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1、Bo o k 2Unit 1 Cui t u r al r e li c s1、He i n s i sts i t be Ion g s to h is f a mi 1 y.他坚持说这是他家的。动词insist后面所接的从句有两种情况,当表达“坚持要干某事”时,用虚拟语气;当表达“坚持认为(主张、想法和事实)”时,不用虚拟语气。M other insisted that I (sho u 1 d ) use the old bi c yc I e.妈妈坚持要我骑那辆旧自行车。(坚持要别人干,虚拟语气)He ins i s t ed th a t h e was ri g ht.他坚持认为他
2、是对的。(坚持认为,真实语气)2、F r e d e r ick Wi 1 liam I , the king o f Pr u s s i a, could ne v er have imagi n e d tha I h isgrcatcs I gift I c th。Russia n p。()pl e would h a r? s u ch a s I rang e his I ory.普鲁士国王威廉一世决不也许想到他送给俄罗斯人的礼物会有这样一段离弃的历史。情态动词+hav。done表达对过去发生的事的推测、批评、反悔等意。When yo u spoke in fr o nt of 3
3、00 people yester d a y, you m u st have f elt very n ervous.你昨天面对3 0 0人发言时,一定很紧张吧。(推测) You fa i le d again i n c xam. Yo u should have s tudied hard.你考试又没有及格。你本来应当好好学习(批评)(3)I t is r a i n i ng h a r d now. T needn * t h a ve watered t he flower this morn in g .下大雨啦!我本来不必给花浇水的。(反悔)3、Once it is heate
4、d, the amber c an be made into any shape.加热后,琥珀可以被制作成各种形式。小结make的相关搭配:S h e went to the shop to bu y a suit of clo t hes.=She went t o the s hop to buy a s e t o f c I ot h es.她到商店去买一套衣服。 T his ne w pa i r has bou g h t a d i n ner s et an d a set of b edroom fur niture.这对新婚夫妇买了一套餐具和一套卧室家具。4、rep 1 a
5、ce/ take the pl a c e of/in pla c e of / in s tead of 替代;取代这些词语都有“替代”的意思,repl ace可以和take the place换用,而i n place of和instead of都是短语介词,不能单独作谓语。(DC a n anything replace a mother * s love and care?=Can an y thing t a ke the place o f a mother s love and care?有什么东西能取代母亲的爱和照顾吗? M r . Smith is i 1 1, so I h
6、ave t o wo r k he r e in p lace o f/i n s tead of h i m.史密斯先生病了,我只好替他在这儿上班。(3)1 u sua 1 ly go to sc h ool on f o o t i n stead of by b u s .我通常步行上学,而不坐公交车。此处的i nst e ad of不能用in p lac e o f替换。in p 1 ace o f后只能接名词和代词,而i ns I eadof之后既可以接名词、代词,还可以接动名词、介词短语等。5、rel a te . t o 使有关 r e lat e t o 与有关relate既可
7、以作及物动词,又可以作不及物动词。 We should r e 1 a tea resu Itwi th (to) its c a use.(匕) 我们应当把结果和因素联系起来。 T h i s letter re 1 ates to our c ompan y . ( v Z )= Thi s letter has rel at ions w i th our c ompa n y.这封信与我们公司有关。“与有关”的其它表达方法:1) )h a v e s o met h in g t o 1 o with2) cone e rn vt.3)be c o n cerned with s b
8、. o r sth.4) b e c o nee r ned w ith (to)6、promi s e vt. &a.答应:允诺Mot h er p r omi s ed me to bu y a new bieye 1 e .=Mot her promi sed that she woul d buy m e a n ew bicycle.=Mothe r made a promis c tha t she would buy me a new bicycle.Un i t 3 Com p uters1、I know this sounds very simp 1 c, but at th
9、at time it was a technological revolution.我知道这听起来很简朴,但是在那个时候这却是一项技术革命。sound+形容词,意为“听起来如何,sound 1 ikc+名词,是“听起来像”的意思。It s o und s 1 ik e a tr a in. Let s hur r y . ( a tra i n 可数名词,注意冠词) 快点,这听起来仿佛是火车的声音。It sound s like water. Didn t y o u turn off the tape?(wate r ,不可数名词 听起来仿佛是水的声音,难道你没有关水龙头?Wh a t h
10、e sai d s o u n ded re a so n a b le.他说的话听起来仿佛有道理。2、Vy real f a the r was Ala n Tur ing who i n 】936 wr。lea bo o k to d e scrib e how comp u ters co u Id be made to wo r k and built a “u n i v ersal m a c hi n e“ to s ov e any math e mat i cal problem.我真正的父亲是艾伦图林,他193 6年曾写过一本书,书中描写了使计算机工作的方法,并且他还制作了
11、一台“通用机器”来解决数学问题。这是一个定语从句,它属于A句型。N o one c oul d recognize me a f ter I go t my n ew t r a n sisto r s in th e 19 6 Os.20世纪60年代我有了新的晶体管之后,就没有人能认出我了。关于“在某年、某月、某年代”的表达:i n 196 0=in the y e ar 1960 在 1960 年in Scptem b c r , 1 960= in th e Scptcmbc r o f 1960 在 1 960 年 9 月in the 19 6 0s= i n the I 960* s
12、 在 20 世纪 6 0 年代3、I love being used lo conne c l peep 1 e who arenl close enough lo spea k to each o t her.我喜欢被相距遥远的人们用来彼此联系。love to d。和1。ve do i ng的意思差不多,都是“喜欢做某事”的意思,细微区别是love to do侧重具体的、某一次的动作,而love doing强调经常性的动作。这样的动词常见的尚有 1 ik e , b e gin start 等。但是 wou 1 d/should 1 ove 和 wo u Id/shou 1 d like 之
