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1、陕西省陕西省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识自我检年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识自我检测试卷测试卷 A A 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、下列语句中,没有语病的一项是()。A.就如何应对交通不畅导致供需矛盾的问题,公司领导讨论和听取了各车间主任提出的 AB 和 C 三套方案,并最终决定执行 A 方案B.疫情期间,有关部门对部分不遵守隔离措施,蛮横无礼甚至殴打医生、护士的各类事件,进行了严肃的批评教育,对涉及刑事的,也处理得相当快速公正C.峡谷中的土域肥沃,加上昼夜温差较大,较为适宣种植经济作物、柑橘,还适合种植烟草。D.中国哲学讲究阴阳五行,凡事相克
2、相生,饮茶也不例外,什么季节,什么气候、什么体质适合喝什么茶都有一番说道。【答案】D2、中国人民银行在()领导下依法独立执行货币政策,履行职责,开展业务。A.全国人民代表大会B.全国人民代表大会常务委员会C.中国银行保险监督管理委员会D.国务院【答案】D3、2012 年 GDP 增速目标为();全年 CPI 控制在 4%。A.7.5%B.7.8%C.7.6%D.8%【答案】A4、计算机网络突出的优点是()。A.存储容量大B.运算速度快C.共享资源和信息交换D.精度高【答案】C5、The_of their years of education was 10.96 with a minimum o
3、f 7and a maximum of 17.A.meanB.medianC.modeD.average【答案】B6、现金清查中,发现现金短缺 500 元,经研究决定由出纳人员赔偿 300 元,余款报损。则批准处理后的会计分录为()。A.借:库存现金 500 贷:待处理财产损溢 500B.借:待处理财产损溢 500 贷:现金 500C.借:其他应收款 300 营业外支出 200 贷:待处理财产损溢 500D.借:其他应收款 300 管理费用 200 贷:待处理财产损溢 500【答案】D7、美国历史上首位华裔驻华大使是()。A.赵小兰B.张之香C.骆家辉D.朱棣文【答案】C8、Passage 8
4、A.cause it can make trees grow tallerB.Because it can improve the shape of the treesBBecause it can getrid of the small ranchesC.Because it can make the small branches thicker【答案】B9、在智能手机的配置中,“ROM”指的是()A.闪存B.运行内存C.只读内存D.随机存储内存【答案】C10、资料:Why is Salt Bad for You?A.his family doctorB.a heart specialist
5、C.research scientistsD.a nutrition expert【答案】D11、在 LM 曲线的凯恩斯区域,()。A.货币政策有效B.财政政策有效C.财政政策无效D.财政政策和货币政策同样无效【答案】B12、中国是世界上()的国家。A.森林资源最丰富B.植物种类最多C.微生物种类最多D.动物种类最多【答案】D13、刘强是某大型商场的总经理,近日通过调查发现:商场基层员工近期工作效率下滑、缺勤率上升、工作积极性下降,基层员工与客户的不和谐事件也呈上升趋势。员工普遍反映:工作枯燥乏味,没有挑战性与职业生涯规划,无法有效施展自己的才能;沟通机会少,没有有效的沟通平台;大龄未婚员工人
6、数日渐上升,员工的这些情况反映出在高层次需要没有得到满足时,对低层次的需要就会显得更加渴望,这符合()的观点。A.奥尔德佛(ERG)理论B.赫茨伯格双因素理论C.马斯洛需求层次理论D.麦克里兰三重需求理论【答案】A14、下列有关中国近代史上重要历史人物与其所做出的贡献,搭配不正确的是()A.左宗棠一收复新疆B.林则徐一虎门销烟C.李鸿章一辛亥革命D.冯子材一镇南关大捷【答案】C15、If you do what you really like,you will know how it feels to be()and relaxed.A.dispassionB.soberC.noiseless
7、D.calm【答案】D16、Education about consumption taxes is more likely to boostgrowth,_the growth effects of income and capital taxes areambiguous。A.ifB.whenC.whileD.for【答案】C17、下列说法不正确的是()。A.舞低杨柳楼心月柳永B.两情若是久长时秦观C.此情无计可消除李清照D.可惜流年、忧愁风雨辛弃疾【答案】A18、Guess,how much does it cost?A.fromB.betweenC.amongD.with【答案】B19
8、、资料:Tencent Holdings Ltd has announced that it will fully openup its big data platform and machine learning technology in a move tobuild a sharing economy based on cloud services.Enterprises willbe able to use a set of big data analysis tools developed by Tencent,helping them gain a better understan
9、ding of their clients and improvetheir products.A.dig intoB.specialize inC.break intoD.make use of【答案】A20、The more diverse knowledge one understands and actively absorbs,the probability of finding useful and _discoveries.A.novelB.conventionalC.rebelliousD.narrative【答案】A21、在观看体育比赛时。如果发生人员骚乱,被人推挤倒地后,应
10、立即让自己保持()的状态避免遭受到更严重的伤害。A.侧卧B.平躺C.俯卧D.抱团【答案】D22、资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven andunwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business.But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.A.arrange schedule according to the deadlineB.drive according to the
11、 deadlineC.afraid of the deadlineD.procrastinative【答案】A23、资料:Chinas Fosun has offered to buy almost 17 percent ofMillennium BCP,Portugals largest listed bank,and potentially liftits stake to 30 percent,following a having in its share price in theyear to date.A.?197.3 millionB.?240.7 millionC.?438 mi
12、llionD.?43.4 million【答案】C24、一个立方体随意翻动,每次翻动朝上一面的颜色与翻动前都不同,那么这个立方体的颜色至少有几种?()A.3B.4C.5D.6【答案】A25、资料:Its easy to trace the evolution of the automobile.Atmost,were only talking about a few centuries of technologicaldevelopment,and most of the plans,prototypes and models are stillaround.With just a littl
