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1、我只希望朱莉?贝克能离我远点 All I ever wanted was for JuliB a k e rt ol e a v em ea l o n e.故事始于一年级暑假 年的夏天It all began in the summer of,beforet h es t a r to fs e c o n dg r a d e.于我而言 这意味着我从此步入了 For me,it was the beginningof what would be 长达五年的不安与逃避生涯 more than half adecadeof strategicavoidanceand socialdiscomf
2、ort.显然这姑娘也太不识趣了 It didnt take long to realize this girlcouldnottakeahint.咱们仨在这儿有点挤吧 不要紧啊 Its crowded in here with threepI毫O无fed自o知aon之n明yt我p们klm一ii起nen推d吧d.?.Y o uw a n n ap u s hth iso n eto g e th e r?布莱斯你妈妈还等着你去帮忙吧?Bryce,isnt it time for youto gohelp yourmother?是啊是啊Oh,yeah.我真是拿她没辙 I m e a n,n o t
3、h in gw o u ldsto ph e r.我终于忍无可忍 这时候诡异的事情却发生了 I was about to tellherto get lost whenthe weirdestthing happened.我 真 是 难 以 置 信Ic o u ld n tb e lie v eit.我居然会牵着陌生女孩的手 There I was holding hands with thiss我t咋r就an惹g上e了这g种i麻rl烦.?你 好 呀H o wd idIg e tin toth ism e s s?Well,hello.看来你已经认识我儿子了 I see youve met m
4、y son 我不得不使出岁男生仅有的气概 Finally,I did the only manly thing availablewhenyoureyearsold.然而 还有一大串的麻烦等着我 However,my troubles were farfromover.就在我走进叶尔森老师的教室时 The minute I walked into 很显然 it was clear:即使在学校 也无法逃脱她的魔掌 School wouldn嘿ot布be莱a斯sa你n女ct朋ua友r呢y.?H e y,B r y c e,w h e r e sy o u rg i r l f r i e n d?
5、枉 我 一 世 英 名 啊Iw a sb r a n d e df o rl i f e.搬来镇上的第一年简直就是场灾难 My first year in town was adisaster.接下来的三年也不尽如人意 And the next three werent muchbetter.就这么捱到了六年级我总算不再坐以待毙But finally,in thes i x t hg r a d e,It o o ka c t i o n.想 到 了 一 个 大 狠 招Ih a t c h e dt h ep l a n.雪利Sh.这个招数的绝妙之处在于 To full appreciate
6、the brilliance of thisplan 雪利?斯道尔斯是朱莉的眼中钉 you have to understandthat Juli hated Sherry Stalls 但我始终想不通其中的缘由 thoughIn e v e ru n d e r s t o o dw h y.雪利长发飘飘 为人和善 Sherry was nice,friendly and she had alotofhair.erry.我原本一心指望 只要和雪利吃吃饭 The idea was that Sherrywould eat with me 散散步 就能让朱莉知难而退 maybe wedwalk
7、around together,and hopefully Juli would lose interest.米娜妮也想打耳洞 So Melanie wanted to get her ears pierced,但她老妈也不是省油的灯 but of course her mother said no.她就在家大发雷霆 So she threw a fit 把约翰尼?马蒂斯的精选辑给砸了 and smashed her Johnny Mathis Greatest Hits album 结果就被禁足了 and she got grounded,连我的睡衣派对都来不了so now she cant
8、 come to my pajamasleepoverparty.直到我所谓的挚友加利特?埃恩德 That is,until my supposedbest friend,Garrett Einbinder 开始打起了雪利的主意 took ani n t e r e s ti nS h e r r yh i m s e l f.俗话说得好 重色必轻友 加利特这个叛徒 Loyalty gave way todesire and Garrett,the turncoat 向雪利全盘托出我的计划 toldS h e r r yw h a tIw a su pt o.至于朱莉 Word got bac
