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1、河北省河北省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识能力检年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识能力检测试卷测试卷 B B 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、资料:Did your childs brain shrink last summer?Probably not,butit may have shifted into reverse,according to a study by Dr.HarrisCooper,professor of psychology at the University of Missouri-Columbia.The study fou
2、nd that when students return to school after along summer vacation,theyve lost one to three months worth oflearning.A.After summer vocation kids will lose one to three months worth oflearningB.After summer vocation kids will lose learning capability in readingC.Summer vocation makes kids lose learni
3、ng skills in mathD.Summer vocation brings kids psychological problems【答案】A2、下列诗句描述的节日与其他三项不同的是()。A.两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮B.尘世难逢开口笑,菊花须插满头归C.不见穿针妇,空怀故国楼D.天阶夜色凉如水,卧看牵牛织女星【答案】B3、掠夺交易是指以强制手段为基础、一方强迫另一方的利益转移(包括其承载物的转移。下列不属于掠夺交易的是()。A.甲有一幅非常珍贵的古名画,乙知道后千方百计想得到,就请甲的领导出面,用一幅现代名画将乙的那幅画换到手B.张某摆了一个杂货摊点,一天,有一人来买塑料面盆,她拿
4、出一元钱塞给张说:“我知道你卖三元一只,我们是邻居,就一元卖给我吧。”说完就拿走了面盆C.小李家正搞装潢,谁知预算失误,少买了几平米某名牌木地板,急需补上,经销商谎称木地板涨价,必须加价,最终小李以三倍的价格买回所需地板D.小王和小章是两位集邮爱好者,他们常常交换邮品,虽然有时用以交换的邮品价格悬殊,但双方都非常乐意,毫无怨言【答案】D4、Passage2A.who has not been instructed how to use a life preserverB.who has a little experience in using a life preserverC.who use
5、s a life preserver without permissionD.who becomes nervous before a disaster【答案】A5、在 Word 主窗口的右上角,可以同时显示的按钮是()。A.最小化、还原和最大化B.最大化、还原和关闭C.最小化、还原和关闭D.最大化和还原【答案】C6、2012 年 5 月 10 日,期货市场首个上市新品种:白银期货正式挂牌交易,这意味着国 内市场上市了第()个贵金属期货交易品种。A.一B.二C.三D.四【答案】B7、重点向国家基础设施、基础产业和支柱产业项目以及重大技术改造和高新技术产业化 项目发放贷款的银行是().A.中国建
6、设银行B.国家开发银行C.中国进出口银行D.中国农业发展银行【答案】B8、下列哪种结算工具适用于异地先拿货款后发货的结算?()A.银行汇票B.商业汇票C.银行本票D.支票【答案】A9、下列说法不正确的是()。A.舞低杨柳楼心月柳永B.两情若是久长时秦观C.此情无计可消除李清照D.可惜流年、忧愁风雨辛弃疾【答案】A10、The professors new book is_reading.A.well worthyB.very worthC.well worthD.very worthy【答案】C11、中共中央政治局 1 月 25 日上午就()举行第十二次集体学习。中共中央总书记习近平在主持学习
8、基本假设中,()是指企业会计确认、计量和报告的空间范围。A.会计分期B.会计主体C.持续经营D.货币计量【答案】B13、被称为“古希腊三大悲剧作家”的是埃斯库罗斯、欧里庇得斯和()。A.亚瑟克勒斯B.索福克勒斯C.汤姆克勒斯D.斯托克勒斯【答案】B14、It can be well predicted that these effects might spread tosocieties and regions_。A.by and largeB.at largeC.in allD.in common【答案】B15、An entrepreneurs product or service must
9、 sound _ andmarketable,enough to convince people to become investors.A.sustainableB.feasibleC.probableD.eligible【答案】B16、在民事权利中,自然人的人身自由,人格尊严受法律保护。自然人享有的权利不包括()。A.名称权B.肖像权C.荣誉权D.名誉权【答案】A17、资料:Tencent Holdings Ltd has announced that it will fully openup its big data platform and machine learning techn
10、ology in a move tobuild a sharing economy based on cloud services.Enterprises willbe able to use a set of big data analysis tools developed by Tencent,helping them gain a better understanding of their clients and improvetheir products.A.Tencent is offering cloud services as a separate businessB.Smal
11、ler companies fail to build their own data centerC.Cloud services slightly increased the operating costsD.Cloud technology is widely used in every Chinese enterprise【答案】B18、During her junior year of high school,Diane Rays teacher handedher a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her fu
12、turefinancial life.Ray pretended to buy a car,rent an apartment,and applyfor a credit card.Then,she and her classmates played thestock marketgame,investing(投资)the hypothetical(虚拟的)earnings from theirhypothetical jobs in the market in the disastrous fall of 2008.Ourpretend investments crashed,Ray say
13、s,still frightened.We got toknow how it felt to lose money.A.pay off all her debtsB.handle her money betterC.find a job in a bankD.manage the family income【答案】B19、对于热水瓶爆裂造成的烫伤,下列紧急处理正确的一项是()。A.立即脱去被开水浸湿的衣裤或鞋袜B.立即用纱布包裹,冰块凉敷烫伤处C.立即用 20左右的凉水冲洗D.擦干净烫伤皮肤,可用紫药水或红汞涂抹【答案】C20、下列机关中属于国家行政机关的是()。A.国家审判机关B.司法行政
