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1、浙江省浙江省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识通关考年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识通关考试题库带答案解析试题库带答案解析单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、She was able to get the government and _ companies to helppatients with the cost of their care.A.assuranceB.assumptionC.sanctionD.insurance【答案】D2、We went to the office in the morning and found somebody()into the
2、office during the night.A.brokeB.had brokenC.has brokenD.was breaking【答案】B3、根据商业银行法的规定,商业银行可以()。A.从事信托投资和股票业务B.代办保险C.向非银行金融机构和企业投资D.从事股票业务【答案】B4、下列说法,错误的是()。A.我国商业银行经营活动的不确定性越来越高,表外信息的内容也在不断扩展B.我国商业银行会计信息披露已逐渐从会计报表披露为主转向会计报表、会计报表附注及其他财务会计报告共同披露的新的发展阶段C.我国在会计信息披露方面存在很多问题D.与会计报表披露相比,会计报表附注披露比较强大【答案】D5
3、、Today,only 4 million people live and work on farms in the UnitedStates,but they produce more than enough food for 200 millionAmericans.They are able to do this because modern agriculture dependsmore on up-to-date machinery and scientific methods than it does onold-fashioned knowledge and human labo
4、r.A.A modern farm and a factory are similar in some aspectsB.Farm machines are expensiveC.Farmers are unwilling to replace their worn-out machineryD.Farmers have to borrow a lot of money for the equipment they need【答案】C6、Passage 3A.Using too much packagingB.Recycling too many wastesC.Having more mat
5、erial than is neededD.Making more products than necessary【答案】C7、国家发改委 2021 年 1 月 19 日表示,我国新型城镇化加快推进,城区常住人口()的城市基本取消落户限制,超过 1 亿农业转移人口在城镇落户。A.400 万以下B.300 万以下C.200 万以下D.100 万以下【答案】B8、资料:Word of Mouth promotion is based on the principle of pullmarketing.A.that the customers dont enjoy the drinkB.that t
6、he campaign is made regularlyC.that the customers always see the coverage of the company inmagazinesD.all above【答案】A9、主营业务利润率属于哪种财务比率()。A.结构比率B.效率比率C.相关比率D.利润比率【答案】D10、Nowhere are the realities of_climate change more apparentthan at Earths thawing poles.A.human-drivingB.human-driveC.human-drivenD.hu
7、man-drived【答案】C11、资料:Stress is a common factor in life.Children experiencestress from school,new social situations and simply growing up.Adults feel the stress of working,paying bills,raising kids andmaintaining households.Seniors also feel stress,even though somemay have retired,raised their childr
8、en and paid off their homes.Certain amounts of stress are a part of life for people of all ages.A.Stress is experienced by everyoneB.Stress is common and can be detectedC.Stress cannot be preventedD.Stress is everywhere and hard to deal with【答案】B12、美国历史上首位华裔驻华大使是()。A.赵小兰B.张之香C.骆家辉D.朱棣文【答案】C13、Even t
9、hough medicine can take you back to health if you fallill,_is recommended to avoid side effects.A.moderationB.considerationC.reflectionD.speculation【答案】A14、三聚氰胺原本是一种重要的氮杂环有机化工原料,主要用于生产三聚氰胺一甲醛树脂,广泛用于木材加工、塑料、涂料、造纸、纺织、皮革、电气、医药等行业,但是用于食品生产可导致人体泌尿系统产生结石。这说明()。A.矛盾普遍性和特殊性相互联结B.任何事物都有自己的优缺点C.主要矛盾决定了事物的性质D.
10、任何事物都包含既对立又统一的两个方面【答案】D15、资料:From:A.By providing a codeB.By making a paymentC.By promising to write a reviewD.By sending in proof of a purchase【答案】A16、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009 年末的每股税后利润为 0.2元,市场利率为 2.5%。A.20B.40C.60D.80【答案】B17、某大型晚会的导演组在对节日进行终审时,有六个节目的尚未确定是否通过,这六个节目分别是歌曲 A、歌曲 B、相声 C、相声 D、舞蹈 E 和魔术 F。综合考
11、虑各种因素,导演组确定了如下方案:A.无法确定论述 F 是否能通过B.歌曲 A 不能通过C.无法确定两个相声节目是否能通过D.歌曲 B 能通过【答案】A18、二战后第一个圣诞节来临之际,美国雷诺公司看准这个时机,从阿根廷引进了美国人从未见过的圆珠笔并很快形成了规模生产。当时每支圆珠笔的生产成本只有 05 美元,雷诺公司通过对市场的充分研究后认为 j 圆珠笔在美国属于首次出现,奇货可居,又值圣诞节,应用高价格引导,刺激消费。于是,公司决定以 10 美元批给零售商,零售商则以每支 20 美元卖给消费者。事情果然如预测的那样,圆珠笔尽管以生产成本 40 倍的高价上市,但是立刻以其新颖、奇特、高贵的魅
12、力风靡全美国。虽然后来跟风者蜂拥而至,生产成本降到了01 美元,市场价也跌倒了 07 美元,但雷诺公司早已狠狠地赚了一大笔。雷诺公司的这种定价方式属于()。A.撇脂定价B.渗透定价C.心理定价D.差别定价【答案】A19、下列属于消费信用的是()。A.赊账B.银团投资C.直接投资D.出口信贷【答案】A20、The boy()when he said that he()the eggs()by the hen inthe closet before he()down to have a rest。A.was lying,had laid,laid,layB.had laid,lay,laid,wa
