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1、嵌入式系统设计方法概论李曦计算机系、计算机应用研究室 2/71内容提要 系统论概要 现行嵌入式系统(软件)开发方法 基于”宿主机目标机“的交叉编译方法 嵌入式系统基本度量指标与权衡 嵌入式系统协同设计方法与流程 嵌入式系统开发环境 3/71系统论 由生物学家 L.V.贝塔朗菲在 1920s 提出,1968 年确立 任何系统都是一个有机整体,它不是各个部分的机械组合或简单相加 系统的整体功能是各要素在孤立状态下所没有的新性质 亚里士多德:”整体大于部分之和“系统”的定义 由若干相互关联的要素以一定结构形式连接,具有明确的边界,共同完成某种功能的有机整体。4/71系统分析 系统的特征 基本特征:整
2、体性、联系性、层次结构性、动态平衡性、时序性 一致性:系统要协调一致 界面等 功能关系 每个部件的特征或行为必须对整体有贡献 每个部件的特征或行为依赖于其他部件 分析 分解、模块化、层次化、耦合度、聚合度 5/71系统建模 模型:对现实的抽象 不是现实,只是对现实中一些要素的反映 常见模型 图像模型:直观模拟现实情况 类比模型:采用类比方法描述对象属性 符号模型:数学模型 6/71系统建模评估 明确建模对象及其特征 定义设计空间 从设计空间中选择须建模分析的候选方案 对候选方案进行模拟评估 性能维 成本维:直接成本、使用成本、维修成本 时空维:系统存在的时空限度 扩展维 7/71嵌入式系统设计
3、步骤 8/71嵌入式系统设计步骤系统需求分析 确定设计任务和设计目标,并提炼出设计规格说明书,作为正式设计指导和验收的标准。功能性需求:是系统的基本功能,如输入输出信号、操作方式等;非功能性需求:包括系统性能、成本、功耗、体积、重量等因素。体系结构设计 描述系统如何实现所述的功能和非功能需求包括对硬件、软件和执行装置的功能划分以及系统的软件、硬件选型等。9/71嵌入式系统设计步骤(续)硬件硬件/软件设计软件设计 基于体系结构,对系统的软件、硬件进行详细设计基于体系结构,对系统的软件、硬件进行详细设计 为了缩短产品开发周期,设计往往是并行的为了缩短产品开发周期,设计往往是并行的 嵌入式系统设计的
4、工作大部分都集中在软件设计上嵌入式系统设计的工作大部分都集中在软件设计上 采用面向对象技术、软件组件技术、模块化设计是现代软采用面向对象技术、软件组件技术、模块化设计是现代软件工程经常采用的方法。件工程经常采用的方法。系统集成系统集成 把系统的软件、硬件和执行装置集成在一起,进行把系统的软件、硬件和执行装置集成在一起,进行调试,发现并改进单元设计过程中的错误。调试,发现并改进单元设计过程中的错误。系统测试系统测试 是否满足规格说明书中给定的功能要求。是否满足规格说明书中给定的功能要求。10/71Our requirements formnam epur posei nput sout put
5、sf unct i onsper f or m ancem anuf act ur i ng costpowerphysi cal si ze/wei ght 11/71Ex:GPS moving map requirements Moving map obtains position from GPS paints map from local database.lat:40 13 lon:32 19I-78Scotch Road 12/71GPS moving map needs Functionality:For automotive use.Show major roads and l
6、andmarks.User interface:At least 400 x 600 pixel screen.Three buttons max.Pop-up menu.Performance:Map should scroll smoothly.No more than 1 sec power-up.Lock onto GPS within 15 seconds.Cost:$500 street price=approx.$100 cost of goods 13/71GPS moving map needs,contd.Physical size/weight:Should fit in
7、 dashboard.Power consumption:Current draw comparable to CD 14/71GPS moving map requirements formnam eGPS m ovi ng m appur poseconsum er gr adem ovi ng m ap f or dr i vi ngi nput spower but t on,t wocont r ol but t onsout put sback l i t LCD 400 X 600f unct i ons5 r ecei ver GPS;t hr eer esol ut i on
8、s;di spl ayscur r ent l at/l onper f or m anceupdat es scr een wi t hi n0.25 sec of m ovem entm anuf act ur i ng cost$100 cost of goodssol dpower100 m Wphysi cal si ze/wei ghtno m or e t han 2:X 6:,12 15/71如何形成 Specification?A more precise description of the system:should not imply a particular arch
9、itecture;provides input to the architecture design process.May include functional and non-functional elements.May be executable or may be in mathematical form for 16/71GPS specification Should include:What is received from GPS;map data;user interface;operations required to satisfy user requests;back
10、ground operations needed to keep the system running.作业:完成 GPS 的 S17/71Architecture design What major components go satisfying the specification?Hardware components:CPUs,peripherals,etc.Software components:major programs and their operations.Must take into account functional and non-functional 18/71G
11、PS moving map block diagramGPSreceiversearchenginerendereruserinterfacedatabasedisplay 19/71GPS moving map hardware arch.GPSreceiverCPUpanel I/Odisplayframebuffermemory 20/71GPS moving map software archpositiondatabasesearchrenderertimeruserinterfacepixels 21/71Designing hw/sw components Must spend
12、time architecting the system before you start coding.Some components are ready-made,some can be modified from existing designs,others must be designed from 22/71System integration Put together the components.Many bugs appear only at this stage.Have a plan for integrating components to uncover bugs q
13、uickly,test as much functionality as early as 23/71复杂性和异构性 异构性表现在硬件和软件两方面 SW(粉):control oriented,DSP oriented HW(青):ASICs,COTS ICs controllercontrol panelReal-timeOScontrollerprocessesUIprocessesASICProgrammableDSPProgrammableDSPDSPAssemblyCodeDSPAssemblyCodeDual-portedRAMCODEC 24/71从行为映射到结构Vincente
