《国际商务谈判中“红鲱鱼”诱捕手段的应对,商务管理论文.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国际商务谈判中“红鲱鱼”诱捕手段的应对,商务管理论文.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、国际商务谈判中“红鲱鱼诱捕手段的应对,商务管理论文随着经济全球化的不断深切进入,上海自贸区的成立和蓬勃发展,国际商务会谈将愈加普遍的存在。正如美国会谈会谈专家尼尔伦伯格所讲: 会谈是一个 合作的利己主义 的经过 ,而国际商务会谈,由于会谈各方的文化差异所带来的价值观和思维方式的差异,就决定了其不仅仅仅是实力与智慧的较量,更是谋略与技巧的角逐。全球竞争中最有效的会谈策略,应该属于那些对各种文化融会贯穿并集古今中外之大成者。 红鲱鱼 策略,是国际商务会谈中常见的一种诱捕手段。 罗杰 道森曾在(优势会谈一书中指出:对方首先会提出一个不是很重要的要求而后收回,作为回报,要求你做出真正重要的让步。作为一
2、种不道德的会谈策略,罗杰 道森建议在应对时要小心,一定不要分散自个的精神。 一、反客为主 例:A: Your quotation is a little high for us. Would you then be prepared to accept responsibility forbreakages? As a rule, we expect the transport firm topay for any breakages. B : I a m s o r r y t h a t w e c a n n o t t a k e t h eresponsibility for bre
3、akages. Our normal costs do notinclude breakages. The client is always responsible forthe insurance of goods in transport. A: We really could not accept that. So is thereany possibility of a lower price from you? B: That might be possible, but again, of course, itwould depend on the amount of busine
4、ss just as what Isaid before. 反客为主,即变被动为主动。此例中,A想要B来承当货物损害的风险,而这对B来讲是不合常理的,B公司无此先例。显然B早已破解了A的策略,意识到所谓风险只不过是A的托辞,A想要的是possibility of a lower price.但是由于B也不确定A 的订单会有多少,面对A的步步紧逼,出于慎重考虑,B提出货物的折扣将depend on the amount of business,既没有明确讲不给折扣,也没有讲一定打折,指出其折扣会根据订单的大小而不是accept responsibility for breakages.B反客为主
5、,扭转了自个在会谈中的不利地位,为其进一步合作打下基础。 此计要求会谈者对信息的甄别能力很强,不能被对方所误导。在会谈前做好各种预设,并对会谈经过中可能出现的分歧做好提早应对措施。会谈经过中始终明确并坚守自个的目的和底线就显得尤其重要。同时,要恰当地使用模糊语,此例中dependon the amount of business就是模糊语,巧妙应对对方 红鲱鱼策略 的同时,也表示清楚了自个的态度,营造了和谐的会谈气氛,有利于双方长久合作关系的建立。 二、釜底抽薪 A: I know you have buyers offering higher prices. But don t you re
6、alize that US$70 is not good enoughto remain in good terms with us? We still want the oilat the standard price of US$50 a barrel. B: The recent problems in the Middle East arethreatening the supply of oil to our country. It ispossible that the new oil crisis will lead to a state ofemergency, which c
7、ould even mean that the price willdouble. We are offering you a very low price due tospecial considerations. You want to secure a contactat the old price. But is that realistic? Look, I willbring the price down to US$60, but we expect you topay for all the oil in advance. Otherwise, the price isUS$6
8、5 a barrel. 此部分出现了三个价格:US$50 per barrel , US$60 perbarrel , US$65 per barrel,能够分析此次会谈的本质是价格战。A提出to remain in good terms 想要原来的US$50 perbarrel成交,紧接着B晓之以情动之以理,给A分析国际紧张局势,并暗示石油价格可能会上升,告知A无法根据曾经的价格卖给他,然后抛出红鲱鱼:US$60 per barrel,但要pay for all the oilin advance. A: We accept the price at US$60 per barrel. Bu
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