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1、江西省江西省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识精选试年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识精选试题及答案二题及答案二单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、下列属于消费信用的是()。A.赊账B.银团投资C.直接投资D.出口信贷【答案】A2、总分类账户与明细分类账户平行登记四要点中的“依据相同”是指()。A.总分类账要根据明细分类账进行登记B.明细分类账要根据总分类账进行登记C.根据同一会计凭证登记D.由同一人员进行登记【答案】C3、资料:Special needs students can not only learn from regulareducation teachers,bu
2、t can participate in collaborative learningwith mainstream students as well.Collaborative learning allowsstudents to work together in groups to complete lessons andassignments.A.It helps special needs students think creativelyB.It helps special needs students from all the attending studentsC.It help
3、s special needs students learn varied ability fromclassmatesD.It helps students work together on solving problems and assignments【答案】D4、属于我国二级重点保护动物的是()。A.金丝猴B.长臂猿C.小熊猫D.大熊猫【答案】C5、资料:Did your childs brain shrink last summer?Probably not,butit may have shifted into reverse,according to a study by Dr.
4、HarrisCooper,professor of psychology at the University of Missouri-Columbia.The study found that when students return to school after along summer vacation,theyve lost one to three months worth oflearning.A.Doing some special planning to have math-related activitiesB.Signing up for programs like“Sha
5、kespeares Theater”C.Having less reading activities over the summerD.Going to the libraries more often【答案】A6、小王是一名应届毕业生,成功入职 A 公司与 A 公司签订劳动合同,约定适用期为 1 个月且约定月工资为 6000 元。若 A 公司所在地的最低月工资标准为3000 元,则按照劳动法的规定,小王在试用期的月工资应不低于()。A.6000 元B.5400 元C.4800 元D.3600 元【答案】C7、资料:Its easy to trace the evolution of the
6、automobile.Atmost,were only talking about a few centuries of technologicaldevelopment,and most of the plans,prototypes and models are stillaround.With just a little research,you can easily trace the latestmodel electric hybrid back to its steam-powered ancestors.A.Hominid and paninB.Chimps and human
7、sC.Walking on two legsD.Morphological and genetic studies【答案】C8、2019 年 7 月 22 日,美国财富杂志公布 2019 年“世界 500 强”榜单。中国银行以 1277.14 亿美元营业收入排名第()位,较上一年度上升两位。A.34B.44C.45D.30【答案】B9、对有价证券行市的正确理解是()。A.证券行市与市场利率负相关B.证券行市是有价证券的发行价格C.证券行市是证券面值的资本化D.证券行市与证券收益率负相关【答案】A10、下列会计分录中,属于简单会计分录的是()。A.一借多贷B.一贷多借C.一借一贷D.多借多贷【答
8、案】C11、At the meeting,the manager talked _about the need forbetter attendance and punctuality.A.brieflyB.briefingC.shortlyD.shorts【答案】A12、资料:Good listening is much more than being silent while theother person talks.To the contrary,people perceive the bestlisteners to be those who periodically ask que
9、stions that promotediscovery and insight.These questions gently challenge oldassumptions,but do so in a constructive way.Sitting there silentlynodding does not provide sure evidence that a person is listening,but asking a good question tells the speaker the listener has notonly heard what was said,b
10、ut that they comprehended it well enoughto want additional information.Good listening was consistently seenas a two-way dialog,rather than a one-way“speaker versus hearer”interaction.The best conversations were active.A.Use logicB.Disagree with the speakerC.ResponseD.Be silent【答案】D13、在我国加入 WTO 后的今天,
11、外资银行已经逐步突破地域、业务等限制进入我国市场。外资银行在我国拓展业务,由于对国情、民情和金融法规不甚了解,难以准确把握市场信息。外资银行把握市场信息的捷径就是实现管理人员的“本土化”。外资银行用优厚的薪酬待遇、优越的工作环境、良好的福利保障、众多的出国培训机会、灵活的用人机制来吸引和留住人才。这一举措导致了我国金融人才的大量流失,这对我国商业银行人力资源开发和管理提出了严峻挑战。A.科学的工资和资金制度B.各种福利计划C.长期的激励机制D.建立员工自我实现平台【答案】D14、下列字符中,其 ASCII 码值最大的是()。A.9B.DC.aD.y【答案】D15、交易双方同意在将来的某一特定日
12、期,按事先规定好的价格买入或售出既定数量的某种资产协议的金融工具,称之为(),它是一种场外交易。A.金融期货B.金融期权C.远期合约D.互换【答案】C16、个体户崔某为使自己的劣质酱油能在某超市上柜,为超市部门主管汤某安排了一次全家境外游,并为汤某的儿子入学缴纳了 3 万元的赞助费。在反不正当竞争法中,这一行为属于()。A.混淆行为B.虚假宣传行为C.独占排挤行为D.商业贿赂行为【答案】D17、我国历史上第一个统一的中央集权制的封建国家是()。A.夏B.商C.秦D.汉【答案】C18、当国民收入水平提高,而政府又没有采用任何财政政策,下列哪种情形肯定发生?()A.政府支出增加B.政府财政赤字增加
