毕 业 班 工 作 计 划.pdf
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1、guarantee for the great struggle.Thiguarantee for the great struggle.Thi s aspectss aspects XIXI General Secretary ofGeneral Secretary of speespeech maich main including exern including exer cise tcise thrift,against extravagance mass lihrift,against extravagance mass li ne is party of lifeline and
2、fundamental wne is party of lifeline and fundamental w ork route accurate grasp partyork route accurate grasp partyof mass line educatiof mass line educati onon practice activitiepractice activitie s of guis of guideline and target requirementsdeline and target requirements set and develop threset a
3、nd develop thre e strict te strict t hree real of stylehree real of style putput powerpower shut intoshut into system of cage isystem of cage i n usingn using history whistory wisdom advaisdom adva nce ance anti-corrnti-corruption constructiuption constructi on ion in-den-depth advapth advance style
4、 clnce style cl ean gean governmentovernment and antiand anti-corr-corruptiuption stron struggleuggle develop nadevelop nail nail nail of spirit,a Zhail of spirit,a Zha ng goodng good of blueprintof blueprint worked tworked to.o.9.ot9.other aspeher aspects.18cts.18 bi big yilai,XIg yilai,XI General
5、Secretary alGeneral Secretary al so reso respespectively on dictively on di plomatiplomatic,and military,c,and military,and ecologiand ecologi cal constructical constructi on,on,aspectsaspects publishedpublished has important speehas important spee ch,ch,covercovers has has constrs construction euct
6、ion ecolcologicalogical civilizaticivilization,on,and advanceand advance defensedefense and army moder and army moder n,an,and rind rich one couch one cou ntry,twntry,two systems prao systems pra cticectice and advaand adva ncence countcountry unified,ry unified,and go peaceand go peace develdevelop
7、ment ropment road,oad,and promand prom otedoted builbuildingding newnew powerpowers relationship,as relationship,a nd gnd go good aro good aroundounddipldiplomatic work,omatic work,and strengtheniand strengtheni ng and develng and devel opioping countries solidarityng countries solidarity cooperatic
8、ooperation,aon,and and active partictive participaticipation multilon multilateral affairs,and scieateral affairs,and scie ncence of thinkiof thinking and work metng and work met hod,many aspehod,many aspe cts.XI Jinpicts.XI Jinping,Seng,Secretary of a seriecretary of a serie s of important speeches
9、,and further es of important speeches,and further enrich and devnrich and dev elop the partys theelop the partys the ory,liory,line,principlene,principle s and policies and policie s,the party puts forwards,the party puts forward new renew requiremequireme nts for morents for more contemcontemporary
10、 features,the latest aporary features,the latest a chievemechievement of Marxism int of Marxism i n China,in China,is a guis a guide tode to persistipersisting and develng and devel opioping socialing sociali sm withsm with ChiChinesenese characharacteristics.Four metcteristics.Four met hods.hods.o
11、ao address the relatiddress the relati onshionship betwep between compreen comprehensive and focusehensive and focuse d on science.In thed on science.In the processprocess of learniof learning,weng,we shoulshould follow ad follow as a good sts a good st udy audy andnd carry out the wise mecarry out
12、the wise me n to conduct a comprehensivn to conduct a comprehensiv e cole collaborative learnilaborative learni ng;and witng;and wit h theirh their own jobs,focus reseown jobs,focus rese archarch andand understaunderstandinding spirit,grang spirit,gra sp the potesp the potential requirementntial req
13、uirement s.For example,s.For example,everyevery party member should party member should be abe according tccording to the vario the variousous branchebranches of learning prs of learning pr ogram,an artiogram,an arti cle doescle does not go inot go into a linto a link,no leakagenk,no leakage ofofcon
14、ducting aconducting a comprecomprehehensive study,and comnsive study,and com binebined with td with their owheir own duties an duties a nd responsind responsibilities,be focusebilities,be focuse d and targeted Ged and targeted Ge oscience.oscience.Like,leaLike,leaders toders to highlighighlight lear
15、niht learning XIng XI on ron ruling auling acting political kcting political k now of deenow of dee p lovep love of cut dry iof cut dry in pran practice gctice go in forefronto in forefront of riverof river new lang new language out poverty XIuage out poverty XI on cooron coordinadination advation a
16、dvance four a full strategy layout discusses exnce four a full strategy layout discusses ex cerptscerpts XI on full deepeXI on full deepe ning refning reform discusses excerorm discusses excer pts XIpts XI on full lon full law ruliaw ruling discusses exng discusses ex cerpts 18 big yilaicerpts 18 bi
17、g yilai XI on major eXI on major e conomiconomic problem dic problem discussescusses excerpts excerpts,discipline tos,discipline to highlighighlight learniht learning XI onng XI on strict party of district party of di sciscipline and rulespline and rules discusses excerdiscusses excerpts XI Jinpipts
18、 XI Jinping,ng,on the construction ofon the construction of clea clean and honen and hone st Goverst Government and fight againstnment and fight against corrcorruption diuption discussescussed excerd excerpts,technology topts,technology to highlighighlight the learht the learningning of the XI Jiof
19、the XI Jinpinping on teng on technolchnological iogical innovationnnovation andand discusses excerpts,discusses excerpts,XI Jinping,eXI Jinping,education shoulducation shoul d higd highlight the importahlight the importa nt excerptsnt excerpts of work onof work on education and so on.To addreeducati
20、on and so on.To addre ss the relation betweess the relation betwee n stage an stage and oftend often scin science.Phaseence.Phase has the advantagehas the advantage of time to focusof time to focuson fast,to higon fast,to highlight the thlight the theme,focuseheme,focused,result;often leard,result;o
21、ften lear n the an the advantages of flexible fit,form,subtle,dvantages of flexible fit,form,subtle,conticontinuenues tos to毕毕 业业 班班 工工 作作 计计 划划上学期的班级各项工作,在学校领导的关心扶持下,经科任教师的协作,加之学生的努力,基本上达到了年初制定的德育目标,学生思想比较稳定,学习状态积极,在学校组织的各项文体活动中充分展示个性和才能,思想品质、人格素养、心理素质、身体素质等方面都得到很大的提高。学生完全进入初三学生应有的状态,但并不以自己是即将毕业的学生
23、坚持德育为首,教学为中心的原则,以活动为载体,以重大节日、纪念日为契机,有计划、有目的、有重点地开展系列教育活动,激发学生进取意识,强化组织纪律,巩固中学生守则eepen.In Geeepen.In Ge neral,periodic higneral,periodic hig h prih priority on leority on learniarning,easy to grasp and practing,easy to grasp and practi ce:rece:recurrecurrent learnint learning factors,lng factors,long
24、 time,prong time,pr one tone to sluggish.Learo sluggish.Lear ningning programmes are expliprogrammes are expli citly required to learcitly required to lear n educatin education ison is not anot an event,but to hign event,but to hig hlight the normal ehlight the normal e ducation,differentiated level
25、ducation,differentiated level s,hes,heart,catchart,catch a fine practice,the real partys idea fine practice,the real partys ide ologiological and politicalcal and political construction in the evconstruction in the ev eryday,eryday,often.Toften.This requires that whis requires that w e do a ge do a
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