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1、COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 2006/13/ECof 3 February 2006amending Annexes I and II to Directive 2002/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilon undesirable substances in animal feed as regards dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs(Text with EEA relevance)THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Havingre
2、gardtotheTreatyestablishingtheEuropeanCommunity,Having regard to Directive 2002/32/EC of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council of 7 May 2002 on undesirablesubstances in animal feed(1),and in particular Article 8(1)thereof,Whereas:(1)Directive 2002/32/EC provides that the putting intocirculation
3、and the use of products intended for animalfeedthatcontainlevelsofundesirablesubstancesexceeding the maximum levels laid down in Annex Ithereto is prohibited.(2)The term dioxins as referred to in this Directive covers agroup of 75 polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin congeners(PCDD)and 135 polychlorinat
4、ed dibenzofuran(PCDF)congeners,of which 17 are of toxicological concern.Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs)are a group of 209different congeners which can be divided into twogroups according to their toxicological properties:12congeners exhibit similar toxicological properties todioxinsand aretherefore
5、often termed dioxin-likePCBs.TheotherPCBsdonotexhibitdioxin-liketoxicity but they have a different toxicological profile.(3)Each congener of dioxins or dioxin-like PCBs exhibits adifferent level of toxicity.In order to be able to sum upthe toxicity of these different congeners,the concept oftoxic eq
6、uivalency factors(TEFs)has been introduced tofacilitate risk assessment and regulatory control.Thismeans that the analytical results relating to all 17 indi-vidual dioxin congeners and to the 12 dioxin-like PCBcongeners are expressed in terms of a quantifiable unit,namely the TCDD toxic equivalent c
7、oncentration(TEQ).(4)On 30 May 2001 the Scientific Committee for Food(SCF)adopted an opinion on the Risk Assessment ofDioxins and Dioxin-like PCBs in Food,updating itsopinion of 22 November 2000 on this subject on thebasis of new scientific information that had becomeavailable since the latters adop
8、tion(2).The SCF fixed atolerable weekly intake(TWI)of 14 pg WHO-TEQ/kgbody weight for dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs.Exposureestimates indicate that a considerable proportion of theCommunity population have a dietary intake in excess ofthe TWI.Certain population groups in some countriescould be at hig
9、her risk owing to particular dietary habits.(5)More than 90%of human dioxin and dioxin-like PCBexposure derives from foodstuffs.Foodstuffs of animaloriginnormallycontributeapproximately80%ofoverallexposure.Thedioxinanddioxin-likePCBburden in animals stems mainly from feedingstuffs.Therefore feedings
10、tuffs,and in some cases soil,are ofconcern as potential sources of dioxins and dioxin-likePCBs.(6)The Scientific Committee for Animal Nutrition(SCAN)has been asked to advise on the sources of contami-nationoffeedingstuffswithdioxinsandPCBs,includingdioxin-likePCBs,theexposureoffood-producing animals
11、 to dioxins and PCBs,the carry-overof these compounds to food products of animal origin,and any impact on animal health of dioxins and PCBspresent in feedingstuffs.The SCAN adopted an opinionon 6 November 2000.It identified fish meal and fish oilas the most heavily contaminated feed materials.Animal
12、fatwasidentifiedasthenextmostseriouslycontaminatedmaterial.Allotherfeedmaterialsofanimal and plant origin had relatively low levels ofdioxincontamination.Roughagespresentedawiderange of dioxin contamination depending on location,degree of contamination with soil and exposure tosources of aerial poll
13、ution.The SCAN recommended,inter alia,that emphasis should be placed on reducingthe impact of the most contaminated feed materials onoverall diet contamination.ENL 32/44Official Journal of the European Union4.2.2006(1)OJ L 140,30.5.2002,p.10.Directive as last amended by Directive2005/87/EC(OJ L 318,
14、6.12.2005,p.19).(2)OpinionoftheScientificCommitteeon FoodontheRiskAssessment of Dioxins and Dioxin-like PCBs in Food adopted on30 May 2001 Update based on new scientific informationavailable since the adoption of the SCF opinion of 22 November2000(http:/europa.eu.int/comm/food/fs/sc/scf/out90_en.pdf
15、).(7)Although,from a toxicological point of view,themaximum level should apply to dioxins and dioxin-likePCBs,maximum levels were set for dioxins only and notfor dioxin-like PCBs,given the very limited data availableat that time on the prevalence of dioxin-like PCBs.However,in the meantime more data
16、 on the presenceof dioxin-like PCBs have become available.(8)According to Directive 2002/32/EC,the Commissionshould review the provisions as regards dioxins by theend of 2004 for the first time,in the light of new dataon the presence of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs,inparticular with a view to the in
17、clusion of dioxin-likePCBs in the levels to be set.(9)All operators in the food and feed chain must continueto make all possible efforts to do all that is necessary tolimit the presence of dioxins and PCBs present in feedand food.Directive 2002/32/EC accordingly providesthat the maximum levels appli
18、cable should be furtherreviewed by 31 December 2006 at the latest with theaim of significantly reducing the maximum levels.Giventhe time necessary to obtain sufficient monitoring data todetermine such significantly lower levels,that time-limitshould be extended.(10)It is proposed to set maximum leve
19、ls for the sum ofdioxins and dioxin-like PCBs expressed in World HealthOrganisation(WHO)toxic equivalents,using the WHO-TEFs as this is the most appropriate approach from atoxicological point of view.In order to ensure asmoothswitchover,foratransitionalperiodtheexisting levels for dioxins should con
20、tinue to apply,inaddition to the newly set levels for the sum of dioxinsand dioxin-like PCBs.The separate maximum level fordioxins(PCDD/F)remains applicable for a temporaryperiod.Theproductsintendedforanimalfeedmentioned in point 27a have to comply during thatperiod with the maximum levels for dioxi
21、ns and withthe maximum levels for the sum of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs.Consideration will be given by 31 December2008 to dispensing with the separate maximum level fordioxins.(11)It is of major importance that analytical results arereported and interpreted in a uniform way in order toensure a har
22、monised enforcement approach throughoutthe Community.Commission Directive 2002/70/EC of26 July 2002 establishing requirements for the determi-nation of levels of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs infeedingstuffs(1)provides that a product intended foranimal feeding shall be considered as non-compliantwith
23、 the established maximum level if the analyticalresult confirmed by duplicate analysis and calculated asthe mean of at least two separate determinations exceedsthe maximum level beyond reasonable doubt taking intoaccount the measurement uncertainty.There are differentpossibilities to estimate the ex
24、panded uncertainty(2).(12)The scope of Directive 2002/32/EC covers the possibilityof establishing maximum levels of undesirable substancesin feed additives.Since high levels of dioxins have beenfound in trace elements,a maximum level should beestablished for dioxins and the sum of dioxins anddioxin-
25、like PCBs for all additives belonging to the func-tional group of compounds of trace elements and themaximum levels should be extended to all additivesbelonging to the functional group of binders and anti-caking agents and to premixtures.(13)In order to encourage a proactive approach to reducingthe
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- 2006 13 EC 欧盟 饲料 产品 二恶英 要求 标准