14、机关C.人民政协D.企业人事部门【答案】B21、Most of us entirely value human life,_ some peoplethink of animals as being equally important.A.andB.orC.butD.unless【答案】C22、有价证券特别是债券的票面利率随着期限的增加的提高是因为()。A.长期证券流动性差,风险相对较大B.长期证券流动性差,风险相对较小C.长期证券流动性强,风险相对较大D.长期证券流动性强,风险相对较小【答案】A23、计算机网络突出的优点是()。A.存储容量大B.运算速度快C.共享资源和信息交换D.精度高【答
15、案】C24、资料:Did your childs brain shrink last summer?Probably not,but it may have shifted into reverse,according to a study by Dr.Harris Cooper,professor of psychology at the University of Missouri-Columbia.The study found that when students return to school after along summer vacation,theyve lost one
16、to three months worth oflearning.A.After summer vocation kids will lose one to three months worth oflearningB.After summer vocation kids will lose learning capability in readingC.Summer vocation makes kids lose learning skills in mathD.Summer vocation brings kids psychological problems【答案】A25、()to p
17、laying games recently,he is easy to feel sleepy inclass.A.AddictedB.AddictingC.Having addictedD.To addict【答案】A26、下列选项中属于完全物权的是()。A.抵押权B.质权C.所有权D.留置权【答案】C27、目前市售的 USB Flash Disk(俗称优盘)是一种()。A.输出设备B.输人设备C.存储设备D.显示设备【答案】C28、小明认为:由于今年气温比去年同期要高,因此今年的蚊虫要比去年更多。A.高温天气有利于蚊虫繁殖B.今年的蚊虫格外多C.去年的蚊虫并不多D.高温天气容易导致食物腐烂
18、【答案】A29、账簿按用途不同可分为三大类,下列分类正确的是()。A.两栏式账簿、三栏式账簿、多栏式账簿B.日记账簿、分类账簿、备查账簿C.订本式账簿、活页式账簿、卡片式账簿D.日记账簿、分类账簿、数量金额式账簿【答案】B30、Swimming is an all-body workout。It_small muscle groups thatoften get ignored in other workouts。A.helpsB.keepsC.healsD.works【答案】D31、主营业务利润率属于哪种财务比率()。A.结构比率B.效率比率C.相关比率D.利润比率【答案】D32、关于维生素
19、,下列说法正确的是()。A.缺乏维 C 可致佝偻病B.维 A 有助于视力和免疫力C.维 E 有助于凝血并强健骨骼D.维 D 促进骨骼生长和重构,防止败血病【答案】B33、常见的编程语言有 Java、C、C+、C#等等,其中诞生最早的语言是()。A.CB.JavaC.C#D.C+【答案】A34、Passage 6A.It was created by Mrs.FieldB.It collects information on you usually without your knowing itC.It is a hardware needed to access to your compute
20、rD.It is the latest in technology【答案】B35、资料:Demystifying how social and human-like robots work is vitalso that we can understand and shape how they will affect our future,Dr Hatice Gunes will tell the Hay Festival next week.(1)A.it is not meaningful for robots to have the appearance of humanB.people
21、 who make the appearance of robots very human-like should beblamedC.people need to pay more attention to the development ofrobotsfunctionsD.the appearance of robots has become more and more emotional【答案】C36、Uranus,_ is much more massive than the Earth,seems tohave been tipped over so that it lies on
22、 its side.A.whatB.whoC.thatD.winch【答案】D37、资料:The federal government on Wednesday recommended anendangered-species listing for the loggerhead turtles in U.S.Waters,a decision that could lead to tighter restrictions on fishing andother maritime trades.Environmental groups who d been pushing anendanger
23、ed listing said the proposal was a“turning point”they hopewill lead to greater turtle protections.A.human activities have changed the way turtles surviveB.Efforts have been made to protect turtles from extinctionC.Marine biologists are looking for the secret of turtlesreproductionD.Government bureau
24、cracy has contributed to decreasing number ofturtles【答案】B38、资料:Changing careers is becoming more popular.Not just becausethere are more career options available,but also out of necessity.As new industries arise,others die.Its up to you to figure out ifyour career is still going to be around in the n
25、ext 5-10 years.Somestudies say we could have as many as nine careers in our professionallifetime.Which begs the question:do you know what it takes tosuccessfully change career lanes repeatedly?A.You need to be consistent in your careerB.Changing career lanes efficiently and effectively needs more ef
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- 河北省 2023 银行 招聘 综合 知识 能力 检测 试卷 答案