新职业英语1 Unit 1 Organization.ppt
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《新职业英语1 Unit 1 Organization.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新职业英语1 Unit 1 Organization.ppt(45页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationUnit 1职业综合英语职业综合英语 1 1E EN NG GL LI IS SH H F FO OR R C CA AR RE EE ER RS S新职业英语新职业英语职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationWarm-1Task Task 1 1 Look at the following logos and give the names of the countries in which the companies are headquartered.Germany_JapanJapanUS
2、AUSACar Companies _GermanyUSAUSAFranceFrance_Republic of KoreaP.R.ChinaP.R.ChinaFinlandFinlandSupermarket Companies Mobile Phone Companies 职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationWarm-2Task Task 2 2 List at least two companies for each type of the following products.TCL,Sony,TCL,Sony,Panasonic,Panasonic,
3、PhilipsPhilipsLenovo,Lenovo,Apple,IBM,Apple,IBM,SonySonyLi-Ning,Li-Ning,Adidas,Nike,Adidas,Nike,ReebokReebok职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationText A-1Google Anyone who has ever used the Anyone who has ever used the InternetInternet has has seen Google,and many people would justseen Google,and many
4、people would just “google itgoogle it”when they try to”when they try to find informationfind information about something on the Internet.As the worldsabout something on the Internet.As the worlds most popular Internet most popular Internet search enginesearch engine,Google is,Google is one of the gr
5、eatest examples of one of the greatest examples of online successonline success.Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 Organization职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationText A-2 It It all all beganbegan in in January January 1996 1996 as as a a research research project project at at Stanford Stanford Univers
6、ity University by by Ph.D.Ph.D.student student Larry Larry Page.Page.Trying Trying to to find find a a better better way way for for web web users users toto search search forfor relevantrelevant pagespages,Page Page had had an an idea idea that that this this could could be be achievedachieved by b
7、y examining examining the the relationships relationships between between web web pages.pages.He He thought thought that that web web pagespages which which had had the the most most links links to to them them from from other other web web pages pages must must be be the the most most popular.popul
8、ar.The technique The technique appeared to beappeared to be successful.successful.Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationText A-3 PagePage and his partner and his partner Sergey BrinSergey Brin set up set up their company on September 7,1998 andtheir company on September 7,1998 and registered t
9、he registered the the following week.the following week.The search engine quickly grew in popularityThe search engine quickly grew in popularity and in 2000 Google began to and in 2000 Google began to sell advertisingsell advertising on on their website.After a few years of growth their website.Afte
10、r a few years of growth fueledfueled by eager investors,Google by eager investors,Google went publicwent public.Many.ManyGoogle employees became Google employees became instantinstant millionaires.millionaires.Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationText A-4 Google has recentlyGoogle has recentl
11、y acquiredacquired YouT YouT whichwhich is the Internets largest videosharingis the Internets largest videosharing website and continues towebsite and continues to add new add new featuresfeatures every every day including day including tooltool bars,email,and advertisingbars,email,and advertising.O
12、f course,Of course,with growth and success there also with growth and success there also comescomes competitioncompetition.MicrosoftMicrosoft has recently tried has recently tried to acquire to acquire YahooYahoo in order to compete with in order to compete with Google in the Internet search engine
