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1、2023年优质报告汽车的实习报告(一篇) 优质报告汽车的实习报告(一篇)。 知之愈明,则行之愈笃;行之愈笃,则知之愈益明。实习生活肯定给你留下了深刻的印象吧,按照惯例,完成实习后就要写一篇实习总结,实习报告可以起到透过现象看本质的作用。一篇好的实习报告应该要包括哪些内容呢?下面是小编精心收集整理,为您带来的优质报告汽车的实习报告(一篇),仅供参考,希望能为您提供参考! 一、顶岗实习时间 20xx年xx月xx日20xx年xx月xx日 二、公司名称 xx专营店 三、公司简介 xx专营店是集整车销售、汽车维修、配件供应、信息反馈、分期购车、保险业务、二手车置换于一体的大型汽车服务企业。公司注册资金1
2、100万元人民币,位于xx市xx大街xxx号,交通便利,是xx地区的汽车4s店之一。xx专营店拥有先进的硬件设施和一支高素质的员工队伍,以经营xx、进口xx轿车为主,是xx地区授权的4s经销商。主要经营车型有,xx、xx、xx等。我们秉承“让每一位顾客都满意,体验全球品质的优越”的服务宗旨。管理制度化、员工团队化、企业品牌化。诚信经营,为广大汽车用户提供尽善尽美的全方位服务。 四、实习内容 本人在xx专营店进行汽车检测与维修实习。这家公司不但拥有一批高素质、高技能的汽车维修技术人员,而且从国内、外购进一批先进的汽车维修检测设备。为了总结实习经验,做好今后的实习工作,特作如下报告: 在过去的几个
3、月里,我们从事修理工作。作为生产一线的我们在老师的带领下学到课本上无法学到的东西。也让我们从理论知识延伸到自己动手!那么就让我介绍下我们所学到知识内容: 1、汽车维修前应了解的事项 向驾驶员问清故障特征,发生的时间和规律要向驾驶员问清车辆故障发生的特征。比如,故障是突然发生还是逐渐发生,若驾驶员说不清楚时,可予以提示或引导,共同明确主要特点。 向驾驶员了解在故障发生前的维修情况在电喷发动机的疑难复杂故障当中,有些故障是因维修不当引起的,或者更换了木某些新件而造成,导致有关线路的接插件错界或漏装。 了解汽车的工作环境和运行里程电喷发动机运用10万千米之前,大的总成件出现故障较少,一般不考虑。了解
4、驾驶员的驾驶习惯和和驾驶技术驾驶作风严谨的,其车辆发生故障往往有规律性,在诊断上较难 2、发动机是汽车的最主要组成之一,也是汽车的心脏 它的工作过程包括进气行程、压缩行程、作功行程、排气行程。在进气行程中,进气门开启,排气门关闭,曲轴带动活塞从上止点向下止点运动,活塞上的气缸容积增大,从而气缸内压力降到大气压以下。即在气缸内造成活塞吸力。可燃混合气便经进气管道和进气门被吸入气缸,为了使吸入气缸内的可燃混合气迅速燃烧,放出更多的热量。从而使发动机发出更大的功率。这样就必须的混合气燃烧之前进行压缩,使其容积变小、温度升高。在进气终了时便进入压缩行程。在此过程中,进、排气门均关闭。曲轴推动活塞定时由
5、上止点移动一个行程,在压缩行程终了时,火花塞产生电火花点燃混合气,此时进、排气门均关闭,混合气迅速燃烧,使缸内气体的温度和压力迅速提高。推动活塞向下止点运动,活塞下移使曲轴旋转运动,产生转矩而作功,当作功终了时,排气门打开,进气门关闭废气排出,从而完成一个工作循环,接着又开始了下一个新工作循环。 3、汽车维护周期汽车保养是十分重要的,该服务站的维修人员对客户的车辆认真负责 汽车换机油的几个步骤: 正确选用润滑油的质量级别和粘度级别,nissan日产所用的机油是四季机油,该机油级别为10w/30,5w/302、选用正规厂家生产的高质量机油滤芯,防止滤芯质量问题造成的油路阻塞、压力不足或过滤效果差
6、而影响润滑效果。 换油时要在发动机出于正常工作温度时关闭发动机,拧开加油口盖,拧下放油螺丝放出旧油,然后用专用工具拧下旧的滤清器。注意:拧下旧的滤芯时,一定不能把旧的滤芯上的密封圈落在机油座上,否则在下次换滤时很难拧下。 装配滤芯时,要在密封圈上涂抹上一些润滑油,以防止在安装时造成损坏。 机油滤芯装好后,拧紧放油螺丝。注意:机油且不可加得过多或过少。过多会造成润滑油消耗过快,发动机运转阻力增加,行驶无力,燃油消耗增加;过少会造成油压太低润滑不良等后果。给汽车保养除了换机油外,还要检查发动机冷却液液面、刹车油液面、转向助力油液面是否标准,之外还要检查喇叭、灯光是否齐全,检查转向机构各连接部位是否
7、松旷,检查轮胎气压。 4、检查车辆有无漏水、漏油现象 汽车机油的更换里程一般在50007500公里。因为机油发动机起到润滑、冷却、密封、清洁、防锈、防腐的作用,若没有机油或机油失效,汽车的心脏就不能很好的运转。 转向液和刹车液的更换为2年。因为制动具有吸湿性,使用过程中不断吸收周围空气中的水分,若制动液含水量过多,则会腐蚀制动系统,再则制动液本身的沸点也将显著降低,严重影响制动效果的安全性。所以制动液必须每两年更换一次。更换制动液使用的专业设备叫充排机,用这样的仪器更换制动液更彻底,不残留杂质,避免出现气阻。排放顺序为:右后轮左后轮右前轮左前轮。 防冻液更换周期为2年。 火花塞的更换里程:xx
8、系列车每2万公里换一次火花塞。xx、xx、xx、xx为10万公里换一次火花塞。因为这种火花塞是白金的。火花塞不正常更换很容易产生漏电现象,这样可能会发生耸车现象。 变速器油分手动变速器油、自动变速器油,每4万公里必须更换一次。自动变速器油简称atf油。atf油对自动变速器的工作、使用性能以及使用寿命都有非常大的影响。汽车自动变速器的保养主要就是对atf的检查和更换。由于atf工作特点的不同,在性能上有别于其它油液,主要有较高的粘温性。粘度过大过小都会使变速器传动效率下降,而粘度又随温度而变化。因此,要求atf低温时粘度不要太大,高温时粘度不能太小。 五、汽车实习总结 在整个实习过程中,我不仅更
9、进一步的学习并掌握了汽车发动机、底盘的构造和功用,而且还学会了许多专用工具的使用方法。通过同师傅们共同学习、探讨有关汽车方面的知识,使我学到了很多在学校里从未学到的东西,并对汽车行业有了更进一步的了解。由于我们在企业里了解到很多企业文化和企业管理体制,使我们不仅在自己的专业上有了突破,也学习到许多关于企业管理方面的知识。总体来说我成功的完成了这次实习,这对于我以后的工作道路起着很重要的作用。 f132.COM更多实习报告延伸阅读 2023一篇用英语写的实习报告 it is in jinxiu travel agency that i have my practice.there are six
10、 departments and i was in two departments: treatmemt department and ticket department. my job is receiving guests in the office and ordering plane ticket for costomers, and some times i also answered the phone, helping visitors understand traveling route of travel agency or taking tickets for them.
11、because tourism is a service industry, so i want to learn how to communicate with different people and learn some business about travel agency.must pay attention to others every action and every movement, must learn the skill which converses with the visitor. this is i learns the most useful experie
12、nce in the travel agency. through this experience, i received some knowledge we must understand first as follows, first, i ought to kown the traveling places inside and outside traffic and the environment protection. second, the travel agencys service regulations and management tips. third, the trav
