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1、1Part 2International trade policy国际贸易政策国际贸易政策2Chapter 8 Trade Restrictions:Tariffs(贸易壁垒:关税)Main points of this chapter:Main points of this chapter:the concept of tariff关税的概念关税的概念partial equilibrium analysis of a tariff关税的局部均衡分析关税的局部均衡分析the rate of effective protection有效保护率有效保护率general equilibrium an
2、alysis of a tariff关税的一般均衡分析关税的一般均衡分析the optimum tariff 最优关税最优关税38.1 introductiontariff:a tax or duty levied on the traded commodity asit crosses a national boundary.关税关税:对通过一国国境的贸易商品所课征的一种税收。征收关税的目的征收关税的目的:增加政府的财政收入(revenue tariff 财政关税);保护本国的产品和市场(protective tariff 保护关税)。4关税的种类import duty(tariff)进口关
3、税:对进口商品课征的关税;export duty(tariff)出口关税:对出口商品课征的关税;transit duty(tariff)过境关税:对途经本国关境,运往他国的外国商品课征的关税。5关税的征收方式Ad Valorem Duty 从价税:a fixed percentage of the value of the traded commodity;按贸易商品价值的固定百分比征收;Specific Duty 从量税:a fixed sum per physical unit of the traded commodity;对每单位贸易商品征收固定税额;Compound Duty 混合税
4、:a combination of an ad valoremduty and a specific duty;同时采用从价、从量两种方法征收。68.2A partial equilibrium effects of a tariff关税的局部均衡效应(关税的局部均衡效应(small nation)经济学意义上的“小国”指的是该国在世界生产和贸易中所占的份额甚小,以至于其产量和贸易量的任何变化都不足以影响国际市场上商品的价格,它只能是世界价格的接受者。7aS1图8.1 小国关税的局部均衡效应PWPtP*PXES2D2D1X0M1M2bcdSXDXAHBSFJCDMNTSF+T关税对小国消费量、
5、产量、贸易量和财政收入的影响关税对小国消费量、产量、贸易量和财政收入的影响Consumption effect of a tariff关税消费效应关税消费效应:由关税带来的国内消费的减少,即:由关税带来的国内消费的减少,即:D1D2;Trade effect of a tariff关税收入效应:由关税所导致的政府财政收入的增加,即:关税收入效应:由关税所导致的政府财政收入的增加,即:c。Production effect of a tariff关税生产效应:由关税导致的国内生产的增加,即:关税生产效应:由关税导致的国内生产的增加,即:S2S1;Trade effect of a tariff关
6、税贸易效应:由关税导致的进口的减少,即:关税贸易效应:由关税导致的进口的减少,即:M1M2;8Consumer surplus:消费者购买一定数量的产品愿意支付的价格与实际支付的价格之间的差额;Producer surplus:企业销售一定数量的商品愿意接受的价格与实际得到的价格之间的差额。consumer surplusproducer surplusEPPEQEQDSFGoQ1P1P2Q2P1P28.2B effect of a tariff on consumer andproducer surplus 消费者和生产者剩余的关税效应消费者和生产者剩余的关税效应91.Tariff lead
7、s to a reduction in consumer surplus(shaded area AGHB):from ARB to GRH消费者剩余减少梯形AGHBDX12XPXAHBRGQ1Q2图8.2 关税对消费者剩余的影响征收关税前消费者剩余为三角形ARB征收关税后消费者剩余为三角形GRH10征收关税前,生产者剩余为三角形0AC征收关税后,生产者剩余为三角形0GJ2.Tariff leads to an increase in producer surplus(shaded area AGJC):from 0AC to 0GJSXPX1020X2CA1VJUG0生产者剩余增加梯形AGJ
8、C图8.2 关税对生产者剩余的影响11PQDSHPWPTTQ1CGQ2AQ3BQ4When small nation imposes a tariff,P ,S(供给),D(需求),M(进口)自由贸易下,价格为PW征收关税后,国内价格为PT=PW+T8.2C Costs and Benefits of a Tariff 关税的成本和利益关税的成本和利益12SCEF3、government tariff revenue:+c1.consumer surplus:-(a+b+c+d)8.2C Costs and Benefits of a Tariff 关税的成本和利益关税的成本和利益PQDHPW
9、PTTQ1GQ2AQ3BQ4bcd2.producer surplus:+aDeadweight loss(protection cost):b+da13总结总结:小国征收关税,对生产者有利,损害消费者的利益,整个国家存在净福利损失 b+d其中 b:生产净损失:多余的生产消耗d:消费净损失:获取消费者剩余机会的丧失。14习题习题:用局部均衡法作图分析,一小国取消关税后,其国内生产、消费、贸易量、生产者剩余、消费者剩余、政府收益及国民福利的变化,用字母表示。158.3 the theory of tariff structure关税结构理论Definition of the rate of ef
10、fective protection有效保护率的定义有效保护率的定义Measurement of the rate of effective protection有效保护率的测度有效保护率的测度Relationship between rate of effective protection and nominal rate of protection有效保护率与名义保护率的关系有效保护率与名义保护率的关系168.3A the rate of effective protection 有效保护率名义保护率t名义保护率t(nominal rate of protection):是指由进口的最终产
