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1、2023年幼儿园大班英语教案:英语游戏教案时间:2023-09-25 幼儿园大班英语教案:英语游戏教案。 老师职责的一部分是要弄自己的教案课件,大家在认真准备自己的教案课件了吧。只有制定教案课件工作计划,才能对工作更加有帮助!你们知道多少范文适合教案课件?考虑到您的需要,小编特地编辑了“幼儿园大班英语教案:英语游戏教案”,大家不妨来参考。希望您能喜欢! 急摸十位 游戏种类:智力游戏。 游戏目的:练习用英语数数,复习学习过的人体器官的英文单词,锻炼幼儿的注意力,快速反应力。 游戏过程: 首先告诉幼儿,老师说“one”时,小朋友手指头发并讲出hair。老师说:“two”时,小朋友手指脸并说 出fa
2、ce。老师说:“three”时,小朋友手指耳朵并说出ear。老师说:“four”时,小朋友手指眼睛并说出ey e。five一鼻子一nose,six一嘴一mouth,seven一双肩一shoulder,eihgt一腿一leg,nine一手一hand,ten一脚一foot。经过反复练习,熟练以后可以让一名幼儿来数数,其余幼儿找出相应的器官,讲出英语单词,并且可以抢答。要求幼儿手口一致,教师数数时应由慢至快,并注意幼儿讲的是否正确 。 春天来了 游戏种类:表演游戏。 材料准备:头饰:春风、春姑娘、树、草、花、小鸟。 游戏过程: 教师旁白:春风吹来了。(风上场) “春风”说:im wind.(回头,招
3、手) ing is coming.(春姑娘上场) “春姑娘”说:im ing.(春风和春姑娘开始围绕着树、草、花做小跑步) 树开始发芽,小草也钻出了地面,花儿也长出了花苞。 “树”说:“im tree. im green!” “小草”说:“im gra . im green,too.” 教师旁白:花儿也穿上了美丽的衣裳。 “一朵花儿”说:“im red flower.” 另一朵花儿说:“im yellow flower.” 另一朵花儿说:“im white flower.” 教师旁白:小鸟在窝里,听到了小草、花儿和大树们的谈话,也飞来了。(小鸟上场) “小鸟”说:“im a bird.(小鸟飞
4、来飞去看春天的景色)i like ring.” “小草”、“小花”和“树”一齐喊:“bird,bind.”(小鸟飞到它们跟前) “树”说:“lets go to play.” “草”、“花儿”、“鸟儿”齐说:“lets go to play.” 钟表、钟表几点了 游戏种类:智力游戏。 游戏目的:通过让幼儿扮演时针来掌握句子“its”,使他们掌握英文数字。 材料准备:数字卡片,时针一个。 游戏过程: 请名幼儿分演个钟点,围站成一圈。请一名幼儿扮演时针。游戏开始,教师说“钟表、钟表几点 了?”幼儿说:“点”或“点”,“时针”要用英语讲“its one”并伸直左臂顺时针方向开始原地 转,转到时停止,
5、手指尖指向点,扮演钟点的幼儿举起卡片one,此后游戏继续进行。要求扮演时针的幼儿 要手口一致。 看谁算得快 游戏种类:计算游戏。 游戏目的:训练幼儿的快速反应能力,复习巩固一些英语单词(如,加,减)(plus、minus)。 准备:写有加减法计算题的数字卡片若干。 游戏过程: 教师手拿数字卡片用英语出题,让幼儿观察后马上回答得数,然后,用英语把整个算式叙述一遍。为了增 加游戏的难度,可以把幼儿分成两组以竞赛的形式进行游戏,最后看哪组取胜。 快乐的一天 游戏种类:智力游戏。 游戏目的:通过游戏使幼儿学习几种颜色和小动物的英语口语,增加他们学习英语的兴趣。 准备:红、绿、黄色灯牌,方向盘,将墙壁布
6、置成迪斯尼乐园;墙上贴小动物卡片,小动物头饰。 游戏过程: 教师组织幼儿去迪斯尼乐园参观,乘公共汽车,路上经过交通岗教幼儿认识红、黄、绿灯,并用英语说出 灯的颜色。来到迪斯尼乐园,“饲养员”启发幼儿说出各种小动物的英语名称,如小鸡、蝴蝶、老虎、象、青 蛙等,参观后,请小动物到幼儿园作客。 捉小虾 游戏种类:体育游戏。 游戏目的:培养幼儿的躲闪及反应力,复习英语的数字。 准备:将场地划分好作池塘。 游戏过程: 请幼儿站成圆圈作池塘,用英语编号,双号幼儿为虾,单号幼儿为石头。“石头”必须双手叉腰,“虾”在池塘里游玩。如果圈外的“鱼”进到池塘中,“虾”必须躲在石头后面,不要被鱼捉住。一块石头后只能躲
7、一只虾。“虾”和“石头”交换角色,进行游戏。 宝宝商店 游戏种类:角色游戏。 游戏目的:通过游戏增强幼儿学习英语的兴趣及记忆力。 准备:苹果、香蕉、梨、桔子、西瓜、桃、葡萄等样品,娃娃两个。 游戏过程: 教师当售货员阿姨,幼儿当顾客。顾客来到宝宝商店,看见商店摆满了各种水果及玩具非常高兴,主动问 好(good afternoon)。售货员则回答(howdo you do )。顾客说出要买的东西的名称。(a le,banana,pear,orange,water melon, peach,grape等),买完东西后用英语致谢(thankyou),售货员说不客气( not at all、goodb
