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1、初一英语阅读、完型、排序专项练习经典 30 篇暑假初一 初二 衔接 班 VIP 1 对 2温馨提醒:“自己美 好的 未来 靠自 己创造”。祝各位学 子都 能取 得优 异的成 绩,阅读专项 练习(一)The da y was like an y oth er day in his life,To m wal ked pastthe sh op on th e stre et co mer.He sto pped to look at thefro nt ro w of sh oes,and he felt happy to se e th at the pai rof sh oes he wan
2、 te d ve ry much we re sti ll th ere.Lo oki ngdown,he felt so rr y for himself.He re al ly wan te d to havethem for his birth da y.He sadl y wal ke d away an d th ough t how to tell his moth erabout it.He kn ew sh e wo uld gi ve him an yth ing he like d ifshe co uld.But he al so kn ew ve ry we ll sh
3、 e had littl e money.He de ci de d not to go home at once,as he looke d worri edand his moth er would noti ce(注意)it.So he we nt to th epark an d sat on the gr ass.Th en he saw a boy in a wh eelchai r(轮椅).He noti ce d th at the bo ymoved th e wh eel wi th his han ds.Tom looked at himcare fully an d w
4、as su rpri sed to se e th e boy have no feet.Helooke d at his own feet.“It s much be tt er to be withoutshoes th an wi th out feet,”he th ough t.Th ere was noreaso n(理由)for him to feel so so rry an d sad.He se nt aw ayand sm iled,th inking he wa s happi er.1.To m passe d th e sh op_ _.A.on footB.b y
5、 busC.b y bi keD.i n a car2.W hy di d To m st op in front of th e sh op?Becau se hewan te d_ _.A.to bu y th e sh oesB.to look at the shoes he like dC.to look at th e shoes in th e sh op wi ndo wD.to look at th e shoes on th e fro nt ro w3.Th e pai r of sh oes he like d was _.A.to o expensive1 业精 于勤,
6、荒于嬉,行成于思,毁于随 唐?韩愈 进 学解 暑假初一 初二 衔接 班 VIP 1 对 2B.qu ite ch eapC.n ot th ereD.n ot so ld yet4.To m went into the park becau se he_.A.was th inki ng how to tell his mother abo ut itB.w an te d to see the boyC.d idn t wa nt to make his moth er wo rri edD.h e felt sad5.F ro m th e sto ry we can know th at
7、 Tom_.A.like d new sh oes ve ry muchB.l ove d his moth er bestC.d idn t wa nt to go to sch oolD.di dn t wan t to stay at home(二)People so meti mes like to re ad sto ries of do gs ve ry much.They think th at dogs ar e much cl eve re r th an ca ts,sh eep,cows or oth er an imal s in th eir homes.One of
8、 my cl ose fri ends,Bob,has a ve ry larg e police dognam ed Jac k.Eve ry Sunday af ternoon,Bob and Jack have awal k in the park nearb y.Jack like s th ese wal ks very much.One Sunday afternoon,I pai d a vi si t to my friend.I sta ye dthere for a long time an d my friend and I hadmuch more tal k with
9、 each oth er than eve r before.Soon itwas ti me for th em to take a wal k in th e par k.We forgo tthat.Jack becam e wo rri ed ab out it.He wal ke d aro und th eroom se ve ral ti mes an d th en sa t down in front of me an dlooke d at me.But I st ill pai d no at tenti on(注意)tohim.Iwent on tal ki ng wi
10、th my fri end.At las t,Jac k co uld not wai tany longe r.He we nt out of th e room an d cam e bac k a fewminutes late r.He sat do wn in fro nt of me ag ai n.But th istime,he held my hat in his mouth.Sudde nly,I understo odwhat Jack mean t an d so di d my friend.1.Ho w man y people ar e th ere in th
11、is sto ry?_ _.A.OneB.TwoC.Th re e2 业精 于勤,荒于嬉,行成于思,毁于随 唐?韩愈 进 学解 暑假初一 初二 衔接 班 VIP 1 对 2D.Fo ur2.J ac k_.A.is a cl ose fri end of mineB.e njoys long wal ks in th e par k every Sunday afternoonC.h as man y cl ose fri endsD.e njoys tal ks in th e ro om3.J ac k was wo rri ed becau se _.A.he wan te d to e
12、at someth ingB.i t was Sunday afte rn oon ag ai nC.h e was not feeling wellD.h e wan te d his maste r(主人)to ta ke him for a wal k4.J ac k to ok my hat in his mouth to sh ow that_ _.A.I sh ould leave the house at onceB.h e liked my hat ve ry muchC.h e was hungry and he tri ed to eat itD.h e wan te d
13、to have a re st5.W hich of th e followi ng is tru e?_ _.A.When Jack an d I we re tal king,my fri end di dn t pay anyattention to usB.W hen I was tal king to my fri end,Jack di dn t pay an yattention to usC.W hen my fri end an d I were tal ki ng,we di dn t pay an yattention to Jac kD.When my fri end
