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1、辽宁省辽宁省 20232023 年教师招聘之中学教师招聘高分题库附年教师招聘之中学教师招聘高分题库附精品答案精品答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、特别有助于激发学生思维的教学方法是()。A.讲授法B.谈话法C.讨论法D.实验法【答案】B2、北方地区早春播种时,常用地膜覆盖,以促进种子萌发,主要是因为地膜覆盖能()。A.提高土壤温度B.降低光照强度C.提高土壤肥力D.防止病虫害【答案】A3、根据以下材料,回答题A.10B.40C.30D.50【答案】B4、_ difficulties we may come across,we II help one another tooverc
2、ome them.A.WhereverB.WhateverC.HoweverD.Whenever【答案】B5、教师要掌握基本的教育研究方法,其中深入剖析研究单一的研究对象的研究方法是()。A.观察方法B.实验方法C.访谈方法D.个案研究法【答案】D6、“它避免了多党的无序倾轧,也摆脱了一党的专制独裁。它是从中国实际出发、富有中国特色的政党制度。”“它”是指()。A.人民代表大会制度B.中共领导的多党合作和政治协商制度C.民族区域自治制度D.基层民主选举制度【答案】B7、杜绝剩菜剩饭的“光盘行动”已被越来越多的人所接受并努力践行。倡导和践行“光盘行动”()。A.B.C.D.【答案】A8、新课程对
3、音乐教师的知识结构要求一是(),二是更新。A.专一B.重技能C.广博D.重理论【答案】C9、某人智力年龄是 8 岁,实际年龄是 10 岁,此人的比率智商是()。A.80B.90C.100D.125【答案】A10、士兵在战场上身穿迷彩服以达到隐蔽的效果,主要利用了知觉的()。A.选择性B.整体性C.理解性D.恒常性【答案】A11、学习原有知识对新学习的影响属于()。A.逆向迁移B.负迁移C.顺向迁移D.正迁移【答案】C12、根据以下材料,回答A.They were explosive and abruptB.They were ineffectiveC.They involved only th
4、ose people livingin urban_areasD.They led to the release of all politicalprisoners【答案】A13、()不是影响迁移的客观因素。A.学习材料特性B.认知结构C.媒体D.家长指导【答案】B14、根据以下材料,回答A.luxuriousB.shabbyC.neatD.new【答案】B15、下列有关基因工程中限制性内切酶的描述,错误的是()。A.一种限制性内切酶只能识别一种特定的脱氧核苷酸序列B.限制性内切酶的活性受温度影响C.限制性内切酶能识别和切割 RNAD.限制性内切酶可从原核生物中提取【答案】C16、根据以下材料
5、,回答A.groupsB.impressionC.boundariesD.separation【答案】C17、我国坚持教育优先发展的战略,坚持教育为社会主义现代化建设服务。要做到优先规划、优先投入、优先配置资源,需要各地高度重视,大力支持,因为()。A.教育是立国之本和强国之路B.教育是民族振兴和社会进步的基石C.教育是文化传播的主要手段D.教育是文化传承和发展的根本途径【答案】B18、根据以下材料,回答A.DislikedB.DiscouragedC.HurtD.Moved【答案】B19、I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a
6、 book.I justwanted to see how it ended 11 I was still in the middle of it.Thishabit 12 first my morn,then my friends,and 13 even my own daughter.Often my 14 wouldnt be limited just to the books I read but also towhat others were 15 as well.Then one day my daughter told me inanger,Dad,please just rea
7、d a book one 16 at a time like everyoneelse!A.tryB.figureC.letD.turn【答案】B20、企业的总体战略有()。A.进入战略B.发展战略C.稳定战略D.撤退战略E.购并战略【答案】A21、具有“殷、青铜冶炼、甲骨文”这些典型特征的朝代是()。A.夏B.商C.西周D.东汉【答案】B22、荀子曰:“天有常道矣,地有常数矣,君子有常体矣。”下列诗句中与此反映的哲学道理一致的是()。A.会当凌绝顶,一览众山小B.蝉噪林逾静,鸟鸣山更幽C.两句三年得,一吟双泪流D.草木本无意,荣枯自有时【答案】D23、第二次世界大战后不久就相继发生了朝鲜战争
8、、柏林危机、越南战争和古巴导弹危机等一系列国际冲突。其共同背景是()。A.亚欧对抗力量失衡B.不结盟运动迅速展开C.美苏“冷战”对峙格局D.雅尔塔体系完全瓦解【答案】C24、下列哪一项不属于法律制裁()A.罚款B.国家赔偿C.行政拘留D.有期徒刑【答案】B25、Khalidas fathersays shes 9-or maybe 10.As much as Sayed Shahloves his 10 children,thefunctionally illiterate Afghan farmercant keep track of all their birthdates.Khalida
9、 huddles at hisside,trying to hide beneath her chador andheadscarf.They both knowthe family cant keep her much longer.Khalidasfather has spentmuch of his life raising opium,as men like him have beendoing fordecades in the stony hillsides of eastern Afghanistan and on thedustysouthern plains.Its the
10、only reliable cash crop most of thosefarmersever had.Even so,Shah and his family barely got by:traffickers may prosper,but poor farmers like him only subsist.Nowhes losing far more than money.I never imagined Id have to payfor growing opium by giving up mydaughter,says Shah.The family sheartbreak be
11、gan when shah borrowed$2000 from a local trafficker,promising to repay the loan with 24 kilos ofopium at harvest time.Late last spring,just before harvest,a governmentcrop-eradicationteam appeared at the familys little plot of land in Laghmanprovinceand destroyed Shahs entire two and a half acres of
12、 poppies.Unabletomeet his debt,Shah fled with his family to Jalalabad,the capitalofneighboring Nangarhar province.The trafficker found them anywayand demandedhis opium.So Shah took his case before a tribal councilin Laghman and beggedfor leniency.Instead,the elders unanimouslyruled that Shah would h
