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1、江西省江西省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识通关题年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识通关题库库(附带答案附带答案)单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、We could be sliding into an extraordinary recession unless we_ the economy immediately.A.inspireB.stimulateC.temptD.distract【答案】B2、资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post toretain its crown as the worl
2、ds largest commercial plane maker.A.IndiGos order for Airbuss new engine-option A320s was the firstfirm order for the updated airplanesB.Airbus delivered more planes than Boeing in 2006C.2009 saw demand for Boeings planes fall but not AirbussD.Airbus was able to stay ahead of Boeing in number of ord
3、ersthroughout the year 2010【答案】B3、账簿按用途不同可分为三大类,下列分类正确的是()。A.两栏式账簿、三栏式账簿、多栏式账簿B.日记账簿、分类账簿、备查账簿C.订本式账簿、活页式账簿、卡片式账簿D.日记账簿、分类账簿、数量金额式账簿【答案】B4、“床前明月光,疑是地上霜。”在人们的心目中,月亮是圣洁和美丽的化身。然而,俄罗斯科学家研究认为,月球是地球上很多自然灾害的祸源。于是,科学家们呼吁,加强对月球的研究,为人类造福。科学家们的呼吁说明()。A.B.C.D.【答案】A5、Mary quickly closed the door of her room()her
4、 father couldreach it to keep him out.A.beforeB.whenC.asD.while【答案】A6、It was the training()Sam had at school()made him anexcellent runner.A.what;whatB.that;thatC.what;thatD.that;which【答案】B7、资料:(二)A.explosive growthB.the reform of reverse mortgage marketC.little consideration to suitabilityD.aggressi
5、ve and improper marketing【答案】B8、资料:From Coins to Credit Banking Throughout the Ages is aconcise history of banks and the banking industry from ancient timesto the present.James Gallagher,who has made a career of coveringfinancial news for several newspapers,has done a careful job ofinvestigating his
6、 subject.Although he presents the facts carefully,Mr.Gallagher has made what could have been a dry book into one thatis interesting and enjoyable.By telling amusing anecdotes abouthistorical figures,he makes them come alive.Even people who are notparticularly attracted to the subject matter will fin
7、d this bookengrossing.A.BankerB.LibrarianC.JournalistD.Publisher【答案】C9、Some experts note that childrens performances are_ moreinfluenced by parents than by teacher.A.quiteB.manyC.almostD.far【答案】D10、90 年来经过数代考古工作者的不懈努力,三星堆考古取得了举世瞩目的成就。三星堆的发现与发掘深刻影响了巴蜀考古和巴蜀文化研究,并与四川及中国考古事业的发展息息相关。同时,三星堆遗址被称为 20 世纪人类最伟
8、大的考古发现之一,昭示了长江流域与黄河流域一样,同属中华文明的母体。A.三星堆是人类最伟大考古发现之一。B.三星堆考古的重大意义。C.考古工作者的工作虽然枯燥,但意义最大。D.长江流域与黄河流域同样是中华文明的发源地【答案】B11、Mr.Smith had an unusual():he was first an office clerk,the asailor,and ended up as a school teacher.A.professionB.occupationC.positionD.career【答案】D12、角楼位于故官城墙的转角,共有 4 座。史料及考古资料表明,我国多个朝
9、代的宫城城墙上均建有角楼。如先秦古籍考工记的“匠人营国”部分就规定了城墙角楼的高度为“七雉(约 16.7 米);东周时期军事家墨翟所著墨子,其中的备城门备蛾傅等部分都记载了在城墙的拐角处修建防护建筑、其样式必定是重楼形式的军事防御规定。A.说明故宫角楼的来历B.说明角楼并非是古代宫城所必须的建筑C.介绍故宫角楼的功能D.介绍角楼源于军事防御的需要而兴建【答案】D13、下列行业中最接近于完全竞争模式的是()。A.飞机制造业B.烟草业C.日用小商品制造业D.汽车制造业【答案】C14、Many of those that are prosecuted and sentenced and end_in
10、 ajail are subsequently freed or simply walk out the door as there areprisons in Congo that simply do not have doors.A.downB.offC.upD.beyond【答案】C15、It seems somewhat()to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just fora 20-minute meeting。A.eccentricB.impossibleC.absurdD.unique【答案】C16、Traditionally young Asia
11、ns in Britain have _ towardsmedicine,law and engineering.A.gravitatedB.gravitatingC.been gravitatedD.to gravitate【答案】A17、下列不属于金融市场的作用的是()。A.融通资金的“媒介器”B.经济发展的“润滑剂”C.加强监管D.资金供求的“调节器”【答案】C18、It is of high importance that you _ at the airport on time.A.arriveB.are to arriveC.must arriveD.need to arrive【
12、答案】A19、关于维生素,下列说法正确的是()。A.缺乏维 C 可致佝偻病B.维 A 有助于视力和免疫力C.维 E 有助于凝血并强健骨骼D.维 D 促进骨骼生长和重构,防止败血病【答案】B20、下列哪种结算工具适用于异地先拿货款后发货的结算?()A.银行汇票B.商业汇票C.银行本票D.支票【答案】A21、资料:For nearly a century,Hilton Worldwide has offered businessand leisure travelers the finest in accommodations,service,amenities and value.A.Celeb
