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《2023年春行政管理本科开放英语形成性考核册作业答案附写作范文.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年春行政管理本科开放英语形成性考核册作业答案附写作范文.docx(16页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2023春行政管理本科电大开放英语形成性考核册作业参考答案在开始完毕考核册之前应认真阅读使用说明和记录单1 学前记录卡0学习资源:学生按照实际情况进行选项,在是否处画“ J ”0回顾与总结:学习内容1.到目前为止,你学过多少种时态?分别写出每种时态的构成方法。一般现在时1) be - is, am, are 2)实意动词用原形表达(注意当主语为第三人称单 数时,动词+ s或+ e s )句型转换1) 情态动词,联系动词提前或直接在其后加not 2)实意动词力口 d o/ does 或 do n,t/ doesnt当主语是第三人称单数时:肯定句主语+动词的单数第三人称+其他否认句主语+do e
2、sn t+动词原形+其他一般疑问句Does+主语+动词原形+其他肯定回答Yes,主语+does否认回答No,主语+ doesnt特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句当主语不是第单数三人称时:肯定句 主语+动词原形+其他否认句主语+d on+动词原形+其他一般疑问句Do+主语+动词原形+其他谓语动词的形式:do/ d o es一般过去时3)关于肥胖 O v erwei g ht a nd 0bese4)国民保健制度Ab o ut NHS阶段性学习体会总结:自己通过两个月的英语课程学习,明显感觉到自己在英语语法知识和英语词汇上有了很大的 进步,此外还学习到了学习方法。还体会到了如何才可以成为一个合格
3、的开放教育的学员。辅导老师精心辅导,课堂上进一步浅出,让每个学员都可以学习到知识,我的英语不久的进 步。这使我在学习上有了很大的信心。目前的问题是:我还不能充足地网络资源。这是由于 自己的电脑知识不够好,没有真正地适应开放教育的新模式。在学习上重要还是靠辅导老师 的面授,而不可以和老师、和同学即使地进行网上交流。作业2答案1. C2. C3. A 3. D 4. D 5. D6. D7.B8.B9.C10. C11. A 12. B13. B 1 4 . A 1 5. B16. C1 7. A 1 8 . D 19. D2 0. B2 1 .B 2 2. A 23. C 24. A2 1 .B
4、 2 2. A 23. C 24. A2 5.C2 6 ,B 27. C 2 8. D2 6 ,B 27. C 2 8. D29. D 3 0.C3 1 . A 3 2. D 33. C 34.D 3 5. B36. F 37. F 38. T36. F 37. F 38. T3 9 .T 40. NG写作:How t o k e e p hea 1 t hy范文一Ev e ry o ne wish t o be heal thy. Wei 1 , h o w t o keep he a It h y i s c a red b y m o st peo p le no w d a ys.F
5、i rst,we should d o some ph y sic a 1 exerc i s e s. L i fe i s b a sed on mov e . It me a ns t ha t we should do s ome phcial e x e rcises eve r yday to keep e v e ry or g an of ou r b ody h ealthy.S e c o n d ,foo d i s a nothe r factor tokeepus h e a Ithy. W e need t o get n u trition and var y t
6、y e 1 ement s a s w e 11 f rom food.Ina dditi o n ,having g o od habbi t s are v ery im p orta n t f o r a man. S uch a s do n ,t smoke , d ont drin k a n d s oo n i s goo d h a b bits. So fo r o ur hea1 th w e* d b etter do some p h y s ical exercisesofte n ,pay atte n ti o n t orational food and d
7、 r i nk and c u 1 tivate go o d ha b bit s . 范文二Nowad ays, mor e an d more people kn o w th e impo r t a n c e o f keepi n g h e alt h y. Wi t h o u t a heal t h y b o dy, w e c an do no t hing. F or me, th e re are t h ree m a in ways t o keep he a Ithy.First, is neces s ary to keep a balanc e d di
8、et, w h ich i s the b a sis of good hea 1 t h. We hadbett e r hav emoref r u itan d v egeta b les ever y day. Seco ndly, i t i simport a n t to ta ke r egula re x ercises, such a s sw i mm i ng,joggin g and so on.L a st but no tleast,i t ise ssen t ial t o k e e p high mo o d.Relaxa t ionandent e r
9、t a inm e nt are ways t o renew our sp i rit s and rel e as e ou r str ess.When we m a ke h e althy hab i ts a p art o f our every day life, we are b ou n d t o keep h e althy.范文三s o me p e ople put les s time t o t he i r own b o dy in o rder to ear n money .Per haps t hey t hink m o n ey is mor e
10、improta n t than hea 1 th .1 consid er that opi n i o n is very foolish . B e caus e mone y doe s nt buy he a 1thf orever .Soi t isi m p rotan tto keep healt h y .Inmy opini o n ,fir s t ,we must kee p balance to e at,we sc hooleat morwfr uit a n d v e getable ,ea t 1es sme a t a nddrink lesscoffe a
11、 nd so on .Second ,now , people are b u s yi nw o r k in g orst u dyinga 11 day .Spo r ts timeget less and less .It ca u s e spe o pl e * s hea 1 th g et wors e. So we shou 1 d domore sports to ke e p hea 1 t hy.At 1a st ,peo p 1 e s ho u dnt be too e x h a y sted.M yst h a veei ght h ours t osleep
12、ev er y day .Ib elie v e ify o ufrom a goobality ind aily life,youmusth aveahe a Ithyboby t o work an d s tu d y w e 11 .范文四I t i s a b s ol u t e ly nec e ssary t o tak e s o me exercise e v er y day. R e s e arch shows that ge t ting plenty of exer c i s e make the he a rt beat f as t er and the I
