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1、2023 年特岗教师考试真题卷 本卷共分为 1 大题 44 小题,作答时间为 180 分钟,总分 100分,60 分及格。一、单项选择题(共 44 题,每题 2 分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.布鲁纳认为,无论我们选择何种学科,都务必使学生理解该学科的基本结构,依此而建立的课程理论是_ A:百科全书式课程理论 B:综合课程理论 C:实用主义课程理论 D:结构主义课程理论 2.编写教科书的直接依据是_ A:教育方针 B:教学原则 C:课程计划 D:学科课程标准 3.根据教师法第十四条的规定,下面哪种情况不能取得教师资格、已取得教师资格的丧失教师资格_ A:故意犯罪受到有期徒刑以上刑事
2、处罚的 B:故意犯罪受到刑事处罚的 C:过失犯罪受到有期徒刑以上刑事处罚的 D:过失犯罪受到刑事处罚的 4.They were all_ to see that_ baby.A:pleasing;smiled B:pleasing;smiling C:pleased;smiling D:pleased;smiled 5.被公认为世界上第一本现代教育学著作的是_ A:普通教育学 B:大教学论 C:爱弥儿 D:康德论教育 6.学校德育对政治、经济、文化发生影响的功能是指_ A:发展性功能 B:个体性功能 C:教育性功能 D:社会性功能 7.广泛意义上的教育包含_活动。A:家庭教育 B:社会教育 C
3、:学校教育 D:一切教育 8.The passage is_ A:a review B:a preface C:an advertisement D:an editorial 9.Recently I bought an ancient vase,_ was very reasonable.A:which price B:the price of which C:its price D:the price of that 10._ about the universe up till now.A:So little had me known B:Only a little do we know
4、 C:Very little have we known D:Little shall we know 11.当人处在群体中时,有时会做出平时不会做的破坏性行动,这是_ A:从众现象 B:社会干扰现象 C:去个体化现象 D:群体极化现象 12.Good web pages for children can_ A:be a waste of time B:help them with their studies C:do homework for them D:make life difficult 13.纲要信号图式教学法的突出作用在于_ A:简明扼要地表现知识 B:直观性很强 C:提高了教学
5、效率 D:使教学有效地贯彻了理论知识起主导作用的原则 14.According to the passage,the purpose of the health reform plan in the UK is to_ A:encourage more private health care B:focus on the prevention rather than on curing the patient C:deal with the main artery problems D:fight against the opposition in the UK 15._创立了第一个心理学实验
6、室,标志着心理学正式建立。A:巴甫洛夫 B:桑代克 C:冯特 D:詹姆斯 16.December is_ month of the year.A:twelfth B:the twelve C:the twelvth D:the twelfth 17.一个社会的教育发展进程与其政治经济发展进程之间的关系是_ A:教育超前于政治经济发展 B:教育滞后于政治经济发展 C:教育常常与社会政治经济的发展不平衡 D:政治经济制度决定教育发展状况 18.It is easier to make a plan than_ A:carry it out B:to carry it out C:carry out
7、 it D:carry out 19.教师不得因为各种理由随意对学生进行搜查,不得对学生关禁闭。否则就侵犯了学生的_ A:名誉权 B:人身自由权 C:受教育权 D:人格尊严权 20.What does the underlined word collapsed probably mean?A:Were destroyed.B:Caught fire.C:Were flooded.D:Sank.21.课程实施是指把课程计划付诸实践的过程,它是达到预期的课程目标的 A:基本要求 B:基本原则 C:基本手段 D:基本途径 22.His effort finally_,so he was very e
8、xcited.A:paid for B:cost C:is spent D:paid off 23.以教育现象为研究对象,探索教育规律的科学是 A:教育 B:教育学 C:教育论 D:德育论 24.Norwegian farmers and fishermen have an important influence because_ A:they form such a large part of the Norwegian ideal B:their lives and values represent the Norwegian ideal C:their work is so useful
9、 to the rest of Norwegian society D:they regard oil as a threat to the Norwegian.way of life 25.课程实施计划的展开过程是 A:安排课程表 B:分析教学任务 C:选择并确定教学模式 D:组织教学活动 26.The author of this passage intends to tell us A:the NHS should be reformed right away B:more and more people are dying from diseases C:the plan to ref
10、orm the NHS in the UK D:the criticism of Mr.Brown s proposals 27.The report was not concrete and in a way lacked persuasion.But_,I felt it was fair.A:above all B:in a word C:on the whole D:in other words 28.体现了垂直迁移的具体事例是_ A:汉语拼音的学习影响英语字母的发音 B:角的概念的掌握影响直角、平角等概念的学习 C:石字的学习影响磊字的学习 D:在学校形成的爱护公物的习惯影响在校外的
11、行为表现 29.苏霍姆林斯基的教育思想是_ A:和谐教育思想 B:教学过程最优化 C:教学发展观 D:全面发展观 30.Most people_ the view that children should be independent while some are opposed toit.A:leave out B:let out C:feel like D:subscribe to 31.Which of the following is the reason for the increasing private health care?A:People are paying more a
12、ttention to their own health.B:People are well off enough to pay their health care.C:The NHS was not available for most of the people.D:It s not so convenient for people to go to the NHS for their health care.32.班级管理的主要对象是 A:班级公共财产 B:班级信息 C:学生 D:班级资料 33.要尽量多地要求一个学生,也要尽可能地尊重一个学生这种做法所坚守的德育原则是_ A:发扬积极因
13、素,克服消极因素 B:尊重、热爱与严格要求学生相结合原则 C:因材施教原则 D:道德教育和纪律约束相结合原则 34.联结学习理论认为,学习就是在刺激和反应之间建立直接联结的过程,其中起重要作用的是_ A:练习 B:学习 C:强化 D:巩固 35.-Where is Jack,please?-He_ be in the reading room.A:can B:need C:would D:must 36.儿童的心理发展存在着关键期,这是由以下哪位学者最早提出的_ A:瑞士皮亚杰 B:奥地利劳伦兹 C:美国桑代克 D:苏联维果茨基 37.构成思想品德的四个基本要素是知、情、意、行,其中基础性的要
14、素是 A:知 B:情 C:意 D:行 38.“教学过程最优化”的教学思想是由_提出的。A:赞科夫 B:巴班斯基 C:苏霍姆林斯基 D:凯洛夫 39.课堂中某些占优势的态度与情感的综合状态称之为_ A:课堂规范 B:课堂气氛 C:课堂管理 D:课堂纪律 40.In her later life,Elizabeth Taylor devoted herself to_ A:doing business and helping others B:turning herself into a legend C:collecting money for the poor D:going about re
15、search and education work 41.It is sleeping late in the morning that_ being late for work.A:devotes to B:sticks to C:refers to D:leads to 42.I have to delay_ the letter.A:to answer B:answering C:answer D:answered 43.What Elizabeth Taylor and Velvet Brown had in common was that they were both_ A:popular all their lives B:famous actresses C:successful when very young D:rich and kindhearted 44.教育科学有诸多的分支学科,其中在整个教育科学体系中处于基础地 t A:教育哲学 B:教育心理学 C:教育学 D:教学论