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1、江西省江西省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识考前冲年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识考前冲刺模拟试卷刺模拟试卷 B B 卷含答案卷含答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、下列关于审计的说法,错误的是()。A.审计是一种监督机制B.审计是一个系统过程C.按审计活动执行主体的性质分类,审计可分为政府审计和独立审计两种D.按审计内容分类,我国一般将审计分为财政财务审计和经济效益审计【答案】C2、资料:Even as rich countries seek to rid workplaces of subtlegender bias,in many developing ones
2、discrimination remains overt.According to the World Bank,women are barred from certain jobs in104 countries.(1)A.In developing countries,the gender discrimination in work field isspreading to more countriesB.Due to work restrictions,women cannot work in some toughindustriesC.Women appreciate being t
3、reated as weaker sex in some countries soas to bear childrenD.Lifting restrictions on a list of dangerous jobs can help to solvethe problem of inequality in work【答案】B3、导致需求曲线发生位移的原因是()。A.因价格变动,引起了需求量的交动B.因供给曲线发生位移,引起了需求量的变动C.影响需求量的非价格因素发生交动,而引起需求关系发生了变动D.因社会经济因素发生变动引起产品价格的变动【答案】C4、倡导“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”的诗人是(
4、)。A.王国维B.龚自珍C.梁启超D.顾炎武【答案】D5、The No.3 air cycle pack temperature indication is_hot.A.being readB.to readC.readingD.read【答案】C6、孔子思想的核心是()。A.仁B.义C.孝D.信【答案】A7、Stereotypes_womens roles to duties within the domesticsphere,such as food preparation and child care。A.confineB.limitC.restrainD.conform【答案】A8、下
5、面对作品、作家的表述,错误的是()。A.汤显祖,明代杂剧家,代表作为牡丹亭B.曹禺、夏衍是我国现代著名的剧作家C.塞万提斯,西班牙作家,著有鲁滨逊漂流记D.老人与海的作者是美国作家海明威【答案】C9、2012 年 5 月 10 日,期货市场首个上市新品种:白银期货正式挂牌交易,这意味着国 内市场上市了第()个贵金属期货交易品种。A.一B.二C.三D.四【答案】B10、资料:Keeping the Zeal of a Startup as You ScaleA.startup company that maintains its original quality in the processof
6、 scaling upB.An insurgent company that turned into an incumbent companyC.An insurgent company that managed to make steady profitsD.startup company that succeeded in scaling up【答案】A11、能直接与 CPU 交换信息的功能单元是()。A.硬盘B.控制器C.主存储器D.运算器【答案】C12、During her junior year of high school,Diane Rays teacher handedher
7、a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her futurefinancial life.Ray pretended to buy a car,rent an apartment,and applyfor a credit card.Then,she and her classmates played thestock marketgame,investing the hypothetical earnings from their hypotheticaljobs in the market in the disastrou
8、s fall of 2008.Our pretendinvestments crashed,Ray says,still frightened.We got to know how itfelt to lose money.A.ways to teach students to earn moneyB.how Diane Ray learns to value moneyC.the push to teach personal finance in schoolD.how students choose a proper financial class【答案】C13、资料:Everyone k
9、nows airline pricing is based on supply anddemand.Fares are more expensive during peak travel seasons likesummer and to prime destinations like European capitals.So if aflight to Rome costs more than a flight to Milan,youd think thatdemand for Rome must be higher or supply lower.A.Because all people
10、 prefer the shortest route to their destinationB.Because airlines take advantage of peoples preference for directflightsC.Because connecting flights may cause some inconvenienceD.Because airlines charge customers different prices for the sameproduct【答案】B14、资料:The Oakview CafeA.It opens for dinner at
11、 7p.mB.It advertises in a local newspaperC.It is located in the citys business districtD.It is a small restaurant【答案】A15、It was no()that his car was seen near the bank at the timeof the robbery.A.coincidenceB.conventionC.certaintyD.complication【答案】A16、为刺激经济复苏,美国将把接近于零的联邦基金利率延续到()年底。A.2014B.2015C.201
12、6D.2017【答案】A17、Recently,Xiangning started to communicate with Mike,the contactperson of Monsell.A.thanks toB.asC.according toD.due to【答案】D18、当国民收入水平提高,而政府又没有采用任何财政政策,下列哪种情形肯定发生?()A.政府支出增加B.政府财政赤字增加C.政府税收增加D.政府税收减少【答案】C19、资料:Are walkers smarter than drivers?A.UrbanizationB.Young peopleC.BothD.Unknown