13、el agencys nature and management business and management model. travel agency is the professoinal organazation which provides traveling service for people. since the professioal nature, the tourism is the service industry. it provides meal, hotel, route etc service. service atitude is very important
14、 in tourism. you ought to smile to every person in order to make them finding you are friendly. and i must strive for the opportunity. regarding this point, i have the depth experience. because is an intern, therefore the company cannot invest too many resources to you. the company thought the pract
15、iceborns with is the practice finished must return to the school tostudy, future not necessarily will be able in the practice unit work.often practised the unit to arrange the work for you, could not specially teach you more things. after i entered company period oftime, i realize this question. how
16、 then solves this problem? whenever after i complete the work task, i all can help other staff to handlesome trivial matters on own initiative. for example: printing, typing, scheduling. this procedure advantage is obtains outside other staffs favorable impressions, they in unconsciously center alre
17、ady relied on you, some matters were used to it you to do. thus, i have the opportunity to ask for advice other staffs, learns more knowledge,obtains more experiences. in addition, i must work hard and serious. i found everything is not easy. i cant make any mistakes when i check the plane ticket or
18、 seting a fax, or i can make a worse consequence. and i also should be careful for my writing, its very important to make other people understand you meaning well. from this experience, i feel sincere to every person are so important, if you are sincere to others, they can sincere to you too. sincer
19、e is very important to communicate with others. and whatever you do, patience and obligation are so important, you should be calm down first and you can do it well.each internship is a student must have some experience, it enabled us to understand the social practice, we learned a lot in the classro
20、om attendance less than the fundamental knowledge, but also opened up a vision and experience, as we move further toward the community after laying a solid foundation. but this experience also make me recognize a lot of shortcomings for myself. it competes very seriously between travel agencys. you
21、not only should take hold of professional knowledge but also you should understand how to get along with different people. i find im lack of education and experience. its very different between school and social. i feel the theory which learned in school are not the same to the work concept. thats t
22、he reason why we are practice. it can make me strengthen and understand the knowledge in class and bring up our living capability. i am a foreign language professional tourism students and i learn in books on the management aspects of the knowledge and english, it seems easy to understand, but not p
23、ut into practice. during this experience, to the unit after the internship experience difficulty of how to personally stood up to the time before aware of their knowledge, abilities and experience is how the lack of. during the internship, i have broadened our horizons, a growth of knowledge, experi
24、ence the brutal competition in society. and i have to talk about something about traveling. first, i found some advertisements in the newspapers and magazines published the almost same routes as in the dining trip accommodation, transport and other more or less the same by diffenent travel agency. b
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- 优质报告 2023 优质 报告 汽车 实习 一篇