8、ay),游戏时,幼儿必须用学过的英语与老师对话,发音要准确,正确使用礼貌用语。 谢谢,别客气 游戏种类:音乐游戏。 游戏目的:练习英语的礼貌用语,要求发音准确。 准备:音乐磁带。 游戏过程: 全体幼儿站成圆圈,圈内一名或多名幼儿听音乐拍手或做跑跳步,圈上的幼儿的拍手,音乐停止。圈内幼 儿与圈上幼儿交换位置。继续游戏。 f132.cOm更多教案扩展阅读 幼儿园大班英语教案:These are 教学目标:1、复习Its 句型 2、学习These are 句型 教学准备:图片若干,实物若干 教学过程:1、Say good morning 2、T:What day is today? 3、Whats
9、the weather like today? 4、Lets do a worm up,ok? You have one,I have oneTwo little children see a big man. You have two,I have twoFour little children go to schoolYou have three,I have three Six little children plant many treesYou have four,I have fourEight little children stand at the door You have
10、five,I have fiveTen little children stand in a line 5、T:Ok,very good,give me five yeah! 6、出示第一张白色兔子图片 T:Whats this? Yes,its a ra it.Now read after me :Its a ra itWhat color is it? Yes, its white 7、出示第二张蓝色兔子图片 方法同上 8、出示第三张绿色兔子图片 方法同上 9、引出句型These are 10、教念句型,并纠正不正确发音 11、T:Now lets have a rest,ok? 12、教
11、师走到黑板后将画有各种图案的图片扔出来,等幼儿帮忙拾起后,逐一问What are these?引导幼儿回答These are 13、What are these? C:These are horses. Tets act horses,ok? These are horses,these are horses,turn around;these arehorses,these are horses,yu.stop! 14: T:What are these? C:These are ducks. Tets act ducks,ok? These are ducks,these are duck
12、s,ga ga ga,these are ducks,these areducks,ga ga ga 15:What are these? These are birds. What are these? These are rats. 16:Now I ask a girl to a wer me,what are these? Yes, very good,give me five,yeah!15:15:312023年11月12日 17ets go to the zoo,ok? 复习句型 幼儿园大班英语教案where to? 大班英语教案:where to? 活动内容:1.单词 hospi
13、tal. post office.2.句型where to? go to 活动目标:1.幼儿能初步掌握单词发音。2.能正确理解句型含义。3.踊跃地参加游戏,大胆大声练读。 活动准备:1.挂图park zoo hospital post office2.卡片park zoo hospital post office3.长绳5条。 重难点:1.post office的发音。2.句型的理解。 活动过程:一、开始部分1. 操练单词:出示挂图T: what s this?C: park.T: what s this?C: zoo.新单词 出示挂图T:有一个人告诉你他生病,你应该告诉他上哪去呀?C:医院。
14、T: hospital C: hospitalT: go to hospital. C: go to hospital.T:我想去寄信应该到哪去呢?C:邮局。T: post office C: post officeT: go to post office. C: go to post office. 二、游戏部分1. 悄悄话分成4组,每组第一个小朋友拿一张卡片小声读给后面一位小朋友。依次往下,最后一位大声站起来读单词。看谁读得最准确。反复操练2次。评价:读得好的幼儿给予鼓励。2. 情景表演两位老师情景对话 where to? go to T: 刚才听到什么?看到什么?幼儿简单回答。操练句型T
15、: where to? C: go to park.T: where to? C: go to hospital.T: where to? C: go to zoo.T: where to? C: go to post office.3.火车嘟嘟嘟!两位老师拉着长绳当火车。现在我们就搭上火车,去自己想去的地方。交代游戏规则:司机问:where to? 乘客答: go to招手上车,到站下车。游戏最后请小朋友当司机,以对话为主,自由进行。 三、结束活动在愉快的火车旅途中结束本次活动。 活动总结1、情况分析通过进行本次活动和对活动的评价给我自身带来很大的收获。本次活动我运用了多种游戏形式开展,给幼
