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1、高中英语第一册单元复习测试题第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分3 5分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. It is e a sier t o 1 o s e fri e nds.D.A. than t o mak e f r iendsB. tha n mak i ng friends C. rather than make f r ien d srather than ma k in g friend s17. C h ina is la r g er t han i n Africa. A. all t
2、h e othe r co u n tri e s B. any coun t r y n y ot h er co u n tryD. any o f th e o ther c o un t r i e sD.D.1 8 . We all want to k n o w ho w the accident. A. came u pB. came in C. c a m e toc a me abo u tto hi s friends1 9. He b ought man y mag a z i nes yesle r d a y, and the m a j o rit yn ow.A.
3、are s e n tB. was sentB. has been s e ntD. have b e en s e nt2 0 . He hasg oodkno w le d geChin e s e his t or y. A. a , ofB. a,bo u tC. /,ofD.a bout21. -Will y ou tell thes ecre tt o t h e tea c h e r? -N o !asked to. A. Even thou.UnC. LJnles sD.When22. He a d milledt he li t t le bo y , w ho re f
4、u s ed t o givehim any money.A. to b ca tB. to have beatenC. of beatingD. havingb e a tenis also y ours. S o just ma k e yourself a t h o me.A. What is myB. W h ich i s mineC. W h a t i s mi n eD.Tha t is mine24. W e wer e24. W e wer ewatchin gan interest i ng gamet her ewas a knock a t the door.25.
5、A. whi 1 eB.C. a ft e rD.whe nmother wi1 I w a it for him t ohave din n e rt oget her.A. H ow e v er la t eB. H o weve r h e is late C. However i s h1 ateD. II o weve r I a te he i s6 . I f y our bro t h e r doesnt g o to th e cinema.The stu d e nt( h o u ght for a while and then a nswered,“A f amou
6、s singe r , s i r.” “No, it isa1 a rge an d impor t a n t c i t y in I t a 1 y,“ the teacher sai d . W h o was t he f i r st P r esidentoft he Uni ted S tales?” T he stud e nt thought for a 1 ong time, but no ans w e r was given. Th e t e acher got ve r y angr y a n d s h o u ted, “G e orge Wa s h i
7、ngton! Hear i ng this, the s t u dent turn e d his bac k and went to h i s s cat. uComc b a ck! ” t he teach e rsaid in surprise. t4Wh o let you g ob ack?“Oh Im so r r y ,Th e slud e nt said, “I had t h oughty ou ca 1 Ie d t he next studen t1-10 ACCCC CBACA11-15 ACCAA16. A.这里用th an-来连接两者的比较,且比较的双方的形
8、式要一致起来。1 7. B.由于中国不属于非洲,故比较时应用a n y cou n try表达任何一个国家。18. D. come up表达“出现;come in表达“进来”;come to表达“来到”或“清醒”;come a bout表达“发生”。 根据句意应用come abou t。19. D.这儿的majority指大部分的杂志,为复数代词,且题干中有up t。now,故用现在完毕时的被动语态。20. . A. have a k n o wledg e of s ih为固定词组,表达“就某方面有知识”,此时的kn o wle d ge前需有不定冠词。21. A.根据句意用even tho
9、 u g h表达“即使”最符合语境。22. D. admit后直接用动名词形式,还可用完毕式表达该动作先发生。2 3.C. 根据句意:属于我的东西也就是你的。故用选项C项。24. . D. when在此并不是表达“当时候”,而表达“就在此时”。25. D.此句用however引导让步状语从句Jate为形容词,且从句无需用倒装,故选D项。26. D.在条件状语从句中,主句用将来,且从句中用了否认式,故用neither或nor引导的倒装句形式。27. C.此句用的结构为:havedifficulty(in)doing.o但是我们把宾语提前到了宾语从句中的连接词的位置上, 但原先的ving仍保持不变
10、,故用get t in g o8 . A. with + n +分词在此表因素,由于ihe meal与coo k的关系为被动,故用co o ked。2 9. B.这是强调句的特殊疑问句,其句式为:Wh +is/was+it +that.故用tha t来连接。30. C.由于the basketball g ames a re h e Id为一句子,且根据题意表达“在除了的情况下”,故用exc e p t wh e n。 31. A.此句要表达“世界上有多少语言”,故用h。w many进行连接。3 2 . C.此空格可从下句中的“impor t ani”得到启示。3 3. B.此句表达人们使用英
11、语,它才重要。3 4. A. not o nly.but also,其中 bu t also 中的 al s o 可省略。3 5. D.此处的as表达作为。36. B.根据上文所知,有些国家的人把英语作为又一门外语使用,而ihesecond表达第二门。3 7.C.显然根据句意用形容词diff ic u 1 to3 8. A.这里表达“成千上百万”,应用mill i o n s of。39. A.此处表达泛指的一些,用s omeo4 0. B.此句表达“学习一门语言最佳的方法是哪种?”,故用w ay。4 1. D.此处表达学习自己的语言。42. B.当我们还是孩子时。43. A.根据句意,表达“