13、后必 须接t o do。 I 1 i kc s wimming very much, bu t I don t lik e t o sw i m in s u ch bad weath e r today.我(平时)非常喜欢游泳,但今天天气太差,我不想游。 1 love to s tay ( s ta y ing)ou t side wh e n i t i s too hot.天气热的时候我喜欢呆在外边。 .Would you like t o g o there w i th u s?.Y c s , Id 1 ik e t o .你乐意和我们一起到那儿去吗? 乐意。4、I think w
14、e can work together t o creat e an ev e n b e t ter system.我觉得我们可以合作发明出一个更好的系统。even, s till, much, a lol, a gr e a l d e al, a 1 i t tie, a bit. no 之后都可以接形容词或副词的比较级。He is tr y ing to make even gr e at e r pr o gres s .他正尽力争取更大的进步。The boy is f ar talle r than b e for e .这男孩比以前高多了。It is a 1 i ttlc c o
15、 olcr tod a y than y csterday.今天比昨天凉爽一点。He i s n o r i cher t han I.=He is a s po or as I.他和我同样穷。You hav e d o ne a io t b e t t er t ha n I expected.你做的比我预料的要好得多。5、In a 睛 ay,my p r cgrammcr is like my coach.从某种限度上看,我的程序员好比是我的教练。i n a way在某种限度上,从某个意义上说by th e w a y顺便问(说)on t h e (one* s)way 在路上In a
16、way, her Eng 1 ish has i m p roved b u t t h ere is still a Ion g way t o g o.从某种限度上看,她的英语有进步,但对她来说,路还很长。His tea c her con s i ders h im clever and in a way he is right.他的老师认为他很聪明,从某些方面看,老师是对的。B y t he w a y , a t what t ime wi 1 1 yo u st a rt?顺便问一下,你们几点出发?On ou r way h ome, we were caught in t he
17、ra i n.在回家的路上,我们淋雨了。6、A Tier all, wilh thehe 】p ofmy computer brain, w h ic h n ever for g el an y t h ing,inielligence is whalTmall about.不管如何,在我过目不忘的计算机头脑的帮助下,智能就是我的一切。a f ter a 11尽管;到底(最终);究竟;毕竞 Don t s cold her. Aft e r al 1, sh e is a fi v c-ycar-o 1 d girl.别责备她,毕竟她还是个五岁的女孩。Soyou see, I wa s ri
18、 g ht after a 1 1.所以你看,(最终)我还是对了吧。语法:1、被动语态的结构:主语+ be动词的不同时态+过去分词(by) + (其它)现在完毕时的被动语态:主语+hav e /ha s+be e n+过去分词+ (b y)+(其它)重点词汇1、common adj.共同的;共有的in common共同;共有h a v e /h a s sth i n c ommo n with sb.与某人有共同语言(共同之处)h a v e/ h a s sth i n common共同使用;共同拥有 They have En glish a s a common 1 a ng u a g
19、 e .他们都把英语作为共同语言。We are good friends and we have common inter e st.我们是好朋友,我们有共同爱好。 I don t know why she has nothin g in c ommo n w i th us.我不知道她为什么和我们没有共同语言(共同之处)。Th e r e i s on 1 y one c omputer in this r oom, so w e have to h ave i I i n c o mmo n .房间里只有一台电脑,我们只好共有。2、anywa y =any h ow无论如何,无论如何 Th
20、 e house is locke d a n d I can* t get in an y wa y /anyhow.房门锁着,无论如何我也进不去。(2)Anyway/A n y h ow I sha 1 1 n ot g o t here t oda y .无论如何我今天不会到那儿去。It i s r ain i n g hard. A n y wa y , we must f in i s h it no t ime.在下大雨,但无论如何我们必须准时完毕任务。3 s o . that, s uc h . . . that . 如此以至于,比较以下例句,归纳s othat和suchthat
21、.的区别: H e was so t i re d th a t h e coul dn t walk any 1 ong e r.他如此只累,以至于一步也走不动了。 He ra n s o fa s t tha t no b od y could catch up wi th h i m.他跑得如此之快,以至于没有人能赶上他。 I t is so int e resting a fi I m that e ver yon e 1 ikes t o s ee it.=It i s such an i n te r esting film that every o ne 1 ikes to s
22、ee it.这部电影如此有趣,(以至于)人人喜欢看。It is such dirty wate r tha t no b o dy dar e s to drink.水如此之脏,没有人敢喝。 She b o ught such c xpensi ve clothes that s he spend u p the m o n ey.她买的衣服如此贵,(以至于)把钱花光了。小结:so后面接形容词、副词、和可数名词的单数,但冠词在形容词之后。sue h之后接不可数名词、可数名词的复数和单数名词。4、de a 1 with 解决;对付 do with解决;容忍;将就 这两个短语都有“解决”的意思,区
23、别在于deal是不及物动词,不能接宾语,而do是 及物动词,可以接宾语。(T) T h c re is so much w a ter in t he r o om. Wha t will yo u do w i th i t =There is s o much w a ter in the ro o m. H o w w i 11 you deal wit h it?房间里这么多水,你如何处置?第一句中的w h at为及物动词do的宾语,第二句中的h o w作deal with i t的状语,h o 不可换为wh a toTel 1 m e what you d i d wi t h y
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- 2023 年人教版高一 英语 必修 课堂 笔记