16、儿也带来了很多快乐。但本次活动,我只注重了教学形式的多样化,而对目标的体现及幼儿掌握情况不够仔细。在开始部分中,操练单词的时间较长,幼儿显得有点枯燥,而且两个新单词发音都比较长,幼儿掌握起来很困难。后来通过各种游戏的形式才把幼儿的积极性调动了起来。2、小结在今后的游戏活动中,我会特别注重内容的选材,适合本班幼儿掌握,以达到目标为重点,多种游戏形式丰富内容,同时结合自身的经验丰富课堂用语,让英语活动更加有色彩! 幼儿园大班英语教案Party party Theme: party Su orting materials: tapes, cards, the ghost coat , the mag
17、icians hat / bag/ stick , house models, prize Teaching contents: prince , sheriff, ghost, clow Sentence : What s the weather like today ? Song: party song prince , sheriff, ghost, clown. one, two, there, four, five sit down. prince , sheriff, ghost, clown. Five, six, seven, eight sit down. Teaching
18、proce : 1.a.Greetings: Good morning ,everybody! Look outside . What s the weather like today ? Yes, its su y. When the su y I m very ha y . b.Warming up : Well, well We are ha y now. Let play a game. Ok? Up, up, up. Down, down, down . Left, left, left. Right, right, right. e a XX go go go ! (Go over
19、 there ,then teacher say :The mo ter is coming .()Children must go back to their seats as quickly as they can .If someone go back slowly , he will be eaten by the mo ter .) 2. Directio : (1)First teacher be prince /sheriff/ ghost/clown and do the action . Let them gue : who am I ? Then show them car
20、ds let them gue .(The teacher become a magician .) the magician use :Abracadabra, one , two , threeOooh! show the card for the children. (2)Games: a: Shaking Show children. the magician bag and let them gue :what are they in the bag? Invite one child come to the front . the kid and teacher catch the
21、 bag and shake quickly. Then let he/she take out a card and say : prince /sheriff/ghost/clow b: Jumping Invite one boy/girl come to the front. The teacher say: I say the clown one time ,you jump to the clown one time. I say the clown two time ,you jump to the clown two time. Make another children cl
22、ap hands and say the word. (3)Song a. At the first ,let the kids listen to the song and see the teacher s action.(1x) b. Teacher teach them one sentence by sentence slowly.(1x) c. let everybody sing this song.(3x-) 幼儿园大班英语教案food 英语教案foodLesson 1 food (两个课时)活动目标:1、学习单词 chocolate , ice cream, eggs ,pi
23、zza , milk , vegetable , bread,dumpling , shrimp , peanut butter , potato chip. (选择性)2、复习已学食物单词。活动准备: 食物图片(由学生现场画)。 录音机一台,磁带一盒。活动过程:1、请幼儿把自己最喜欢吃的食物画出来,画得又快又好的同学作品展出,并导入课题。2、引导学生学习单词。(1) 出示学生画的食物的图片,教师示范读音,幼儿跟读。(2) 教师出示图片,幼儿认读。教师纠音。(3) 教师读出单词,幼儿找出图片。3、游戏超市请几个幼儿扮收银员,其他幼儿扮顾客到超市购买食品,幼儿先看一看,挑选自己喜欢的事物,然后,
