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1、 Lecture 4 Religion in the United KingdomvQ1:What is religion?v What is good or bad about religion?v Religion is the belief in a god or gods(the supreme being,creator and rule of the universe)and the activities that are consented with this belief,such as prayer or worship in a church or temple.v Rel
2、igion has its double features.On one hand,it has its class nature and bad effect.v On the other hand,it persuades people to be kinds,to do good deeds,and to observe the law.This is the positive side of religion.vQ2:What do you know about Christianity?The Bible GodprayingKey words on textbook:(p144)v
3、Jesus Christ vSon of god orthodox crucifixionvApostle(disciple)love the BiblevTrinity I.Jesus Christ vJesus was a Jew.He was son of Virgin Mary and was born in Bethlehem belihem 伯利恒,Jerusalem.耶路撒冷vHe observed the Jewish faith and was well acquainted with the Jewish Law.In His early thirties,Jesus tr
4、aveled from village to village,teaching in the synagogues(犹太教堂)and healing those who were suffering.vJesus teaching was revolutionary.He challenged the established religious authorities to repent from their self-righteousness and hypocrisy and realize that the Kingdom of God is rooted in service and
5、 love.Jesus teachings stirred the hearts of people and created instability,something the Jewish religious authorities feared.vSoon,a faithful group of men began to follow Jesus and call him teacher.These men became His disciples.vJesus taught His disciples about the will of God and about the“new cov
6、enant(盟约)God will bring to humanity through Him.Jesus helped them to see that mankind is bound to the pain and futility of life as a result of sin.vDue to sin,mankind lost its relationship with God.The purpose of this new covenant is to restore those who accept it into a renewed fellowship of forgiv
7、eness and love with God.What is this new covenant?Jesus himself would pay for the sins of all humanity by being crucified unjustly on a Roman cross.vThree days later,He would rise to life,having conquered death,to give hope to a hopeless world.Well,it happened just as Jesus taught,and His disciples
8、were witnesses to an amazing miracle.Their teacher,Jesus,died and three days later rose again to become their Messiah(弥赛亚,希伯来语中的“救世主”).Compelled by a great commission to share the love that the God of this universe had imparted upon them,the disciples began to proclaim this gospel(福音,基督教教义)of hope t
9、hroughout the territory.vThus,from a small group of ordinary men that lived in a small province in Judea about 2000 years ago,the history of the Christian Church began,and the Christian Faith has since spread to the rest of the world.Their gospel message was simple:For God so loved the world,that He
10、 gave His only begotten Son,that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,but have everlasting life.vP.S.:Belief in Jesus and redemption is the essential difference between Christianity and Judaism(犹太教).II.Basic BeliefsvA.God The Father Almighty,maker of heaven and earth.vB.trinity(三位一体)God the