14、lli 25/71Embedded System Design from a Design Technology Perspective 设计任务 Specification/modeling H/W&S/W partitioning Scheduling&resource allocations H/W&S/W implementation Verification&debugging 关键是软硬件协同设计和软硬件的优化ProcessorAnalog I/OMemoryASICDSPCode 26/71Processor Analog I/OMemoryASICEnviron-mentDSP
15、 CodeEmbedded System Design FlowModeling 系统建模,算法实验,评估Refining(or“partitioning”)将功能细分为更小的,相互作用的模块;HW-SW partitioning:Allocating 在细化的模型中,确定(1)硬件部分和(2)运行在特定硬件或合适的可编程处理器上的软件部分Scheduling 确定每一功能的执行时间,这一点对于多个模块共享单一硬件部件时尤为重要.Mapping(Implementing)将功能描述映射到运行在某一处理器上的软件或定制的/半定制的/通用的硬件平台上 27/71嵌入式系统设计 设计目标 设计并实现
16、满足需求约束的一个系统 设计指标(Design metric)系统实现的可度量特征 关键问题:optimizing design metrics Trade-off:需要对多种设计指标(性能、功耗、成本)进行优化和权衡 28/71基本度量指标 Unit cost:the monetary cost of manufacturing each copy of the system,excluding NRE cost NRE cost(Non-Recurring Engineering cost):The one-time monetary cost of designing the syste
17、m Size:the physical space required by the system Performance:the execution time or throughput of the system Power:the amount of power consumed by the system Flexibility:the ability to change the functionality of the system without incurring heavy NRE cost 29/71基本度量指标(cont)Time-to-prototype:the time
18、needed to build a working version of the system Time-to-market:the time required to develop a system to the point that it can be released and sold to customers Maintainability:the ability to modify the system after its initial release Correctness Safety many more 30/71Time-to-market:a demanding desi
19、gn metric TTM 从设计开始到产品可以销售所需的时间 Market Window 产品投放市场的最佳时间 平均 TTM 是 8 个月 TTM 的推迟将导致产品利润下降Revenues($)Time(months)Market Window 31/71产品收入下降的原因产品延期进入市场 Simplified revenue model Product life=2W,peak at W Time of market entry defines a triangle,representing market penetration Triangle area equals revenue
20、Loss The difference between the on-time and delayed triangle areasOn-time Delayedentry entryPeak revenuePeak revenue from delayed entryMarket riseMarket fallW2WTimeDOn-timeDelayedRevenues($)32/71Losses due to delayed market entry(cont.)Area=1/2*base*height On-time=1/2*2W*W Delayed=1/2*(W-D+W)*(W-D)P
21、ercentage revenue loss=(D(3W-D)/2W2)*100%Try some examplesOn-time Delayedentry entryPeak revenuePeak revenue from delayed entryMarket riseMarket fallW2WTimeDOn-timeDelayedRevenues($)Lifetime 2W=52 wks,delay D=4 wks(4*(3*26 4)/2*262)=22%Lifetime 2W=52 wks,delay D=10 wks(10*(3*26 10)/2*262)=50%33/71产品
22、研发成本(NRE)与产品成本(UnitCost)成本:total cost=NRE cost +unit cost*#of units 分摊:per-product cost =total cost /#of units =(NRE cost/#of units)+unit costExample NRE=$2000,unit=$100 For 10 units total cost=$2000+10*$100=$3000 per-product cost=$2000/10+$100=$300Amortizing NRE cost over the units results in an ad
23、ditional$200 per unit 34/71NRE and unit cost metrics$0$40,000$80,000$120,000$160,000$200,000080016002400ABC$0$40$80$120$160$200080016002400Num ber of uni t s (vol um e)ABCNum ber of uni t s (vol um e)Compare technologies by costs-best depends on quantity Technology A:NRE=$2,000,unit=$100 Technology
24、B:NRE=$30,000,unit=$30 Technology C:NRE=$100,000,unit=$2 But,must also consider time-to-market 35/71性能指标 性能(Performance)时钟频率、IPS(instructions per second)等 但不是好指标:用户关心数码相机产生照片的速度 响应时间(response time)任务开始到结束的时间 相机 0.25s 完成照片处理 延迟(Latency)吞吐率(Throughput)Tasks per second,相机 A 每秒处理 4 幅照片 吞吐率比延迟可以更好的描述并发性
25、相机 B 每秒处理 8 幅照片(存储前一幅照片的同时抓拍一张新照片)加速比(Speedup)如 B 相对于 A 的加速比=B 的性能/A 的性能 Throughput speedup=8/4=2 36/71性能、功耗和能耗度量 功耗与能耗 性能与功耗 性能与能耗 不同的设计目标:关注的指标可能不同 高性能计算:性能与功耗 移动设备:性能与能耗 37/71设计指标的权衡 硬件、软件工程师都需要优化其设计指标 设计者需要选择合适的技术来最好地满足应用需求和约束 improving one may worsen othersSizePerformancePowerNRE costMicrocontr
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