13、 u ngs w o rk h a rd e r. Th i s strengt hens t he heart, reduc e s t he cha n ce of h e art atta c k, an d hel p s lower bio od pressure. That s why mo r e an d more p eo p 1 e are bee o ming acti vein v ariou s k i n d s o f s p orts and ex e r cises. Ever y m o rn i ng many people get up early an
14、d ta k e muc h exercise. S ome prac t ice s had o w b oxi n g a n d sw o rdplay whi 1 e others r un, jog, walk or d a nee to m u s i c . I n t he a fternoo n , the r e are also many people kee non s p o r t s. Some play b a sketball or voll e ybal 1 o r table t e nni s , o th e rs go i n f o r g y m
15、nastics or t rack even ts. Thro u ghsportsand exer c ise, peo p1 e bee o me healthier an d s t ronge r .范文五I t i s ve r yimp o r t ant fb r u sto take m o re fr uitsa nd vegetablesbeca u setheyprovi de vi t am i ns and t hey hel p i n thepro cessofdigestio n . Sec o ndly, we have t o keep a bal a ne
16、ed d i et and main tain regular eatin g h a b its. Proper nutrit i o n i s i mp o r t a n t f o r good he a 1th. A void fo o d with lots o f sugar and fa t . Eat p lenty of fo o ds high i n pr ot e i n. T h irdly, weHad better do morni n g exer c i s e ev e ry da y , do s p or t s freq u en t 1 y to
17、 make our bod i e s st ro ng. B eside s , we h ave toa voidtoo much w or kpressure.G etting to ot ired al 1 the time m a yde f inite 1 ywe akenour de f e n sesyste m, maki n g us g et sic k e a s i ly.F in a 1 1 y,w e ha v e to get r id oft hosebad habit s th at damageourhea 1 th,s u c h a sd r i nk
18、ing a nd smoking.学习记录卡3(Unit 13-18)学习过程A VB VCV1. A V B VC VA VB V C V2. A VB VC V学习内容1、 U n it 1 31 8中重要学习的语法项目:1)动词及时态情态动词表达义务以及表达劝告、动名词和动词不定式、将来完毕时、现在进行时和现在完毕时的被动语态2)非限定性定语从句3)反意疑问句4)运用主题句扩展段落5)间接引语和间接疑问句2、这六个单元还没有掌握的语言点:完毕时的被动语态、反意疑问句3、这六个单元最喜欢的话题(可从以下几项中选填)1)描述教育体制及学生生活 Desc r ibe t h e e duca
19、t io n system an d th e studen t life2)继续教育和学习方式相关内容 C o nti n uing education and learning m e t h od s3 )城乡及其发展相关内容The town and its d e v elopm e nt4)表达因果关系 Expression of ca u s a li t y5) 表达数量 Expre s sio n of quantit y6)学习与继续教育和学习 Learning a b ou t con t inuin g e due a t i on after scho o 1 a n
20、d un i versity印象最深的Cultural N ote (可从以下几项中选填)1)英国的学士学位Degrees i n the UK2 )工学交替制课程Sa n d wic h C o urses)伦敦城T he City4)陪审团制度the Jury Sy s t em5)手势 Ge s tur e s阶段性学习体会总结:自己以前的英语基础不好,通过这儿个月的英语课程学习,自己又一次巩固和强化了英语知 识。明显感觉到自己在英语语法知识和英语词汇上有了很大的进步,明确了重要的知识点。 按照自己的学习计划认真实行,做到课前预习,课后认真复习,完毕辅导师布置的学习任务。 自己在英语学习
21、方面上有了进步,重要表现在语法、词汇和语言表达方面。自己通过一段时 间的远程网络,掌握了一定的学习方法,但是也有一定的困难。重要体现在,基础差,底子 薄,不能在短时间内掌握老师讲授的知识。此外一个是自己的工作忙,不能及时地完毕老师 不止的学习任务。作业3答案6. D 7. A 8. B 9. B10. B11. A 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. B1 6. B 17. D 1 8. C 19. C 20. C21. D2 2.A23. D2 4. C25. B26. A 27. C 2 8. B 29. B 3 0. C31.D3 2.D3 3.B 3 4. D35.C36. F
22、37.T38. T39. NG40. T写作:My TV Unive r sit y Li f e 范文一I am s tudyi n g a t J i n gcha n g Radio and T V University. Thi s u n i v e rsity o f f er s variety of open and d i s t a n c e c ourses fo r ad u It 1 e arners . T h e s t udents can use com p u t e rs to le a m t h e co u rs e s a t home o r
23、in the of f ices. However, they also can g o to the c 1 a s sr o om b u ildi n gs t o h ave f ac e - t o-f a ce less o ns.I com e he r e to stud y once a week. In f ac t , the k n owl edge in ever y s u b j e ct is hard for me, bee a u se I dont ha v e so much t ime in teachin g myse 1 fin the spare
24、 time.I ha v e t o w o rk on th e w e ekdays.Tha n k s to the teaching methods of the T V U, it makes a little easi e r for me t o un d e rstand the contents o f the su b jects. Th e coac h i ng tea c her s are always c a ri n g for us in stu d ying here. It is reall y go o d for busy adu 1 ts. I t
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- 2023 行政管理 本科 开放 英语 形成 考核 作业 答案 写作 范文