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1、前言局部欢送来到河南博物院(总分值:24分)在博物院网站的青少年专栏中,你看到了以下页面,请依据网页内容,答复1-6题。(15题每题3分,第6题 9分,请在答题卡的相应位置作答。) Henan Museum Address: No.8 Nongye Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou 450002, ChinaOpening Times: 9: 00 am-5: 00 pm from Tuesday to SundayClosed every Monday except national holidays, year-round Tlicket Price: F
2、reeAudio Guide InformationChinese/ English/ JapanesePrice: 120AboutHenan museum opened to the public on May 1st 2022. It is a history and art museum with an areat(面积)of more thanl()(),()()0m2. It has about 140,000 antiques(文物).1. Is Henan Museum open today (June 30, 2022, Saturday)?A. Yes. it is B.
3、No, it isn” t2. Is Henan Museum open on Dec 24, 2022?A. Yes. it is B. No. it isnt3. How much do you have to pay for one audio guide service and one entry ticket(门票)in all?A. freeB. 20C. 40D. 604. How many languages does the audio guide have?A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four5. 100() is called one thousand
4、“ in English, A million= 1 OOOthousand. How many antiques are there in the museum?A. 0.14 million B. 1.4 million C. 14 million D. 140 hundred6. 请设计一张邀请函,邀请美国小伙件Amy于下周二参观河南博物院并在当晚参与“博物院之夜”活动。(邀请 函文字用黑色签字笔书写,其余元素用2B铅笔设计,不得消灭真实的人名和校名等身份信息,请在答题卡的相应 位置作答。)要求:1 .邀请函语言为英语,不少于50个单词;2.请对邀请函作简洁的美化。提示:本次评价活动的文
5、字材料应当可以为你带来一些灵感。第页共16页第三局部 有容乃大一一西汉魏晋南北朝时期欢送来到博物院第三展区。请依据彩绘陶院落的英语自述,答复31-39题。(每题3分请在答题卡的相应位置作答。)A Self Introduction of PPTMPRPainted Pottery Tomb Model of a Palatial Residence(彩绘陶院落)I am PPTMPR. People unearthed me from a Han tomb(坟墓)in 1981. Now I am in the collections of Henan museumI have two par
6、ts: the right part is mainly a three-row courtyard, the front, middle and back yard; the left part is a farm which has a well in the center. The well is used for drinking and watering.My front yard has a main gate. It is made of two door leaves.My middle yard is the highest building of the whole pot
7、tery building. It is 74 centimeters in overall height. You can see some people having a musical party there. The warehouse is in the middle yard. It is 40 centimeters in overall height. People can store some goods and food there.Lets go upstairs to gate tower of my middle yard. We can walk up steps
8、from the first floor to the second one.We are at my back yard now. It covers the smallest area and has a simple structure(构造).In the east, it is a rectangular(长方形的)pigsty, which has a pottery pig and manger( 食槽)inside. Beside the pigsty there is a toilet In the middle, we can view a stove and a tabl
9、e inside the kitchen. The back yard should be a place for servants to work and take aOn the left side of the whole building is a rectangular farm. It is 130 centimeters long and 24 centimeters wide. It is surrounded (围绕)with walls. The back has a paddy field, people may grow rice there.That all. Tha
10、nks for visiting. I have been here for more than 30 years and I will keep teaching more and more people about my past.第页共16页31. what does the second letter “P stand for in PPTMPR?A. Painted B. Palatial C. Pottery D. People32. Which of the following words can replace(替换)the word “ unearthed?A. discov