13、ritiesB.Royal familiesC.Businessmen and touristsD.Rich people【答案】C22、CPU 处理数据的运作原理可以分为提取、解码、执行和()四个阶段。A.译码B.编码C.写回D.控制【答案】C23、After the storm,the lake returned to its usual()state.A.flaccidB.placidC.lucidD.Acid【答案】A24、How quickly they accomplish this transfer depends not only on howsoon the ants agr
14、ee on the best available site but also on howquickly they can _there.A.stayB.migrateC.chooseD.prefer【答案】B25、资料:Happy wood sprites knows the way to Fenghuang city.A.It is creamedB.It is steamedC.It is grilledD.It is roasted【答案】C26、Injuries from rear-end _ were down,which could mean morethan$45 millio
15、n saved on accident damage per year.A.collisionsB.combatsC.contradictionsD.conflicts【答案】A27、南京大屠杀发生于()。A.1935 年 12 月 13 日B.1937 年 12 月 13 日C.1936 年 12 月 13 日D.1938 年 12 月 13 日【答案】B28、三废(废气、废水、废渣),对社会产生的效应属于()。A.消费的正外部性B.生产的正外部性C.生产的负外部性D.消费的负外部性【答案】C29、Swimming is an all-body workout。It_small muscle
16、 groups thatoften get ignored in other workouts。A.helpsB.keepsC.healsD.works【答案】D30、用汇编语言或高级语言编写的程序称为()。A.用户程序B.源程序C.系统程序D.汇编程序【答案】B31、资料:The data a bank has stored on its servers is more valuablethan the gold in its vaults.Banks enjoy a monopoly over data thathas helped them get away with poor serv
17、ices and fend off competitors.In Europe,at least,that is all about to change with a new set ofregulations,named PSD2.A.Customers are forced to share their bank dataB.Banks are required to open up their entire operational systemC.Regulators should be both tough and flexibleD.Banks and third parties s
18、hould be regulated with a light touch【答案】C32、四大洋面积从大到小的排列顺序是()。A.太平洋-北冰洋-大西洋-印度洋B.大西洋-太平洋-北冰洋-印度洋C.大西洋-太平洋-印度洋-北冰洋D.太平洋-大西洋-印度洋-北冰洋【答案】D33、计算机只懂机器语言,而现在人们一般用高级语言编写程序,将高级语言变为机器语言序需经过()。A.编译程序B.编辑程序C.连接程序D.装入程序【答案】A34、我国习惯上将年息、月息、日息都以“厘”作单位,但实际含义却不同,若年息 8 厘,月息 6 厘,日息 3 厘,则分别是指()A.年利率为 8%,月利率为 6%,日利率为B
19、.年利率为 8%,月利率为 6%,日利率为 3C.年利率为 8%。,月利率为 6,日利率为 3D.年利率为 8%,月利率为 3,日利率为 0.33【答案】D35、资料:You can not go forward by going backward.Take the currentdebate about trade and globalization,for instance,while the impulseto erect trade barriers is understandable given the pain experiencedin recent years,it is no
20、t the way to create lasting growth andshared prosperity.A.The participation in the trade globalization is not broad enoughB.Job losses are often under-estimatedC.Domestic firms are problematic with productivityD.Globalization hinders growth of small and medium-size firms【答案】A36、在表示存储器的容量时,1MB 的准确含义是
21、()。A.1024GB.1024KC.1024 字节D.1024【答案】B37、资料:Star Airways,Mumbais dominant airline for the past fiveyears,has reported it is planning to replace its entire aircraftfleet with European-produced Skystream jets.Starting with an initialpurchase of 90 jets,Star Airways expects the changeover to take adecad
22、e to complete.The new planes will enable the airline to expandits international routes as well as provide replacements for itsaging fleet of jet planes.Star Airways and Skystream,in a jointannouncement at the Brussels Air Show on Thursday,said that theorder included seventeen of the new AWB85O aircr
23、aft.This will makeStar Airways the first Indian carrier to fly the AWB850,an aim ithas had since the powerful jets were first produced.A.To increase its number of flight destinationsB.To replace the older planes in its fleetC.To be among the first to use a new aircraftD.To relocate its international
24、 headquarters【答案】D38、The WHO says there is currently no evidence of human-to-human_ of the virus.A.translationB.transitionC.transmissionD.transaction【答案】C39、中共中央政治局 1 月 25 日上午就()举行第十二次集体学习。中共中央总书记习近平在主持学习时强调,推动媒体融合发展、建设全媒体成为我们面临的一项紧迫课题。要运用信息革命成果,推动媒体融合向纵深发展,做大做强主流舆论,巩固全党全国人民团结奋斗的共同思想基础,为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目
25、标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦提供强大精神力量和舆论支持。习近平强调,要因势而谋、应势而动、顺势而为,加快推动媒体融合发展,使主流媒体具有强大传播力、引导力、影响力、公信力,形成网上网下同心圆,使全体人民在理想信念、价值理念、道德观念上紧紧团结在一起,让正能量更强劲、主旋律更高昂。A.新媒体和媒体融合发展B.全媒体共同融合发展C.全媒体时代和媒体融合发展D.全媒体融合发展未来规划【答案】C40、下列地区中,太阳能资源最丰富的是()。A.海南岛B.山东半岛C.青藏高原D.云贵高原【答案】C41、This does not mean I will take it_from the rich an
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