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1、陕西省陕西省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识能力提年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识能力提升试卷升试卷 A A 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、The orphanage is just one of her _ causes.A.phoneticB.philanthropicC.prevalentD.lunatic【答案】B2、按照银行业监督管理法的规定,银行业金融机构应当严格遵守()。A.资产负债比例管理B.库存现金管理规定C.审慎经营规则D.严格贷款审查【答案】C3、下列有关债权的说法中正确的有()。A.债的标的包括物、给付、智力成果B.债的标的为给
2、付C.债的标的为物和给付D.债的标的为物和智力成果【答案】B4、资料:Even as rich countries seek to rid workplaces of subtlegender bias,in many developing ones discrimination remains overt.According to the World Bank,women are barred from certain jobs in104 countries.(1)A.Some jobs are too dangerous for womenB.Men are hunting higher
3、 paid jobs in other placesC.In specific areas women are paid higher than menD.Women have the choice of not bearing children【答案】B5、同业往来科目属于()科目。A.资产负债共同类B.资产类C.负债类D.损益类【答案】A6、若网络形状是由站点和连接站点的链路组成的一个闭合环,则称这种拓扑结构为()。A.星形拓扑B.总线拓扑C.环形拓扑D.树形拓扑【答案】C7、在财产清查中,填制的“账存实存对比表”是()。A.登记总账、明细账的直接依据B.调整账面记录的记账凭证C.调整账面
4、记录的原始凭证D.登记日记账的直接依据【答案】C8、下列选项中,对古文化常识描述错误的是()。A.古称兄弟间的老大为“伯”,古代兄弟间以伯、仲、叔、季为排行顺序,古人常在字前加排行次序,如“伯离”、“仲尼”、“叔向”、“季路”等B.垂髫是古时对 60 岁以上老妇人的别称,髫是指老人轻软披散的头发C.古代位居方向有尊卑之称,如南向为胜、尊,以北向为败、卑;以东为主为首,以西为从为次。后渐以“东家”为主人的代称D.蛾眉,亦作“娥眉”,古代美女的代称,“蛾眉”本为女子长而美的眉毛,代指女子美貌,进而代称美女【答案】B9、资料:Poor health is not only damaging to e
5、mployees,it isdetrimental to businesses.Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-related illnesses,such as hypertension,gastrointestinal problems,and substance abuse.says Rubin.A.In companies where good health is promoted,employees are morelikely to be loyal and productiveB.Offering seminars,startin
6、g competitions and offering discount ongym memberships will be costly,so companies should not pay muchattention to these activitiesC.Exercise plays an important role of building a strong bodyD.Chronic stress in the workplace might be harmful to the companysinterest【答案】B10、2011 年 4 月 14 日,()加入金砖国家以来,
7、该国总统首次以“金砖国家”成员国的身 份参加金砖国家集团第三次首脑会议。A.南非B.印度C.俄罗斯D.巴西【答案】A11、工厂有 5 条效率不同的生产线。某个生产项目如果任选 3 条生产线一起加工,最快需要 6 天整,最慢需要 12 天整;5 条生产线一起加工,则需要 5 天整。问如果所有生产线的产能都扩大一倍,任选 2 条生产线一起加工最多需要多少天完成?()A.11B.13C.15D.30【答案】C12、Whenever I try to_up what innovation looks like,the sameslideshow of images clicks across my m
8、ind.A.comeB.figureC.conjureD.set【答案】C13、资料:Up to 80 per cent of the worlds middle classes will livein developing countries by 2030 thanks to surprising recent gains inpoverty reduction,according to a United Nations report published onThursday.A.the economic development of China is importantB.the rol
9、e of some developing countries is significant for povertyreductionC.14 countries are developing faster than ChinaD.it is crucial to make a clear goal first【答案】B14、下列属于增值税征收的事项是()。A.某公司出售办公大楼B.某电力公司销售电力C.某公司转让土地使用权D.某农民销售自产农产品【答案】B15、如果会计信息的省略或者错报会影响投资者等财务报告使用者据此作出决策的,该信息就具有()。A.可比性B.可靠性C.谨慎性D.重要性【答案
10、】D16、下列说法不正确的是()。A.舞低杨柳楼心月柳永B.两情若是久长时秦观C.此情无计可消除李清照D.可惜流年、忧愁风雨辛弃疾【答案】A17、This documentary is particularly compelling:_with previouslyunseen footage and interviews with Houstons closest confidants.A.depleteB.depletedC.repleteD.repleted【答案】D18、国家发改委 2021 年 1 月 19 日表示,我国新型城镇化加快推进,城区常住人口()的城市基本取消落户限制,超过
11、 1 亿农业转移人口在城镇落户。A.400 万以下B.300 万以下C.200 万以下D.100 万以下【答案】B19、资料:The hop flower has been used in beer-making at least sincethe eighth century.Traditionally it was a preservative,but it alsoimparts flavor.To some,the taste is bitter and unpalatable,andthus many brewers use only minimal amounts.But,depe
12、nding on variety,growing conditions,and other factors,hops can impart a range offlavors that connoisseurs say rivals that of wine grapes.Starting inthe nineteen-seventies,small brewers on the West Coast begandramatically upping the amount of hops in their brews.One of theirmost popular products was
