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1、江西省江西省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识练习题年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识练习题(一一)及答案及答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、下列各句中,没有歧义的一句是()。A.这个发言稿是新来的市长的秘书写的B.他在树上爬上爬下,轻捷的像只猴子C.小张下班后一到家就朝着妻子嚷嚷:“我现在就要热饭”D.他已经走了半个多小时了【答案】B2、“营业费用”属于()类科目。A.资产B.所有者权益C.损益D.共同【答案】C3、According to economic theory,a nation should produce and exportthose items()it
2、 gains a competitive advantage.A.from whichB.for thatC.by whatD.about it【答案】A4、下列原始凭证中属于外来原始凭证的是()。A.购货发票B.入库单C.提货单D.领料单【答案】A5、科学发展观的基本要求是()。A.发展B.以人为本C.全面协调可持续D.统筹兼顾【答案】C6、The United States,which is a_of the Middle East peace talks,says Israeli settlements are an obstacle to peace,and the issue has
3、strained relations with Israels right-wing government.A.volunteerB.investorC.contributorD.sponsor【答案】D7、白居易在登上庐山时写下:“人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开”。产生诗中景象的原因是()。A.山地土壤贫瘠,桃树开花较迟B.山地由于海拔高,气温低,桃树开花来得迟C.山地云雾多,桃树开花来得迟D.山地空气稀薄缺氧,桃树开花较迟【答案】B8、Passage 7A.When they take decision shortcutsB.When they help others to make de
4、cisionsC.When they have major decisions to makeD.When they have advisers to turn to【答案】B9、资料:This exhibition brings together outstanding works from theearliest times to the present in a thematic arrangement that is freshand unique.A.the processes of making bronzeB.the best works of bronzeC.the prope
5、rties and qualities of bronzeD.some new media art【答案】D10、太阳系的构成部分没有()。A.太阳B.小行星C.卫星D.银河【答案】D11、Passage 1A.It is widely used to compare the economic growth across countriesB.It revolutionizes the way of measuring ordinary peoples livelihoodC.It focuses on peoples consumption rather than their average
6、 incomeD.It is a more comprehensive measure of peoples economic well-being【答案】D12、在智能手机的配置中,“ROM”指的是()A.闪存B.运行内存C.只读内存D.随机存储内存【答案】C13、资料:No matter how carefully you pick the members on yourteam,you may still end up with a negative employee.These workersdont necessarily fall into the category of“toxi
7、c,”but theyrejust kind of a drag with their cynical,pessimistic worldview.If youre dealing with a negative employee,here are 3 steps to take.A.Three Way to Build an Effective TeamB.How to be a Positive EmployeeC.Is it Important to Sustain a Successful Workplace EnvironmentD.Several Tips for Managing
8、 a Team【答案】A14、微观经济学要解决的核心问题是()。A.资源的配置B.资源的利用C.资源的用逢单一D.国民收入决定【答案】A15、在民事诉讼时效期间的最后 6 个月内,权利人因不可抗力或者其他障碍不能行使请求权的,诉讼时效()。A.中断B.中止C.延长D.终止【答案】B16、中国人民银行在()领导下依法独立执行货币政策,履行职责,开展业务。A.全国人民代表大会B.全国人民代表大会常务委员会C.中国银行保险监督管理委员会D.国务院【答案】D17、资料:Everyone knows airline pricing is based on supply anddemand.Fares a
9、re more expensive during peak travel seasons likesummer and to prime destinations like European capitals.So if aflight to Rome costs more than a flight to Milan,youd think thatdemand for Rome must be higher or supply lower.A.Price for the same flight to a nearer destination is higherB.Prices for dif
10、ferent destinations on the same flight are the sameC.Price for the same flight to a farther destination is higherD.Prices for different destinations on the same flight are different【答案】A18、资料:The personal computer was a revolution in informationtechnology that spawned a$50 billion hardware business,
11、with another$30 billion in software and peripherals(eg.mouse,keyboard,printer,etc.)by 1991.During its short 15 years,the industryevolved through three successive periods.During its first 5 to 6years,it was characterized by explosive growth and multiple,smallcompetitors vying for a piece of the marke
12、t.From 1981 to 1985,theindustry became a battle for standards and retail shelf space.Thethird era was one of increasing fragmentation.From 1986 through1991-1992,new manufacturers from around the world grabbed from theindustry leaders as new channels of distribution emerged and productinnovation as w
