivered more planes than Boeing in 2006C.2009 saw demand for Boeings planes fall but not AirbussD.Airbus was able to stay ahead of Boeing in number of ordersthroughout the year 2010【答案】B2、商品内在的使用价值和价值的矛盾,其完备的外在表现形式是()。A.商品与商品的对立B.具体劳动与抽象劳动的对立C.私人劳动与社会劳动的对立D.商品与货币的对立【答案】D3、资料:Th
3、is exhibition brings together outstanding works from theearliest times to the present in a thematic arrangement that is freshand unique.A.the most outstanding worksB.works spanning over 5,000 yearsC.its themesD.important discoveries【答案】B4、It was because she was too inexperienced_she didnt know how t
4、odeal with thesituation.A.so thatB.thatC.that is whyD.so【答案】B5、下列各项中,导致负债总额变化的是()。A.赊销商品B.赊购商品C.开出银行汇票D.用盈余公积转增资本【答案】B6、资料:The market is a concept.If you are growing tomatoes in yourbackyard for sale you are producing for the market.You might sellsome to your neighbor and some to the local manager o
5、f thesupermarket.But in either case,you are producing for the market.Your efforts are being directed by the market.If people stop buyingtomatoes,you will stop producing them.A.It tells you what to produceB.It tells you how to grow tomatoesC.It provides you with everything you needD.It helps you save
6、 money【答案】A7、填入括号中最恰当的词语是()。A.震撼延迟B.振奋推迟C.震撼推迟D.振奋延迟【答案】B8、甲乙丙三人去买水果,甲购买 1 斤西瓜 3 斤苹果 7 斤梨共需要 31.6 元,乙购买 1 斤西瓜 4 斤苹果 10 斤梨共需 36.2 元。那么,丙购买 1 斤西瓜 1 斤苹果1 斤梨共需要()元。A.22.4B.24.2C.12.4D.14.2【答案】A9、在我国银行实务中,将()的存款称为储蓄。A.个人B.公众C.企事业单位D.城镇居民【答案】B10、未经正式公布的法律是()。A.有效的B.无效的C.部分有效的D.以上答案都不对【答案】B11、This does not
7、 mean I will take it_from the rich and give itto the poor.A.upB.onC.inD.away【答案】D12、He has been studying here for three years,by next summer he_.A.will graduateB.will have graduatedC.will be graduatedD.will be graduating【答案】B13、2019 年 8 月 12 日,中国银行与()签署战略合作协议。双方将在推进金融业关键信息基础设施国产化、服务“一带一路”建设和助力脱贫攻坚战等
8、方面进行战略合作。根据合作协议,双方将发挥各自优势,秉持互利共赢的原则,建立多领域战略合作,实现共同发展。A.人民网B.新华通讯社C.南方周末D.新浪财经【答案】B14、杜甫有云:“朝回日日典春衣,每日江头尽醉归。酒债寻常行处有,人生七十古来稀”。对诗歌涉及的典当制度,下列选项可以成立的是()。A.唐代的典当形成了明确的债权债务关系B.唐代的典当契约称为“质剂”C.唐代的典当称为“活卖”D.唐代法律规定开典当行者构成“坐赃”【答案】A15、不属于资产管理理论基础的是()。A.商业性贷款B.转移理论C.预期收入理论D.经营管理理论【答案】D16、Dorothy was always speaki
9、ng highly of her role in the play,_,ofcourse,madethe others unhappy.A.whoB.whichC.thisD.what【答案】B17、阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。A.statedB.remarkedC.saidD.told【答案】C18、在 PowerPoint 2003 中,要将 D 盘上的“时间都去哪了.MP3”文件插入到当前幻灯片中,所选择的命令项是()。A.插入影片和声音剪辑管理器中的声音B.插入影片和声音文件中的声音C.插入影片和声音剪辑管理器中的影片D.插入影片和声音文件
10、中的影片【答案】B19、If you want children to work hard,you must()their interestsmore.A.look up toB.look intoC.give rise toD.go in for【答案】B20、有关再贴现率的表述错误的是()。A.该利率的提高会减少商业银行资金成本,增加盈利B.包括贴现率和中央银行对商业银行贷款的利率C.不同于随供求变化而变化的市场利率D.该利率的提高会减少商业银行贴现和贷款的要求,从而减少流通中的货币【答案】A21、2020 年 2 月初,武汉市开始连夜建设三所“()”,用于专门收治确诊的新型冠状病毒感染的
11、肺炎轻症患者。A.火神山医院B.雷神山医院C.小汤山医院D.方舱医院【答案】D22、下列是由综合型银行改革为单一职能的中央银行的是()。A.中国人民银行B.法兰西银行C.美国联邦储备体系D.英格兰银行【答案】A23、以现金购入的长期股权投资,按()作为长期股权投资初始投资成本。A.被投资单位的所有者权益账面价值的份额B.换出资产的账面价值加上应支付的相关税费C.应收债权的账面价值D.实际支付的全部价款(包括支付的税金、手续费等相关费用)【答案】D24、Recently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contactperson of
12、 Monsell.A.perfectB.more perfectC.most perfectD.perfectest【答案】A25、Passage 6A.show the good services offered in some web restaurantsB.criticize some restaurants for the poor servicesC.show the Internets ability to collect data on youD.prove the incredible power of the Internet to change your diet【答案】
13、C26、某商场节日促销期间,为了吸引人气将某商品统一标价,售价在标价基础上打八折,平均下来,每件商品亏损 4 元,已知该商品的标价是成本的 1.2倍,则在促销期间,1059 元最多能购买()件这种商品。A.13B.11C.12D.10【答案】B27、投资者投入的固定资产转入()科目。A.“实收资本”B.“资本公积”C.“盈余公积”D.“本年利润”【答案】A28、Together these inventions hugely reduced the cost of blastingrock,drilling tunnels,building canals and many other form
