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《(浙江专用)2022高考英语二轮复习阅读提速练(五).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(浙江专用)2022高考英语二轮复习阅读提速练(五).pdf(26页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、浙江专用浙江专用 20222022 高考英语二轮高考英语二轮复习阅读提速练五复习阅读提速练五阅读提速练阅读提速练(五五)(建议用时:建议用时:3030 分钟分钟)阅读理解阅读理解(共两节,总分值共两节,总分值 3535 分分)第一节第一节(共共 1010 小题;每题小题;每题 2.52.5 分,总分值分,总分值 2525分分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的阅读以下短文,从每题所给的 A A、B B、C C 和和 D D 四四个选项中,选出最正确选项。个选项中,选出最正确选项。A A(2022杭州诊断(2022杭州诊断)In)In AmericanAmerican countryside,count
2、ryside,the message we hear is this:Go and get anthe message we hear is this:Go and get aneducation.Leave your small town and makeeducation.Leave your small town and makesomethingsomethingofofyourself.yourself.SuccessSuccessandandopportunity are found elsewhere.opportunity are found elsewhere.AfterAf
3、ter graduatinggraduating fromfrom a a highhigh schoolschool ininHelena,Arkansas,I did go.Helena,Arkansas,I did go.I went to Colby College in Maine.I hadI went to Colby College in Maine.I hadvisited the school ahead of time,so I knewvisited the school ahead of time,so I knewwhat I was getting myself
4、into.I knew aboutwhat I was getting myself into.I knew about-2-2-the difference in weather.I understood thethe difference in weather.I understood thedifferencedifference inin socialsocial atmosphere.atmosphere.ButBut I I wantedwantedto stretch myself and get out of my comfortto stretch myself and ge
5、t out of my comfortzone.And you know what?I absolutely lovedzone.And you know what?I absolutely lovedmymy timetime there.there.ButBut oneone thingthing tooktook meme bybysurprisesurprisethethelacklackofofcountrysidecountrysiderepresentation.representation.MostMost ofof thethe otherother studentsstud
6、ents atatColbyColby werewere fromfrom bigbig cities:cities:NewNew York,York,Boston,Boston,Los Angeles,San Francisco.And when I hadLos Angeles,San Francisco.And when I hadconversationsconversations withwith thesethese studentsstudents inin ororoutsideoutside ofof classclasswewe almostalmost alwaysalw
7、ays focusedfocused onontopics facing large American cities.In mytopics facing large American cities.In myeducationeducation classes,classes,itit waswas alwaysalways“urbanurbanthisthis and and“urban thaturban thatItIt waswas likelike smallsmall towntown AmericaAmerica didndidnt texist.exist.AndAnd th
8、isthis urbanurban interestinterest doesndoesn t t justjust happenhappeninin college.college.I I wentwent toto anan educationeducation conferenceconference-3-3-a a couplecouple ofof yearsyears ago,ago,andand a a professorprofessorsomeonesomeone whowho hadhad beenbeen atat thethe forefrontforefront of
9、ofeducational reformeducational reformwas there to deliver awas there to deliver akeynote.I was chosen to be part of a smallkeynote.I was chosen to be part of a smallgroup that got to meet with him.So there wegroup that got to meet with him.So there wewere,were,fivefive oror sixsix ofof usus sitting
10、sitting inin a a room,room,andandI I askedasked him,him,“WhatWhat areare youryour thoughtsthoughts onon thethestate of education in the countrysidestate of education in the countryside?And this man was speechless.And this man was speechless.I Ill never forget that moment.It speaksll never forget tha
11、t moment.It speakstotoa alargerlargertruth.truth.TownsTownslikelikeminemineareareforgotten.forgotten.ThisThistrendtrendofofexportingexportingtalenttalentandandresourcesresources toto ourour bigbig citiescitiesthisthis mindsetmindset ofofleavingleaving smallsmall townstowns andand nevernever comingco
12、ming backbackI Idondont want to add to that movement.I wantt want to add to that movement.I wantto reverse that movement.to reverse that movement.NowNow itit s s mymy turnturn toto helphelp peoplepeople youngeryounger thanthan-4-4-me.And you know what?Ime.And you know what?I m a sixth gradem a sixth