13、【答案】C20、Should UK depositors lose money,the government would have todecide whether to_for it directly.A.notifyB.compensateC.overlookD.trigger【答案】B21、“我劝天公重抖擞,不拘一格降人才!”出自()的诗句。A.梁启超B.龚自珍C.康有为D.林则徐【答案】B22、2018 年 3 月 11 日,十三届全国人大一次会议表决通过了中华人民共和国宪法修正案。关于本次宪法修正案下列说法错误的是()A.我国现行宪法是“八二宪法”,目前经历了 5 次修改B.社会主义
14、民族关系的表述中增加了“和谐”C.宪法修正案规定监察委员会委员长由全国人大选举产生D.宪法修正案规定县级市有权制定地方性法规【答案】D23、资料:As a startup founder,my daily tasks include everythingfrom long-term strategic planning to approving team outings andcompany culture initiatives.Day after day,things inevitably come upthat need to get handled ASAP.But Ive also
15、learned that if youdont have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions andyour truly lofty goals,theyll simply never get done.And thatmeans you wont make the progress thats really going to move yourbusiness forward.A.The author may talk about the administration systemB.The author may tea
16、ch the readers to make a timetableC.The author may put forward another suggestionD.The author may discuss the office environments【答案】C24、Ellen Brown says the exercises help _ her pain andstiffness from arthritis.A.rectifyB.reclaimC.reconcileD.relieve【答案】D25、2019 年 1 月 21 日电,国家统计局 21 日对外公布,经初步核算,2018
17、 年全年我国国内生产总值(GDP)为 900309 亿元,经济总量首次站上()的历史新台阶,稳居世界第二位。A.80 万亿元B.90 万亿元C.100 万亿元D.110 万亿元【答案】B26、资料:Special needs students can not only learn from regulareducation teachers,but can participate in collaborative learningwith mainstream students as well.Collaborative learning allowsstudents to work toge
18、ther in groups to complete lessons andassignments.A.The varied ability levels of the special needs studentsB.The needs from the special needs studentsC.The difficulty levels of the learning tasksD.The focus of the specific assignment【答案】D27、白令海峡是()和()的分界线。A.非洲欧洲B.亚洲美洲C.美洲南极洲D.非洲南极洲【答案】B28、某有限责任公司被吊销
19、营业执照,以下为法律顾问提供的法律意见,不正确的是()。A.公司应当自被吊销营业执照之日起 15 日内成立清算组B.清算组由董事或者股东大会确定的人员组成C.公司逾期不成立清算组,债权人可以申请人民法院指定人员组成清算组D.清算组代表公司参与民事诉讼活动【答案】B29、货币流通规律是()。A.关于流通中所需货币量的规律B.关于货币本质的规律C.关于通货膨胀的规律D.关于通货紧缩的规律【答案】A30、2017 年 4 月份,某省规模以上食品工业增加值同比增长 15.0%,比全省规模工业平均水平高 9.4 个百分点。其中,农副食品加工业增长 14.0%,食品制造业增长 18.6%,酒、饮料和精制茶
20、制造业增长 13.9%。14 月,规模以上食品工业产值累计增长 11.6%,增幅比全省规模工业平均水平高 4.5 个百分点。A.熟肉制品B.米制半成品C.冷冻蔬菜D.酱油【答案】B31、The car the police were chasing was a _.A.dentB.decoyC.demonD.dogma【答案】B32、最适于实力不强的小企业采用的目标市场策略是()。A.选择性市场策略B.无选择性市场策略C.集中性市场策略D.产品开发策略【答案】C33、总需求函数可以表示为:Y=AD(P),以下关于总需求曲线向右下方倾斜的原因,说法不正确的是()。A.当价格总水平上升时人们持有财
21、富的实际价值升高,人们会变的非常富有,从而增加消费B.在既定收入的前提下,价格总水平提高使个人持有的财富可以购买的消费品数量下降,从而消费减少C.由于当价格水平上升的时候,出口会下降,进口增加,导致了净出口下滑D.随着价格总水平提高,利息率上升,而利息率上升会使得投资减少,即价格水平提高使投资支出减少【答案】A34、资料:In a survey,people were asked to choose between treatmentsto save 600 people from dying a disease.A.The participantsB.The wordingC.The bac
22、kgroundD.The contents【答案】B35、根据存款主体的不同,存款可以分为()。A.单位存款B.人民币存款C.定期存款D.活期存款【答案】A36、个企业的公文从来源上分可分为()。A.绝密性公文和公开性公文B.般性公文和特殊性公文C.来文和发文D.上行文和下行文【答案】C37、在安索夫产品市场矩阵中,()即市场渗透。A.现有市场新产品B.新市场新产品C.现有市场现有产品D.新市场现有产品【答案】C38、甲公司 2011 年 3 月 1 日开始自行开发成本管理软件在研究阶段发生材料费用 30 万元,开发阶段发生开发人员工资 130 万元,福利费 30 万元,支付租金 45 万元。
23、开发阶段的支出满足资本化条件。2011 年 3 月 16 日,甲公司自行开发成功该成本管理软件,并依法申请了专利,支付注册费 15 万元,律师费 28 万元,甲公司 2011 年 3 月 20 日为向社会展示其成本管理软件,特举办了大型宣传活动,支付费用 50 万元,则甲公司该项无形资产的入账价值应为()万元。A.209.3B.239.3C.204.3D.259.3【答案】A39、2011 年 4 月 14 日,()加入金砖国家以来,该国总统首次以“金砖国家”成员国的身 份参加金砖国家集团第三次首脑会议。A.南非B.印度C.俄罗斯D.巴西【答案】A40、Akira Nakayama _dela
24、y the filming of his documentary in therainforest when his equipment did not arrive on schedule.A.has toB.had toC.having toD.will have to【答案】B41、帕累托最优条件不包括()。A.效率问题B.社会问题C.生产问题D.分配问题【答案】D42、下列各产品中能够适用我国产品质量法的是()。A.甲自产自用的木椅B.乙销售的木椅C.丙自建自用的木屋D.丁销售的木屋【答案】B43、Brands are strategic_that provide an organiz
25、ation with amainly competitive advantage.A.belongingsB.propertyC.assetsD.assessment【答案】C44、资料:Our goal with the new MacBook was to do the impossible:engineer a full-size experience into the lightest and most compactMac notebook ever.That meant reimagining every element to make itnot only lighter and
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