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1、人教版英语必修一第一单元知识点修改贴切版词汇 部分 部短语归纳对写作有帮助的短语词语辨析1. add up/add u p to 2 .power(人或国家机构的能力权利)/ene r gy (物理学上的)/ force(自然界法律道德感情或军事力量)/st r e ng t h (固有的潜力,着重指人的)3.ha v e go t to直接加notH a v e直接提前和h a v e to借助助动词do,句中有频度副词时候只 能用have t o形化 词变I. i g nor e vt.忽视ignor a nee .无知i g n orant adj.无知的2. duskn. 黄昏;傍晚d
2、 usk y adj .灰暗的: 黑暗的3 . add v.添加;增长additi on n .加,附 加a d ditional adj.添加的;附加的重点 单词1 . upse t a力心烦意乱的,不安的;不适的vt. (ups e t, ups e t)2 . c once r n r.担忧;涉及;关系到n.紧张,关注;(利害)关系3 . sett 1 e v t.安家;定居;停留vt.使定居,安家;解决4 . suff e r v t .& vi.遭受;忍受;经历 5. d i sa g ree vt.不批准重点 词组1. add up 合计2. go t h r ough 经历;经受
3、3. on p u r p o se 故意4. ge t a long w i th与某人相处;(工作的)进展5. in order to为了重点句子1. Moth e r as k ed her if/ w hel h er s he w a s ve r y hot w i h so m a ny clothes on.2. I d o nt s e t dow n a series of facts i n a diar y as m o st p eople do .3. . i t wa s t h e first t im e in a yea r and a h alf t ha
4、t Td seen t he nigh t f a c e t o face.重点语法直接引语和间接引语拓展练习自测语言要点(模块)一、短语归纳1.做个好朋友 t o b e a good f r i en d2.做下列调查 mak e the f o How i n g s u rvey 3.合计总分 add u p th e sc o re.得分 get p o ints 5.心烦意乱地来到学校come to s chool up s e t6.不理睬铃声i gno r e thebell.使你那个德国朋友安静卜来c a Im down you r Gc r ma n friend7 .关
5、心你朋友 be con c er n ed a bou( y o ur fri e n d ( s )9 .松开了 get loose.不得不去户外遛狗 have g ot t o walk th e dog o u t doors10 .帮他期末考试作弊 help him c he a I in (he en d -of-term exam.列出理由 make a list of r ea s o ns / list t h e r e a s on s13.记下一连串的请求 set down a serie s ofr equ e s ts. 根据问卷调查 a c co r ding t
6、o the q u esti o nna i re1 5 .根据编辑的忠告 accordin g to th eeditors advi c e1 6.为了分担你的困难 i n orde r tosh are y o ur difficu 1 ties / tro u b 1 e s 1 7 .与老板相爱 fall in Iov c with t h c boss 答案:1 . The house caught a big fire 1 as t night, wit h nothin g le f t in it.2. With Mr Sm i t h to teach t hem Eng
7、1 ish n e xt term , th e y will be greatl y impro v e d in s p oken En g 1 ish.5.1 don s et d ow n a serie s of fa c ts in a d i a ry as most p e ople d o我不乐意像大多数人那样在日记中记流水帐解释a s引导的从句为比较状语从句,意为“像大多数人那么做as用作连词,可引导下列状语从句:1) ).引导状语从句,强调主句谓语动词与从句谓语的同时性 Ashe grew olde r he lost i n ter e s t in e v e r y
8、 thing except ga r d cni n g.随着他年纪越来越大,他失去了对所有事物的爱好,除了园艺。2) .引导让步状语从句,表达”尽管,虽然,即使”(从句需倒装)Cold a s it i s , my bro t her w e a r s only a shim 尽管天气冷,我哥只穿了一件衬衫。3) .引导方式状语从句,表达“以方式As w ate r is to fis h , s o ai r is t o man.我们离不开空气,就像鱼儿离不开水。W h y didnt you take the me d icin e a s I to 1 d y ou to?为什么
9、你没有按我说的服这药?4) .引导因素状语从句(=since; b e cau s e ),“由于,由于As you w crc n o t there, I left a mess a gc. 由于当时你不在那,所以我给你留了便条。5)引导比较状语从句。She is as ta 1 1 a s you.她和你同样高。练习中译英 1 .随着年龄的增长我越来越对科学感爱好。2 .由于雨下得很大,你最佳穿上雨衣。3 .他学习很努力,但考试还是没及格。答案:1. A s 1 ge t older 1 get mo r e i nte r e s le d in scie n ce.2. As i l
10、 is r a i n i ng h ard,yo u d bet t er p u( on your r a inco a t.3. Hard a s h e worked, he failed in th e e xam.6. It is / was the.time th at第几次解释tha t从句中的谓语动词一般用完毕时态。1 ). 11 is the firs t t i me that h e ha s hear d thissong.练习中译英1这是他第二次来中国。2.这是我第一次举办画展。答案:1. It is the second t ime t hat he has co
11、m e to China.2. It was the first tim e that I had h eld a n ar t exhi b ition.1 8 .与我的同桌相处融洽 get a 1 ong / on w e 1 1 wi t h my d eskmate 1 9.关心青少年 be c o n c e meda b out teenagers2 0.为了和老板面对面地交流 in o r d er i o c o mmun i cate with t he bo s s face to f a c e21.信任政府 tru s t / be 1 i e ve in th e g
12、 over n m e nt22.经历了太多的战争 g o throug h too many wars2 4 .相邻的国家 nei g h b o r ing countries2 3 .相邻的城乡 neigh b orin g to w ns二、.词语辨析1 . c h e at / fo o 1【解释】cheat重要指赚钱的买卖中或游戏竞赛中欺骗人,骗取人的钱等。fool “愚弄”,指运用人缺少常识,心理脆弱来欺骗人。【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空 答案:。1 ) . cheated) .foo 11 ). You may get in that shop. 2). He c