11、father God the Son God the Holy SpiritvC.Gods creation of the world(seven days)vD.Sin Original sin(原罪)personal sin(本罪)vAccording to the doctrine of the original sin,when Adam disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden,all of his descendants shared in his sin,Christ was placed on earth to redeem ridim 拯救 ma
12、nkind by sacrificing himself on the Cross.vE.Redemption(救赎)eternal life(永生)vF.Last Judgment(末日审判)vG.Ethnics(Virtues)love,unceasing forgiveness,brotherhood among members,honesty,obligationApostle(disciple)v耶稣十二门徒指的是耶稣的十二个弟子,他们是:v彼得(Peter):原名西门(Simon),耶稣为他起名矶法,翻译出来就是彼得,意为盘石;首位教宗 v安德烈(Andrew)彼得的兄弟,伯赛大(
13、Bethsaida)的渔夫,施洗约翰的门徒 v雅各(James),西庇太(Zebedee)的儿子,耶稣为他们起名为半尼其(Boanerges),意为雷子(Thunder Brother)v约翰(John),西庇太(Zebedee)的儿子,耶稣为他们起名为半尼其(Boanerges),意为雷子(Thunder Brother)v腓力(Philip),来自伯赛大(Bathesda)v巴多罗买(Bartholomew)v马太(Matthew),又名利未(Levi),原为税吏 v多马(Thomas)also known as Judas Thomas Didymus,Aramaic Toma=twin
14、 v亚勒腓的儿子雅各(James son of Alphaeus)v奋锐党的西门(Simon the Zealot),又称迦南人西门(Simon the Canaanite)v加略人犹大(Judas Iscariot),出卖耶稣的那一位 v达太(Thaddaeus)vP.S.还有一种说法为十三门徒,包括“圣保罗”,而犹大位列十三,这也是为什么13在西方是个不祥的数字。.The Bible/Scripture-the holy book of ChristianityvA.the Old Testament(旧约)vIts about God and the Laws of God(Ten co
15、mmandments 十戒)and the history of Hebrews(ancestors of the Jews)vIt consists of 39 books:vPentateuch(摩西五经):Genesis(创世记),Exodus(出埃及记),Leviticus(利未记),Numbers(民数记),Deuteronomy(申命记).vThe Historical Books(历史书,共卷):history of the Hebrew people from their entry into Palestine around 1200 B.C.till the fall of
16、 Palestine.vPoems(诗歌,共卷)vThe Prophets(先知书,共卷)vB.the New Testamentv1.It is about life and doctrines of Jesus.v2.It consists of 27 books4 gospels(福音书)Acts of the Apostles(使徒行传),Epistles(保罗书信),Revelation(启示录)Bible Stories:v一只小母羊羔 Ones ewe lamb中记载拿单对大卫说的一个故事他说:一个穷人除了买卖养活的一只小母羊羔之外,别无所有,羊羔在他家时和他儿女一同长大,吃他所
17、吃的,喝他所喝的,睡在他怀中,在他看来如同女儿一样。西方据此,以“一只小母羊羔”喻最珍爱的东西。v分别绵羊和山羊vSeparateth the sheep from the goats v将万民分为善人与恶人。就象牧羊人分绵羊、山羊,将绵羊安置在右边,将山羊在左边一样。耶稣让善人在右边让他们永生。让恶人在左边,永世受罚。据此,西方以好人比作绵羊恶人比作山羊。v三十块钱vThirty pieces of silver v 指耶稣的门徒加略人犹大因为向犹太祭司长出卖了耶稣而得到30块钱。西方后以“三十块钱”喻由叛卖所得不义之财。v从眼睛上掉下来的鳞片vscales fell from his ey
18、esv据,说,保罗在大马色被光照后失明,当亚拿尼亚受耶稣指派用手按在保罗 身上后,保罗的眼睛上好象有鳞片掉下来。于是,眼睛复明,据此,后西方以“从眼睛上掉下鳞片”喻重见光明。v手扶着犁vPut ones hand the Plow v中说,一个人要跟从耶稣,但要求容他先去辞别家里的人。对此,耶稣说“手扶着犁向后看的,不配进上帝的国”。意思是不专心致志地与耶稣一起工作的人,不能进天国。据此,英语中的“手扶着犁”,意思是着手工作、从事工作。v以眼还眼,以牙还牙以眼还眼,以牙还牙 Eye for eye,tooth for tooth v摩西律法规定:对待行恶的人,“要以命偿命,以眼还眼,以牙还牙,
19、以手还手,以脚还脚。”后人截取其中的“以眼还眼,以牙还牙”用为俗语,表示“冤怨相报”的意思,颇似中国的“以其人之道,还治其人之身。”v 世上的盐世上的盐Salt of earth v中,耶稣教训门徒时,形容他们是“世上的盐”。其含意是社会中坚。据此,英语中以“世上的盐”喻社会中坚,为人师表v有人打你的右脸,连左脸也转过来由他打Whosoever Smiteth thee on thy right cheek,turn to him the otheralso v 在中,摩西向民众传达耶和华的话,谈到“人若彼此争斗”时,要“以命偿命、以眼还眼、以牙还牙、以手还手、以打还打”。新约中的耶稣,则劝人
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