13、e research,you can easily trace the latestmodel electric hybrid back to its steam-powered ancestors.A.methods of genealogyB.methods of archaeology linguisticsC.methods of anthropologyD.methods of primatology【答案】D26、出纳员接到会计部门递交的现金支票,审查后,登记(),并按支款凭证配款。A.现金收入日记簿B.现金付出日记簿C.银行存款付出日记簿D.银行存款支出日记簿【答案】B27、Af
14、ter a long and difficult strike,the plant workers will show upto work_Monday.A.starting onB.afterwardsC.insteadD.outside【答案】A28、债券本期收益率的计算公式是()。A.票面收益/市场价格B.票面收益/债券面值C.(出售价格一购买价格)/市场价格D.(出售价格一购买价格)/债券面值【答案】A29、The customer wanted to get a refund,because the purchasedmerchandise was neither good in q
15、uality()price.A.orB.norC.forD.but【答案】B30、Construction on a new wing at the Markunas Museum _as soon asadditional funding has been arranged.A.has been resumedB.to be resumingC.was resumedD.will resume【答案】D31、在银行发放贷款的情况下,货币作为价值运动的独立形式从银行单方面转移到借款人,这时货币的职能是()。A.价值尺度B.支付手段C.流通手段D.贮藏手段【答案】B32、To meet the
16、ethical requirements,the participants were informedthat their involvement in the study was voluntary and that theirpersonal privacy would be treated_.A.confidentiallyB.proudlyC.confidentlyD.secretly【答案】A33、审计证据的()是指审计证据能如实反映客观事实。A.可靠性B.及时性C.相关性D.谨慎性【答案】A34、阅读理解A.the distortion of reality by scienceB
17、.the confusion caused by emotionsC.Platonic and contemporary views of truthD.the place of scientific truth in our lives【答案】D35、()in computer technology are allowing users to reach intoany part of the world by just clicking a mouse.A.AdvancementB.AdvancesC.AdvancingD.Advance【答案】B36、当某厂商以最小成本生产既定产量时,那
18、它()。A.总收益为零B.一定获得最大利润C.一定未获得最大利姻D.无法确定是否获得最大利润【答案】D37、资料:We all know that lack of sleep affects our memory alongwith other cognitive abilities.Sitting in the office sleep deprivesits difficult to remember your own name,let along the ever-lengthening to-do list.A.The memory distortionB.The amount of
19、sleepC.The short-term memoryD.The ability to recall long list【答案】B38、计算机系统软件中最核心、最重要的是()。A.语言处理系统B.数据库管理系统C.操作系统D.诊断程序【答案】C39、资料:MemoA.Your Best Fitness PlanB.Green EatsC.The Olymplans CookbookD.The Pharaohs Lives【答案】B40、The()of climbing to the top of the corporate ladder is bestdefined in the new b
20、ook published by Scott Thompson,one of the mostsuccessful businessmen in history.A.challengeB.dimensionC.introductionD.compassion【答案】A41、以下不属于金融衍生品的是()。A.股票B.远期C.期货D.期权【答案】A42、在管理的各项职能中,()职能能够保证目标及为其而制订的计划得以实现。A.领导B.协调C.控制D.计划【答案】C43、如果一个公司经营状况严重恶化,要谨慎采用哪种用组织变革方式?()A.改良式B.渐进式C.计划式D.爆破式【答案】D44、Comput
21、er cannot remember who has used it;it simply does what().A.it is toldB.it was toldC.it has toldD.it told【答案】A45、重点向国家基础设施、基础产业和支柱产业项目以及重大技术改造和高新技术产业化 项目发放贷款的银行是().A.中国建设银行B.国家开发银行C.中国进出口银行D.中国农业发展银行【答案】B46、资料:Britain is facing a“crisis of fatherlessness”in whichalmost half of all children born today
22、 will not be living with bothparents by the time they are 15,the new chief executive of thethinktank founded by Iain Duncan Smith has warned.A.preferential policies for the poorer childrenB.more comprehensive research into its causesC.headteachers good at inspiring talented childrenD.solutions to th
23、e conflict in the education sector【答案】C47、下列语句排序最恰当的一项是()。A.(3)(1)(4)(5)(6)(2)B.(4)(6)(2)(3)(1)(5)C.(3)(6)(1)(5)(2)(4)D.(4)(1)(3)(2)(5)(6)【答案】A48、When Monte broke the glass,he tried to put the()backtogether.A.fragmentsB.piecesC.bitsD.slices【答案】A49、某商场进货一批家用小电器,每件的利润率是 50%(利润率=利润/售价100%),促销当天卖出了全部的 1
24、/3,得利润 1500 元,后续一周卖出余下的1/5,得利润 600 元,已知剩下的商品数量是 120 个,则这批家用小电器的售价是()元。A.20B.30C.40D.10【答案】C50、资料:Faces,like fingerprints,are unique.Did you ever wonderhow it possible for us to recognize people?Even a skilled writerprobably could not describe all the features that make one facedifferent from another
25、.Yet a very young child or even an animal,such as a pingeon can learm to recognize faces.We all take thisability for granted.A.People differ from each in appearanceB.Different people may have different personalitiesC.People can learn to recognize facesD.People can describe all the features of others
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- 陕西省 2023 银行 招聘 综合 知识 自我 检测 试卷 答案