13、the India pale ale,or L.P.A.,a brew thathas been around since the late eighteenth century.The story goesthat necessity drove the British to add large quantities of hops inorder to preserve the beer they shipped to India,to quench thethirst of the Sahibs managing the Empire there.A.The British produc
14、ed large quantities of beerB.The British found one of the most popular products called the Indiapale ale,or I.P.AC.The British made Hop flower a necessity and shipped it in largequantities to IndiaD.The British added more hop flower in beer【答案】D20、资料:Many people think of internal control as a means
15、ofsafeguarding cash and preventing fraud.Although internal control isan important factor in protecting assets and preventing fraud,thisis only a part of its roles.Remember that business decisions arebased on accounting data and the system of internal control providesassurance of the dependability of
16、 the accounting data used in makingdecisions.A.Preventing fraudB.Providing help for making decisionsC.Improving the sense of responsibility of employeesD.Protecting assets【答案】C21、资料:It seems simple enough.Take all the line-forming andpaper-filling busy work of the government,and put it all up on the
17、Internet.Now,in order to report a pot-hole,pay your property tax,complain to an official or cast a vote,just log on and hit a fewbuttons.Goodbye bureaucracy,hello e-cracy?A.having public confidenceB.having sufficient investmentC.lowering government spendingD.upgrading government technology【答案】B22、Th
18、is argument sounds reasonable,but()its incorrect.A.fortunatelyB.actuallyC.naturallyD.obviously【答案】B23、All kinds of techniques and medicines _ to extend humanbeings live in recent years.A.have been developedB.are being developedC.were developedD.develop【答案】A24、为刺激经济复苏,美国将把接近于零的联邦基金利率延续到()年底。A.2014B.2
19、015C.2016D.2017【答案】A25、中国证监会根据国务院的授权,依法对()实施监督管理。A.证券业B.信托业C.基金业D.租赁业【答案】A26、In low and middle income countries,heart disease and cancer getmuch of the attention given to _ diseases.A.sustainedB.chronicC.permanentD.perpetual【答案】B27、下列业务中,应该填制现金收款凭证的是()。A.将多余现金存入银行B.从银行提取现金C.出租设备,收到一张现金支票D.报废一台电脑,出售残
20、料收到现金【答案】D28、资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and theycan blur together.These credit statuses arent one and the same,though.A.having accounts sent to collectionsB.looking for a no-credit credit cardC.paying down the balanceD.closing your credit accounts【答案】B29、资料:Early Experiences
21、A.streamlined interfaceB.free of redundant functionalityC.Benefit the customersD.Satisfy all the need of the customers【答案】D30、金融市场上主要的资金供应者是()。A.家庭B.企业C.政府D.金融机构【答案】A31、()要求企业应当按照交易或者事项的经济实质进行会计确认、计量和报告,不仅仅以交易或者事项的法律形式为依据。A.实质重于形式B.可理解性C.重要性D.及时性【答案】A32、企业以经营租赁方式租入的生产设备,应通过()账簿反映。A.序时B.备查C.数量金额D.分类【
22、答案】B33、()是指企业在一定会计期间的经营成果。A.负债B.费用C.收入D.利润【答案】D34、我国合同法在要约的生效时间上采取的是()。A.发信主义B.到达主义C.以发信主义为主,到达主义为辅D.以到达主义为主,发信主义为辅【答案】B35、Israeli officials blame the settlers,saying they have refused to_with the government.A.directB.cooperateC.commentD.remind【答案】B36、资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees
23、,it isdetrimental to businesses.Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-related illnesses,such as hypertension,gastrointestinal problems,and substance abuse.says Rubin.A.DevastatingB.DeleteriousC.HarmfulD.Destructive【答案】B37、对于价值较低或极易损坏的低值易耗品,应采用()进行摊销。A.使用次数摊销法B.分次摊销法C.一次转销法D.计划成本法【答案】C38、以下哪一项属于资本
24、证券?()A.基金B.支票C.汇票D.提单【答案】A39、我国现行货币统计制度将货币供应划分为三个层次,其中 M2 代表()。A.广义货币供应量B.狭义货币供应量C.流通中的现金D.储蓄状态的货币【答案】A40、通过向投资者发行股份或受益凭证募集资金,再对各类金融产品进行组合投资的金融 机构是()。A.商业银行B.投资银行C.保险公司D.投资基金【答案】D41、资料:Job DescriptionA.Hardworking but taciturnB.Little knowledge of co-branded sponsored entertainmentC.Experience with
25、on-air promotion productionD.With little post production experience【答案】C42、生产者的短期成本一定()长期成本。A.高于B.低于C.等于D.都有可能【答案】A43、下列不属于银行认可的个人汽车贷款担保措施的是()。A.信用担保B.质押C.第三方保证D.房地产抵押【答案】A44、长江以南的广大丘陵地区,分布着一种在当地高温多雨下发育而成的土壤,叫()这种土壤含铁、铝成分较多,有机质少,酸性强,土质黏重。A.红土地B.黑钙土C.黄壤D.棕壤【答案】A45、Passage 3A.In Favor of the Gap YearB
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