13、area.Google in the Internet search engine area.Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationText A-5 In addition toIn addition to its growth and popularity,its growth and popularity,Google has also been named Google has also been named the number onethe number one company to work forcompany to work f
14、or in the United States.It in the United States.It tendstends toto stay away fromstay away from typicaltypical office designsoffice designs and and triestries to make the office a place where employees to make the office a place where employees areare comfortable and free to comfortable and free to
15、excelexcel at their work.at their work.Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationText A-6 Today,Google owns YouTube,Blogger andToday,Google owns YouTube,Blogger and other other hot websiteshot websites and has become the leader and has become the leader in terms ofin terms of ad-based revenuead-ba
16、sed revenue on the web.on the web.The The brain childbrain child of two of two students has becomestudents has become a billion-dollar company and a billion-dollar company and one of one of the best-knownthe best-known trademarkstrademarks in the world.in the world.Googles historyGoogles history ser
17、ves asserves as a perfect model and a perfect model and inspiration forinspiration for Internet entrepreneurs today.Internet entrepreneurs today.Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationA-Trans-1谷谷 歌歌 上上过过互互联联网网的的人人都都见见过过谷谷歌歌,许许多多人人要要在在互互联联网网上上查查找找某某方方面面的的信信息息时时,他他们们都都会会去去“谷谷歌歌”一一下下。作作为为全全世世界界最最有
18、有名名的的互互联联网网搜搜索索引引擎擎,谷谷歌歌是是网络业界功成名就的最好范例之一。网络业界功成名就的最好范例之一。Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationA-Trans-2 谷谷歌歌始始于于19961996年年1 1月月斯斯坦坦福福大大学学博博士士生生拉拉里里 佩佩奇奇的的一一个个研研究究项项目目。为为了了找找到到一一种种能能帮帮助助网网络络用用户户搜搜索索到到相相关关网网页页的的更更好好方方法法,佩佩奇奇设设想想可可以以通通过过检检索索网网页页之之间间的的关关系系来来实实现现。他他认认为为其其他他网网页页链链接接最最多多的的那那些些网网页页一
19、一定定是是最最受受欢欢迎迎的的,这这项项技技术术结结果果看起来是成功的。看起来是成功的。Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationA-Trans-3 佩佩奇奇和和他他的的合合作作伙伙伴伴谢谢尔尔盖盖 布布林林于于19981998年年9 9月月7 7日日创创建建了了自自己己的的公公司司,并并在在之之后后的的一一周周注注册册了了这这一一网网址址。这这个个搜搜索索引引擎擎很很快快声声名名鹊鹊起起,20002000年年谷谷歌歌开开始始在在自自己己的的网网站站出出售售广广告告。在在投投资资者者的的热热情情资资助助下下,经经过过几几年年的的发发展展,谷谷歌歌上
20、上市了,谷歌的很多雇员一夜之间成了百万富翁。市了,谷歌的很多雇员一夜之间成了百万富翁。Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationA-Trans-4 谷谷歌歌最最近近收收购购了了互互联联网网最最大大的的视视频频共共享享网网站站YouTYouT,而而且且每每天天都都在在不不断断增增加加一一些些新新功功能能,如如工工具具栏栏、邮邮件件和和广广告告。当当然然,成成长长与与成成功功也也带带来来了了竞竞争争。微微软软最最近近就就试试图图收收购购雅雅虎虎以便能在互联网搜索引擎领域与谷歌抗衡。以便能在互联网搜索引擎领域与谷歌抗衡。Reading A职业综合职业综合
21、英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationA-Trans-5 随随着着公公司司的的壮壮大大与与知知名名度度的的提提高高,谷谷歌歌在在美美国国公公司司就就业业吸吸引引力力的的排排名名也也上上升升到到第第一一。他他们们尝尝试试打打破破传传统统的的办办公公室室设设计计,努努力力把把办办公公室室变变成成员员工感觉舒适、并能充分发挥自己才华的地方。工感觉舒适、并能充分发挥自己才华的地方。Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 OrganizationA-Trans-6 现现在在,谷谷歌歌已已拥拥有有YouTubeYouTube、BloggerBlogger和和其其他他
22、一一些些热热门门网网站站,并并且且成成为为网网络络广广告告收收入入方方面面的的领领头头羊羊。当当初初两两个个学学生生的的一一个个小小点点子子已已发发展展成成为为一一家家拥拥有有十十亿亿美美元元资资产产的的大大公公司司,谷谷歌歌也也成成为为全全球球最最著著名名的的商商标标之之一一。谷谷歌歌的的发发展展史史为为当当今今的的网网络络企企业业家家树树立立了了一个完美的典范,也提供了灵感。一个完美的典范,也提供了灵感。Reading A职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 Organizationa adjdj.closely connected with the subject you are
23、 discussing or the situation you are thinking aboutReading Arelevante.g.e.g.What experience do you have that is relevant to this position?be relevant to=be connected with职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 Organizatione.g.e.g.1.After 10 years of hard work,he finally achieved success in his business.2.Britain has
24、 achieved the highest rate of economic growth in Europe this year.achieve+N(success/rate)Reading Aachievev.v.to succeed in reaching a particular goal or standard by making an effort for a long time职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 Organizatione.g.e.g.1.She appeared to be in her late thirties.2.They appeared no
25、t to know what was happening.Reading Aappear to be/doto give the impression of being or doing something职业综合职业综合英语英语 1 1Unit 1 Organizatione.g.e.g.1.His words fueled her anger still more.2.The stored oil could fuel the nation for six months.fuel+N(anger/nation)fuel ones anger 在某人怒气上火上浇油Reading Afuelv
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