9、k to Juli,她自然又开始对我故技重施 andpretty soon she started up with the goo-gooeyes again.而 且 还 变 本 加 厉 O n l yt h i st i m ei tw a sw o r s e.居 然 开 始 嗅 我S h es t a r t e ds n i f f i n gm e.你没听错她居然用鼻子嗅我Thatsright,sniffingme.搞什么飞机啊?W h a tw a st h a ta l la b o u t?我只能期望来年能摆脱魔掌 My only consolation was that ne
10、xty e a rw o u l db ed i f f e r e n t.但 愿 升 入 初 中 后 J u n i o rh i g h,b i g g e rs c h o o l.不用再和她同班 Maybe wed be in different classes 彻底结束我的 噩 梦 a n di tw o u l df i n a l l y,f i n a l l yb eo v e r.见到布莱斯?罗斯基的第一眼 我便怦然心动了 The first day I metBryceLoski,Iflipped.他的双眸让我如痴如醉 It was those eyes,somethi
11、ng in 他感到无比羞愧 脸都红了 And he was so embarrassed,his cheeksturnedcompletelyred.那晚我躺在床上 不停幻想初吻的场景 I went to bed that nightt h i n k i n go ft h ek i s st h a tm i g h th a v eb e e n.我知道他对我动心了 I mean,it was clear he had feelings for me,只是怯于表达爱意but he was just too shy to show them.妈妈说过男孩子都会这样 My mother sa
12、id boys were like that.我决定帮他克服心中的恐惧So I decidedto help him out.布你Y也ou在莱这r啊eBrh斯yecree?.我会竭尽所能帮他彻底释放自我I would give him plenty ofo p p o r t u n i t yt og e to v e rh i ss h y n e s s.六年级那年 我学着有所收敛 By the sixth grade,Id learned tocontrolmyself.没想到半路却杀出个雪利?斯道尔斯 Then Sherry Stalls enteredthepicture.雪利?斯
13、道尔斯就是一人尽可夫的长舌妇SherryStallswasnothing but a whiny,gossipy,backstabbing flirt.头 发 长 见 识 短A l lh a i ra n dn os u b s t a n c e.而且她.And thereshe was 和布莱斯十指紧扣那可是我家布莱斯h o l d i n gh a n d sw i t hB r y c e.MyBryce.竟然.我的初吻白马王子 The one who was walking around with myfirstkiss.我决定对她视而不见依照布莱斯的品性My solutionwas
14、 toignoreher.I knew a boy of Bryces caliber 总有一天能意识到雪利有多浅薄无知 would eventually see through a shallow conniver likeSherryStalls.如我所料 他俩一周后便分手了 It took all of a week.T h e yb r o k eu pa tr e c e s s.她也不看看自己几斤几两 Shedidnttakeitwell.自从布莱斯摆脱了朱莉的魔掌Now that Brycewas out ofSherrys evil clutches,对我也变得更为友善 he
15、started beingn嗨Hic朱莉i,er嗨tome.布莱斯BrHi,ycJuli.e.他如此腼腆可人 He was so shy and so cute 他的发丝间弥漫着西瓜的香氛andhishair,it smelledlikewaterme lon.我 简 直 如 痴 如 醉 Ic o u l d n tg e te n o u g ho fi t.整整一年我都沉浸在这迷人的芬芳里I spent the whole yearsecretly sniffing watermelon 期盼着何时能迎来我的初吻 andwondering if I was ever going to ge
16、t my kiss.升入初一后 生活开始有所改观 Seventh grade brought changes,allright.但最大的变化并非学校 But the biggest one didnt happen atschool.而 是 出 现 在 家 中I th a p p e n e da th o m e.外公搬来与我们同住My grandfathercame to live with us.妈妈说他是过于思念外婆 才会如此迷惘 Mom said he stared liket h a tb e c a u s eh em i s s e dG r a n d m a.但他怎么可能对
17、我推心置腹呢 That was not something Grandpaw o u l de v e rt a l ka b o u tw i t hm e.其实他在我面前总是沉默寡言As a matter of fact,he nevert a l k e da b o u tm u c ho fa n y t h i n gw i t hm e.直到朱莉的名字登上了当地报纸 That is,until Juli appeared inthe布有Oh,Ih莱local斯事Br能newspaper.和你聊吗yce聊吗?.MayWspeakawithtyou?坐 吧孩 子H a v eas e