13、a n t h er. Sh e s ee s thr o ug h h im e ver y time.2 . c alm / qu i et / si 1 e nt / still【解释】calm天气、水、水面(表风平浪静);(指人时)表达镇定自如。quiet表“宁静”、“安静”、“寂静”,侧重没有响声,没有噪音和没有动静。指人时侧重性格温和,文静。 sileni表“沉默”、“不发言”、“不说话”,经常表达人不爱说话,沉默无语。sti 1 1 “不动的”,指人时侧重一动不动,:指物时指完全没有声音,突出静止不动【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空I). Pie a s e stand
14、 w h ile I la k e your photo. 2) . W h y do you keep ? 3). Eve r y t h i ng w a s.4) . He r e m a ined in th e fa c e of th e enem y .答案:1). s t ill 2). si 1 ent 3). q u iet 4 ) . calm三.词性变化(旨在提供语法填空所需材料)1 . ign o re v t.忽视ignorance n.无知ignor a nt a d J.无知的2. dusk n.黄昏;傍晚d usky. adj .灰暗的;黑暗 的3. add
15、v.添加;增长a d d it i o n n.力口,附加additional adj.添力口的;附力口的4.d u sty a dj.积满灰尘的dus t n.灰尘四.重点词汇1. s urvey n.调查,勘察,检测The r e po r t cr mad e a su r vey of r i v e r poll u tion.短语m a ke a surve yof做.调查。典例C C TV public opini o n ab o u t the p o ison o u s milk p 0 wder.A. make a 1 i st of B . make a re c o
16、rd of C. ma k e a survey of D . make fun of 问:其他三个词组是什么意思呢?2. up s e t a dj.心烦意乱的,不安的;不适的vt. (upset, upset) 典例1). J a mes was upset b e cau s e h e had lo s this t ickel.詹姆斯很烦躁由于他把票弄丢了。2) . I w a s ve r y up s e t b ec a us e one of my frie n d s wa s r u de t o m e .我很心烦,由于我的一个朋友对 我很无理。3) . His che
17、ating i n t h e ex a m u p s et h i s teache r .他在考试中作弊,这使他老师很气愤。4) . Thestudents re a 11 y upse t h e r.学生们着实让她烦恼。注意:u p s et做动词的时候,主语必须是令人不安的因素。The bad new s upset h im.重点用法Lbe upset a bou t / ov e r /a t对感到心烦意乱 upsetsth打乱(计划/安排)练习The hurri c ane came u nexpecte d ly, witch ou r pla n e .A. damag
18、e d B. upset C. h a rmed D. g av e upi g n or e v. 不理睬;忽视S he saw him c o ming bu t she i g n o r ed him.拓展ign o r a nt a dj.无知的,粗鲁的,无理的;ignorance无知,愚昧,不知道典例用 ignora n ce ignor a nt ignore 填空。1,他们一直蒙在鼓里,不知道他落了难。T hey rema i ned of h i s cru e 1 f a te.2 .对于他的孤陋寡闻,我着实吃了一惊。Iwas surp r i s cd at h is.3
19、 .小孩不乖时,别去理他,不久他就会不闹了。the ch i 1 d if he m i s b ehaves, and he w ill soon stop.KEY : ign o rant i gnorance Ignoreca 1 m v.使安静;使镇定a可.安静的;镇定的;沉着的Jim t r ied to cal m t h e f ri g h t e n e d childr e n .Y ou shou 1 d k e e p calm even i n t h e face of d anger.拓展:calm down使安静下来,安静下来When s he heard t
20、h e ne w s, s h e was so excited that nothing cou 1 d c a Im h e r down.The crying chi 1 dre n s oon c a line d d o wn.Calm down. sir. Wha t is the troubl e ?3. concern 担忧;涉及;关系到n.紧张,关注;(利害)关系例1) .The news concerns your bro t h e r.这消息与你兄弟有关。2) . The boys poor hca 1 th co n cern e d h i s pa r ents.
21、那男孩健康状况不佳,使他的父母亲忧虑。3) . Th a fs n o co n cern o f mi n e.那不关我的事。重点用法as/ so f a r as . be concern e d 关于;至于;就而言As far as Engl is h is co n ce r n e d, he is t h e fi r st in t he c lass.就英语而言,他是全班第一的。b e c o n c e r n ed ab o ut/fbr 关心 be c oncemed wilh 与.有关We a re a 1 I concerned about/ for her safe
22、ty.T h is t e xt is concer n ed w i th bas k e t b a 11 star s .练习用co n cern的适当形式填空. The r e i s a n article t h at t he rise of the prices.1) . Thec hi 1 dren a rerather about thei r m o thershea 1th.2) . Offi c ials s h oul d th emsel v es pub 1 ic aff a irs.答案:1) .concerns 2). cone e rn e d 3) .
23、c on c e r n . with1 oos e adj.松开的;松的He w e n t to the d enlis t because h e had a loose to o th.Check t hat the button h as n o t come loos e .loose构成的短语:come /get loo se松开,松动br e ak loos e 挣脱1 e t1 oose松开,放开,使自由典例I. Sh e usually w e ars hear(松散的)。2. Who h a s(放开了 狗)?KEY: I o ose 1 e t t h e d og 1
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