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2、过热或杂音产生等,并及时处理异常(设备异常时,需关闭总电源)。6。经过 45 分钟混合后,打开投料盖,开启下料阀门及振动筛,出料至事先备好的氧化包装内,称重、封口等。7.批号、重量、混料指标合格包装袋,用标准托盘码放,每批次 6 吨(4 托盘*1.5吨),并由专人记录混料相关数据(清晰、精确)。8.工作完毕后,关好出料闸门,关闭电源,保持机室整洁.of third generatiof third generati on Ceon Central ledntral led collecollective,bactive,banner Dengnner Deng XiaoXiao-pi-ping
3、s theory great flag,insings theory great flag,insi sted listed liberation thought,aberation thought,a nd facts,and facts,and times,ind times,in both at home and abroan both at home and abroa d political std political st orm,and economic risk,severe test before,relieorm,and economic risk,severe test
4、before,relie s on party and pes on party and pe opleople,defended,defended ChiChina features Socialist,na features Socialist,created socialicreated socialist market new system,created full open new situatist market new system,created full open new situati on,aon,advance party of constructidvance par
5、ty of constructi onon new of great enginew of great engi neerineering,foundeng,founded three a repred three a repre sentative imporsentative impor tatant thought,Contint thought,Conti nue tonue to steer the shipsteer the ship of reform and openiof reform and openi ng up forward on the rigng up forwa
6、rd on the rig ht.Comrade Jiang Zemin said:streht.Comrade Jiang Zemin said:stre ngthengthening and improvining and improvi ng theng the partys mass work i partys mass work i n the new situation,it is of den the new situation,it is of de cisive sigcisive significanificance tonce to consolidating tcons
7、olidating t he rulihe ruling Foundating Foundation of the party.Ton of the party.T hroughrough our party and someh our party and some of the worlof the worlds major leds major le ssons lessons learned from the succearned from the succe ss of thess of the oldold party of the party,Comrade Jiang Zemin
8、 pointeparty of the party,Comrade Jiang Zemin pointe d out:the biggestd out:the biggest politipolitical advacal advantage of our party is intage of our party is i n cln close contaose contact with the masses,tct with the masses,t he mosthe most dangerous after the rdangerous after the r uling party
9、wauling party was divors divorced from the masses.Heced from the masses.He said:our reform and construction,only thesaid:our reform and construction,only theunderstanding,understanding,support asupport a ndnd participationparticipation of the peof the peoplople,pee,peopleoples ents enthusiahusiasm a
10、ndsm and creativity into fullcreativity into full play in orplay in order to advader to advance;the leadershince;the leadershi p of thep of the party,only the tie aparty,only the tie a nd wind win the masses embran the masses embra ced,canced,can be consolibe consolidated adated and strend strengthe
11、ned.ngthened.He pointeHe pointed out that strengthenid out that strengtheni ng and improving tng and improving t he partys whe partys work style constrork style constr uctiuction,maion,maintainintaining the partys flesh-ang the partys flesh-a nd-blood ties witnd-blood ties wit h the masses is the co
12、reh the masses is the core problem,the key is toproblem,the key is to do solido solid work,impld work,implement,resolutely oppose aement,resolutely oppose a ndnd overcome formalism.Comrade Jiang Zemin stressed tovercome formalism.Comrade Jiang Zemin stressed that all the what all the work andork and
13、 polipoliciescies of the party,arof the party,are in compliae in complia nce wnce with the fundameith the fundame ntal interestsntal interests of the overwof the overwhelming majority of the pehelming majority of the pe oplople to thee to the highesthighest degree,to tdegree,to the majority of peopl
14、e are not satisfied withe majority of people are not satisfied wit h the fundameh the fundame ntal guidelinental guidelines,strive to make our workers,farms,strive to make our workers,farm ers,intellers,intellectuals and otectuals and ot her peher peopleople enjoy.Single,everyenjoy.Single,every one
15、seemed to kone seemed to k now.now.But well kBut well knownown does not meann does not mean perfect.Someperfect.Some party memparty mem bers and leadibers and leading cang cadres,considerdres,consider contacting tcontacting their small departments,withiheir small departments,withi n a small cirn a s
16、mall circle of pecle of peoplople,or contae,or contact indivict individuadua owowners,the entrepreners,the entrepre neneur,is tur,is the massehe masses,this is,this idea isdea is obviobviouslyously not correct.Tnot correct.The Communist Partyhe Communist Party of China,peof China,peopleople shoulsho
17、uld have thred have three charae characteristicteristics.First,tcs.First,the pehe peopleople shoulshould be the most social,id be the most social,i s a Department withis a Department withi n the scope of the majority.n the scope of the majority.Specific to the party and GovernmentSpecific to the par
18、ty and Government departmedepartments,especints,especially the caally the cadres wdres working iorking in the Cen the Central and State organs,mass is thentral and State organs,mass is the 1.3 billion Chi1.3 billion Chi nese penese pe ople,wople,work for the party members and caork for the party mem
19、bers and ca dres,masses are the ladres,masses are the la nd witnd within thin the jurihe jurisdisdiction of thection of thecommoncommon people.Tpeople.The sehe secondcond characharacteristiccteristic of the masseof the masses,is that wes,is that we have common interehave common intere sts.sts.Masses
20、 are manifestationsMasses are manifestations of eachof each spespecific pecific peoplople,but the cre,but the cr owd iowd is a coms a compreheprehensivensive politipolitical concept,refers to people withcal concept,refers to people with common political acommon political a nd end economic iconomic i
21、nterests in tnterests in the perihe periodod of sociof social transforal transfor mation,socialmation,social differentiationdifferentiation betweebetween the interen the interests of the masses is large,if you dosts of the masses is large,if you do not find the interenot find the intere st in doing mst in doing m assass work,the party members awork,the party members a nd cadres,nd cadres,will be iwill be in a passive position.Tn a passive position.T he thirdhe third characharacteristiccteristic of the masseof the masse