18、 a t,s o n.跟我说说你的朋友朱莉?贝克吧 Tell me about your friend JuliBakerJ.uli.其实朱莉算不上是我朋友S h e sn o te x a c t l ym yf r i e n d.为OW你h怎y什么hs突然t问h呢?.at个?么这W h yd oy o uw a n n ak n o w?朱莉?贝克登上梅菲尔德时报 Now,Juli Baker did not wind up inThe Mayfield Times 可不是因为她天赋异禀 for being an eighth-gradeEinstein.而是因为她赖在无花果树上 No,
19、she got front-page coveragebecause she refused 死活不肯下来 to climb out of a sycamoretree.朱莉?贝克和那棵白痴无花果树Juli Baker and that stupidsycamoretree.她认为那棵树 She always thought it was Gods gift是上帝对我们的 恩赐 toourlittlec orn ero fth eunive rse.嘿布 莱斯过 来和 我 们一起 爬 树不?Hey,Bryce.Wanna come climb the tree with me and my b
20、rothers?不了谢谢No,thanks.布 莱 斯快 上 来 嘛很 好 玩 的CIotmesupfhueB r y c e.rne.可以看到全世界呢 我没空 You can see everything.I我爸爸c让a我.My dad needs me to help him fix 修东西 a thing.拉 倒 吧T h a t sa l lIn e e d e d.n帮他去t修.我才不要和朱莉?贝克一起爬树呢Climb up a tree with JuliBaker.我可不想重温二年级的噩梦 Id be dragged right back into thesecondgrade.
21、布莱斯和朱莉爬上树梢Bryceand Julisittingin a tree.我宁可下半辈子吃青豆度日 Why dont you just make me eatl i m ab e a n sf o rt h er e s to fm yl i f e.还 有 三 个 街 区 就 来 了 I t st h r e eb l o c k sa w a y.只剩两个喽Twoblocks.还 有 最 后 一 个O n eb l o c ka w a y.还真把自己当回事最受不了她这种人了Like thats valuableinformation.Ih a t ei tw h e ns h ed
22、 o e st h a t.真希望校车哪天能罢工 I like to think theres at least a chancethebuswontshow.这 棵 树 在 晨 曦 中 显 得 尤 为 美 丽你 说 对 么?I think the tree looks particularlybeautifulin this light.Dontyou?如果你所谓的美丽是指奇丑无比If by beautifulyou meanunbelievably ugly,那我绝对赞成 then,yes,I would agree.你眼神不太好吧 我真同情你 Youre just visually ch
23、allenged.I眼feel神sorry不太for好you.?Visually眼神不challenged?太好?Visuallychallenged?她家不也是街坊邻里的笑柄么 This from the girl who lived in ahouse居然敢这么说我?t h a tw a st h ej o k eo ft h en e i g h b o r h o o d?灌木爬满了窗台 门前杂草丛生 They had bushes growing overw i n d o w sa n dw e e d sa l lo v e rt h ep l a c e.我老 爸 为此 很 是
24、不 爽 Itbu gge dm yd a dbi gtim e.哟快 瞧瞧O h,t h e r eh ei s.砌墙工当自己是大画家呢The bricklayerwho thinks hes apainter.嫌那破车不够寒碜 That trucks not ugly enough in real life?还得画幅画裱起来?H e sg o t t am a k eap a i n t i n go fi t?人家的风景画可是集市上的抢手货No,he does landscapes.S e l l st h e ma tt h ec o u n t yf a i r.大 家 都 夸 赞 他
25、 呢 P e o p l es a yt h e y r eb e a u t i f u l.风要我说吧景Lands画capes?L e tm et e l ly o us o m e t h i n g.他要是能把院子拾掇拾掇 The world would have more beauty init 这个世界一定会更加美好 if hed do a little landscaping on thatp i e c eo fc r a ph ec a l l say a r d.我真同情他老婆嫁了这么个幻想家I feel bad for his wife.Shemarriedadreame
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