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1、大学生礼仪2015.04.26The university student etiquette说到说到“礼仪礼仪”,元芳,你怎么看?,元芳,你怎么看?When it comes to etiquette,yuan fang,what do you think?第一环节第一环节 礼仪我问你答礼仪我问你答 测你的礼仪素养在哪个档位测你的礼仪素养在哪个档位?Etiquette I ask you to answerTest your etiquette literacy which gear?You go with your classmates run for student body Presi
2、dent,the results of your campaign success,but you find that your classmates are ineffective blame himself,and the mood is not so stable,now how do you comfort him?Asian games if you are a young volunteers,in the bus station,a large number of passengers poured on the door,most of the passengers board
3、ed the bus,properly some passengers stuck in the door when the spat,Asian games as a youth volunteer,how should you handle this situation as soon as possible?You each a few friends go to KTV to sing,but every time someone singing,there are always two people are chatting laughing loudly,singing is ve
4、ry unhappy,the atmosphere is very rigid,as their friends,you should how to resolve this situation?In a class party,as a monitor and a good drinker you toast to represent all the students to the counselor for many times,but after the meal you want to attend an important meeting,at this point you shou
5、ld be how to refuse students request but not disappointed?你跟你的同班同学一起去竞选学生会主席,结果你竞选成功,但是你发现你的同班同学正在埋怨自己不才,而且情绪不太稳定,此时你怎样安慰他呢?如果你是一名亚运青年志愿者,在公交车到站时,大量乘客涌上车门,大部分乘客不能正常登车,些时堵在门口的乘客发生口角,作为亚运青年志愿者,你应该怎样尽快处理这个情况?你各几位好友去KTV唱歌,但每次有人唱歌时,总有两个人都在大声闲聊说笑,唱歌的人都非常不满,现场气氛很僵,身为他们的好友,你应该怎样化解这个局面?在一次班级聚会中,身为班长而又不胜酒力的你要
6、代表全体同学向辅导员敬酒多次,但是你在饭后要出席一个重要会议,此时你应该如何婉拒同学们的要求而不扫兴?第二环节第二环节 生活礼仪知识大揭密生活礼仪知识大揭密 你做到了多少?你做到了多少?Life etiquette knowledge all mysteriesHow much did you do?Talk:when talking with others watching the eyes of others,to be measured,as the case may be,dont be too aggressive.Language should pay attention to,n
7、o matter how handsome(beautiful),you foul-mouthed person always dont hire people like.Cursing is pulled?Is you have a identity?Greetings:such as you good,good morning,in intercourse with strangers shouldnt forget.Expression:dont put your thoughts on the face,and perhaps others words make you uncomfo
8、rtable,just didnt touch the bottom line,or not to war with others face to face.A meal should lead mouth is food or feed mouth?Mouth is food,popular said is to end up his bowl for dinner.Pour do come to full,tea,on the other hand.Filled with tea is not respect for the guest.交谈:和他人聊天时注视着他人的目光,要有分寸,视情况
9、而定,目光别太咄咄逼人。语言要注意,不管你多帅(漂亮),满嘴脏话的人总是不招人喜欢。骂人很拽?还是显得你很有身份?问候语:诸如“您 好”、“早安”等,在与陌生人交往中不该忘记的一环。神态:一定不要把你的内心想法摆在脸上,或许别人的话让你很不舒服,只要还没触及底线,还是不要当面和别人撕破脸。吃饭时应该引口就食还是引食就口?引口就食,通俗说就是把碗端起来用餐。倒酒务必到满,倒茶则相反。为客人注满茶是不尊重的表现。第三环节第三环节 生活处处皆故事生活处处皆故事 我给你讲一个关于我给你讲一个关于“礼仪礼仪”的故事的故事Life everywhere all storiesI tell you a st
10、ory about etiquetteHas such a story:a child does not understand to see your greetings,and friendly to companion to unity,also is the lack of courtesy consciousness.Clever mother led him to the valleys,to the surrounding mountains shout;Response:hello,hello,valley hello,how are you;Mother led the chi
11、ldren shout again:I love you,I love you,children surprised to ask a mother that is why,his mother told him:the sky spit,spit might happen to his face;respect for others,others will respect him.Therefore,no matter meet often,or thousands of miles away,but will always respect others.Children hazy unde
12、rstood this.Do you understand?有这样一个故事:一个小孩不懂的见到大人有这样一个故事:一个小孩不懂的见到大人主动问候,对同伴要友好团结,也就是缺少主动问候,对同伴要友好团结,也就是缺少礼貌意识。聪明的妈妈把他领到山谷中,对礼貌意识。聪明的妈妈把他领到山谷中,对着周围的群山喊;着周围的群山喊;“你好,你好你好,你好”,山谷回,山谷回应:应:“你好,你好你好,你好”;妈妈又领着小孩喊:;妈妈又领着小孩喊:“我爱你,我爱你我爱你,我爱你”、小孩惊奇的问、小孩惊奇的问妈妈这是为什么,妈妈告诉他:妈妈这是为什么,妈妈告诉他:“朝天空吐朝天空吐唾沫,唾沫也会落到他脸上;尊敬别人
13、的人,唾沫,唾沫也会落到他脸上;尊敬别人的人,别人也会尊敬他。因此,不管时常见面,还别人也会尊敬他。因此,不管时常见面,还是远隔千里,都要处处尊敬别人。是远隔千里,都要处处尊敬别人。”小孩朦小孩朦朦胧胧的明白了这个道理。朦胧胧的明白了这个道理。你懂了吗?你懂了吗?第四环节第四环节 影剧里出现的用语影剧里出现的用语 你说过几个?你说过几个?Presumably in languageYou said that a few?第五环节第五环节 高高雅女生遵守的雅女生遵守的礼仪礼仪 你你做到了几做到了几条?条?Elegant girl observe etiquetteYou did a few?Ot
14、hers to pour water,dont see,want to use polite to hand the cupSomeone to talk to you,want to pick up words,not others said the last sentence,but you didnt the sentenceSomeone staring at you dont look at each other,pretending not to noticeWas scolded,leaders dont bow to look at leadership,said accept
15、 criticism,led by fire will slowly fade,otherwise,the leadership will add fuel to the fireCant a womans life palms facing up to the man to moneyWash their hands dont cutting,water cutting,water will be left to the somebody else is very impoliteDont throw stones别人给倒水时,不要干看着,要用手扶杯子以示礼别人给倒水时,不要干看着,要用手扶
17、六环节第六环节 不论在哪做什么,都要学会不论在哪做什么,都要学会 拘小节,识大礼拘小节,识大礼No matter where do,learn to arrest bar,general giftu要要学学会会善善意意的的谎谎言言u做做错错事事马马上上道道歉歉u竞竞争争中中学学会会欣欣赏赏对对手手u昨昨晚晚多多几几分分钟钟的的准准备备,今今天天就就少少几几个个小小时时的的麻麻烦烦u找找借借口口拒拒绝绝时时,尽尽可可能能模模糊糊一一点点u对对自自己己不不知知道道的的事事情情坦坦率率的的说说不不知知道道u要要想想办办法法让让老老板板知知道道你你做做了了什什么么u不不要要为为自自己己的的错错误误做做任任何何辩辩解解u不不要要把把谈谈论论别别人人的的缺缺点点当当作作乐乐趣趣u上上课课不不做做最最后后一一个个,下下课课不不做做第第一一个个u不不是是你你的的功功劳劳,千千万万不不要要占占有有它它u过过去去的的事事情情不不要要全全让让人人知知道道不学礼,无以立。不学礼,无以立。孔子孔子Dont learn ritual,without state.-Confucius