14、sof_work.A.constructionB.informationC.animationD.imagination【答案】A29、资料:As a startup founder,my daily tasks include everythingfrom long-term strategic planning to approving team outings andcompany culture initiatives.Day after day,things inevitably come upthat need to get handled ASAP.But lve also le
15、arned that if youdont have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions andyour truly lofty goals,theyll simply never get done.And that meansyou wont make the progress thats really going to move your businessforward.A.When you are most focusedB.When there is no discussionsC.Last at nightD.B
16、right and early in the morning【答案】A30、Passage 2A.The major causes of traffic accidents and car theftsB.The relationship between human and technologyC.The shortcomings of digital devices we useD.The human unawareness of technical problems【答案】B31、资料:Chinas Fosun has offered to buy almost 17 percent of
17、Millennium BCP,Portugals largest listed bank,and potentially liftits stake to 30 percent,following a having in its share price in theyear to date.A.YesB.NoC.Its up to Portuguese and EU authoritiesD.It depends on whether Fosun is able to appoint at least two of the20 BCP board members,and up to five
18、members in the event ofincreasing its stake【答案】D32、国家税务总局近日印发通知,要求全国税务系统贯彻落实好各项减税降费政策,确保企业和人民群众有实实在在的获得感,提振市场信心,促进经济实现高质量发展。据介绍,国家税务总局专门设立(),负责集中受理和协调解决中小微企业涉税诉求。通知要求,各省税务机关也要指定专门部门、安排专人负责中小微企业服务工作。2019 年上半年,国家税务总局将以小微企业普惠性减税等政策落实情况为重点,组织开展减税降费工作督导。A.小微企业咨询点B.小微企业办事中心C.小微企业服务处D.小微企业优惠中心【答案】C33、资料:Wh
19、at attracts customers?Obviously the quality of a productdoes,but visual images contribute a great deal.It is not only theimage provided by the packaging that counts but the whole corporateidentity of the company.A.on the letterheads and packagesB.in the social media platformC.advertisements on TVD.A
20、ll of above【答案】D34、A joke which was funny to American people might seem _ toChinese.A.defenseB.fenceC.offenseD.intense【答案】D35、准货币是指()。A.M1B.M2C.M3D.M2-M1【答案】D36、根据我国宪法的规定,下列有关公民基本权利的宪法保护的表述,哪一个是正确的?()A.切公民都有选举权和被选举权B.宪法规定了对华侨、归侨权益的保护,但没有规定对侨眷权益的保护C.宪法对建立劳动者休息和休养的设施未加以规定D.公民合法财产的所有权和私有财产的继承权规定在宪法“总纲”
21、部分【答案】D37、要折叠一批纸飞机,若甲单独折叠要半个小时完成,乙单独折叠需要 45 分钟完成。若两人一起折,需要多少分钟完成?()A.10B.15C.16D.18【答案】D38、Think of a dance floor,which is designed to dampen vibrationsand limit the _dancers could do to their limbs.A.problemB.dilemmaC.troubleD.damage【答案】D39、Passage 2A.Find out how you should address the host family
22、B.Always be prepared for the unexpectedC.Be prompt during meal timesD.tablish a rapport with the host family【答案】C40、资料:Large industrialized are now in a recession.What are theprospects for economic recovery?A.deficitB.surplusesC.declineD.recession【答案】A41、甲将半年前购买的一只股票卖出,卖出时依规定被征收了交易额的 0.05 个税点的税,已知卖出
23、时这只股票较购买时价格上涨了 20%,交易后,甲发现赚了 15.4 万元,那么,甲购买时花了多少万元?()A.110B.80C.100D.50【答案】A42、资料:New York and London may rule the roost,but other financialhubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out usefulspecialist niches for themselves.Chicago,for instance,hasconsolidated its position as the worlds deri
24、vatives center,andHouston,the largest city in Texas,is home to Americas biggestenergy firms and has spawned an active cluster of energy traders andhedge funds.A.Financiers have long ago viewed the Europe as a single marketB.Europe has the highest degree of cross-border financial integrationC.the MiF
25、ID will make financial markets around the world morecompetitiveD.the MiFID will increase transparency within American financial mark【答案】B43、西欧中世纪庄园与东汉后期庄园的共同点是()。A.主人和农民之间有雇佣关系B.具有商品货币关系C.有自营地和份地的区分D.自给自足的经济体【答案】D44、2019 年 8 月 12 日,中国银行与()签署战略合作协议。双方将在推进金融业关键信息基础设施国产化、服务“一带一路”建设和助力脱贫攻坚战等方面进行战略合作。根据合
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