14、was tal ki ng to Jack,I pai d att enti on tothem 3 业精于 勤,荒于嬉,行成 于思,毁于 随 唐?韩愈 进 学解暑假初一 初二 衔接 班 VIP 1 对 2排序、选 词填 空专 项练 习一.选用 方框 中所 给句 子完成 对话,有 一句 是多余 的。A:By th e way,wh y di d you cal l me?B:Ho w long di d you st ay th ere?C:Would you like to co me to my birth day part y?D:Whats up?E:Ho w was your tri
15、p?F:Where di d you go?:He llo!May I speak to Bill?AB:Spe ak ing!A:Hi,Bill!This is Jan e sp eaki ng.B:He llo!1A:I cal led you yeste rd ay,but nobody an swe re d th eteleph one.2 B:I we nt to the Worl d on Wate r(水上世 界)withmy pare nts.A:Re al ly?3.B:It was gre at.We saw the do lph in sh ow(海豚表演).It wa
16、sverywonde rf ul.A:Th at sounds inte re sting.B:4.A:Oh,th e day af ter to morro w will be my birth day.5 B:Ye s,Id love to.Than ks a lot.A:Yo ure we lco me.二(根据 对话 内容,从方框中 选出 正确 的单 词或短 语补 全对 话。celebr ate,dan ce,Sure,I d love to,pe rf orm,Th ere isMich ae l:Hi,Jane.1 a part y in th e musi c hal l to
17、nigh t,wo uldyou like to co me?Jan e:2,wh at ki nd of party is it?Mich ae l:Yo u se e th e Ne w Ye ar is coming,we hold a partyto 3 it.Jan e:That so unds exciti ng.What ti me do es it sta rt?Mich ae l:Ha lf pas t six,by th e way,wo uld yo u like to 4someth ing at th e party?Jan e:I can 5 bal let,is
18、th at OK?Mich ae l:Sure,it s gre at!4 业精 于勤,荒于嬉,行成于思,毁于随 唐?韩愈 进 学解 暑假初一 初二 衔接 班 VIP 1 对 2温馨提醒:“自己美 好的 未来 靠自 己创造”。祝各位学 子都 能取 得优 异的成 绩,阅读专项 练习:AJan e is fro m To ro nto,Can ad a.Shes th irty-tw o.Now sh e isa highschool te ach erin Beijing.Ku miko co mes fro m To kyo.She is twe nty-tw oyears old.She i
19、s a do ct or in Beijing.Hu an g Hu a is fro m Ti an jin.He istwe nty-f ive.He wo rks in Beijing.Th ey co me fro m di ffere nt co untri es,but th ey al lwork hard for th e 2008 Beijing Ol ympic Gam es.Name Ag e Birth placN ati onal ity Co untrJ obeyJan e 32 To ro nto 1 _ Can ad a 2_Kumiko 23 To ky o
20、Jap an ese 3 do cto r_Huan g 25 4 Chinese Ch ina 5Hua _ _BI am Wan g Li n,I am tw elve years old.My pen pal Tom isform th e Unite d State s.He is th e same ag e as I.He is amiddl e sch ool stu de nt in Beijing.Th ere are th re e people inhis fam ily.His fat her is a teach er,he teach es En gl ish in
21、 ahigh sc hool in Beijing.Hi s moth er is an En gl ish te acher,to o.But th ey wo rk in di ffere nt sch ools.To m go es to sc hool inhis moth ers car eve ry day.Th ey al l like Ch inese food.Toms fath er like s Gu an gdo ng food,he th inks it isdelici ous.To ms moth er s favo rite food isSich uan fo
22、od.But To m do esn t like Sich uan food,hethinks it is to o hot.So th ey ofte n eat out on we eke nds.()6.Ho w old is Tom?_A.El even B.Twe lve C.we do nt know()7.To ms fath er is _A.a te ach er B.an En gl ish teach er C.te ach es En gl ish()8.May be(可能)To m in th e sam e sch ool wi th _A.his moth er
23、 B.Wan g Li n C.his father()9.To m doesn t like Sich uan food becau se(因为)_A.his fath er like it B.his moth er like it C.it is to o hot()10.Th ey ofte n eat out on we ekends becau se_5 业精 于勤,荒于嬉,行成于思,毁于随 唐?韩愈 进 学解 暑假初一 初二 衔接 班 VIP 1 对 2A.th ey like Ch inese food B.th ey like Ameri can food C.theyare
24、 laz y(懒的)CJohn is si x years old.He can re ad an d wri te well.But hecant te ll the ti me.Hi s moth er,Mrs Bro wn te ach es himman y times,but he sti ll can t te ll.He wo uld say)say ing eigh t oc lock,“b re ra kfas t time”,“lunch ti me”and“te ati me”inste ad of(代替twe lve ocl ock an d four ocl ock
25、in th e af te rn oon.Hismoth er do esn t know how to help him.One day Johns au nt,Mar y co mes to se e his moth er.Hismoth er te ll her abo ut th at.His au nt say s.“Le t me help yo u.I th ink I can helphim.”When John co mes home after sch ool,Mary begi ns(开始)toteac h him.“Can you co unt,J ohn?”sh e
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- 初一英语 阅读 完型 排序 专项 练习 经典 30