24、到收银员那儿结账,必须连说三遍食物名称,收银员也连说三遍。等幼儿全都买到食品后,教师再让幼儿说说购买食品名称。 Lesson 1 food活动目标:1、学习单词 chocolate ,vegetable , bread, hot-dog, noodles.2、初步理解Do you like的含义,会做出肯定或否定回答。3、学习用部分单词作句型替换练习。活动准备: 食物图片 。 录音机一台,磁带一盒。活动过程:1、谈话导入。请幼儿说说自己喜欢吃什么食物。2、出示图片。教师范读,幼儿跟读。教师出示图片,幼儿认读。教师纠音。教师读出单词,幼儿找出图片。3、学习句型和对话。(1) 教师讲解句型,示范读
25、音,幼儿跟读。(2) 播放录音磁带,幼儿模仿跟读。4、引导学生进行句型替换练习。任意出示一张食物图片,请幼儿说出句型。4、游戏:yes or no.把学生分成三组,根据教师出示的食物图片,一组幼儿问:Do you like 喜欢吃的幼儿站到yes 的那一边,大声说: yes , I do.不喜欢吃的幼儿站到 No 的那一组,并大声说:No , I dont. Lesson 1 food (两个课时)活动目标:1、学习单词 chocolate , ice cream, eggs ,pizza , milk , vegetable , bread,dumpling , shrimp , peanu
26、t butter , potato chip. (选择性)2、复习已学食物单词。活动准备: 食物图片(由学生现场画)。 录音机一台,磁带一盒。活动过程:1、请幼儿把自己最喜欢吃的食物画出来,画得又快又好的同学作品展出,并导入课题。2、引导学生学习单词。(1)出示学生画的食物的图片,教师示范读音,幼儿跟读。(2)教师出示图片,幼儿认读。教师纠音。(3)教师读出单词,幼儿找出图片。3、游戏超市请几个幼儿扮收银员,其他幼儿扮顾客到超市购买食品,幼儿先看一看,挑选自己喜欢的事物,然后,到收银员那儿结账,必须连说三遍食物名称,收银员也连说三遍。等幼儿全都买到食品后,教师再让幼儿说说购买食品名称。后记:幼
27、儿画的画大多是水果类,跟教学内容不符合。 幼儿园大班英语教案Vegetables 幼儿园大班英语教案:Vegetables 主题:蔬菜Vegetables 活动目标:1 了解一些常见蔬菜的名称和特征。(西红柿Tomato、黄瓜cucumber、玉米Maize, 胡萝卜Carrot)2 引导幼儿运用多种感官感知蔬菜的特征。 活动过程:一、复习水果FruitT:Yesterday,we have gone to fruits home. We has known the apple , banana ,Orange and pear, do you also remember them?S:yes
28、!T:ok!Now let me test you !(教师出示图片,问)please take a picture. What is this? Is this a fruit? Let the vegetablesgone here to line up. All these are fruit, all these are vegetables.二、认识蔬菜1、认识蔬菜、了解特征T:This is 1)What color is it?(在黑板上画出颜色)2)What sample is it?(在黑板上画出样子)T:This is a tomato / Cucumber / Maize
29、 / Carrot.It is red / green / yellow / Orange.It is Round / long、Curved弯 / small、One for one一粒一粒 /long、Thick粗。Color:Sample:T:Now let us know these vegetables again. please read after me.2、游戏:摸摸是谁Today, well go to vegetabless home. Look, its a pocket. Many vegetables init. What vegetables inside this
30、 pocket? If you want to know ,please touch one.Who can try?幼儿上前摸,提醒他们摸一个Touch one,please tell us, What have you touched to? what is this?2、游戏:我说你选择T:Now we will going to do a gameI say You Take。 I will tell the color andsample of the vegetables , please lift the picture of the vegetables. Otherpeopl