11、品的关税所决定的一种保护率。t=(征税后的国内市场价国际市场价)/国际市场价有效保护率g有效保护率g(effective rate of protection):是指由进口的最终产品的关税和进口的中间产品的关税所共同决定的一种保护率,有效保护率反映了关税对国内进口竞争产业生产者的实际保护水平。17nominal tariff rate is important to consumers,it indicates how much the price of the final commodity increases as a result of the tariff.effective tari
12、ff rate is important to producers,it indicates how much protection is actually provided to the domestic processing of the import-competing commodity.18Measurement of the rate of effective protection有效保护率的测度有效保护率的测度VVVg=V:domestic value added with a tariff on imports of final commodityand/or on impor
13、ted inputs.V:domestic value added under free trade.domestic value added=the price of the final commodity the costof the inputsthe rate of effective protection(g)measures the percentage increase in domestic value added as a result of tariff.19the calculating formula of the rate of effective protectio
14、n有效保护率的计算公式有效保护率的计算公式111niiniiiatatg=其中:g=对最终产品的有效保护率;t=对最终产品的名义保护率;ai=无关税时进口中间投入品i的成本与最终产品价格比率;ti=对进口中间投入品i征收的关税率。在上例中:t=0.5,ai=0.8,ti=0.25,因此有:g=(0.5-0.80.25)/(1-0.8)15020If ai=0,g=t;For given values of aiand ti,g is larger the greater is the value of t;For given values of t and ti,g is larger the
15、 greater is the value of ai;The value of g exceeds,is equal to,or is smaller than t,as tiis smaller than,equal to,or larger than t;When aitiexceeds t,g is negative.8.3B the relationship between g and t21如果 ai=0,则g=t;对给定的ai和ti值,t越大,则g越大;对给定的t和ti,ai的值越大,则g越大;当ti小于、等于或大于t时,则g值大于、等于或小于t;若aitit,则g08.3B t
16、he relationship between g and t228.4 General equilibrium analysis of a tariff in a small country Small country:the nation is too small to affect world prices by its trading.Large country:the nation is large enough to affect world prices by its trading.238.4B illustration of the effects of a tariffin
17、 a small country 小国关税效应分析From figure 8.5,we can see:free trade equilibrium:Pw=1,producing point:Bconsuming point:Eimport 60X,export 60 Ytariff trade equilibrium:Pw=1,producing point:F(进口品X的国内价格上升,生产增加,替代进口;出口品Y的生产减少,出口下降)consuming point:Himport 30X(GH),export 30Y(FG)HH:政府关税收入From E to H,Deadweight l
18、oss E-H248.4B illustration of the effects of a tariffin a small country 小国关税效应分析From figure 8.5,we can see:free trade equilibrium:Pw=1,producing point:Bconsuming point:Eimport 60X,export 60 Ytariff trade equilibrium:Pw=1,producing point:F(进口品X的国内价格上升,生产增加,替代进口;出口品Y的生产减少,出口下降)consuming point:Himport
19、30X(GH),export 30Y(FG)HH:政府关税收入From E to H,Deadweight loss E-H258.6 the optimum tariff最优关税the optimum tariff:rate of tariff that maximizes the net benefit resulting from the improvement in the nations terms of trade against the negative effect resulting from reduction in the volume of trade.(使得一国贸易条件的改善相对于其贸易量减少的负面影响的净所得最大化的关税率)26partial equilibrium effects of a tariff in a large countryQPSDPWPWPTTABCGQ1Q3Q4Q2ee部分代表征税后进口费用节约的部分,也就是国际贸易条件改善而获得的 福利。称为贸易条件效应。大国的征收关税净效应要通过比较b+d 与 e的值。abcd27the optimum tariff(t*)Large nation:when Max e-(b+d),t=t*Small nation:t*=0