《2023年湖北同等学力人员申请硕士学位考试考试模拟卷(6).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年湖北同等学力人员申请硕士学位考试考试模拟卷(6).pdf(37页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2023 年湖北同等学力人员申请硕士学位考试考试模拟卷(6)本卷共分为 1 大题 50 小题,作答时间为 180 分钟,总分 100分,60 分及格。一、单项选择题(共 50 题,每题 2 分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.Inflation is a period of rapid rises in prices.When your money buys fewer goods so that you get(56)for the same amount of money as before,inflation is the problem.Sometimes people des
2、cribe inflation as a time when a dollar is not(57)a dollar anymore.Inflation is a problem for all consumers,especially people who live on a fixed income.Retired people,for instance,cannot(58)on an increase in income as prices rise.They face serious problems in stretching their incomes to(59)their ne
3、eds in time of inflation.Many retired people must cut their spending to(60)rising prices.In many cases they must stop(61)some necessary items,such as food and clothing.Even(62)working people whose incomes are going up,inflation can also be a problem.The(63)of living goes up,and they must have even m
4、ore money to maintain their standard of living.When incomes do not keep(64)with rising prices,living standard goes down.People may be earning the same amount of money,but they are not living(65)because they are not able to buy as many goods and services.Government units gather information about pric
5、es in our economy and publish it as price indexes(66)the rate of price change can be determined.A price index measures changes in prices using the price for a(67)year as the base.The base price is set(68)100,and the other prices are reported as a(69)of the base price.A price index makes(70)possible
6、to compare current price with that in previous years.Alast Bgiven Cfixed Ddefinite 2.Inflation is a period of rapid rises in prices.When your money buys fewer goods so that you get(56)for the same amount of money as before,inflation is the problem.Sometimes people describe inflation as a time when a
7、 dollar is not(57)a dollar anymore.Inflation is a problem for all consumers,especially people who live on a fixed income.Retired people,for instance,cannot(58)on an increase in income as prices rise.They face serious problems in stretching their incomes to(59)their needs in time of inflation.Many re
8、tired people must cut their spending to(60)rising prices.In many cases they must stop(61)some necessary items,such as food and clothing.Even(62)working people whose incomes are going up,inflation can also be a problem.The(63)of living goes up,and they must have even more money to maintain their stan
9、dard of living.When incomes do not keep(64)with rising prices,living standard goes down.People may be earning the same amount of money,but they are not living(65)because they are not able to buy as many goods and services.Government units gather information about prices in our economy and publish it
10、 as price indexes(66)the rate of price change can be determined.A price index measures changes in prices using the price for a(67)year as the base.The base price is set(68)100,and the other prices are reported as a(69)of the base price.A price index makes(70)possible to compare current price with th
11、at in previous years.Aon Bby Cat Dagainst 3.Inflation is a period of rapid rises in prices.When your money buys fewer goods so that you get(56)for the same amount of money as before,inflation is the problem.Sometimes people describe inflation as a time when a dollar is not(57)a dollar anymore.Inflat
12、ion is a problem for all consumers,especially people who live on a fixed income.Retired people,for instance,cannot(58)on an increase in income as prices rise.They face serious problems in stretching their incomes to(59)their needs in time of inflation.Many retired people must cut their spending to(6