13、ell as revenue growth slowed.A.The small companies experienced a harsh lifeB.People preferred PCs of big brandsC.The big companies didnt earn as much as they did in the past twoperiodsD.The companies made standards on the configuration【答案】C19、对银行机构流动性监管内容不包括()。A.流动性负债大于自有资本B.资产负债期限匹配C.流动性应保持在适度水平D.银
14、行资产变化情况【答案】A20、A 银行 2019 年年初共有正常类贷款 900 亿元,在 2019 年年末转为关注类、次级类、可疑类、损失类的贷款金额分别为 50 亿元、30 亿元、15 亿元和5 亿元,期初正常类贷款期间因回收减少了 200 亿元、因核销减少了 300 亿元,则该银行 2019 年的正常类贷款迁徙率为()。A.15B.25C.50D.100【答案】B21、资料:Desktop Support for Private Equity Firm in MidtownA.Supporting PC hardwareB.Installing and upgrading hardware
15、C.Bringing repaired PCs to customersD.Imaging and configuring desktops and laptops【答案】C22、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of historythan others.HSBCs History Wall,a striking art installation at thebanks London headquarters,is made up of 3,743 images drawn fromthe banks archives and
16、arranged in chronological order.A.Activities did by HSBC are better than those of Coca-colaB.New designs inspired by old products are not goodC.Young companies do better than old companies in using historyD.Consumers often trust old-aged companies more【答案】D23、I will never forget the day _ I first ar
17、rived at this college.A.in whichB.on thatC.whenD.which【答案】C24、7/9,13/9,20/9,28/9,()。A.25/9B.37/9C.26/9D.8/3【答案】B25、根据我国合同法的规定,下列关于合同的形式说法正确的是()。A.合同的形式包括书面形式和口头形式B.合同的书面形式是指合同书形式C.合同的形式必须为书面的D.电子邮件合同是口头形式合同【答案】A26、(1)电报、电话、广播、电视机问世之初都曾被认为会引发灾难,现在又轮到智能手机等移动设备了。家长们担心,移动设备会使青少年远离社会,不与其他人交往。既然之前的新技术已经被证
18、明是无害的,人们为什么要担忧呢?A.使人焦虑的新闻事件B.反复重复的新闻报道C.扭曲夸张的新闻报道D.毫无根据的新闻报道【答案】B27、In some cases the exchange continued further,a sign ofstrong_over basic matters.A.disagreementB.consistencyC.jokeD.diversion【答案】B28、2020 年 3 月 10 日国家主席习近平专门赴湖北省武汉市考察疫情防控工作。他强调,经过艰苦努力,湖北和武汉疫情防控形势发生积极向好变化,取得阶段性重要成果,但疫情防控任务依然艰巨繁重。越是在这个
19、时候,越是要保持头脑清醒,越是要慎终如始,越是要再接再厉、善作善成,继续把()作为当前头等大事和最重要的工作。A.疫情防控B.疫情监管C.疫情防治D.疫情管理【答案】A29、企业接受的现金捐赠,应计入()。A.营业外收入B.盈余公积C.资本公积D.未分配利润【答案】A30、资料:A high-precision NASA radar instrument left a NASA airportin Southern California for Iceland on January 28 to create detailedmaps of how glaciers move in the de
20、ad of winter.This will helpscientists around the world better understand some of the most basicprocesses involved in melting glaciers,which are major contributorsto rising sea levels.A.By melting the frozen iceberg in winterB.By observing the snows moving directionsC.By isolating ice from water in s
21、unlinesD.By comparing the glaciers moving speeds【答案】D31、Hes been quite helpful,_?A.hasnt heB.is heC.has heD.isnt he【答案】A32、I think science is more useful than art.A.not so useful asB.less useful thanC.the most useful ofD.as useful as【答案】D33、电子邮件是 Internet 应用最广泛的服务项目,通常采用的传输协议是()。A.SMTPB.TCPIPC.CSM A
22、CD.TPXSPX【答案】A34、Mobile and portable technologies allow learners to accessinformation irrespective of their physical context,for example on abus or,_as a way to provide learners with location-basedinformation.A.simultaneouslyB.generallyC.accordinglyD.alternatively【答案】D35、资料:Talk about Christmas in J
23、uly.Carrie Rocha has alreadystarted her holiday shopping.“A few weeks back I picked up a$60toy for$4,and,truth be told,I picked up a whole lot more thanthat,”she wrote in an email.“I spent about$80 total and got$350+in toys.”A.Because the toys were on sale in most storesB.Because she was preparing t
24、he gifts for ChristmasC.Because the holiday season is comingD.Because she loves to give out toys as gifts【答案】A36、He was determined that his children()to the best school.A.should goB.wentC.ought to goD.would go【答案】A37、从布雷顿森林体系崩溃以来,国际储备最明显的变化是()。A.美元是唯一的储备货币B.英镑是唯一的储备货币C.黄金是最重要的储备资产D.国际储备资产多元化【答案】D38、
25、历时 19 年,由北宋司马光主编的多卷本编年体史书是()。A.史记B.资治通鉴C.汉纪D.二十四史【答案】B39、默认情况下,Exce1 2003 工作簿由()个工作表组成。A.1B.4C.5D.3【答案】D40、公文区别于其他类别文章的主要之处是()。A.公文形成的主体是国家机关及其他社会组织B.公文形成的条件是行使职权和实施管理C.公文是具有法定效用与规范格式的文件D.公文是办理公务的重要工具之一【答案】C41、美国宇航局利用一枚火箭在月球表面撞出直径大约 100 英尺的大洞,科学家通过测量,发 现了大约 25 加仑水蒸气以及水冰。这一发现被美国时代周刊评选为 2009 年十大科学 发现之
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- 江西省 2023 银行 招聘 综合 知识 练习题 答案