《河北省2023年银行招聘之银行招聘职业能力测验题库练习试卷A卷附答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河北省2023年银行招聘之银行招聘职业能力测验题库练习试卷A卷附答案.doc(48页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、河北省河北省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘职业能力测验题年银行招聘之银行招聘职业能力测验题库练习试卷库练习试卷 A A 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、What happened to Reagan after this encounter?_A.He rejected Bouviers offer and took the shop jobB.He was allowed to take the local bus one year for freeC.The shop where he was interviewed doubled his salar
2、yD.He returned to high school to continue his schooling【答案】B2、物美超市的收银台平均每小时有 60 名顾客前来排队付款每一个收银台每小时能应付 80 名顾客付款。某天某时刻,超市如果只开设一个收银台付款开始 4 小时就没有顾客排队了,问如果当时开设两个收银台,则付款开始几小时就没有顾客排队了?()A.2B.1.8C.1.6D.0.8【答案】D3、长城的文明是一种僵硬的雕塑,都江堰的文明却是一种()的生活。长城摆出一副老资格等待人们的修缮,都江堰却卑处一隅,像一位绝不炫耀、毫无所求的乡间母亲,只知()A.轻盈 沉默B.灵动 贡献C.滋润
3、 奉献D.恬静 付出【答案】B4、财政政策是指()。A.政府管理价格的手段B.周期性变化的预算C.为使政府收支平衡的手段D.利用税收、支出和债务管理等政策来实现国民收入的预期水平【答案】D5、合理地进行口腔的自我检查,是可以及时发现牙病症状的。下面哪一项如果正确,最能质疑上述做法的效果?()A.对那些很少刷牙的人来说.患口腔癌的危险性更高B.很少刷牙的人不大可能每周对他们的口腔进行检查C.口腔癌在儿童中不是很普遍D.许多牙病症状是不能在每周自我检查中被发现的【答案】D6、亚当?斯密认为个人利益的过分追求,最后的结果是()。A.招来更多竞争者B.获取更高利润C.产品价格下降D.消费者受益【答案】
4、D7、受原材料涨价的影响,某产品的总成本比之前上涨了 1/15,而原材料成本在总成本中的比重提高了 2.5 个百分点。问原材料的价格上涨了多少?()A.1/12B.1/11C.1/10D.1/9【答案】D8、February18thA.Call the Customer Service CenterB.Sent payment to the utilities firmC.Review two bills from last yearD.Verify her account balance【答案】B9、小明忘记了今天是星期几,于是他去问 O、P、Q 三人。O 回答:“我也忘记今天是星期几了,但
5、你可以去问 P、Q 两人。”P 回答:“昨天是我说谎的日子。”Q 的回答和 P 一样。已知:A.星期一B.星期二C.星期四D.星期天【答案】C10、Few laws are so effective that you can see results just daysafter they take effect.But in the nine days since the federalcigarette tax more than doubled-to$1.01 per pack-smokers havejammed telephone quit lines across the count
6、ry seeking to kick thehabit.A.discardingB.removeC.benefitD.free【答案】A11、9.19,4.27,5.35,2.43,()。A.3.51B.5.51C.5.60D.8.60【答案】B12、8,12,16,16,(),-64A.0B.4C.8D.12【答案】A13、Questions 117-120refer to the following questions.A.An investment firms sales figuresB.A recessions effect on the real estate industryC.
7、Yesterdays stock market activityD.An economic reports unexpected findings【答案】D14、Many people believe the glare from snow causes snow-blindness.Yet,dark glasses or not,they find themselves suffering fromheadaches and watering eyes,and even snow-blindness,when exposed toseveral hours of snow light.A.s
8、now-blindness and how to overcome itB.natures cure for snow blindnessC.soldiers in the snowD.snow vision【答案】A15、Which of the following actions contradict what is stated in thead?A.Jack asking if its okay to make a follow-up callB.Jack sending his resume by e-mailC.Jack requesting to meet in personD.