13、C.政府税收增加D.政府税收减少【答案】C19、在 Word 中,想用新名字保存文件应()。A.执行“文件”“另存为”命令B.执行“文件”“保存”命令C.单击工具栏的“保存”按钮D.复制文件到新命名的文件中【答案】A20、总需求函数可以表示为:Y=AD(P),以下关于总需求曲线向右下方倾斜的原因,说法不正确的是()。A.当价格总水平上升时人们持有财富的实际价值升高,人们会变的非常富有,从而增加消费B.在既定收入的前提下,价格总水平提高使个人持有的财富可以购买的消费品数量下降,从而消费减少C.由于当价格水平上升的时候,出口会下降,进口增加,导致了净出口下滑D.随着价格总水平提高,利息率上升,而利
14、息率上升会使得投资减少,即价格水平提高使投资支出减少【答案】A21、资料:Tencent Holdings Ltd has announced that it will fully openup its big data platform and machine learning technology in a move tobuild a sharing economy based on cloud services.Enterprises willbe able to use a set of big data analysis tools developed by Tencent,hel
15、ping them gain a better understanding of their clients and improvetheir products.A.To develop cloud servicesB.To help enterprises gain a better understanding of their clientsand improve their productsC.To become a part of the internet ecosystemD.To store and analyze more data【答案】B22、下列行业中最接近于完全竞争模式的
16、是()。A.飞机制造业B.烟草业C.日用小商品制造业D.汽车制造业【答案】C23、资料:The federal government on Wednesday recommended anendangered-species listing for the loggerhead turtles in U.S.Waters,a decision that could lead to tighter restrictions on fishing andother maritime trades.Environmental groups who d been pushing anendangere
17、d listing said the proposal was a“turning point”they hopewill lead to greater turtle protections.A.warn our descendants about the extinction of speciesB.Call for effective measures to ensure sea turtles survivalC.Persuade human beings to show more affection or turtlesD.Stress that even the most ugly
18、 species should be protected【答案】B24、若一国的财政收入比支出要少,则说明该国出现()。A.通货膨胀B.金融危机C.财政赤字D.贸易赤字【答案】C25、资料:From:Peter Manx pmanxbettertraining.co.auA.To sell a publicationB.To recruit a consultantC.To request informationD.To offer a service【答案】D26、小王是一名应届毕业生,成功入职 A 公司与 A 公司签订劳动合同,约定适用期为 1 个月且约定月工资为 6000 元。若 A 公
19、司所在地的最低月工资标准为3000 元,则按照劳动法的规定,小王在试用期的月工资应不低于()。A.6000 元B.5400 元C.4800 元D.3600 元【答案】C27、为刺激经济复苏,美国将把接近于零的联邦基金利率延续到()年底。A.2014B.2015C.2016D.2017【答案】A28、_their regular daytime job,many people do extra work in theevening.A.BetweenB.BesideC.BesidesD.By【答案】C29、按贷款风险分类法,借款人无需足额偿还贷款本息,即使执行担保,也肯定要造成较大损失的贷款应归
20、为()。A.正常B.关注C.次级D.可疑【答案】D30、I have read up to()the children discover the secretcave,what about you?A.whichB.whatC.thatD.where【答案】D31、He has made many studies on youth unemployment and education andthe neglect of_marginalized.A.aB.thisC.theD.that【答案】C32、下列操作中,不能完全清除文件型计算机病毒的是()。A.删除感染计算机病毒的文件B.将感染计算机
21、病毒的文件更名C.格式化感染计算机病毒的磁盘D.用杀毒软件进行清除【答案】B33、银行的活期存款人通知银行在其存款额度内无条件支付一定金额给持票人的书面凭证是()。A.支票B.汇票C.本票D.存单【答案】A34、It is not hard to read Arya,because she()blushes withembarrassment when she has a terrible conversation with others.A.habituallyB.habitC.habitsD.habitual【答案】A35、资料:Workforce planning helps an or
22、ganization to estimate itsfuture workforce requirements and calculate the numbers,nature andsources of potential employees who might meet that demand.A.those who have many work experiencesB.those who are likely to quit in a yearC.those who are friendly to colleaguesD.those who are skilled as well as
23、 committed【答案】D36、资料:Special needs students can not only learn from regulareducation teachers,but can participate in collaborative learningwith mainstream students as well.Collaborative learning allowsstudents to work together in groups to complete lessons andassignments.A.It is desired for students
24、 with special needsB.It is tutored by regular teachers for mainstream studentsC.It is planned for collaborative learning by mainstream studentsD.It has students with special needs and regular education classmates【答案】D37、An in-depth understanding of this emerging phenomenon requiresnot just the consi
25、deration of quantitative studies,but the_ofselected quantitative,qualitative and mixed-method study designs.A.collectB.poolingC.poolD.poll【答案】C38、“分配股利、利润或偿付利息所支付的现金”项目属于()。A.投资活动现金流B.经营活动现金流C.融资活动现金流D.利润分配现金流【答案】C39、省、自治区、直辖市的设立、撤销、更名,须报()审议决定。A.全国人民代表大会B.国务院C.全国人大常委会D.省级国家权力机关审议决定【答案】A40、计算机病毒是指()
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