13、ave toreimburse the trafficker by givingKhalida to him in marriage.Now the familycan only wait for the 45-year-olddrugrunner to come back for his prize.Khalidawanted to be ateacher someday,but that has become impossible.Its myfate,thechild says.A.the second is thelogical result of the firstB.the sec
14、ond offersthe main reason of the firstC.each presents thegood side of the Afghan societyD.both present theactions taken by the Afghan government【答案】B26、The Worlds Loneliest Phone Booth For almost 40 years,a lonephone booth stood in the Mojave Desert.about 75 miles southwest ofLas Vegas.It was likely
15、 installed for local miners around 1960.Theglass panels were long gone from the 17 by 1990,and the phonebook hadbeen stolen.But a visitor to the booth in 1990 found that thetelephone 17 workeA.specialB.portableC.internalD.cordless【答案】A27、The translator must have an excellent,up-to-date knowledge of
16、his11 languages,full facility in the handlingof his target language,which will be his mother tongue or language of habitualuse,andknowledge and understanding of the 12 subject-matter in his fieldofspecialization.This is,as it were,his professional equipment.Inaddition tothis,it is desirable that he
17、should have an 13 mind,wideinterests,a good memory and the ability to grasp quicklythe basicprinciples of new developments.He should be willing to work onhisown,often at high speeds,but should be humble enough to 14othersshould his own knowledge not always prove adequate to the taskin hand.He should
18、be able to type fairly quickly and accurately and,if he is working mainly forpublication,should have more than anodding 15 with printing techniques andproof-reading.If he isworking basically as an information translator,let ussay,for anindustrial firm,he should have the flexibility of mind to enable
19、himto 16 rapidly from one sourcelanguage to another,as well as from onesubject-matter to another,since thisability is frequently requiredof him in such work.Bearing in mind the natureof the translatorswork,i.e.the processing of the written word,it is,strictlyspeaking,17 that he should be able to spe
20、ak the languages heisdealing with.If he does speak them,it is an 18 rather than ahindrance,but this skillis in many ways a luxury that he can do awaywith.It is,however,desirablethat he should have an approximateidea about the pronunciation of his sourcelanguages even if this isrestricted to 19 how p
21、roper names and placenames are pronounced.Thesame applies to an ability to write his sourcelanguages.If he can,well and good;if he cannot,it does not matter.Thereare many otherskills and 20 that are desirable in a translator.A.inquiringB.dilatorC.resourcefulD.ingenious【答案】A28、青春期记忆的主要表现为()。A.多方面的记忆效
22、果达到个体记忆的最佳时期B.有效运用各种记忆策略C.短时记忆容量达到一生中的最高峰D.以上都是【答案】D29、教育法律关系的主体是()。A.权利B.义务C.自然人D.物【答案】C30、被称为“窑彩”,用色彩在,然后罩以白色透明釉或者其他浅色面釉,一次烧成的是()。A.釉上彩B.画坯C.斗彩D.釉下彩【答案】D31、下列属于慢性闭合软组织损伤的是()A.刺伤B.擦伤C.腰肌劳损D.挫伤【答案】C32、人工智能在日常生活中已经得制广泛()A.家庭智能门锁授指纹开门B.超市购物刷脸确认付款C.车站刷身份证取票D.小区业主汽弃进门时闸机显示车牌【答案】C33、“1933 年 3 月他迅速制定了一系列有
24、周期中,与染色体的运动和细胞板的形成有关的细胞器是()。A.叶绿体和线粒体B.线粒体和高尔基体C.中心体和线粒体D.内质网和核糖体【答案】B36、维果斯基的“最近发展区”意指()。A.“昨天”的解决问题水平B.“明天”的解决问题水平C.处于“今天与明天之间”的解决问题水平D.处于“昨天与今天之间”的解决问题水平【答案】C37、韩信拜将A.始为布衣时,贫,无行 无行:没有行动B.信往,不为具食 具食:吃饭的器具C.坐法当斩 坐法:因为犯了案D.何日:“幸甚”幸甚:幸福得很【答案】C38、学校教育的基础是()。A.教师B.学生C.班级D.课程【答案】D39、党在过渡时期总路线的主体是()。A.国家
25、的社会主义工业化B.私营经济的国有化C.个体农业的集体化D.对个体农业、手工业和资本主义工商业的改造【答案】A40、位于()的大足石刻是唐末、宋初时期的宗教摩崖石刻,以佛教题材为主,尤以北山摩崖造像和宝顶山摩崖造像最为著名,是中国著名的古代石刻艺术。A.重庆B.西藏自治区C.河南D.甘肃【答案】A41、随着科技的发展,我国的芯片技术也飞速提升,()A.麒麟 990B.骁龙 865C.天玑 800D.Exynos990【答案】A42、I remember being a student teacher in1974,sitting for two weeksin the back of my c
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