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1、湖南省湖南省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识综合练年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识综合练习试卷习试卷 B B 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、Most of the time,we eat soft foods,so gradually our jaws stopgrowing to the full _.A.controlB.capacityC.campaignD.category【答案】B2、Weve spent so much on advertisements,but the results arenot_.A.satisfiedB.satisf
2、yingC.satisfyD.satisfactorily【答案】B3、资料:Theres a good chance that spicy crunchy tuna roll youordered for lunch doesnt actually contain any tuna at all.A.Many sushi restaurants refuse to serve some fish because of therisk of fake fishB.People have access to track the origins of fish sold in sushi shop
3、sC.Most fish sold in sushi stores is mislabeled but new tech can helpto fix the problemD.Citizens in the US no longer trust the fish sold in sushi venues【答案】C4、在保险市场上,“道德风险”是指()。A.保险公司不能区分低风险顾客和高风险顾客B.高风险顾客有激励提供错误信号使保险公司相信他是低风险顾客C.保险公司可能会根据种族、性别和年龄来断定哪些是高风险顾客D.顾客在购买保险后会改变自己的行为,即他在购买保险后的行为比之前更像一个高风险的
4、顾客【答案】D5、我国人民币汇率采取的标价方法是()。A.直接标价法B.间接标价法C.美元标价法D.双向标价法【答案】A6、在双本位制的货币体系下,()两种货币按法定比价流通,在一定程度上克服了平行本位制下混乱局面。A.金锡B.银铜C.金铜D.金银【答案】D7、甲有一手表,委托乙保管,乙擅自将手表卖给丙,丙又赠与女友丁,丁戴上3 天后在街头被戊抢走,戊后又遗失于街头,为庚拾得。根据物权法的规定,对该手表享有所有权的是()。A.甲B.丙C.丁D.庚【答案】C8、资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in theinvestment opt
5、ions of most investors.Bank of India CDs are safe,FDIC insured&offer decent returns.There is no brokerage,no feesor hidden costs.However,the Bank may impose a fee foradministrative expenses involved in any legal action in connectionwith the CD.Look at our Star CD plan below.A.more thanB.less thanC.t
6、he same asD.not comparable with【答案】C9、()是收文办理的中心环节。A.批办B.拟办C.承办D.注办【答案】C10、根据我国劳动合同法的规定,下列各项中不属于劳动合同必备条款的是()。A.劳动合同的期限B.工作内容和工作地点C.社会保险D.违约金【答案】D11、This ticket()you to a free meal.A.grantsB.entitlesC.creditsD.permits【答案】B12、对其他货币资金主要审查其真实性和合法性,在方法上一般采用主要实证法,具体运用时主要采用()。A.询问法B.核对法C.核对法和盘点法D.抽查法和盘点法【答
7、案】C13、物体的惯性与()有关。A.速度B.加速度C.质量D.运动状态【答案】C14、材料一:为进一步支持实体经济发展,优化流动性结构,降低融资成本,中国人民银行决定下调金融机构存款准备金率 1 个百分点,其中,2019 年 1 月15 日和 1 月 25 日分别下调 0.5 个百分点。同时,2019 年一季度到期的中期借贷便利(MLF)不再续做。这样安排能够基本对冲今年春节前由于现金投放造成的流动性波动,有利于金融机构继续加大对小微企业、民营企业支持力度。A.再贷款B.再贴现C.消费者信用控制D.道义劝告【答案】B15、个人计算机内存的大小主要由()决定。A.RAM 芯片的容量B.软盘的容
8、量C.硬盘的容量D.CPU 的位数【答案】A16、Do you know where_now?A.he livesB.does he liveC.he livedD.did he live【答案】A17、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of historythan others.HSBCs History Wall,a striking art installation at thebanks London headquarters,is made up of 3,743 images drawn fromthe banks a
9、rchives and arranged in chronological order.A.Activities did by HSBC are better than those of Coca-colaB.New designs inspired by old products are not goodC.Young companies do better than old companies in using historyD.Consumers often trust old-aged companies more【答案】D18、I believe you have _ some im
10、portant points in the report.A.left offB.left behindC.left outD.left alone【答案】C19、They could give you a nationally_qualification and theexperience you need to get the job.A.recognizedB.viewedC.regardedD.realized【答案】A20、在 Word 主窗口的右上角,可以同时显示的按钮是()。A.最小化、还原和最大化B.最大化、还原和关闭C.最小化、还原和关闭D.最大化和还原【答案】C21、资料:
11、October 20,2013A.To invite the staff to an upcoming eventB.To welcome the newest staff to the companyC.To notify the employees of a yearly meetingD.To provide information about the companys product【答案】A22、下列关于我国“四大名窟”的说法,错误的是()A.四大名窟都是以中国佛教文化为特色的B.四大名窟都位于我国南北分界线以北C.四大名窟均始建于魏晋南北时期D.四大名窟分布于我国四个不同省份【答案
12、】D23、We shouldnt ignore the importance of _ our hobbies orgetting involved in arts and crafts activities.A.amplifyingB.enhancingC.fosteringD.magnifying【答案】C24、Hawass said the collection of workers tombs,some of _were found in the 1990s,were among the most significant findings inthe 20th and 21st cen
13、turies.A.themB.whomC.whichD.who【答案】C25、微型计算机中,ROM 的中文含义是()。A.随机存储器B.只读存储器C.高速缓冲存储器D.可编程只读存储器【答案】B26、某投资项目原始总投资额为 90 万元,项目寿命 10 年,已知该项目第 10 年的经营现金净流量为 20 万元,期满处置该固定资产的残值收入和回收流动资金共 5 万元,则该项目第 10 年的净现金流量为()万元。A.25B.20C.29D.34【答案】A27、某公司一台机器使用期满决定报废。该机器原价 500000 元,己计折旧470000 元,已计提减值准备 15000 元,在清理过程中支付清理
14、费 2000 元,残料变卖收入 20000 元,不考虑相关税费,该机器的清理净收益是()。A.18000B.3000C.5000D.10000【答案】B28、会计账簿包括()、明细账、日记账和其他辅助性账簿。A.日计表B.统计表C.总账D.余额表【答案】C29、2017 年 4 月份,某省规模以上食品工业增加值同比增长 15.0%,比全省规模工业平均水平高 9.4 个百分点。其中,农副食品加工业增长 14.0%,食品制造业增长 18.6%,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业增长 13.9%。14 月,规模以上食品工业产值累计增长 11.6%,增幅比全省规模工业平均水平高 4.5 个百分点。A.熟肉制品B.