12、以同样的方法学习乂一门语言,就不会困难了”。4 4.C.此句表达“听别人说”。4 5. D. “规定得到某物”,用ask for。4 6 . C. A、B、D项直接跟宾语,所以用th i nk。4 7. C.显然用表达“一直”的“al 1 the time”。48. A.强调动作的快捷、迅速。49. D. “专心去学”,名词用m i nd最为恰当。50. D.这是一种逐步升华的过程,由rea d至I spe 1 I再到write。51. B.这是一道细节题。从文中第二段“Pe o p 1 e here d o not shak e han d s so m u ch as w e do in
13、Europe. 可知作者来自欧洲大陆,故选B。52. B.这是一道细节题。从文中第一段h a ve been in Engla n d t h r ee monthsnow.”这一句可知答案。53. 3 . D.这是一道细节题。从文中第一段“There have been s o m a ny pl a c e s to see a n d s o many things to d o t h at Tve not had much time for writi n g letters.“可知答案。54. A.这是一道细节题。从文中第一段“I shall so o n be starti n
14、g my st u die s a t K i ngs Colle g c. n 可知答 案。55. A.这是一道细节题。从文中第二段“Peo p 1 e here do n o t sha k e han d s so muc h a s w e do in E uro p e 可知答案。56. C.这是一道分析题。把文章“Work done b y ho r s e s took up 79 percent; by m e n, 15 p e r c ent; and m a chine work only to o k up 6 p ere e nt. ” 和 “On m a ny mo
15、 d ern fa r ms m a c h i n e s now will do 96 perc e n t of the wor k , wh i 1 e man does 3 p e rcent.”两句中的 6 p e rcent 和 96 perc e nt 进行比较可知答案。57. B.这是一道分析题。把文章 “Work d o ne by h o rses took u p 79 pe r c e nt; b y men, 15 per c e nt; and m a c hine work o nly t ook up 6 percent.”和 4*On many modem
16、f a rms ma c h i n e s now will d o 96 pcrc e nt of the work, while man docs 3 percent.”两句中的 15 pcrcc n t 和 3 per c cn t 进行比较可知答案。58. D . 这是一道细节题。把文章 “Sometimes more wor k ers were needed in b u sy s e asons/ 和 Other p e oples he 1 p is har d 1 y need e d.”进行比较可知答案。59. 9. D.这是一道细节题。根据文章的最后一句Their w
17、ork h as been r epl a ced b y a wh o le army of f a rm ma chin es.”可知答案。60. 0 . B. 这是一道分析题。根据分析,文章把ho rses, men, mac h ines三者所的工作进行比较。61. 1 .C.这是一道细节题。从文中第一段可知答案。6 2. B .这是一道细节题。从文中第二段第一句“,the y oung Pri n c e of Wa 1 es, who fell in love wit h t h e beautif u 11 a dy Kitty Wake.”可知答案。63. A.这是一道细节题。
18、从文中第三段第二句 The gentleman s libra r y ha s a vi e w o v e r the pa r k a n d t h e river.” 可知答案。6 4 . B这是一道细节题。从文中第三段最后一句All ro o ms a rc 1 ight and airy, w i th good, h i g h win d o ws, and woo d flo o r s 可知答案。65. D.这是一道细节题。从文中第四段第一句 At the back o f the hou s e, w here t h e t h ird Lord Fou 1 s h
19、am kep t t h e ho r s e s , t h ere i s g arage- s p ac e for four cars.“可知答案。6 6. B .这是一道总结概括题。文章重要介绍的是s eve n sens esof man。6 7 . B. 这是一道细节题。从文中 while t h e o t he r senses, t he au d itory ( h earin g ), the olfact o ry (sm ell), t h e ta c tile (touch), an d the gu s tat ory (taste) bri n g in t
20、 o our b r ai n s i nfo r mation a b o u t the ot h e r 2 0 % of what i s h appen i ng.” 可知答案。68. C.这是一道细节题。从文中最后一句可找到“l h e s e nse s o f balance”和“ t he kine s ihe t ic sense” 。69. A.这是一道理解题。从文中 4t. t he sense of sight - our vi s u a 1 se n se - g ives us u p to 80% o f wha t we know about the wo
21、r I d o u ts i de our bod i es. ” 可作出判断。70. 0 . C . 这是一道细节题。从文中“,and c h e k i nes t h et i c sense, w h ich gives us our ideas about our own motio n 可得出答案。71. went 后加 for。“去散步”用短语 “go for a walk”。72. we 1 1 改为f i ne。well作形容词表达身体健康,而此处与weather搭配,故用f i n e。73. wa s改为we re。由于no c louds的复数问题,故用w e re。7
22、 4. st a rted后加t o。s t art t o do为固定搭配,且主语为物a cool windo75. 去掉were。这里表达乌云遮盖了太阳,表积极,故去掉wc r e。7 6. but改为s o。这里表达结果而不是转折。7 7. a改为an。hour前的不定冠词必须用an。78. 对的。7 9. m u st改为s h ould。s h o ul d ha v e d o n e表达对过去应当发生而没有发生过的事情进行责备。8 0 .去掉第二个【o。do not h i n g /can, t do anyl h i n g bul do 中 b ul 后面的动词不带 lo。
23、D e ar Dick,How nic e to hear f r om y ou a g a in. You w a nt to kn o w what is go i n g on i n schoo 1 s in C h ina? I n short, (h i n g s ha v e b e gu n to improve s i nee sc h oo 1 s w e re ca 1 le d on t o r e du c e 1 e a rning load. I dont know aboutot h ers, b ut I used to ha v eto wor keve
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- 2023 年高 英语 一册 单元 复习 测试