13、s lyingC.lay,was lying,lain,layD.laid,lay,lain,lies【答案】A21、某人是“80”后,今年他的年验不超过 40,且年龄比出生年份各数字和还要大 16,则他的出生年份不可能是()。A.1985B.1980C.1987D.1982【答案】C22、不属于投行业务特征的是()。A.专业性B.审慎性C.广泛性D.创新性【答案】B23、Some parents use social media to()their kids and to monitortheir activities.A.check inB.communicate withC.stand
14、besideD.apply for【答案】B24、关于总需求曲线,以下表述错误的是()。A.总需求曲线反映的是产品市场和货币市场同时处于均衡时,价格水平和总需求量的关系B.扩张性的财政政策使总需求曲线向右移动C.扩张性的货币政策使总需求曲线向右移动D.总需求曲线向右上方倾斜【答案】D25、This documentary is particularly compelling:_with previouslyunseen footage and interviews with Houstons closest confidants.A.depleteB.depletedC.repleteD.re
15、pleted【答案】D26、角楼位于故官城墙的转角,共有 4 座。史料及考古资料表明,我国多个朝代的宫城城墙上均建有角楼。如先秦古籍考工记的“匠人营国”部分就规定了城墙角楼的高度为“七雉(约 16.7 米);东周时期军事家墨翟所著墨子,其中的备城门备蛾傅等部分都记载了在城墙的拐角处修建防护建筑、其样式必定是重楼形式的军事防御规定。A.说明故宫角楼的来历B.说明角楼并非是古代宫城所必须的建筑C.介绍故宫角楼的功能D.介绍角楼源于军事防御的需要而兴建【答案】D27、At the meeting,the manager talked _about the need forbetter attenda
16、nce and punctuality.A.brieflyB.briefingC.shortlyD.shorts【答案】A28、民法调整()的人身关系和财产关系。A.平等主体的公民之间、法人之间、公民和法人之间B.法人之间C.公民和法人之间D.公民之间、法人之间、公民和法人之间【答案】A29、信用社固定资产有偿转让、清理、报废和盘亏、毁损的净损失应计入()。A.营业外收入B.其他营业支出C.营业外支出D.营业费用【答案】C30、Whats corrosion Its a chemical()in which metal istransformed into salt and oxides.A.
17、actionB.reactC.responseD.reaction【答案】D31、资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesnt happenmagically.It takes lots of planning,time and savings.A.the governmentB.both the employer and the governmentC.the employerD.the employer,the government and the media【答案】B32、商业银行应选派精通现代金融理论及金融创新理论的高素质客
18、户经理接洽业务的细分市场为()。A.国有企业B.民营企业C.外商独资企业D.合资与合作企业【答案】C33、Two years ago,Rupert Murdochs daughter,Elisabeth,spoke ofthe“unsettling dearth of integrity across so many of ourinstitutions”.Integrity had collapsed,she argued,because of acollective acceptance that the onlysorting mechanismin societyshould be p
19、rofit and the market.Butits us,human beings,we thepeople who create the society we want,not profit.A.Glenn Mulcaire may deny phone hacking as a crimeB.more journalists may be found guilty of phone hackingC.Andy Coulson should be held innocent of the chargeD.phone hacking will be accepted on certain
20、occasions【答案】B34、按照贷款是否有担保,贷款可以分为()。A.担保贷款、票据贴现B.信用贷款、担保贷款C.信用贷款、票据贴现D.非抵押贷款、抵押贷款【答案】D35、Life magazine chose Oprah_the wife of the president as“Americas Most Powerful woman”.A.aboveB.overC.beyondD.beside【答案】B36、资料:Everyone knows airline pricing is based on supply anddemand.Fares are more expensive d
21、uring peak travel seasons likesummer and to prime destinations like European capitals.So if aflight to Rome costs more than a flight to Milan,youd think thatdemand for Rome must be higher or supply lower.A.$752 for a one-way,economy ticketB.$1,655 for a round-trip,economy ticketC.$827 for a one-way,
22、economy ticketD.$903 for a round-trip,economy ticket【答案】D37、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009 年末的每股税后利润为 0.2元,市场利率为 2.5%。A.Y X rB.Y/rC.r/YD.Y X(1+r)【答案】B38、Now that your plan seems to fail to work,you ought to make a(n)_one as soon as possible.A.alertB.alarmC.alterD.alternative【答案】D39、In her newly-published boo
23、k Judy indicates that women have beenpolitically dis-empowered()human history.A.acrossB.throughoutC.overD.within【答案】B40、资料:Britain is facing a“crisis of fatherlessness”in whichalmost half of all children born today will not be living with bothparents by the time they are 15,the new chief executive o
24、f thethinktank founded by Iain Duncan Smith has warned.A.tend to overlook the importance of parentingB.help to prevent children from committing a crimeC.are not indispensable in the growth of their childrenD.improve kidsdevelopment of cognitive skills【答案】C41、国务院办公厅日前印发()。进一步落实全国中医药大会部署,遵循中医药发展规律,认真总
25、结中医药防治新冠肺炎经验做法,破解存在的问题,更好发挥中医药特色和比较优势,推动中医药和西医药相互补充、协调发展。A.关于加快中医药产业发展的若干政策措施B.关于加快中医药事业发展的若干政策措施C.关于加快中医药特色发展的若干政策措施D.关于加快中医药传承发展的若干政策措施【答案】C42、资料:Imagine you went to a restaurant with your girlfriend,hada burger,paid with a credit card,and left.The next time you gothere,the waiter or waitress,arme
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- 浙江省 2023 银行 招聘 综合 知识 通关 考试 题库 答案 解析