11、ery B. found C. dig D. soiled33. Where did people have the musical party?A. In the front yard.B. In the middle yard.C. In the back yard.D. In the farm yard.34. What” s the usage(作用)of the warehouse?A. Warehouse is a building for having mealsB. Warehouse is a building for storing foodC. Warehouse is
12、a building keeping pigsD. Warehouse is a building for sleeping35. The front yard could NOT be.A. 24 centimeters in heightB. 40 centimeters in height.C. 65 centimeters in height.D. 75 centimeters in height36. Whats the area of the farm?A. 16900兀cm2B. 57671cm2 C. 154兀cm2D. 3120兀cm237. Where is the bac
13、k yard on the house plan?A. B. C. D.38. Whafs paddy field used for?A. For clothes B. For food C. For fun D. For camping39. Which of the following sentence is true according to this passage?A. PPTMPR is made in 1981.B. We can find the warehouse in the right part of PPTMPR.C. PPTMPR was a teacher in H
14、an Dynasty.D. The farm does not have walls around.第页共16页第四局部 盛世荣华一一隋唐宋元明清时期(总分值28分)欢送来到博物院最终一个大展区,请依据展区门口的展板,答复4046题,(每题4分,请在答题卡的相应位 置作答。盛世荣华隋唐宋元明清隋唐东都,巍巍洛阳,国衣冠,(2)方威集水道帆楫充流,丝路驼队络绎。当惊神工开物、火土历炼,彩绚烂自有帝国气度、武士威猛、女性丰腴。佛国圣像,传送盛世梵音,东京梦华,一段清明上河的熙攘世景。皇陵,一个中原王朝的寂寥背影。瓦舍勾栏,会聚粉墨人生。石雕泥塑,写真世俗民情。官瓷民窑,熔炼制瓷胜境。明清秘器,盖世
15、奇珍。金银珠宝,瓷器牙雕。美轮美奂,工艺绝伦。东方才智,博大精深。集年文化之大成。40.以下哪类文物最不可能消灭在这局部的展馆中? A.牙雕B.瓷器C.泥塑D.油画41 .第6、7两行诗句描绘了某个朝代的缩影,第7行中划线处应当填入的词是:A.西汉B.盛唐C.北宋D.大元42 .文中(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)四个划线处分别对应以下选项中的各一个数字。它们依次是:(1)(3)A.三 B.八C千D万第页共16页43 .洛阳在唐代被称为“东都。但在清明上河图的创作时期它却是“西京河南府”的所在地。参照右图,请推 断,清明上河图描绘的城市大致在以下哪个地方?A.城市AB.城市BC.城市CD.城市D
16、44 .有一首歌叫做粉墨人生,其中有这样四句歌词:“祖先的玩艺传到今 日,生旦净末丑样样齐全:花脸的脸谱千姿百态,武生的打斗最是精彩。”请 问展板中“瓦舍勾栏”指的是?A.武馆 B.扮装品商店C医馆D.戏院45 .人们都说“洛阳牡丹甲天下。”牡丹品种众多,人们为牡丹命名的方式也有多种。比方,“玛瑙翠”和“蓝田 玉”都是用珠宝进展命名。以下哪一个选项中的两种牡丹的命名方式是不同A.红宝石、蓝宝石B.昭君出塞、贵妃醉酒C洛阳红、成都白D.花蝴蝶、大富贵46 .隋唐大水道洛阳河段上曾有一座浮桥叫天津桥。浮桥构造简洁,架拆便利,它没有传统意义上的桥墩,而是 利用船或浮箱来替代。以以下列图就是一座典型的
17、浮桥。以下猜想中最不合理的是A.桥梁被毁,军队可临时造浮桥过河。B.河水结冰时浮桥仍可连续使用。C.一般桥的桥墩在水中不会受到浮力作用。D.应当尽量防止浮桥的船里进水。第五局部展望将来(总分值55分)47 .有人说,“博物院里呈现的都是陈旧历史,既不代表现在,更不表达将来,我们完全没有必要去博物院”你是否赞同这个观点?为什么?(10分)第12页共16页48 .将来的博物院会有哪些来自现在的展品呢?请想象你是千年后的博物院讲解员,选取一件现在(21世纪)人们 常用的物品,为它写篇200-250字的介绍词.(15分)河南博物院主馆翻马上完成,越来越多的人将来到博物院参观为了供给更好的参观体验,博物
18、院预备配备个导游 机器人请阅读以下相关材料,答复4953题每题6分,请在答题卡的相应位置作答)依据不同游客的参观要求,工作人员需要给机器人设置不同的路线代码以便让机器人自动带着游客前往相应目的 地,指令符号有以下几种:F:向身体朝向的方向前进一格J:向身体朝向的方向,向上或向下跳动前进一格L:左拐,原地左转身90R:右拐,原地右转身90例如,以以下列图中的机器人要前往目的地A,指令可以设置为F-F-L-J-J-J-J以下是博物院主馆的局部平面图,阴影局部不行穿越。互动展厅3互动展斤4网所畅想未来防瀛高店世荣华展厅互动展厅定鼎中原 展厅华亘古乐展厅加F筒餐互动展厅1服务台丝绸之路文利思厅多功能活
19、动厅彩陶乐 展厅49 .机器人现在位于定鼎中原展厅(面对北方),让机器人执行以下这段指令F-L-F-F-F-F,它会到达哪里?A.厕所 B.互动展厅4C.书店D.互动展厅150 .一名游客和机器人现在位于效劳台(面对北方),下面哪段指令可以让机器人带着游客前往互动展厅2?A. F一F一FR一FB. L一F一FF一RB. R一F一F一FL一FB. R一F一F一FL一FD. L一F一F-F一R-F第页共16页阅读材料,答复51-53题为了给机器人快速输入代码,我们可以使用P来表示主程序,PI1表示子过程,这样可以削减重复指令的输入 例如,做如下设置时f,以以下列图中的机器人可以到达A点P: P1-
20、P1P: P1-P1Pl: F-FF51.一名游客和机器人在互动展厅1(面朝西方),51.一名游客和机器人在互动展厅1(面朝西方),机器人需要带着游客前往互动展厅4观看表演,以下哪段指令可以让机器人完成任务?A.P: PlR一P1-RPlFB.P: P1 一RP1 一RP1C.P: PlRFPRPl: FFPl: F-FRPl: F-F-RD.P: RRPlPlLPlLPlPlPl: FF52.如以以下列图所示,中心展厅要举办一个青铜展,工作人员己经搭建好了展台,现在需要让机器人(面对A1) 将随身携带的四个青铜文物运送到Al、A2、A3、A4四个展位,最终回到原点,请设计一段指令代码让机器人
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- 2022 郑州 小升初 阶段性 评价 试卷 答案