13、 gradeteacher in Helena now.teacher in Helena now.1 1What do people in American countrysideWhat do people in American countrysidethink of the future of the youth at home?think of the future of the youth at home?A ASecure.Secure.B BFragile.Fragile.C CPromising.Promising.D DBright.Bright.2 2HowHow wou
14、ldwould thethe authorauthor feelfeel aboutabout thetheprofessorprofessors reaction?s reaction?A AItIts emotional.s emotional.C CItIts positive.s positive.disappointing.disappointing.3 3What is the author doing now?What is the author doing now?A ATeaching in a college.Teaching in a college.B BFightin
15、g for the movement.Fighting for the movement.C CWorking with the professor.Working with the professor.D DDevoting himself to his hometown.Devoting himself to his hometown.B BB BItIts natural.s natural.D DItIts s-5-5-CocaCoca Cola,which reportedlyCola,which reportedlyproduced more than 3 million tons
16、produced more than 3 million tonsofof plasticplastic packagingpackaging inin 2022,2022,announcedannounced thatthatitit wantedwanted toto“helphelp fixfix thethe worldworlds s plasticplasticwaste problem one community(waste problem one community(社区社区)at a)at atimetimeTheThe sodasoda giantgiant isis do
17、ingdoing soso byby providingproviding$5.4$5.4millionmillion forfor recyclingrecycling programsprograms inin citiescities likelikeAtlanta,Atlanta,Boston,Boston,DenverDenver andand Houston.Houston.InIn thesethesecities,cities,partners,partners,likelikeTheTheGreenGreenBlueBlueInstituteInstituteandand T
18、heThe RecyclingRecyclingPartnership,Partnership,which receive the money,will work togetherwhich receive the money,will work togetherto improve recycling rates.to improve recycling rates.“WeWe focusfocus onon areasareas wherewhere wewe havehave thetheabilityability toto makemake thethe biggestbiggest
19、 influenceinfluence ononcommunities through the funding and expertcommunities through the funding and expertskillsskills ofof CocaColaCocaColaemployeesemployees,CarlosCarlosPagoaga,Pagoaga,CocaCocaColaCola s s groupgroup directordirector ofof-6-6-communitycommunity partnerships,partnerships,saidsaid
20、 inin a a statement.statement.“InIn eacheach city,city,locallocal partnerspartners willwill workworktogethertogether toto identifyidentify barriersbarriers toto recyclingrecycling onona a locallocal levellevel andand testtest a a rangerange ofof solutionssolutions,he added.he added.“We hope the lear
21、ning from theseWe hope the learning from thesemodelmodel marketsmarkets cancan offeroffer solutionssolutions totoother cities facing similar challenges.other cities facing similar challenges.AsAspartpartofofthetheeffort,effort,TheTheRecyclingRecyclingPartnership and the city of Atlanta,wherePartners
22、hip and the city of Atlanta,wherethe Cocathe Coca Cola companyCola companys headquarters ares headquarters arebased,will send street teams out to openbased,will send street teams out to openrecyclingrecycling cartscarts andand leaveleave citizenscitizens cardscardsinforminginforming themthem whatwha
23、t theythey cancan andand cancan t trecycle,recycle,andand letlet themthem knowknow howhow theirtheir effortseffortswork.work.“TwoTwo ofof thethe mostmost urgenturgent problemsproblems withwithrecyclingrecycling inin thethe U U S.S.todaytoday areare lacklack ofof accessaccessandand thethe pollutionpo
24、llution inin recyclingrecycling,KeefeKeefe-7-7-Harrison,CEO of The Recycling Partnership,Harrison,CEO of The Recycling Partnership,saidsaid inin a a statement.statement.“WeWe knowknow fromfrom thethesuccesssuccess ofof AtlantaAtlanta inin 20222022 thatthat thethe citizenscitizenswantwant toto recycl
25、e,recycle,andand thatthat communicatingcommunicating withwiththem in the street works.them in the street works.LastLast year,year,CocaCoca ColaCola announcedannounced itsits tasktask totocollectcollect andand reusereuse a a bottlebottle oror cancan forfor eacheach oneoneitit sells,sells,andand incre
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- 浙江 专用 2022 高考 英语 二轮 复习 阅读 提速