9、Jack revealing sensitive information about the food industry【答案】A16、中国:杭州()A.美国:匹兹堡B.法国:法兰克福C.英国:瓦伦西亚D.阿联酋:沙特【答案】A17、提高行政效率既是行政管理的出发点,也是衡量行政管理水平和效果的重要标志。那么 提高行政效率的基本保证是()的合理化。A.行政人员B.行政制度C.行政组织机构D.权力分配【答案】C18、小型货车站最大容量为 50 辆车,现有 30 辆车,已知每小时驶出 8 辆,驶入 10 辆,则多少小时车站容量饱和?()A.8B.10C.12D.14【答案】B19、Due to a
10、 recent increase in administrative errors,we are writingto remind you of the process for investigating any suspecteddiscrepancy on your service bill.Please contact the customer servicedepartment in writing within 60 days of receiving the bill.In orderto avoid fate fees and possi-ble42of your service
11、,you must still payundisputed portions of the statement by the due date.A.interruptedB.to interruptC.interruptionD.interruptive【答案】C20、Advertisers tend to think big and perhaps this is why theyrealways coming in for criticismTheir critics seem to resent thembecause they have a flair for self-promoti
12、on and because they have somuch money to throw around Its iniquitous,they say,that thisentirely unproductive industry(if we can call it that)should absorbmillions of pounds each year It only goes to show how much profitthe big companies are making Why dont they stop advertising andreduce the price o
13、f their goods?After all,its the consumer whopays A.Because advertisers often bragB.Because critics think advertisement is a waste of moneyC.Because customers are encouraged to buy more than necessaryD.Because customers pay more【答案】A21、Advertisers tend to think big and perhaps this is why theyrealway
14、s coming in for criticismTheir critics seem to resent thembecause they have a flair for self-promotion and because they have somuch money to throw around Its iniquitous,they say,that thisentirely unproductive industry(if we can call it that)should absorbmillions of pounds each year It only goes to s
15、how how much profitthe big companies are making Why dont they stop advertising andreduce the price of their goods?After all,its the consumer whopays A.appreciativeB.trustworthyC.criticalD.dissatisfactory【答案】A22、An increase in students applying to study,economics atuniversity is being attributed to t
16、he global economic crisisawakening a public thirst for knowledge about how the financialsystem works.A.given in a traditional wayB.connected with the present situationC.open to both students and their parentsD.warmly received by economics【答案】B23、衡量通货膨胀的指标通常采用()。A.农产品物价指数B.工业品物价指数C.出口品物价指数D.消费者价格指数【答
17、案】D24、Some of our clients have complained that the time it takes to geta_ from a service representative is enough to make them notwant to use our services again.A.responseB.respondingC.respondedD.respond【答案】A25、3,6,12,21,33,()。A.44B.46C.48D.50【答案】C26、某施工队计划用 l20 个劳动力在规定时间内完成一定的挖土任务。施工 25天后,因调走 30 人,
18、于是每人每天必须多挖 l 立方米土才能在规定时间内完成任务。问在 25 天后每人每天挖土多少立方米?()A.3B.4C.5D.6【答案】B27、花旗私人银行公布的2010 财富报告指出,2009 年全球百万富翁人数普遍减少,中国也不例外,富翁人数较 2008 年下降一成多,但尚有 34 万人财富“达标”,仍是全球第四大“富翁生产国”。富翁人数缩水最厉害的是印度和葡萄牙,各减少近四分之一,而智利、哥伦比亚、阿联酋等的富翁们“抗击打能力”最强,只有 2%的人士落马。A.中国富翁们“抗击打能力”不够强B.2009 年中国是全球第四大“富翁生产国”,富翁人数下降一成C.2009 年全球百万富翁人数普遍
20、.宇宙视野能使我们的心胸开阔C.向外太空扩张将使人的本性不再重要D.回顾历史有助于人类获取更广阔的视野【答案】B29、2012 年,邮政企业和全国规模以上快递服务企业业务收入(不包括邮政储蓄银行直接营业收入)完成 l9809 亿元,同比增长 269;业务总量完成20368 亿元,同比增长 267。A.同城B.异地C.国际及港澳台D.其他【答案】B30、3 月 19 日,中国银行孟买分行在印度孟买举行开业仪式。至此中行海外机构已实现对()全覆盖。A.一带-路沿线B.金砖国家C.东南亚地区D.东亚地区【答案】B31、It rained heavily in Shaanxi in September
21、,2011,_seriousflooding in several areas.A.causedB.to causeC.causingD.having caused【答案】C32、尽管有关部门年年都有打击生产、销售假冒伪劣产品的专项活动,但少数厂家制假售假 现象仍屡禁不止。A.干扰企业质量意识B.破坏社会信用制度C.加剧市场竞争程度D.严重扰乱市场秩序【答案】D33、根据下列内容,回答 211-215 题。A.The importance of doing well at schoolB.Using school performance to help to choose a careerC.
22、The importance of being good at all subjectsD.The indirect value of schoolwork【答案】B34、The _ that Bright Star Print offers to long-termemployees help the company to attract the best production workers inthe textile industry.A.controlsB.interestsC.benefitsD.forces【答案】B35、所有称职的教师都是关心学生成绩的教师,所有关心学生成绩的教师
23、都工作很忙碌,工作不忙碌的教师都不是优秀教师。A.有些优秀教师不是工作忙碌的教师B.有些工作忙碌的教师不是优秀教师C.所有称职的教师工作都很忙碌D.所有忙碌的教师都很关心学生成绩【答案】C36、为了使职业生涯管理活动取得成功,需要注意一些事项,其中不包括()。A.鼓励直线经理参与职业生涯发展活动B.不一定非得得到组织高层的支持C.要充分考虑员工的个体差异D.职业生涯管理活动要与组织的人力战略、招聘、绩效评估等人力资源管理环节相互配 合,统筹考虑【答案】B37、假设一定时期内消费者的个人收入增加了 20,由此导致消费者对某商品的需求下降了 12,这在一定程度上可以说明该商品属于()。A.高档品B
24、.边际商品C.低档品D.必需品【答案】C38、主要适用于对非交易性账户存款准备金的计算方法是()。A.法定存款准备金计算法B.滞后准备金计算法C.同步准备金计算法D.超额存款准备金计算法【答案】B39、有研究资料表明,颈椎病患者往往缺钙,而大童实际事例表明,通过食用钙片,可改善人体内缺钙的状况,因此有人认为,可以通过食用钙片来治疗颈椎病。A.在食用钙片的过程中不会产生副作用B.具体服用钙片的童与颈椎病患者的年龄有关C.颈椎病患者体内钙含量不会因其他原因而有太大变化D.钙的缺乏是导致颈椎病的原因,而不是颈椎病引起的缺钙【答案】D40、Questions 85-87 refer to the fo
25、llowing advertisement.A.The problem of long-time waiting for papersB.The lack of food during the application processC.The costs of fake documents in black marketD.The illegal nature of the black market business【答案】A41、根据下列内容,回答 181-185 题。A.the difference between biological and clinical deathB.the pr
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- 河北省 2023 银行 招聘 职业 能力 测验 题库 练习 试卷 答案