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1、场景专题两大类场景:1. campu s 1 if e (校园生活)(1)上课、选课、听讲座、听报告1 (2)作业(3)考试(4)2. da ily 1 ife(平常生活)(1)旅游(4)医院(7)(2)打工 (5)银行(8(3)餐馆(6 )邮局 场、1.学校场景的背景基本知识学生场景fr eshman 大一学生 jsoph o mo r e 大学二年 级生,有二年经验的ijun ior s t u de n t 大三学生j senior student 大四 学生,高年级学生junderg r ad u ate student 本科生g r ad u a te s tu d ent / po
2、 s tg r a duat e st u den t图书馆宾馆 乂9)电话)机(10)购物车站研究生 masters degree 硕士学位bachelors degre e 学士学位 j d o ctor stud e nt / d octor candida t e 博士研究 生post doc t or stud ent 博士后jalumni / a lum n u s 校友t age,电报 tel e gram超重 ove r weight j罚款加急电报 urgent c a ble fine快递 EMS (Exp r e ssM ail Servi c e )联合包裹快递服务UP
3、S (Un ited P a r ce 1 S ervice)5,租房子、住宾馆场景宾馆场景J宾馆h o tel单人间s i ngl e r oom,双小旅馆,小客栈inn J汽车人间d ouble roomj浴室旅馆 mot e 1bathr o om订房间 b o ok / make a rese前台front d es k /r v ationrece pt ionj行李搬运工订满b ooked u p / oc c u pporter1叫早服务w a keiedupcall客房服务room se r v i ce租房场景房租 re nt j房东 land 1风景画post e rj橱柜
4、c ao rdbi n eti 书架bo o k case /房客 renter/ tenantshel f契约lease / a g r e淋浴管道sho wer pipeementj水电费 util i ties修理fix / r e pai r门厅hal 1坏了br e a k d o wn家具f u r n i ture裂缝1 e ak,管道pipe,修理公司 ro o f i ng com p any,修理工作 repair jo b j 修理工 ma i n t e n a n c电话场景、工作场景e man / rep airman ,管道工p 1 umbe r电工 e 1 e
5、ctr i cian电话场景接线员 op e rators长途电话callove r s e as cal coll1 ine is b u sy put sb. tlong d istance越洋电话对方付费电话 e ct call占线 Th e / enga g e d. 把电话接通r e d i t for the cal 1 关机 p o we r of f 不在服务区 not at t he s e r 丫由1先别|挂 P lease h o Id on / hold for a moment.挂电话hang u p投币电话pay phone打入的电话 inc o ming cah
6、rough,信号不好the con n e c tio n is bad让某人重打一次give s b. c 工作场景老板 boss秘书 secre t aryj 前台 re c eption 员 em p loye e j雇主 empl o yerj 面试 in t er v i e w1 1 s j打出的电话 ou t g o in g cal 1 s面试管 in t e r v iewe r面试者 interview e e部门主管 head of d e partmen tqualif i c a t io n j证书 catee x pe r iencee x pe r ien c
7、es credentials 辞职resignre t irej失业1 a yC EO C h ief Exec u tive 资历Offic e r 首席执行官j提高 cert ipro moti o n经验顶头上司 i m m e d iate 经历b oss文凭力口薪 give a raisequ i t提薪 ca u s e d o f liv 退休i n g r a iseoff面试场景申请工作叩P 1 y fo rthe j ob申请 a p plicat i o n全职full-time,兼职part -t i me求职者 job app 1 icator简历r esumej职位
8、p o sit i on / p ost参与面试 h av e take ainterview补充短语At no charge 免费Ages ago很久以前A tri a 1 run练习,预演。A s av i ng accou n t 储蓄户头All tied up工作很忙A lo n g wa y off差的很远Back out退出,食言B e cut out for sth.天生适合于做某事C o unt o n s b./sth.指望Come u p with sth 想出。C u t do w n on sth.减少Com e down with the fl u 感染流感(bird
9、 flu 禽流感)Coun t fo r lit t le/mu c h 关系不大/重大Deman d ing规定严格的Dozeoff 打瞌睡(t a ke a nap)E n d up wit h以的方式结束Feed- b ac k 反馈Fo r anyt h ing无论如何Get stuc k被困住G i ve sb. abreak饶了某人Give sb. a hand 帮助,帮忙Get a 1 on g with 相处的好Hold on t o st h .保存/继续使用H a ve a t o ugh / hard time d o i ng s th.做某事有困难In case o
10、f 以防万一Kee p an e y e on sth.留心某事Know t he r o pe s 熟悉K n ow how技能,诀窍Le t sb. go开除/解雇某人Me e t e ach otherhalfway 互相妥协Out of f ocu s 脱焦Ou t o f the wa y偏僻的,很远的Put up w i th sb.容忍某人Plug and play即插即用Pros and cons 优缺陷P ick up th e tab 1 e 付帐,买单Out of t he question 没门0 u t of que s ti o n 没问题Stick round 逗
11、留Snap to sb.对某人发火S t ay u p a 1 1 ni g h t 熬夜Vice versa反过来亦然短文逻辑词汇一览因素方面JAs .jSince.j B ecause.j Now t hatC o nsi d ering . j G i venFor reaso n tha tTh e r eason whyis.j Be c auseofj Owing toOn a cc o unt ofFor the sake o fDue toj Res u It fromT hanks t oj A t trib u te to 导致,引起,成为.因素(因素在前),.caus e
12、 j Ie a d t oBring a b o u tC o n t ri b u te t oj Re s u It inA ccount forTri g ger offj Re s ponsibl e f orjT o b 1 ame fo r由于,所以(因素在前)J and so .The r efo r eThu sHencejAs a resultTh a t s whyF or this reas o nAcco r d i nglyA s aconseq u encej ConsequentlySo. thatTooto转折方面JH o weve r j In c o mp
13、a riso n j B u tNe v e r t h eles s j In co n t rastj Where a s y e t开头方面jAt the b e g in n in gFi r st结尾方面Finallyj Last b u t n ot leas tI n sho r tIn con c lusionj In the e n dj at t he end o f举例方面jF or e x am p 1 e j One of theAnot her is j For i n s t a nc e jLikeThis is a n e xam p 1 eIn contra
14、 s tIn contra s t比较,对比方面J As a c o mparison j建议方面In my opin i o n j I s ugge s tjhy no t主题方面jth e to p ic iswe I 1 main! y f o c us on反面或此外一面 A n oth e r p o i n t I w a n t me n t ion isIn a d dition (to) Besi des Apart f rom A s id e fr o mj Moreo verF u rthermoreWhat s morej 0 n the co n t r aryH
15、 o weve rBut on the o t her handj Convers e 1 yj By c ontr a stj Wh e r e asA t o t ally d i ff e rent p i cture lies in 列举话题的各个方面Fi r st/firstly s ec o n d/secondl y t hi r d/thir d 1 y 1 a s t / las t but n ot 1 e a st Tobe g in w ith next fur t hermore fi n ally In t h e first place in the second
16、 place more over by the way Abov e all in ad d ition t hen aft erward last but no t 1 e ast O n the one hand on the other han For one t h i ng f o r a n o t her话题的结束语I n s hort b rie f /brie f ly s u mming u p t o s um up summari z in gt o summarize T o con c lude i n c one 1 usion As a re s u 1 t I
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- 2023 年六级 场景 词汇