15、米制半成品C.冷冻蔬菜D.酱油【答案】B30、同业拆借()。A.是一种特殊的存款形式B.最长不得超过 6 个月C.参与者包括银行、非银行金融机构与中介机构D.属于担保信用【答案】C31、Care providers also need to help patients to manage theirfeelings of uncertainty and_them of the benefits of modernmedicine and technology which can substantially aid in healthimprovement。A.assureB.insureC.s
16、ureD.ensure【答案】A32、股票指数期货的结算采用()。A.现金B.某种股票C.股价指数D.一揽子股票【答案】A33、在管理的各项职能中,()职能能够保证目标及为其而制订的计划得以实现。A.领导B.协调C.控制D.计划【答案】C34、资料:As more personal business is conducted through smartphonedevices,more users are implementing security measures for theirdevices,according to a recent survey by Harris Poll and
17、 commissionedby the CTIA.A.had built in security and end-to-end encryptionB.included the CTIA feature in their productsC.were faced with negative consumer attitudesD.cooperated with FBI to guarantee the securety【答案】B35、_ the brains working is a tremendous challenge and,judging by the advance of curr
18、ent processor power and complexity,will take at least several decades more to reach even the mostelementary levels.A.IncreasingB.ImitatingC.ObservingD.Speculating【答案】B36、I hear many parents saying that their teenage children arerebellion.I wish it were so.At your age you ought to be growing awayfrom
19、 your parents.You should be learning to stand on your own twofeet.But take a good look at the present rebellion.It seems thatteenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they degreewith their parents.Instead of striking out bravely on their own,mostof them are trying to seize at one another
20、s hands for safety.A.are not sure of themselvesB.have much difficulty in understanding each otherC.dare not do thingsD.are very much afraid of getting lost【答案】A37、She was very_of our efforts to help.A.appreciatingB.appreciativeC.appreciateD.appreciable【答案】B38、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009 年末的每股税后利润为 0.2元,市场
21、利率为 2.5%。A.YXrB.Y/rC.r/YD.YX(1+r)【答案】B39、I will never forget the day _ I first arrived at this college.A.in whichB.on thatC.whenD.which【答案】C40、American travelers abroad have discovered that they can buy moreforeign_with their dollar.A.currentedB.currentlyC.currencyD.current【答案】C41、某商场在暑期推出“羽绒服反季大甩卖”
22、活动,此种促销方式为()。A.竞赛促销B.无偿促销C.折价促销D.惠赠促销【答案】C42、以下属于资本市场金融工具的是()。A.商业票据B.回购协议C.股票D.可转让定期存单【答案】C43、隔日交割,即在成交后的第一个营业日内进行交割的是()。A.即期外汇交易B.远期外汇交易C.中期外汇交易D.长期外汇交易【答案】A44、某企业从外地购进甲种材料,买价 3200 元,外地用杂费 120 元,那么该材料实际成本是()。A.3320B.3200C.120D.3080【答案】A45、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009 年末的每股税后利润为 0.2元,市场利率为 2.5%。A.20B.40C.
23、60D.80【答案】B46、产出增加、利率不确定是财政政策和货币政策混合使用的哪种方式产生的结果?()A.紧缩性财政政策和扩张性货币政策B.扩张性财政政策和扩张性货币政策C.紧缩性财政政策和紧缩性货币政策D.扩张性财政政策和紧缩性货币政策【答案】B47、资料:Demystifying how social and human-like robots work is vitalso that we can understand and shape how they will affect our future,Dr Hatice Gunes will tell the Hay Festival
24、next week.(1)A.With the development of human robot interaction,robots ae now ableto communicate with humans in an effective wayB.Scientists have many challenges in developing robots,such as howto modify their appearance and behaviorC.Human emotions enable robots to win the trust from human,especiall
25、y the elderly and childrenD.It is important to help people understand robots in order todevelop robots to human needs【答案】D48、资料:Seeking to end a stalemate in negotiations over hercountrys withdrawal from the European Union,Prime Minister TheresaMay of Britain offered Friday substantial payments to t
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