31、e do judgement ,If they are right please clap your hands, if they are wrongplease stamp your foot . Do you understand? Ok!Who can try?画好后提问:please tell us ,what vegetables have you drawn?3、游戏:谁的眼睛亮T:Next,I want to test your eyes. I will show a kind of vegetables very fast ,please tell me what vegeta
32、bles this is. Ok? 幼儿园大班英语教案:英语公开课教案 小编为网友整理的幼儿园大班英语教案:英语公开课教案,希望对大家有所帮助! T:Children lets sing a song ,OK? C:Ok! T:Look!今天我们班来了很多老师,我们一起跟老师打招呼吧! S:Good morning Miss! T:Follow me cry stop ! Follow me laugh stop ! Follow me eat stop ! Follow me stand up ! Follow me sit down !幼儿跟老师做 T:Children, look ,wh
33、ats this ? S:A T:Yes! Very good!Follow me A A ae ae ae S:A A ae ae ae T:Apple S:Apple T: A A ae ae ae ant S: A A ae ae ae ant T: A A ae ae ae cat S: A A ae ae ae cat T: A A ae ae ae hat S: A A ae ae ae hat 教师教幼儿认读单词 T:Oh!What is missing ? S:Apple, T:Yes !Oh!where is the apple?苹果在哪里啊? S:在你手上 T:Yes!Ve
34、ry good!Look!apple is here !OK!Follow me apple. S:apple 以此形式让幼儿巩固单词 T:Whos eat the apple ? S:Cat T:Apple apple in a cat! S: Apple apple in a cat! T:Wheres the ant! S:在帽子里 T:Very good!Ant ant in a hat S: Ant ant in a hat T:Follow me ! Ant ant in a hat! Apple apple in a cat! S: Ant ant in a hat! Apple
35、 apple in a cat! 教师引导幼儿读句子 T:Children do you want to play? S:Yes ! T:OK!Listen to me . When I say touch the cat ,you musttouchit!Understand? S:Yes! T:Who can try? S:Let me try! 教师引导幼儿玩游戏 T:Today we learn “apple” “ant” “cat” “hat” Lets say again! S: “apple” “ant” “cat” “hat” T:Very good! S:Very very
36、good !Very very cool! Oh oh super! 幼儿园大班英语教案:How are you 小编为网友整理的幼儿园大班英语教案:How are you,希望对大家有所帮助! Hello hello how are you?Fine fine fine thank you. 你好么?很好,谢谢。 Hello hello how are you?Oh just so so . 你好么?哦,一般般。 Hello hello how are you?No I am terrible. 你好么?不好,很糟糕今天。 Round and round the garden绕着花园走呀走(
37、用手指在孩子掌心画圈) Goes the little mouse小老鼠不停的走(继续画圈) Up up up he cree 向上,向上,它向上爬(手指沿着孩子的胳膊往上爬) Up into his house.爬进了它的家(挠挠孩子的胳肌窝) Five fingers One finger,one finger,point,point,point.一根手指点点点。 Two fingers,two fingers,cut,cut,cut.两根手指剪剪剪。 Three fingers,three fingers,miaow,miaow.miaow.三根手指喵喵喵。 Four fingers four fingers,touch,touch,touch.四根手指摸摸摸。 Five fingers,five fingers,on the desk.五根手指放桌上。 Lets make friends(让我们交朋友) Hello,hello,how do you do? Whats your name?Whats your name? My name is Mark.My name is Mark. And whats your name? My name is Body.My name is Body. Lets make friends,lets go to play