13、0)rising prices.In many cases they must stop(61)some necessary items,such as food and clothing.Even(62)working people whose incomes are going up,inflation can also be a problem.The(63)of living goes up,and they must have even more money to maintain their standard of living.When incomes do not keep(6
14、4)with rising prices,living standard goes down.People may be earning the same amount of money,but they are not living(65)because they are not able to buy as many goods and services.Government units gather information about prices in our economy and publish it as price indexes(66)the rate of price ch
15、ange can be determined.A price index measures changes in prices using the price for a(67)year as the base.The base price is set(68)100,and the other prices are reported as a(69)of the base price.A price index makes(70)possible to compare current price with that in previous years.Aportion Bpercentage
16、 Cproportion Dfraction 4.Inflation is a period of rapid rises in prices.When your money buys fewer goods so that you get(56)for the same amount of money as before,inflation is the problem.Sometimes people describe inflation as a time when a dollar is not(57)a dollar anymore.Inflation is a problem fo
17、r all consumers,especially people who live on a fixed income.Retired people,for instance,cannot(58)on an increase in income as prices rise.They face serious problems in stretching their incomes to(59)their needs in time of inflation.Many retired people must cut their spending to(60)rising prices.In
18、many cases they must stop(61)some necessary items,such as food and clothing.Even(62)working people whose incomes are going up,inflation can also be a problem.The(63)of living goes up,and they must have even more money to maintain their standard of living.When incomes do not keep(64)with rising price
19、s,living standard goes down.People may be earning the same amount of money,but they are not living(65)because they are not able to buy as many goods and services.Government units gather information about prices in our economy and publish it as price indexes(66)the rate of price change can be determi
20、ned.A price index measures changes in prices using the price for a(67)year as the base.The base price is set(68)100,and the other prices are reported as a(69)of the base price.A price index makes(70)possible to compare current price with that in previous years.Ait Bus Cone Dyou 5.下列哪一项不是促胃液素的生理作用 A促
21、进壁细胞分泌大量 HCl B促进胃腺黏液细胞分泌大量黏液 C促进胃运动 D促进胃肠黏膜上皮细胞生长 6.迷走神经对胰腺分泌的调节是()A引起酶多、水和少的分泌 B引起水、多而酶少的分泌 C引起水、和酶均多的分泌 D引起酶和多、水少的分泌 7.下列关于胃液分泌的叙述,错误的是()A幽门腺黏液细胞分泌胃蛋白酶原 B主细胞分泌胃蛋白酶原 CG 细胞分泌促胃液素 D颈黏液细胞分泌 8.下列关于胰液分泌的调节的叙述,错误的是 A胰液的分泌以体液调节为主 B头期胰液的特点是胰酶含量多、液体量少 C肠期胰液的特点是量多、酶含量多 D在整个消化期,胃期胰液分泌量最多 9.关于慢波的叙述,下列哪项是错误的 A起
22、源于 Cajal 细胞 B是胃肠道平滑肌的基本电节律 C其波动范围为 515mV D慢波不引起平滑肌收缩,但可自动去极化 10.酸性食糜进入小肠引起大量胰液分泌的主要机制是 A交感神经兴奋 B迷走神经兴奋 C小肠黏膜释放促胃液素 D小肠黏膜释放促胰液素 11.下列关于食管蠕动的叙述,正确的是 A切断迷走神经后蠕动消失 B食团顺着压力梯度下移 C可发生在未吞咽时 D对吞咽液体食物不起作用 12.下列关于消化道平滑肌生理特性的叙述,正确的是 A兴奋性比骨骼肌高 B伸展性小 C收缩缓慢 D对化学刺激不敏感 13.以活性形式分泌的胰酶是 A胰脂酶 B糜蛋白酶 C弹性蛋白酶 D胰蛋白酶 14.胃特有的运
23、动形式是 A分节运动 B蠕动 C逆蠕动 D容受性舒张 15.下列关于胃容受性舒张的叙述,正确的是 A切断迷走神经后消失 B被食管下括约肌的舒张所触发 C主要发生在胃的尾区 D可被阿托品取消 16.下列关于铁在小肠被吸收的叙述,正确的是 A铁都以 Fe3+的形式被吸收 B植酸、草酸、鞣酸可促进铁的吸收 C胃酸及维生素 C 可抑制铁的吸收 D铁主要在十二指肠和空肠被吸收 17.纯清胃液的 pH 为()A0.91.5 B2.02.5 C2.53.5 D3.54.5 18.可抑制小肠运动的是 A促胃液素 B促胃动素 C高血糖素 D胰岛素 19.胆汁中不含的物质是 A糜蛋白酶 B胆固醇 C胆盐 D磷脂
24、20.下列关于胆汁的叙述,哪项是错误的 A胆管细胞也可分泌胆汁 B肝胆汁呈弱酸性 C在消化间期内分泌的胆汁未立即排入十二指肠 D胆汁的主要固体成分是胆盐和磷脂 21.下列哪项不属于胆汁的作用 A分解脂肪 B乳化脂肪 C刺激胆汁分泌 D中和进入十二指肠内的胃酸 22.下列关于胃排空的叙述,正确的是()A胃排空速度与胃内容物容量呈线性关系 B高张溶液比等张溶液排空快 C普通混合食物完全排空需 23 小时 D排空速度为糖脂肪蛋白质 23.下列物质中,由胰腺小导管细胞分泌的是()A B糜蛋白酶 C羧基肽酶 D胰蛋白酶 24.能促进胃酸分泌的内源性物质是 A组胺 B前列腺素 C上皮生长因子 D生长抑素
25、25.胃酸缺乏者可产生 A贫血 B胰液分泌增加 C胆汁分泌增加 D蛋白质消化障碍 26.下列哪项不属于胃酸的生理作用 A分解食物中的结缔组织和肌纤维 B使食物中蛋白质变性易于分解 C杀死进入胃内的细菌 D促进维生素 B12 的吸收 27.促胰液素引起胰液分泌的特点为()A水和碳酸氢盐含量少、胰酶含量多 B水和胰酶含量多、碳酸氢盐含量少 C水和碳酸氢盐含量多、胰酶含量少 D水和胰酶含量少、碳酸氢盐含量多 28.胆汁中有利胆作用的主要成分是()A胆固醇 B胆红素 C胆盐 D磷脂 29.可促进胆囊收缩和胰酶分泌的胃肠激素是()A促胃液素 B缩胆囊素 C促胰液素 D促胃动素 30.食物经食管瘘注入胃所
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- 2023 湖北 同等学力 人员 申请 硕士学位 考试 模拟